* \file smtlib.lex
* Author: Clark Barrett
* Created: 2005
* License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
* royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
* LICENSE file provided with this distribution.
#include "parser_temp.h"
//#include "expr_manager.h" /* for the benefit of parsesmtlib_defs.h */
#include "parsesmtlib_defs.h"
//#include "debug.h"
namespace CVC3 {
extern ParserTemp* parserTemp;
extern int smtlib_inputLine;
extern char *smtlibtext;
extern int smtliberror (const char *msg);
static int smtlibinput(std::istream& is, char* buf, int size) {
int res;
if(is) {
// If interactive, read line by line; otherwise read as much as we
// can gobble
if(CVC3::parserTemp->interactive) {
// Print the current prompt
std::cout << CVC3::parserTemp->getPrompt() << std::flush;
// Set the prompt to "middle of the command" one
// Read the line
is.getline(buf, size-1);
} else // Set the terminator char to 0
is.getline(buf, size-1, 0);
// If failbit is set, but eof is not, it means the line simply
// didn't fit; so we clear the state and keep on reading.
bool partialStr = is.fail() && !is.eof();
for(res = 0; resis, buf, max_size);
int smtlib_bufSize() { return YY_BUF_SIZE; }
YY_BUFFER_STATE smtlib_buf_state() { return YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; }
/* some wrappers for methods that need to refer to a struct.
These are used by CVC3::Parser. */
void *smtlib_createBuffer(int sz) {
return (void *)smtlib_create_buffer(NULL, sz);
void smtlib_deleteBuffer(void *buf_state) {
smtlib_delete_buffer((struct yy_buffer_state *)buf_state);
void smtlib_switchToBuffer(void *buf_state) {
smtlib_switch_to_buffer((struct yy_buffer_state *)buf_state);
void *smtlib_bufState() {
return (void *)smtlib_buf_state();
void smtlib_setInteractive(bool is_interactive) {
// File-static (local to this file) variables and functions
static std::string _string_lit;
static char escapeChar(char c) {
switch(c) {
case 'n': return '\n';
case 't': return '\t';
default: return c;
// for now, we don't have subranges.
// ".." { return DOTDOT_TOK; }
/*OPCHAR (['!#?\_$&\|\\@])*/
%option noyywrap
%option nounput
%option noreject
%option noyymore
%option yylineno
LETTER ([a-zA-Z])
DIGIT ([0-9])
OPCHAR (['\.\_])
[\n] { CVC3::parserTemp->lineNum++; }
[ \t\r\f] { /* skip whitespace */ }
{DIGIT}+"\."{DIGIT}+ { smtliblval.str = new std::string(smtlibtext); return NUMERAL_TOK; }
{DIGIT}+ { smtliblval.str = new std::string(smtlibtext); return NUMERAL_TOK;
"\n" { BEGIN INITIAL; /* return to normal mode */
CVC3::parserTemp->lineNum++; }
. { /* stay in comment mode */ }
_string_lit.end()); }
"\\". { /* escape characters (like \n or \") */
escapeChar(smtlibtext[1])); }
"\"" { BEGIN INITIAL; /* return to normal mode */
smtliblval.str = new std::string(_string_lit);
return STRING_TOK; }
. { _string_lit.insert(_string_lit.end(),*smtlibtext); }
":pat" { BEGIN PAT_MODE;
return PAT_TOK;}
_string_lit.end()); }
"\\"[{}] { /* escape characters */
_string_lit.insert(_string_lit.end(),smtlibtext[1]); }
"}" { BEGIN INITIAL; /* return to normal mode */
smtliblval.str = new std::string(_string_lit);
return USER_VAL_TOK; }
"\n" { _string_lit.insert(_string_lit.end(),'\n');
CVC3::parserTemp->lineNum++; }
. { _string_lit.insert(_string_lit.end(),*smtlibtext); }
"true" { return TRUE_TOK; }
"false" { return FALSE_TOK; }
"ite" { return ITE_TOK; }
"not" { return NOT_TOK; }
"implies" { return IMPLIES_TOK; }
"if_then_else" { return IF_THEN_ELSE_TOK; }
"and" { return AND_TOK; }
"or" { return OR_TOK; }
"xor" { return XOR_TOK; }
"iff" { return IFF_TOK; }
"exists" { return EXISTS_TOK; }
"forall" { return FORALL_TOK; }
"let" { return LET_TOK; }
"flet" { return FLET_TOK; }
"notes" { return NOTES_TOK; }
"cvc_command" { return CVC_COMMAND_TOK; }
"sorts" { return SORTS_TOK; }
"funs" { return FUNS_TOK; }
"preds" { return PREDS_TOK; }
"extensions" { return EXTENSIONS_TOK; }
"definition" { return DEFINITION_TOK; }
"axioms" { return AXIOMS_TOK; }
"logic" { return LOGIC_TOK; }
"sat" { return SAT_TOK; }
"unsat" { return UNSAT_TOK; }
"unknown" { return UNKNOWN_TOK; }
"assumption" { return ASSUMPTION_TOK; }
"formula" { return FORMULA_TOK; }
"status" { return STATUS_TOK; }
"benchmark" { return BENCHMARK_TOK; }
"extrasorts" { return EXTRASORTS_TOK; }
"extrafuns" { return EXTRAFUNS_TOK; }
"extrapreds" { return EXTRAPREDS_TOK; }
"language" { return LANGUAGE_TOK; }
"distinct" { return DISTINCT_TOK; }
":pattern" { return PAT_TOK; }
":" { return COLON_TOK; }
"\[" { return LBRACKET_TOK; }
"\]" { return RBRACKET_TOK; }
"{" { return LCURBRACK_TOK;}
"}" { return RCURBRACK_TOK;}
"(" { return LPAREN_TOK; }
")" { return RPAREN_TOK; }
"$" { return DOLLAR_TOK; }
"?" { return QUESTION_TOK; }
[=<>&@#+\-*/%|~]+ { smtliblval.str = new std::string(smtlibtext); return AR_SYMB; }
({LETTER})({IDCHAR})* {smtliblval.str = new std::string(smtlibtext); return SYM_TOK; }
<> { return EOF_TOK; }
. { smtliberror("Illegal input character."); }