* \file parser.cpp
* \brief The top-level API to the parser. See parser.h for details.
* Author: Sergey Berezin
* Created: Wed Feb 5 11:46:57 2003
* License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
* royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
* LICENSE file provided with this distribution.
#include "parser_temp.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "parser_exception.h"
using namespace std;
// The communication entry points of the actual parsers
// for smtlib language (smtlib.y and smtlib.lex)
extern int smtlibparse();
extern void *smtlib_createBuffer(int);
extern void smtlib_deleteBuffer(void *);
extern void smtlib_switchToBuffer(void *);
extern int smtlib_bufSize();
extern void *smtlibBufState();
void smtlib_setInteractive(bool);
namespace CVC3 {
// The global pointer to ParserTemp. Each instance of class Parser
// sets this pointer before any calls to the lexer. We do it this
// way because flex and bison use global vars, and we want each
// Parser object to appear independent.
// FIXME: This should probably go away eventually, when I figure out
// flex++ -- Sergey.
ParserTemp* parserTemp;
int ParserTemp::error(const string& s) {
throw ParserException(s);
return 0;
// Internal storage class; I'll use member names without 'd_'s here
class ParserData {
// Which language to use
InputLanguage lang;
// Is the input given by the file name or as istream?
bool useName;
ParserTemp temp;
// Internal buffer used by the parser
void* buffer;
// Constructors
Parser::Parser(bool interactive, const std::string& fileName)
: d_data(new ParserData) {
if(fileName == "") {
// Use std::cin
d_data->useName = false;
d_data->temp.is = &cin;
d_data->temp.fileName = "stdin";
d_data->temp.interactive = interactive;
} else {
// Open the file by name
d_data->useName = true;
d_data->temp.fileName = fileName;
d_data->temp.is = new ifstream(fileName.c_str());
if (!(*d_data->temp.is)) {
throw ParserException("File not found: "+fileName);
d_data->temp.interactive = false;
Parser::Parser(std::istream& is, bool interactive)
: d_data(new ParserData) {
d_data->useName = false;
d_data->temp.is = &is;
d_data->temp.fileName = "stdin";
d_data->temp.interactive = interactive;
// Destructor
Parser::~Parser() {
if(d_data->useName) // Stream is ours; delete it
delete d_data->temp.is;
delete d_data;
// Initialize the actual parser
void Parser::initParser() {
d_data->buffer = smtlib_createBuffer(smtlib_bufSize());
d_data->temp.lineNum = 1;
// Clean up the parser's internal data structures
void Parser::deleteParser() {
Expr Parser::next() {
// If no more commands are available, return a Null Expr
if(d_data->temp.done) return NULL;//Expr();
// Set the global var so the parser uses the right stream and EM
parserTemp = &(d_data->temp);
// Switch to our buffer, in case there are multiple instances of
// the parser running
try {
// Reset the prompt to the main one
} catch(Exception* e) {
cerr << d_data->temp.fileName << ":" << d_data->temp.lineNum
<< ": " << e << endl;
return NULL;//Expr();
return d_data->temp.expr;
bool Parser::done() const { return d_data->temp.done; }
void Parser::printLocation(ostream & out) const
out << d_data->temp.fileName << ":" << d_data->temp.lineNum;
void Parser::reset()
d_data->temp.expr = NULL;//Expr();
} // end of namespace CVC3