//===-- Parser.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===// // // The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "expr/Parser.h" #include "expr/Lexer.h" #include "klee/Constraints.h" #include "klee/Solver.h" #include "klee/util/ExprPPrinter.h" #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/Streams.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace llvm; using namespace klee; using namespace klee::expr; namespace { /// ParseResult - Represent a possibly invalid parse result. template struct ParseResult { bool IsValid; T Value; public: ParseResult() : IsValid(false), Value() {} ParseResult(T _Value) : IsValid(true), Value(_Value) {} ParseResult(bool _IsValid, T _Value) : IsValid(_IsValid), Value(_Value) {} bool isValid() { return IsValid; } T get() { assert(IsValid && "get() on invalid ParseResult!"); return Value; } }; class ExprResult { bool IsValid; ExprHandle Value; public: ExprResult() : IsValid(false) {} ExprResult(ExprHandle _Value) : IsValid(true), Value(_Value) {} ExprResult(ref _Value) : IsValid(true), Value(_Value.get()) {} ExprResult(bool _IsValid, ExprHandle _Value) : IsValid(_IsValid), Value(_Value) {} bool isValid() { return IsValid; } ExprHandle get() { assert(IsValid && "get() on invalid ParseResult!"); return Value; } }; typedef ParseResult DeclResult; typedef ParseResult TypeResult; typedef ParseResult VersionResult; typedef ParseResult IntegerResult; /// NumberOrExprResult - Represent a number or expression. This is used to /// wrap an expression production which may be a number, but for /// which the type width is unknown. class NumberOrExprResult { Token AsNumber; ExprResult AsExpr; bool IsNumber; public: NumberOrExprResult() : IsNumber(false) {} explicit NumberOrExprResult(Token _AsNumber) : AsNumber(_AsNumber), IsNumber(true) {} explicit NumberOrExprResult(ExprResult _AsExpr) : AsExpr(_AsExpr), IsNumber(false) {} bool isNumber() const { return IsNumber; } const Token &getNumber() const { assert(IsNumber && "Invalid accessor call."); return AsNumber; } const ExprResult &getExpr() const { assert(!IsNumber && "Invalid accessor call."); return AsExpr; } }; /// ParserImpl - Parser implementation. class ParserImpl : public Parser { typedef std::map IdentifierTabTy; typedef std::map ExprSymTabTy; typedef std::map VersionSymTabTy; const std::string Filename; const MemoryBuffer *TheMemoryBuffer; Lexer TheLexer; unsigned MaxErrors; unsigned NumErrors; // FIXME: Use LLVM symbol tables? IdentifierTabTy IdentifierTab; std::map ArraySymTab; ExprSymTabTy ExprSymTab; VersionSymTabTy VersionSymTab; /// Tok - The currently lexed token. Token Tok; /// ParenLevel - The current depth of matched '(' tokens. unsigned ParenLevel; /// SquareLevel - The current depth of matched '[' tokens. unsigned SquareLevel; /* Core parsing functionality */ const Identifier *GetOrCreateIdentifier(const Token &Tok); void GetNextNonCommentToken() { do { TheLexer.Lex(Tok); } while (Tok.kind == Token::Comment); } /// ConsumeToken - Consume the current 'peek token' and lex the next one. void ConsumeToken() { assert(Tok.kind != Token::LParen && Tok.kind != Token::RParen && Tok.kind != Token::LSquare && Tok.kind != Token::RSquare); GetNextNonCommentToken(); } /// ConsumeExpectedToken - Check that the current token is of the /// expected kind and consume it. void ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Kind k) { assert(Tok.kind != Token::LParen && Tok.kind != Token::RParen && Tok.kind != Token::LSquare && Tok.kind != Token::RSquare); _ConsumeExpectedToken(k); } void _ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Kind k) { assert(Tok.kind == k && "Unexpected token!"); GetNextNonCommentToken(); } void ConsumeLParen() { ++ParenLevel; _ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::LParen); } void ConsumeRParen() { if (ParenLevel) // Cannot go below zero. --ParenLevel; _ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::RParen); } void ConsumeLSquare() { ++SquareLevel; _ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::LSquare); } void ConsumeRSquare() { if (SquareLevel) // Cannot go below zero. --SquareLevel; _ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::RSquare); } void ConsumeAnyToken() { switch (Tok.kind) { case Token::LParen: return ConsumeLParen(); case Token::RParen: return ConsumeRParen(); case Token::LSquare: return ConsumeLSquare(); case Token::RSquare: return ConsumeRSquare(); default: return ConsumeToken(); } } /* Utility functions */ /// SkipUntilRParen - Scan forward to the next token following an /// rparen at the given level, or EOF, whichever is first. void SkipUntilRParen(unsigned Level) { // FIXME: I keep wavering on whether it is an error to call this // with the current token an rparen. In most cases this should // have been handled differently (error reported, // whatever). Audit & resolve. assert(Level <= ParenLevel && "Refusing to skip until rparen at higher level."); while (Tok.kind != Token::EndOfFile) { if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen && ParenLevel == Level) { ConsumeRParen(); break; } ConsumeAnyToken(); } } /// SkipUntilRParen - Scan forward until reaching an rparen token /// at the current level (or EOF). void SkipUntilRParen() { SkipUntilRParen(ParenLevel); } /// ExpectRParen - Utility method to close an sexp. This expects to /// eat an rparen, and emits a diagnostic and skips to the next one /// (or EOF) if it cannot. void ExpectRParen(const char *Msg) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { // FIXME: Combine with Msg Error("expected ')' but found end-of-file.", Tok); } else if (Tok.kind != Token::RParen) { Error(Msg, Tok); SkipUntilRParen(); } else { ConsumeRParen(); } } /// SkipUntilRSquare - Scan forward to the next token following an /// rsquare at the given level, or EOF, whichever is first. void SkipUntilRSquare(unsigned Level) { // FIXME: I keep wavering on whether it is an error to call this // with the current token an rparen. In most cases this should // have been handled differently (error reported, // whatever). Audit & resolve. assert(Level <= ParenLevel && "Refusing to skip until rparen at higher level."); while (Tok.kind != Token::EndOfFile) { if (Tok.kind == Token::RSquare && ParenLevel == Level) { ConsumeRSquare(); break; } ConsumeAnyToken(); } } /// SkipUntilRSquare - Scan forward until reaching an rsquare token /// at the current level (or EOF). void SkipUntilRSquare() { SkipUntilRSquare(ParenLevel); } /// ExpectRSquare - Utility method to close an array. This expects /// to eat an rparen, and emits a diagnostic and skips to the next /// one (or EOF) if it cannot. void ExpectRSquare(const char *Msg) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { // FIXME: Combine with Msg Error("expected ']' but found end-of-file.", Tok); } else if (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { Error(Msg, Tok); SkipUntilRSquare(); } else { ConsumeRSquare(); } } /*** Grammar productions ****/ /* Top level decls */ DeclResult ParseArrayDecl(); DeclResult ParseExprVarDecl(); DeclResult ParseVersionVarDecl(); DeclResult ParseCommandDecl(); /* Commands */ DeclResult ParseQueryCommand(); /* Etc. */ NumberOrExprResult ParseNumberOrExpr(); IntegerResult ParseIntegerConstant(Expr::Width Type); ExprResult ParseExpr(TypeResult ExpectedType); ExprResult ParseParenExpr(TypeResult ExpectedType); ExprResult ParseUnaryParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, bool IsFixed, Expr::Width ResTy); ExprResult ParseBinaryParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, bool IsFixed, Expr::Width ResTy); ExprResult ParseSelectParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy); ExprResult ParseConcatParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy); ExprResult ParseExtractParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy); ExprResult ParseAnyReadParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, Expr::Width ResTy); void ParseMatchedBinaryArgs(const Token &Name, TypeResult ExpectType, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS); ExprResult ParseNumber(Expr::Width Width); ExprResult ParseNumberToken(Expr::Width Width, const Token &Tok); VersionResult ParseVersionSpecifier(); VersionResult ParseVersion(); TypeResult ParseTypeSpecifier(); /*** Diagnostics ***/ void Error(const char *Message, const Token &At); void Error(const char *Message) { Error(Message, Tok); } public: ParserImpl(const std::string _Filename, const MemoryBuffer *MB) : Filename(_Filename), TheMemoryBuffer(MB), TheLexer(MB), MaxErrors(~0u), NumErrors(0) {} /// Initialize - Initialize the parsing state. This must be called /// prior to the start of parsing. void Initialize() { ParenLevel = SquareLevel = 0; ConsumeAnyToken(); } /* Parser interface implementation */ virtual Decl *ParseTopLevelDecl(); virtual void SetMaxErrors(unsigned N) { MaxErrors = N; } virtual unsigned GetNumErrors() const { return NumErrors; } }; } const Identifier *ParserImpl::GetOrCreateIdentifier(const Token &Tok) { // FIXME: Make not horribly inefficient please. assert(Tok.kind == Token::Identifier && "Expected only identifier tokens."); std::string Name(Tok.start, Tok.length); IdentifierTabTy::iterator it = IdentifierTab.find(Name); if (it != IdentifierTab.end()) return it->second; Identifier *I = new Identifier(Name); IdentifierTab.insert(std::make_pair(Name, I)); return I; } Decl *ParserImpl::ParseTopLevelDecl() { // Repeat until success or EOF. while (Tok.kind != Token::EndOfFile) { switch (Tok.kind) { case Token::KWArray: { DeclResult Res = ParseArrayDecl(); if (Res.isValid()) return Res.get(); break; } case Token::LParen: { DeclResult Res = ParseCommandDecl(); if (Res.isValid()) return Res.get(); break; } default: Error("expected 'array' or '(' token."); ConsumeAnyToken(); } } return 0; } /// ParseArrayDecl - Parse an array declaration. The lexer should be positioned /// at the opening 'array'. /// /// array-declaration = "array" name "[" [ size ] "]" ":" domain "->" range /// "=" array-initializer /// array-initializer = "symbolic" | "{" { numeric-literal } "}" DeclResult ParserImpl::ParseArrayDecl() { // FIXME: Recovery here is horrible, we need to scan to next decl start or // something. ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::KWArray); if (Tok.kind != Token::Identifier) { Error("expected identifier token."); return DeclResult(); } Token Name = Tok; IntegerResult Size; TypeResult DomainType; TypeResult RangeType; std::vector Values; ConsumeToken(); if (Tok.kind != Token::LSquare) { Error("expected '['."); goto exit; } ConsumeLSquare(); if (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { Size = ParseIntegerConstant(64); } if (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { Error("expected ']'."); goto exit; } ConsumeRSquare(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Colon) { Error("expected ':'."); goto exit; } ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Colon); DomainType = ParseTypeSpecifier(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Arrow) { Error("expected '->'."); goto exit; } ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Arrow); RangeType = ParseTypeSpecifier(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Equals) { Error("expected '='."); goto exit; } ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Equals); if (Tok.kind == Token::KWSymbolic) { ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::KWSymbolic); } else if (Tok.kind == Token::LSquare) { ConsumeLSquare(); while (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { Error("unexpected end of file."); goto exit; } ExprResult Res = ParseNumber(RangeType.get()); if (Res.isValid()) Values.push_back(Res.get()); } ConsumeRSquare(); } else { Error("expected 'symbolic' or '['."); goto exit; } // Type check size. if (!Size.isValid()) { if (Values.empty()) { Error("unsized arrays are not yet supported."); Size = 1; } else { Size = Values.size(); } } if (!Values.empty()) { if (Size.get() != Values.size()) { // FIXME: Lame message. Error("constant arrays must be completely specified."); Values.clear(); } for (unsigned i = 0; i != Size.get(); ++i) { // FIXME: Must be constant expression. } } // FIXME: Validate that size makes sense for domain type. if (DomainType.get() != Expr::Int32) { Error("array domain must currently be w32."); DomainType = Expr::Int32; Values.clear(); } if (RangeType.get() != Expr::Int8) { Error("array domain must currently be w8."); RangeType = Expr::Int8; Values.clear(); } if (!Values.empty()) { Error("constant arrays are not yet supported."); Values.clear(); } // FIXME: Validate that this array is undeclared. exit: if (!Size.isValid()) Size = 1; if (!DomainType.isValid()) DomainType = 32; if (!RangeType.isValid()) RangeType = 8; // FIXME: Array should take name, not id. // FIXME: Array should take domain and range. const Identifier *Label = GetOrCreateIdentifier(Name); static int counter = 0; Array *Root = new Array(0, ++counter, Size.get()); ArrayDecl *AD = new ArrayDecl(Label, Size.get(), DomainType.get(), RangeType.get(), Root); ArraySymTab.insert(std::make_pair(Label, AD)); // Create the initial version reference. VersionSymTab.insert(std::make_pair(Label, UpdateList(Root, true, NULL))); return AD; } /// ParseCommandDecl - Parse a command declaration. The lexer should /// be positioned at the opening '('. /// /// command = '(' name ... ')' DeclResult ParserImpl::ParseCommandDecl() { ConsumeLParen(); if (!Tok.isKeyword()) { Error("malformed command."); SkipUntilRParen(); return DeclResult(); } switch (Tok.kind) { case Token::KWQuery: return ParseQueryCommand(); default: Error("malformed command (unexpected keyword)."); SkipUntilRParen(); return DeclResult(); } } /// ParseQueryCommand - Parse query command. The lexer should be /// positioned at the 'query' keyword. /// /// 'query' expressions-list expression [expressions-list [array-list]] DeclResult ParserImpl::ParseQueryCommand() { std::vector Constraints; std::vector Values; std::vector Objects; ExprResult Res; // FIXME: We need a command for this. Or something. ExprSymTab.clear(); VersionSymTab.clear(); // Reinsert initial array versions. // FIXME: Remove this! for (std::map::iterator it = ArraySymTab.begin(), ie = ArraySymTab.end(); it != ie; ++it) { VersionSymTab.insert(std::make_pair(it->second->Name, UpdateList(it->second->Root, true, NULL))); } ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::KWQuery); if (Tok.kind != Token::LSquare) { Error("malformed query, expected constraint list."); SkipUntilRParen(); return DeclResult(); } ConsumeLSquare(); // FIXME: Should avoid reading past unbalanced parens here. while (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { Error("unexpected end of file."); Res = ExprResult(ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool)); goto exit; } ExprResult Constraint = ParseExpr(TypeResult(Expr::Bool)); if (Constraint.isValid()) Constraints.push_back(Constraint.get()); } ConsumeRSquare(); Res = ParseExpr(TypeResult(Expr::Bool)); if (!Res.isValid()) // Error emitted by ParseExpr. Res = ExprResult(ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool)); // Return if there are no optional lists of things to evaluate. if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) goto exit; if (Tok.kind != Token::LSquare) { Error("malformed query, expected expression list."); SkipUntilRParen(); return DeclResult(); } ConsumeLSquare(); // FIXME: Should avoid reading past unbalanced parens here. while (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { Error("unexpected end of file."); goto exit; } ExprResult Res = ParseExpr(TypeResult()); if (Res.isValid()) Values.push_back(Res.get()); } ConsumeRSquare(); // Return if there are no optional lists of things to evaluate. if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) goto exit; if (Tok.kind != Token::LSquare) { Error("malformed query, expected array list."); SkipUntilRParen(); return DeclResult(); } ConsumeLSquare(); // FIXME: Should avoid reading past unbalanced parens here. while (Tok.kind != Token::RSquare) { if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { Error("unexpected end of file."); goto exit; } // FIXME: Factor out. if (Tok.kind != Token::Identifier) { Error("unexpected token."); ConsumeToken(); continue; } Token LTok = Tok; const Identifier *Label = GetOrCreateIdentifier(Tok); ConsumeToken(); // Lookup array. std::map::iterator it = ArraySymTab.find(Label); if (it == ArraySymTab.end()) { Error("unknown array", LTok); } else { Objects.push_back(it->second->Root); } } ConsumeRSquare(); exit: if (Tok.kind != Token::EndOfFile) ExpectRParen("unexpected argument to 'query'."); return new QueryCommand(Constraints, Res.get(), Values, Objects); } /// ParseNumberOrExpr - Parse an expression whose type cannot be /// predicted. NumberOrExprResult ParserImpl::ParseNumberOrExpr() { if (Tok.kind == Token::Number){ Token Num = Tok; ConsumeToken(); return NumberOrExprResult(Num); } else { return NumberOrExprResult(ParseExpr(TypeResult())); } } /// ParseExpr - Parse an expression with the given \arg /// ExpectedType. \arg ExpectedType can be invalid if the type cannot /// be inferred from the context. /// /// expr = false | true /// expr = /// expr = /// expr = [:] paren-expr ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseExpr(TypeResult ExpectedType) { // FIXME: Is it right to need to do this here? if (Tok.kind == Token::EndOfFile) { Error("unexpected end of file."); return ExprResult(); } if (Tok.kind == Token::KWFalse || Tok.kind == Token::KWTrue) { bool Value = Tok.kind == Token::KWTrue; ConsumeToken(); return ExprResult(ConstantExpr::alloc(Value, Expr::Bool)); } if (Tok.kind == Token::Number) { if (!ExpectedType.isValid()) { Error("cannot infer type of number."); ConsumeToken(); return ExprResult(); } return ParseNumber(ExpectedType.get()); } const Identifier *Label = 0; if (Tok.kind == Token::Identifier) { Token LTok = Tok; Label = GetOrCreateIdentifier(Tok); ConsumeToken(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Colon) { ExprSymTabTy::iterator it = ExprSymTab.find(Label); if (it == ExprSymTab.end()) { Error("invalid expression label reference.", LTok); return ExprResult(); } return it->second; } ConsumeToken(); if (ExprSymTab.count(Label)) { Error("duplicate expression label definition.", LTok); Label = 0; } } Token Start = Tok; ExprResult Res = ParseParenExpr(ExpectedType); if (!Res.isValid()) { // If we know the type, define the identifier just so we don't get // use-of-undef errors. // FIXME: Maybe we should let the symbol table map to invalid // entries? if (Label && ExpectedType.isValid()) { ref Value = ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ExpectedType.get()); ExprSymTab.insert(std::make_pair(Label, Value)); } return Res; } else if (ExpectedType.isValid()) { // Type check result. if (Res.get()->getWidth() != ExpectedType.get()) { // FIXME: Need more info, and range Error("expression has incorrect type.", Start); return ExprResult(); } } if (Label) ExprSymTab.insert(std::make_pair(Label, Res.get())); return Res; } // Additional kinds for macro forms. enum MacroKind { eMacroKind_Not = Expr::LastKind + 1, // false == x eMacroKind_Neg, // 0 - x eMacroKind_ReadLSB, // Multibyte read eMacroKind_ReadMSB, // Multibyte write eMacroKind_Concat, // Magic concatenation syntax eMacroKind_LastMacroKind = eMacroKind_ReadMSB }; /// LookupExprInfo - Return information on the named token, if it is /// recognized. /// /// \param Kind [out] - The Expr::Kind or MacroKind of the identifier. /// \param IsFixed [out] - True if the given kinds result and /// (expression) arguments are all of the same width. /// \param NumArgs [out] - The number of expression arguments for this /// kind. -1 indicates the kind is variadic or has non-expression /// arguments. /// \return True if the token is a valid kind or macro name. static bool LookupExprInfo(const Token &Tok, unsigned &Kind, bool &IsFixed, int &NumArgs) { #define SetOK(kind, isfixed, numargs) (Kind=kind, IsFixed=isfixed,\ NumArgs=numargs, true) assert(Tok.kind == Token::Identifier && "Unexpected token."); switch (Tok.length) { case 2: if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Eq", 2) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Eq, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Ne", 2) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Ne, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Or", 2) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Or, true, 2); break; case 3: if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Add", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Add, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Sub", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Sub, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Mul", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Mul, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "And", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::And, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Shl", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Shl, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Xor", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Xor, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Not", 3) == 0) return SetOK(eMacroKind_Not, true, 1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Neg", 3) == 0) return SetOK(eMacroKind_Neg, true, 1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Ult", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Ult, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Ule", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Ule, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Ugt", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Ugt, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Uge", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Uge, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Slt", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Slt, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Sle", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Sle, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Sgt", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Sgt, false, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Sge", 3) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Sge, false, 2); break; case 4: if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Read", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Read, true, -1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "AShr", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::AShr, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "LShr", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::LShr, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "UDiv", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::UDiv, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "SDiv", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::SDiv, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "URem", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::URem, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "SRem", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::SRem, true, 2); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "SExt", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::SExt, false, 1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "ZExt", 4) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::ZExt, false, 1); break; case 6: if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Concat", 6) == 0) return SetOK(eMacroKind_Concat, false, -1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Select", 6) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Select, false, 3); break; case 7: if (memcmp(Tok.start, "Extract", 7) == 0) return SetOK(Expr::Extract, false, -1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "ReadLSB", 7) == 0) return SetOK(eMacroKind_ReadLSB, true, -1); if (memcmp(Tok.start, "ReadMSB", 7) == 0) return SetOK(eMacroKind_ReadMSB, true, -1); break; } return false; #undef SetOK } /// ParseParenExpr - Parse a parenthesized expression with the given /// \arg ExpectedType. \arg ExpectedType can be invalid if the type /// cannot be inferred from the context. /// /// paren-expr = '(' type number ')' /// paren-expr = '(' identifier [type] expr+ ') /// paren-expr = '(' ('Read' | 'ReadMSB' | 'ReadLSB') type expr update-list ')' ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseParenExpr(TypeResult FIXME_UNUSED) { if (Tok.kind != Token::LParen) { Error("unexpected token."); ConsumeAnyToken(); return ExprResult(); } ConsumeLParen(); // Check for coercion case (w32 11). if (Tok.kind == Token::KWWidth) { TypeResult ExpectedType = ParseTypeSpecifier(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Number) { Error("coercion can only apply to a number."); SkipUntilRParen(); return ExprResult(); } // Make sure this was a type specifier we support. ExprResult Res; if (ExpectedType.isValid()) Res = ParseNumber(ExpectedType.get()); else ConsumeToken(); ExpectRParen("unexpected argument in coercion."); return Res; } if (Tok.kind != Token::Identifier) { Error("unexpected token, expected expression."); SkipUntilRParen(); return ExprResult(); } Token Name = Tok; ConsumeToken(); // FIXME: Use invalid type (i.e. width==0)? Token TypeTok = Tok; bool HasType = TypeTok.kind == Token::KWWidth; TypeResult Type = HasType ? ParseTypeSpecifier() : Expr::Bool; // FIXME: For now just skip to rparen on error. It might be nice // to try and actually parse the child nodes though for error // messages & better recovery? if (!Type.isValid()) { SkipUntilRParen(); return ExprResult(); } Expr::Width ResTy = Type.get(); unsigned ExprKind; bool IsFixed; int NumArgs; if (!LookupExprInfo(Name, ExprKind, IsFixed, NumArgs)) { // FIXME: For now just skip to rparen on error. It might be nice // to try and actually parse the child nodes though for error // messages & better recovery? Error("unknown expression kind.", Name); SkipUntilRParen(); return ExprResult(); } // See if we have to parse this form specially. if (NumArgs == -1) { switch (ExprKind) { case eMacroKind_Concat: return ParseConcatParenExpr(Name, ResTy); case Expr::Extract: return ParseExtractParenExpr(Name, ResTy); case eMacroKind_ReadLSB: case eMacroKind_ReadMSB: case Expr::Read: return ParseAnyReadParenExpr(Name, ExprKind, ResTy); default: Error("internal error, unimplemented special form.", Name); SkipUntilRParen(); return ExprResult(ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy)); } } switch (NumArgs) { case 1: return ParseUnaryParenExpr(Name, ExprKind, IsFixed, ResTy); case 2: return ParseBinaryParenExpr(Name, ExprKind, IsFixed, ResTy); case 3: if (ExprKind == Expr::Select) return ParseSelectParenExpr(Name, ResTy); default: assert(0 && "Invalid argument kind (number of args)."); return ExprResult(); } } ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseUnaryParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, bool IsFixed, Expr::Width ResTy) { if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) { Error("unexpected end of arguments.", Name); ConsumeRParen(); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } ExprResult Arg = ParseExpr(IsFixed ? ResTy : TypeResult()); if (!Arg.isValid()) Arg = ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); ExpectRParen("unexpected argument in unary expression."); ExprHandle E = Arg.get(); switch (Kind) { case eMacroKind_Not: return EqExpr::alloc(ConstantExpr::alloc(0, E->getWidth()), E); case eMacroKind_Neg: return SubExpr::alloc(ConstantExpr::alloc(0, E->getWidth()), E); case Expr::SExt: // FIXME: Type check arguments. return SExtExpr::alloc(E, ResTy); case Expr::ZExt: // FIXME: Type check arguments. return ZExtExpr::alloc(E, ResTy); default: Error("internal error, unhandled kind.", Name); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } } /// ParseMatchedBinaryArgs - Parse a pair of arguments who are /// expected to be of the same type. Upon return, if both LHS and RHS /// are valid then they are guaranteed to have the same type. /// /// Name - The name token of the expression, for diagnostics. /// ExpectType - The expected type of the arguments, if known. void ParserImpl::ParseMatchedBinaryArgs(const Token &Name, TypeResult ExpectType, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS) { if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) { Error("unexpected end of arguments.", Name); ConsumeRParen(); return; } // Avoid NumberOrExprResult overhead and give more precise // diagnostics when we know the type. if (ExpectType.isValid()) { LHS = ParseExpr(ExpectType); if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) { Error("unexpected end of arguments.", Name); ConsumeRParen(); return; } RHS = ParseExpr(ExpectType); } else { NumberOrExprResult LHS_NOE = ParseNumberOrExpr(); if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) { Error("unexpected end of arguments.", Name); ConsumeRParen(); return; } if (LHS_NOE.isNumber()) { NumberOrExprResult RHS_NOE = ParseNumberOrExpr(); if (RHS_NOE.isNumber()) { Error("ambiguous arguments to expression.", Name); } else { RHS = RHS_NOE.getExpr(); if (RHS.isValid()) LHS = ParseNumberToken(RHS.get()->getWidth(), LHS_NOE.getNumber()); } } else { LHS = LHS_NOE.getExpr(); if (!LHS.isValid()) { // FIXME: Should suppress ambiguity warnings here. RHS = ParseExpr(TypeResult()); } else { RHS = ParseExpr(LHS.get()->getWidth()); } } } ExpectRParen("unexpected argument to expression."); } ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseBinaryParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, bool IsFixed, Expr::Width ResTy) { ExprResult LHS, RHS; ParseMatchedBinaryArgs(Name, IsFixed ? TypeResult(ResTy) : TypeResult(), LHS, RHS); if (!LHS.isValid() || !RHS.isValid()) return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); ref LHS_E = LHS.get(), RHS_E = RHS.get(); if (LHS_E->getWidth() != RHS_E->getWidth()) { Error("type widths do not match in binary expression", Name); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } switch (Kind) { case Expr::Add: return AddExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Sub: return SubExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Mul: return MulExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::UDiv: return UDivExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::SDiv: return SDivExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::URem: return URemExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::SRem: return SRemExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::AShr: return AShrExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::LShr: return LShrExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Shl: return AndExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::And: return AndExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Or: return OrExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Xor: return XorExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Eq: return EqExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Ne: return NeExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Ult: return UltExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Ule: return UleExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Ugt: return UgtExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Uge: return UgeExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Slt: return SltExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Sle: return SleExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Sgt: return SgtExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); case Expr::Sge: return SgeExpr::alloc(LHS_E, RHS_E); default: Error("FIXME: unhandled kind.", Name); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } } ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseSelectParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy) { // FIXME: Why does this need to be here? if (Tok.kind == Token::RParen) { Error("unexpected end of arguments.", Name); ConsumeRParen(); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } ExprResult Cond = ParseExpr(Expr::Bool); ExprResult LHS, RHS; ParseMatchedBinaryArgs(Name, ResTy, LHS, RHS); if (!Cond.isValid() || !LHS.isValid() || !RHS.isValid()) return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); return SelectExpr::alloc(Cond.get(), LHS.get(), RHS.get()); } // FIXME: Rewrite to only accept binary form. Make type optional. ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseConcatParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy) { std::vector Kids; unsigned Width = 0; while (Tok.kind != Token::RParen) { ExprResult E = ParseExpr(TypeResult()); // Skip to end of expr on error. if (!E.isValid()) { SkipUntilRParen(); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } Kids.push_back(E.get()); Width += E.get()->getWidth(); } ConsumeRParen(); if (Width != ResTy) { Error("concat does not match expected result size."); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } return ConcatExpr::createN(Kids.size(), &Kids[0]); } IntegerResult ParserImpl::ParseIntegerConstant(Expr::Width Type) { ExprResult Res = ParseNumber(Type); if (!Res.isValid()) return IntegerResult(); return cast(Res.get())->getConstantValue(); } ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseExtractParenExpr(const Token &Name, Expr::Width ResTy) { IntegerResult OffsetExpr = ParseIntegerConstant(Expr::Int32); ExprResult Child = ParseExpr(TypeResult()); ExpectRParen("unexpected argument to expression."); if (!OffsetExpr.isValid() || !Child.isValid()) return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); unsigned Offset = (unsigned) OffsetExpr.get(); if (Offset + ResTy > Child.get()->getWidth()) { Error("extract out-of-range of child expression.", Name); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } return ExtractExpr::alloc(Child.get(), Offset, ResTy); } ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseAnyReadParenExpr(const Token &Name, unsigned Kind, Expr::Width ResTy) { NumberOrExprResult Index = ParseNumberOrExpr(); VersionResult Array = ParseVersionSpecifier(); ExpectRParen("unexpected argument in read expression."); if (!Array.isValid()) return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); // FIXME: Need generic way to get array width. Needs to work with // anonymous arrays. Expr::Width ArrayDomainType = Expr::Int32; Expr::Width ArrayRangeType = Expr::Int8; // Coerce number to correct type. ExprResult IndexExpr; if (Index.isNumber()) IndexExpr = ParseNumberToken(ArrayDomainType, Index.getNumber()); else IndexExpr = Index.getExpr(); if (!IndexExpr.isValid()) return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); else if (IndexExpr.get()->getWidth() != ArrayDomainType) { Error("index width does not match array domain."); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } // FIXME: Check range width. switch (Kind) { default: assert(0 && "Invalid kind."); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); case eMacroKind_ReadLSB: case eMacroKind_ReadMSB: { unsigned NumReads = ResTy / ArrayRangeType; if (ResTy != NumReads*ArrayRangeType) { Error("invalid ordered read (not multiple of range type).", Name); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, ResTy); } std::vector Kids; Kids.reserve(NumReads); ExprHandle Index = IndexExpr.get(); for (unsigned i=0; i /// version-specifier = [:] [ version ] VersionResult ParserImpl::ParseVersionSpecifier() { const Identifier *Label = 0; if (Tok.kind == Token::Identifier) { Token LTok = Tok; Label = GetOrCreateIdentifier(Tok); ConsumeToken(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Colon) { VersionSymTabTy::iterator it = VersionSymTab.find(Label); if (it == VersionSymTab.end()) { Error("invalid version reference.", LTok); return VersionResult(false, UpdateList(0, true, NULL)); } return it->second; } ConsumeToken(); if (VersionSymTab.count(Label)) { Error("duplicate update list label definition.", LTok); Label = 0; } } Token Start = Tok; VersionResult Res = ParseVersion(); // Define update list to avoid use-of-undef errors. if (!Res.isValid()) { Res = VersionResult(true, UpdateList(new Array(0, -1, 0), true, NULL)); } if (Label) VersionSymTab.insert(std::make_pair(Label, Res.get())); return Res; } namespace { /// WriteInfo - Helper class used for storing information about a parsed /// write, prior to type checking. struct WriteInfo { NumberOrExprResult LHS; NumberOrExprResult RHS; Token LHSTok; Token RHSTok; WriteInfo(NumberOrExprResult _LHS, NumberOrExprResult _RHS, Token _LHSTok, Token _RHSTok) : LHS(_LHS), RHS(_RHS), LHSTok(_LHSTok), RHSTok(_RHSTok) { } }; } /// version - '[' update-list? ']' '@' version-specifier /// update-list - empty /// update-list - lhs '=' rhs [',' update-list] VersionResult ParserImpl::ParseVersion() { if (Tok.kind != Token::LSquare) return VersionResult(false, UpdateList(0, false, NULL)); std::vector Writes; ConsumeLSquare(); for (;;) { Token LHSTok = Tok; NumberOrExprResult LHS = ParseNumberOrExpr(); if (Tok.kind != Token::Equals) { Error("expected '='.", Tok); break; } ConsumeToken(); Token RHSTok = Tok; NumberOrExprResult RHS = ParseNumberOrExpr(); Writes.push_back(WriteInfo(LHS, RHS, LHSTok, RHSTok)); if (Tok.kind == Token::Comma) ConsumeToken(); else break; } ExpectRSquare("expected close of update list"); VersionHandle Base(0, false, NULL); if (Tok.kind != Token::At) { Error("expected '@'.", Tok); return VersionResult(false, UpdateList(0, true, NULL)); } ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::At); VersionResult BaseRes = ParseVersionSpecifier(); if (!BaseRes.isValid()) return BaseRes; Base = BaseRes.get(); Expr::Width ArrayDomainType = Expr::Int32; Expr::Width ArrayRangeType = Expr::Int8; for (std::vector::reverse_iterator it = Writes.rbegin(), ie = Writes.rend(); it != ie; ++it) { const WriteInfo &WI = *it; ExprResult LHS, RHS; // FIXME: This can be factored into common helper for coercing a // NumberOrExpr into an Expr. if (WI.LHS.isNumber()) { LHS = ParseNumberToken(ArrayDomainType, WI.LHS.getNumber()); } else { LHS = WI.LHS.getExpr(); if (LHS.isValid() && LHS.get()->getWidth() != ArrayDomainType) { Error("invalid write index (doesn't match array domain).", WI.LHSTok); LHS = ExprResult(); } } if (WI.RHS.isNumber()) { RHS = ParseNumberToken(ArrayRangeType, WI.RHS.getNumber()); } else { RHS = WI.RHS.getExpr(); if (RHS.isValid() && RHS.get()->getWidth() != ArrayRangeType) { Error("invalid write value (doesn't match array range).", WI.RHSTok); RHS = ExprResult(); } } if (LHS.isValid() && RHS.isValid()) Base.extend(LHS.get(), RHS.get()); } return Base; } /// ParseNumber - Parse a number of the given type. ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseNumber(Expr::Width Type) { ExprResult Res = ParseNumberToken(Type, Tok); ConsumeExpectedToken(Token::Number); return Res; } /// ParseNumberToken - Parse a number of the given type from the given /// token. ExprResult ParserImpl::ParseNumberToken(Expr::Width Type, const Token &Tok) { const char *S = Tok.start; unsigned N = Tok.length; unsigned Radix = 10, RadixBits = 4; bool HasMinus = false; // Detect +/- (a number token cannot have both). if (S[0] == '+') { ++S; --N; } else if (S[0] == '-') { HasMinus = true; ++S; --N; } // Detect 0[box]. if ((Tok.length >= 2 && S[0] == '0') && (S[1] == 'b' || S[1] == 'o' || S[1] == 'x')) { if (S[1] == 'b') { Radix = 2; RadixBits = 1; } else if (S[1] == 'o') { Radix = 8; RadixBits = 3; } else { Radix = 16; RadixBits = 4; } S += 2; N -= 2; // Diagnose 0[box] with no trailing digits. if (!N) { Error("invalid numeric token (no digits).", Tok); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Type); } } // This is a simple but slow way to handle overflow. APInt Val(std::max(64U, RadixBits * N), 0); APInt RadixVal(Val.getBitWidth(), Radix); APInt DigitVal(Val.getBitWidth(), 0); for (unsigned i=0; i= Radix) { Error("invalid character in numeric token (out of range).", Tok); return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Type); } DigitVal = Digit; Val = Val * RadixVal + DigitVal; } // FIXME: Actually do the check for overflow. if (HasMinus) Val = -Val; if (Type < Val.getBitWidth()) Val = Val.trunc(Type); return ExprResult(ConstantExpr::alloc(Val.getZExtValue(), Type)); } /// ParseTypeSpecifier - Parse a type specifier. /// /// type = w[0-9]+ TypeResult ParserImpl::ParseTypeSpecifier() { assert(Tok.kind == Token::KWWidth && "Unexpected token."); // FIXME: Need APInt technically. Token TypeTok = Tok; int width = atoi(std::string(Tok.start+1,Tok.length-1).c_str()); ConsumeToken(); // FIXME: We should impose some sort of maximum just for sanity? return TypeResult(width); } void ParserImpl::Error(const char *Message, const Token &At) { ++NumErrors; if (MaxErrors && NumErrors >= MaxErrors) return; llvm::cerr << Filename << ":" << At.line << ":" << At.column << ": error: " << Message << "\n"; // Skip carat diagnostics on EOF token. if (At.kind == Token::EndOfFile) return; // Simple caret style diagnostics. const char *LineBegin = At.start, *LineEnd = At.start, *BufferBegin = TheMemoryBuffer->getBufferStart(), *BufferEnd = TheMemoryBuffer->getBufferEnd(); // Run line pointers forward and back. while (LineBegin > BufferBegin && LineBegin[-1] != '\r' && LineBegin[-1] != '\n') --LineBegin; while (LineEnd < BufferEnd && LineEnd[0] != '\r' && LineEnd[0] != '\n') ++LineEnd; // Show the line. llvm::cerr << std::string(LineBegin, LineEnd) << "\n"; // Show the caret or squiggly, making sure to print back spaces the // same. for (const char *S=LineBegin; S != At.start; ++S) llvm::cerr << (isspace(*S) ? *S : ' '); if (At.length > 1) { for (unsigned i=0; iid << "[" << Size << "]" << " : " << 'w' << Domain << " -> " << 'w' << Range << " = "; if (Contents.empty()) { std::cout << "symbolic\n"; } else { std::cout << '{'; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = Contents.begin(), ie = Contents.end(); it != ie;) { std::cout << *it; if (++it != ie) std::cout << " "; } std::cout << "}\n"; } } void QueryCommand::dump() { const ExprHandle *ValuesBegin = 0, *ValuesEnd = 0; const Array * const* ObjectsBegin = 0, * const* ObjectsEnd = 0; if (!Values.empty()) { ValuesBegin = &Values[0]; ValuesEnd = ValuesBegin + Values.size(); } if (!Objects.empty()) { ObjectsBegin = &Objects[0]; ObjectsEnd = ObjectsBegin + Objects.size(); } ExprPPrinter::printQuery(std::cout, ConstraintManager(Constraints), Query, ValuesBegin, ValuesEnd, ObjectsBegin, ObjectsEnd, false); } // Public parser API Parser::Parser() { } Parser::~Parser() { } Parser *Parser::Create(const std::string Filename, const MemoryBuffer *MB) { ParserImpl *P = new ParserImpl(Filename, MB); P->Initialize(); return P; }