//===-- QueryLoggingSolver.cpp --------------------------------------------===// // // The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "QueryLoggingSolver.h" #include "klee/Config/config.h" #include "klee/Support/OptionCategories.h" #include "klee/Statistics/Statistics.h" #include "klee/Support/ErrorHandling.h" #include "klee/Support/FileHandling.h" #include "klee/System/Time.h" namespace { llvm::cl::opt<bool> DumpPartialQueryiesEarly( "log-partial-queries-early", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Log queries before calling the solver (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::SolvingCat)); #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H llvm::cl::opt<bool> CreateCompressedQueryLog( "compress-query-log", llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::desc("Compress query log files (default=false)"), llvm::cl::cat(klee::SolvingCat)); #endif } // namespace QueryLoggingSolver::QueryLoggingSolver(Solver *_solver, std::string path, const std::string &commentSign, time::Span queryTimeToLog, bool logTimedOut) : solver(_solver), BufferString(""), logBuffer(BufferString), queryCount(0), minQueryTimeToLog(queryTimeToLog), logTimedOutQueries(logTimedOut), queryCommentSign(commentSign) { std::string error; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H if (!CreateCompressedQueryLog) { #endif os = klee_open_output_file(path, error); #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H } else { path.append(".gz"); os = klee_open_compressed_output_file(path, error); } #endif if (!os) { klee_error("Could not open file %s : %s", path.c_str(), error.c_str()); } assert(0 != solver); } QueryLoggingSolver::~QueryLoggingSolver() { delete solver; } void QueryLoggingSolver::flushBufferConditionally(bool writeToFile) { logBuffer.flush(); if (writeToFile) { *os << logBuffer.str(); os->flush(); } // prepare the buffer for reuse BufferString = ""; } void QueryLoggingSolver::startQuery(const Query &query, const char *typeName, const Query *falseQuery, const std::vector<const Array *> *objects) { Statistic *S = theStatisticManager->getStatisticByName("Instructions"); uint64_t instructions = S ? S->getValue() : 0; logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Query " << queryCount++ << " -- " << "Type: " << typeName << ", " << "Instructions: " << instructions << "\n"; printQuery(query, falseQuery, objects); if (DumpPartialQueryiesEarly) { flushBufferConditionally(true); } startTime = time::getWallTime(); } void QueryLoggingSolver::finishQuery(bool success) { lastQueryDuration = time::getWallTime() - startTime; logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " " << (success ? "OK" : "FAIL") << " -- " << "Elapsed: " << lastQueryDuration << "\n"; if (false == success) { logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Failure reason: " << SolverImpl::getOperationStatusString( solver->impl->getOperationStatusCode()) << "\n"; } } void QueryLoggingSolver::flushBuffer() { // we either do not limit logging queries // or the query time is larger than threshold // or we log a timed out query bool writeToFile = (!minQueryTimeToLog) || (lastQueryDuration > minQueryTimeToLog) || (logTimedOutQueries && (SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_TIMEOUT == solver->impl->getOperationStatusCode())); flushBufferConditionally(writeToFile); } bool QueryLoggingSolver::computeTruth(const Query &query, bool &isValid) { startQuery(query, "Truth"); bool success = solver->impl->computeTruth(query, isValid); finishQuery(success); if (success) { logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Is Valid: " << (isValid ? "true" : "false") << "\n"; } logBuffer << "\n"; flushBuffer(); return success; } bool QueryLoggingSolver::computeValidity(const Query &query, Solver::Validity &result) { startQuery(query, "Validity"); bool success = solver->impl->computeValidity(query, result); finishQuery(success); if (success) { logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Validity: " << result << "\n"; } logBuffer << "\n"; flushBuffer(); return success; } bool QueryLoggingSolver::computeValue(const Query &query, ref<Expr> &result) { Query withFalse = query.withFalse(); startQuery(query, "Value", &withFalse); bool success = solver->impl->computeValue(query, result); finishQuery(success); if (success) { logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Result: " << result << "\n"; } logBuffer << "\n"; flushBuffer(); return success; } bool QueryLoggingSolver::computeInitialValues( const Query &query, const std::vector<const Array *> &objects, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > &values, bool &hasSolution) { startQuery(query, "InitialValues", 0, &objects); bool success = solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, hasSolution); finishQuery(success); if (success) { logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " Solvable: " << (hasSolution ? "true" : "false") << "\n"; if (hasSolution) { std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >::iterator values_it = values.begin(); for (std::vector<const Array *>::const_iterator i = objects.begin(), e = objects.end(); i != e; ++i, ++values_it) { const Array *array = *i; std::vector<unsigned char> &data = *values_it; logBuffer << queryCommentSign << " " << array->name << " = ["; for (unsigned j = 0; j < array->size; j++) { logBuffer << (int)data[j]; if (j + 1 < array->size) { logBuffer << ","; } } logBuffer << "]\n"; } } } logBuffer << "\n"; flushBuffer(); return success; } SolverImpl::SolverRunStatus QueryLoggingSolver::getOperationStatusCode() { return solver->impl->getOperationStatusCode(); } char *QueryLoggingSolver::getConstraintLog(const Query &query) { return solver->impl->getConstraintLog(query); } void QueryLoggingSolver::setCoreSolverTimeout(time::Span timeout) { solver->impl->setCoreSolverTimeout(timeout); }