//===-- CexCachingSolver.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "klee/Solver.h"

#include "klee/Constraints.h"
#include "klee/Expr.h"
#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
#include "klee/TimerStatIncrementer.h"
#include "klee/util/Assignment.h"
#include "klee/util/ExprUtil.h"
#include "klee/util/ExprVisitor.h"
#include "klee/Internal/ADT/MapOfSets.h"

#include "SolverStats.h"

#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"

using namespace klee;
using namespace llvm;

namespace {

                 cl::desc("try substituting all counterexamples before asking the SMT solver"),

  CexCacheExperimental("cex-cache-exp", cl::init(false));



typedef std::set< ref<Expr> > KeyType;

struct AssignmentLessThan {
  bool operator()(const Assignment *a, const Assignment *b) {
    return a->bindings < b->bindings;

class CexCachingSolver : public SolverImpl {
  typedef std::set<Assignment*, AssignmentLessThan> assignmentsTable_ty;

  Solver *solver;
  MapOfSets<ref<Expr>, Assignment*> cache;
  // memo table
  assignmentsTable_ty assignmentsTable;

  bool searchForAssignment(KeyType &key, 
                           Assignment *&result);
  bool lookupAssignment(const Query& query, KeyType &key, Assignment *&result);

  bool lookupAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result) {
    KeyType key;
    return lookupAssignment(query, key, result);

  bool getAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result);
  CexCachingSolver(Solver *_solver) : solver(_solver) {}
  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
  bool computeInitialValues(const Query&,
                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
                            bool &hasSolution);
  SolverRunStatus getOperationStatusCode();
  char *getConstraintLog(const Query& query);
  void setCoreSolverTimeout(double timeout);


struct NullAssignment {
  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { return !a; }

struct NonNullAssignment {
  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { return a!=0; }

struct NullOrSatisfyingAssignment {
  KeyType &key;
  NullOrSatisfyingAssignment(KeyType &_key) : key(_key) {}

  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { 
    return !a || a->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end()); 

/// searchForAssignment - Look for a cached solution for a query.
/// \param key - The query to look up.
/// \param result [out] - The cached result, if the lookup is succesful. This is
/// either a satisfying assignment (for a satisfiable query), or 0 (for an
/// unsatisfiable query).
/// \return - True if a cached result was found.
bool CexCachingSolver::searchForAssignment(KeyType &key, Assignment *&result) {
  Assignment * const *lookup = cache.lookup(key);
  if (lookup) {
    result = *lookup;
    return true;

  if (CexCacheTryAll) {
    // Look for a satisfying assignment for a superset, which is trivially an
    // assignment for any subset.
    Assignment **lookup = cache.findSuperset(key, NonNullAssignment());
    // Otherwise, look for a subset which is unsatisfiable, see below.
    if (!lookup) 
      lookup = cache.findSubset(key, NullAssignment());

    // If either lookup succeeded, then we have a cached solution.
    if (lookup) {
      result = *lookup;
      return true;

    // Otherwise, iterate through the set of current assignments to see if one
    // of them satisfies the query.
    for (assignmentsTable_ty::iterator it = assignmentsTable.begin(), 
           ie = assignmentsTable.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      Assignment *a = *it;
      if (a->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end())) {
        result = a;
        return true;
  } else {
    // FIXME: Which order? one is sure to be better.

    // Look for a satisfying assignment for a superset, which is trivially an
    // assignment for any subset.
    Assignment **lookup = cache.findSuperset(key, NonNullAssignment());

    // Otherwise, look for a subset which is unsatisfiable -- if the subset is
    // unsatisfiable then no additional constraints can produce a valid
    // assignment. While searching subsets, we also explicitly the solutions for
    // satisfiable subsets to see if they solve the current query and return
    // them if so. This is cheap and frequently succeeds.
    if (!lookup) 
      lookup = cache.findSubset(key, NullOrSatisfyingAssignment(key));

    // If either lookup succeeded, then we have a cached solution.
    if (lookup) {
      result = *lookup;
      return true;
  return false;

/// lookupAssignment - Lookup a cached result for the given \arg query.
/// \param query - The query to lookup.
/// \param key [out] - On return, the key constructed for the query.
/// \param result [out] - The cached result, if the lookup is succesful. This is
/// either a satisfying assignment (for a satisfiable query), or 0 (for an
/// unsatisfiable query).
/// \return True if a cached result was found.
bool CexCachingSolver::lookupAssignment(const Query &query, 
                                        KeyType &key,
                                        Assignment *&result) {
  key = KeyType(query.constraints.begin(), query.constraints.end());
  ref<Expr> neg = Expr::createIsZero(query.expr);
  if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(neg)) {
    if (CE->isFalse()) {
      result = (Assignment*) 0;
      return true;
  } else {

  bool found = searchForAssignment(key, result);
  if (found)
  else ++stats::queryCexCacheMisses;
  return found;

bool CexCachingSolver::getAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result) {
  KeyType key;
  if (lookupAssignment(query, key, result))
    return true;

  std::vector<const Array*> objects;
  findSymbolicObjects(key.begin(), key.end(), objects);

  std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
  bool hasSolution;
  if (!solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, 
    return false;
  Assignment *binding;
  if (hasSolution) {
    binding = new Assignment(objects, values);

    // Memoize the result.
    std::pair<assignmentsTable_ty::iterator, bool>
      res = assignmentsTable.insert(binding);
    if (!res.second) {
      delete binding;
      binding = *res.first;
    if (DebugCexCacheCheckBinding)
      assert(binding->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end()));
  } else {
    binding = (Assignment*) 0;
  result = binding;
  cache.insert(key, binding);

  return true;


CexCachingSolver::~CexCachingSolver() {
  delete solver;
  for (assignmentsTable_ty::iterator it = assignmentsTable.begin(), 
         ie = assignmentsTable.end(); it != ie; ++it)
    delete *it;

bool CexCachingSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
                                       Solver::Validity &result) {
  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
  Assignment *a;
  if (!getAssignment(query.withFalse(), a))
    return false;
  assert(a && "computeValidity() must have assignment");
  ref<Expr> q = a->evaluate(query.expr);
  assert(isa<ConstantExpr>(q) && 
         "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");

  if (cast<ConstantExpr>(q)->isTrue()) {
    if (!getAssignment(query, a))
      return false;
    result = !a ? Solver::True : Solver::Unknown;
  } else {
    if (!getAssignment(query.negateExpr(), a))
      return false;
    result = !a ? Solver::False : Solver::Unknown;
  return true;

bool CexCachingSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query,
                                    bool &isValid) {
  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);

  // There is a small amount of redundancy here. We only need to know
  // truth and do not really need to compute an assignment. This means
  // that we could check the cache to see if we already know that
  // state ^ query has no assignment. In that case, by the validity of
  // state, we know that state ^ !query must have an assignment, and
  // so query cannot be true (valid). This does get hits, but doesn't
  // really seem to be worth the overhead.

  if (CexCacheExperimental) {
    Assignment *a;
    if (lookupAssignment(query.negateExpr(), a) && !a)
      return false;

  Assignment *a;
  if (!getAssignment(query, a))
    return false;

  isValid = !a;

  return true;

bool CexCachingSolver::computeValue(const Query& query,
                                    ref<Expr> &result) {
  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);

  Assignment *a;
  if (!getAssignment(query.withFalse(), a))
    return false;
  assert(a && "computeValue() must have assignment");
  result = a->evaluate(query.expr);  
  assert(isa<ConstantExpr>(result) && 
         "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");
  return true;

CexCachingSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
                                       const std::vector<const Array*> 
                                       std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
                                       bool &hasSolution) {
  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
  Assignment *a;
  if (!getAssignment(query, a))
    return false;
  hasSolution = !!a;
  if (!a)
    return true;

  // FIXME: We should use smarter assignment for result so we don't
  // need redundant copy.
  values = std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >(objects.size());
  for (unsigned i=0; i < objects.size(); ++i) {
    const Array *os = objects[i];
    Assignment::bindings_ty::iterator it = a->bindings.find(os);
    if (it == a->bindings.end()) {
      values[i] = std::vector<unsigned char>(os->size, 0);
    } else {
      values[i] = it->second;
  return true;

SolverImpl::SolverRunStatus CexCachingSolver::getOperationStatusCode() {
  return solver->impl->getOperationStatusCode();

char *CexCachingSolver::getConstraintLog(const Query& query) {
  return solver->impl->getConstraintLog(query);

void CexCachingSolver::setCoreSolverTimeout(double timeout) {


Solver *klee::createCexCachingSolver(Solver *_solver) {
  return new Solver(new CexCachingSolver(_solver));