//===-- TimingSolver.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include "klee/Expr.h"
#include "klee/Solver.h"

#include <vector>

namespace klee {
  class ExecutionState;
  class Solver;
  class STPSolver;

  /// TimingSolver - A simple class which wraps a solver and handles
  /// tracking the statistics that we care about.
  class TimingSolver {
    Solver *solver;
    STPSolver *stpSolver;
    bool simplifyExprs;

    /// TimingSolver - Construct a new timing solver.
    /// \param _simplifyExprs - Whether expressions should be
    /// simplified (via the constraint manager interface) prior to
    /// querying.
    TimingSolver(Solver *_solver, STPSolver *_stpSolver, 
                 bool _simplifyExprs = true) 
      : solver(_solver), stpSolver(_stpSolver), simplifyExprs(_simplifyExprs) {}
    ~TimingSolver() {
      delete solver;

    void setTimeout(double t) {

    bool evaluate(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr>, Solver::Validity &result);

    bool mustBeTrue(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr>, bool &result);

    bool mustBeFalse(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr>, bool &result);

    bool mayBeTrue(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr>, bool &result);

    bool mayBeFalse(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr>, bool &result);

    bool getValue(const ExecutionState &, ref<Expr> expr, 
                  ref<ConstantExpr> &result);

    bool getInitialValues(const ExecutionState&, 
                          const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                          std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &result);

    std::pair< ref<Expr>, ref<Expr> >
    getRange(const ExecutionState&, ref<Expr> query);

