//===-- IndependentSolver.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#define DEBUG_TYPE "independent-solver"
#include "klee/Solver.h"

#include "klee/Expr.h"
#include "klee/Constraints.h"
#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
#include "klee/Internal/Support/Debug.h"

#include "klee/util/ExprUtil.h"
#include "klee/util/Assignment.h"

#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <list>

using namespace klee;
using namespace llvm;

template<class T>
class DenseSet {
  typedef std::set<T> set_ty;
  set_ty s;

  DenseSet() {}

  void add(T x) {
  void add(T start, T end) {
    for (; start<end; start++)

  // returns true iff set is changed by addition
  bool add(const DenseSet &b) {
    bool modified = false;
    for (typename set_ty::const_iterator it = b.s.begin(), ie = b.s.end(); 
         it != ie; ++it) {
      if (modified || !s.count(*it)) {
        modified = true;
    return modified;

  bool intersects(const DenseSet &b) {
    for (typename set_ty::iterator it = s.begin(), ie = s.end(); 
         it != ie; ++it)
      if (b.s.count(*it))
        return true;
    return false;

  std::set<unsigned>::iterator begin(){
    return s.begin();

  std::set<unsigned>::iterator end(){
    return s.end();

  void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
    bool first = true;
    os << "{";
    for (typename set_ty::iterator it = s.begin(), ie = s.end(); 
         it != ie; ++it) {
      if (first) {
        first = false;
      } else {
        os << ",";
      os << *it;
    os << "}";

template <class T>
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
                                     const ::DenseSet<T> &dis) {
  return os;

class IndependentElementSet {
  typedef std::map<const Array*, ::DenseSet<unsigned> > elements_ty;
  elements_ty elements;                 // Represents individual elements of array accesses (arr[1])
  std::set<const Array*> wholeObjects;  // Represents symbolically accessed arrays (arr[x])
  std::vector<ref<Expr> > exprs;        // All expressions that are associated with this factor
                                        // Although order doesn't matter, we use a vector to match
                                        // the ConstraintManager constructor that will eventually
                                        // be invoked.

  IndependentElementSet() {}
  IndependentElementSet(ref<Expr> e) {
    // Track all reads in the program.  Determines whether reads are
    // concrete or symbolic.  If they are symbolic, "collapses" array
    // by adding it to wholeObjects.  Otherwise, creates a mapping of
    // the form Map<array, set<index>> which tracks which parts of the
    // array are being accessed.
    std::vector< ref<ReadExpr> > reads;
    findReads(e, /* visitUpdates= */ true, reads);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != reads.size(); ++i) {
      ReadExpr *re = reads[i].get();
      const Array *array = re->updates.root;
      // Reads of a constant array don't alias.
      if (re->updates.root->isConstantArray() &&

      if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
        if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(re->index)) {
          // if index constant, then add to set of constraints operating
          // on that array (actually, don't add constraint, just set index)
          ::DenseSet<unsigned> &dis = elements[array];
          dis.add((unsigned) CE->getZExtValue(32));
        } else {
          elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
          if (it2!=elements.end())
  IndependentElementSet(const IndependentElementSet &ies) : 
    exprs(ies.exprs) {}

  IndependentElementSet &operator=(const IndependentElementSet &ies) {
    elements = ies.elements;
    wholeObjects = ies.wholeObjects;
    exprs = ies.exprs;
    return *this;

  void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
    os << "{";
    bool first = true;
    for (std::set<const Array*>::iterator it = wholeObjects.begin(), 
           ie = wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = *it;

      if (first) {
        first = false;
      } else {
        os << ", ";

      os << "MO" << array->name;
    for (elements_ty::const_iterator it = elements.begin(), ie = elements.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = it->first;
      const ::DenseSet<unsigned> &dis = it->second;

      if (first) {
        first = false;
      } else {
        os << ", ";

      os << "MO" << array->name << " : " << dis;
    os << "}";

  // more efficient when this is the smaller set
  bool intersects(const IndependentElementSet &b) {
    // If there are any symbolic arrays in our query that b accesses
    for (std::set<const Array*>::iterator it = wholeObjects.begin(), 
           ie = wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = *it;
      if (b.wholeObjects.count(array) || 
          b.elements.find(array) != b.elements.end())
        return true;
    for (elements_ty::iterator it = elements.begin(), ie = elements.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = it->first;
      // if the array we access is symbolic in b
      if (b.wholeObjects.count(array))
        return true;
      elements_ty::const_iterator it2 = b.elements.find(array);
      // if any of the elements we access are also accessed by b
      if (it2 != b.elements.end()) {
        if (it->second.intersects(it2->second))
          return true;
    return false;

  // returns true iff set is changed by addition
  bool add(const IndependentElementSet &b) {
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < b.exprs.size(); i ++){
      ref<Expr> expr = b.exprs[i];

    bool modified = false;
    for (std::set<const Array*>::const_iterator it = b.wholeObjects.begin(), 
           ie = b.wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = *it;
      elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
      if (it2!=elements.end()) {
        modified = true;
      } else {
        if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
          modified = true;
    for (elements_ty::const_iterator it = b.elements.begin(), 
           ie = b.elements.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      const Array *array = it->first;
      if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
        elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
        if (it2==elements.end()) {
          modified = true;
        } else {
          // Now need to see if there are any (z=?)'s
          if (it2->second.add(it->second))
            modified = true;
    return modified;

inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
                                     const IndependentElementSet &ies) {
  return os;

// Breaks down a constraint into all of it's individual pieces, returning a
// list of IndependentElementSets or the independent factors.
// Caller takes ownership of returned std::list.
static std::list<IndependentElementSet>*
getAllIndependentConstraintsSets(const Query &query) {
  std::list<IndependentElementSet> *factors = new std::list<IndependentElementSet>();
  ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(query.expr);
  if (CE) {
    assert(CE && CE->isFalse() && "the expr should always be false and "
                                  "therefore not included in factors");
  } else {
    ref<Expr> neg = Expr::createIsZero(query.expr);

  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
                                         ie = query.constraints.end();
       it != ie; ++it) {
    // iterate through all the previously separated constraints.  Until we
    // actually return, factors is treated as a queue of expressions to be
    // evaluated.  If the queue property isn't maintained, then the exprs
    // could be returned in an order different from how they came it, negatively
    // affecting later stages.

  bool doneLoop = false;
  do {
    doneLoop = true;
    std::list<IndependentElementSet> *done =
        new std::list<IndependentElementSet>;
    while (factors->size() > 0) {
      IndependentElementSet current = factors->front();
      // This list represents the set of factors that are separate from current.
      // Those that are not inserted into this list (queue) intersect with
      // current.
      std::list<IndependentElementSet> *keep =
          new std::list<IndependentElementSet>;
      while (factors->size() > 0) {
        IndependentElementSet compare = factors->front();
        if (current.intersects(compare)) {
          if (current.add(compare)) {
            // Means that we have added (z=y)added to (x=y)
            // Now need to see if there are any (z=?)'s
            doneLoop = false;
        } else {
      delete factors;
      factors = keep;
    delete factors;
    factors = done;
  } while (!doneLoop);

  return factors;

IndependentElementSet getIndependentConstraints(const Query& query,
                                                std::vector< ref<Expr> > &result) {
  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure(query.expr);
  std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> > worklist;

  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
    worklist.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, IndependentElementSet(*it)));

  // XXX This should be more efficient (in terms of low level copy stuff).
  bool done = false;
  do {
    done = true;
    std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> > newWorklist;
    for (std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> >::iterator
           it = worklist.begin(), ie = worklist.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      if (it->second.intersects(eltsClosure)) {
        if (eltsClosure.add(it->second))
          done = false;
        // Means that we have added (z=y)added to (x=y)
        // Now need to see if there are any (z=?)'s
      } else {
  } while (!done);

    std::set< ref<Expr> > reqset(result.begin(), result.end());
    errs() << "--\n";
    errs() << "Q: " << query.expr << "\n";
    errs() << "\telts: " << IndependentElementSet(query.expr) << "\n";
    int i = 0;
    for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
        ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      errs() << "C" << i++ << ": " << *it;
      errs() << " " << (reqset.count(*it) ? "(required)" : "(independent)") << "\n";
      errs() << "\telts: " << IndependentElementSet(*it) << "\n";
    errs() << "elts closure: " << eltsClosure << "\n";

  return eltsClosure;

// Extracts which arrays are referenced from a particular independent set.  Examines both
// the actual known array accesses arr[1] plus the undetermined accesses arr[x].
void calculateArrayReferences(const IndependentElementSet & ie,
                              std::vector<const Array *> &returnVector){
  std::set<const Array*> thisSeen;
  for(std::map<const Array*, ::DenseSet<unsigned> >::const_iterator it = ie.elements.begin();
      it != ie.elements.end(); it ++){
  for(std::set<const Array *>::iterator it = ie.wholeObjects.begin();
      it != ie.wholeObjects.end(); it ++){
  for(std::set<const Array *>::iterator it = thisSeen.begin(); it != thisSeen.end();
      it ++){

class IndependentSolver : public SolverImpl {
  Solver *solver;

  IndependentSolver(Solver *_solver) 
    : solver(_solver) {}
  ~IndependentSolver() { delete solver; }

  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
  bool computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
                            bool &hasSolution);
  SolverRunStatus getOperationStatusCode();
  char *getConstraintLog(const Query&);
  void setCoreSolverTimeout(double timeout);
bool IndependentSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
                                        Solver::Validity &result) {
  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure =
    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
  return solver->impl->computeValidity(Query(tmp, query.expr), 

bool IndependentSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query, bool &isValid) {
  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure = 
    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
  return solver->impl->computeTruth(Query(tmp, query.expr), 

bool IndependentSolver::computeValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure = 
    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
  return solver->impl->computeValue(Query(tmp, query.expr), result);

// Helper function used only for assertions to make sure point created
// during computeInitialValues is in fact correct. The ``retMap`` is used
// in the case ``objects`` doesn't contain all the assignments needed.
bool assertCreatedPointEvaluatesToTrue(const Query &query,
                                       const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                                       std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
                                       std::map<const Array*, std::vector<unsigned char> > &retMap){
  // _allowFreeValues is set to true so that if there are missing bytes in the assigment
  // we will end up with a non ConstantExpr after evaluating the assignment and fail
  Assignment assign = Assignment(objects, values, /*_allowFreeValues=*/true);

  // Add any additional bindings.
  // The semantics of std::map should be to not insert a (key, value)
  // pair if it already exists so we should continue to use the assignment
  // from ``objects`` and ``values``.
  if (retMap.size() > 0)
    assign.bindings.insert(retMap.begin(), retMap.end());

  for(ConstraintManager::constraint_iterator it = query.constraints.begin();
      it != query.constraints.end(); ++it){
    ref<Expr> ret = assign.evaluate(*it);

    assert(isa<ConstantExpr>(ret) && "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");
    ref<ConstantExpr> evaluatedConstraint = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(ret);
      return false;
  ref<Expr> neg = Expr::createIsZero(query.expr);
  ref<Expr> q = assign.evaluate(neg);
  assert(isa<ConstantExpr>(q) && "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");
  return cast<ConstantExpr>(q)->isTrue();

bool IndependentSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
                                             const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
                                             std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
                                             bool &hasSolution){
  // We assume the query has a solution except proven differently
  // This is important in case we don't have any constraints but
  // we need initial values for requested array objects.
  hasSolution = true;
  // FIXME: When we switch to C++11 this should be a std::unique_ptr so we don't need
  // to remember to manually call delete
  std::list<IndependentElementSet> *factors = getAllIndependentConstraintsSets(query);

  //Used to rearrange all of the answers into the correct order
  std::map<const Array*, std::vector<unsigned char> > retMap;
  for (std::list<IndependentElementSet>::iterator it = factors->begin();
       it != factors->end(); ++it) {
    std::vector<const Array*> arraysInFactor;
    calculateArrayReferences(*it, arraysInFactor);
    // Going to use this as the "fresh" expression for the Query() invocation below
    assert(it->exprs.size() >= 1 && "No null/empty factors");
    if (arraysInFactor.size() == 0){
    ConstraintManager tmp(it->exprs);
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > tempValues;
    if (!solver->impl->computeInitialValues(Query(tmp, ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool)),
                                            arraysInFactor, tempValues, hasSolution)){
      delete factors;
      return false;
    } else if (!hasSolution){
      delete factors;
      return true;
    } else {
      assert(tempValues.size() == arraysInFactor.size() &&
             "Should be equal number arrays and answers");
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < tempValues.size(); i++){
        if (retMap.count(arraysInFactor[i])){
          // We already have an array with some partially correct answers,
          // so we need to place the answers to the new query into the right
          // spot while avoiding the undetermined values also in the array
          std::vector<unsigned char> * tempPtr = &retMap[arraysInFactor[i]];
          assert(tempPtr->size() == tempValues[i].size() &&
                 "we're talking about the same array here");
          ::DenseSet<unsigned> * ds = &(it->elements[arraysInFactor[i]]);
          for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator it2 = ds->begin(); it2 != ds->end(); it2++){
            unsigned index = * it2;
            (* tempPtr)[index] = tempValues[i][index];
        } else {
          // Dump all the new values into the array
          retMap[arraysInFactor[i]] = tempValues[i];
  for (std::vector<const Array *>::const_iterator it = objects.begin();
       it != objects.end(); it++){
    const Array * arr = * it;
    if (!retMap.count(arr)){
      // this means we have an array that is somehow related to the
      // constraint, but whose values aren't actually required to
      // satisfy the query.
      std::vector<unsigned char> ret(arr->size);
    } else {
  assert(assertCreatedPointEvaluatesToTrue(query, objects, values, retMap) && "should satisfy the equation");
  delete factors;
  return true;

SolverImpl::SolverRunStatus IndependentSolver::getOperationStatusCode() {
  return solver->impl->getOperationStatusCode();      

char *IndependentSolver::getConstraintLog(const Query& query) {
  return solver->impl->getConstraintLog(query);

void IndependentSolver::setCoreSolverTimeout(double timeout) {

Solver *klee::createIndependentSolver(Solver *s) {
  return new Solver(new IndependentSolver(s));