//===-- klee_init_env.c ---------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "klee/klee.h"
#include "fd.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

static void __emit_error(const char *msg) {
  klee_report_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg, "user.err");

/* Helper function that converts a string to an integer, and
   terminates the program with an error message is the string is not a
   proper number */
static long int __str_to_int(char *s, const char *error_msg) {
  long int res = 0;
  char c;

  if (!*s)

  while ((c = *s++)) {
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
      res = res * 10 + (c - '0');
    } else {
  return res;

static int __isprint(const char c) {
  /* Assume ASCII */
  return (32 <= c && c <= 126);

static int __streq(const char *a, const char *b) {
  while (*a == *b) {
    if (!*a)
      return 1;
  return 0;

static char *__get_sym_str(int numChars, char *name) {
  int i;
  char *s = malloc(numChars+1);
  if (!s)
    __emit_error("out of memory in klee_init_env");
  klee_make_symbolic(s, numChars+1, name);

  for (i=0; i<numChars; i++)
    klee_posix_prefer_cex(s, __isprint(s[i]));

  s[numChars] = '\0';
  return s;

static void __add_arg(int *argc, char **argv, char *arg, int argcMax) {
  if (*argc==argcMax) {
    __emit_error("too many arguments for klee_init_env");
  } else {
    argv[*argc] = arg;

void klee_init_env(int *argcPtr, char ***argvPtr) {
  int argc = *argcPtr;
  char **argv = *argvPtr;

  int new_argc = 0, n_args;
  char *new_argv[1024];
  unsigned max_len, min_argvs, max_argvs;
  unsigned sym_files = 0, sym_file_len = 0;
  unsigned sym_stdin_len = 0;
  int sym_stdout_flag = 0;
  int save_all_writes_flag = 0;
  int fd_fail = 0;
  char **final_argv;
  char sym_arg_name[6] = "arg";
  unsigned sym_arg_num = 0;
  int k = 0, i;

  sym_arg_name[5] = '\0';

  // Recognize --help when it is the sole argument.
  if (argc == 2 && __streq(argv[1], "--help")) {
usage: (klee_init_env) [options] [program arguments]\n\
  -sym-arg <N>              - Replace by a symbolic argument with length N\n\
  -sym-args <MIN> <MAX> <N> - Replace by at least MIN arguments and at most\n\
                              MAX arguments, each with maximum length N\n\
  -sym-files <NUM> <N>      - Make NUM symbolic files ('A', 'B', 'C', etc.),\n\
                              each with size N\n\
  -sym-stdin <N>            - Make stdin symbolic with size N.\n\
  -sym-stdout               - Make stdout symbolic.\n\
  -save-all-writes          - Allow write operations to execute as expected\n\
                              even if they exceed the file size. If set to 0, all\n\
                              writes exceeding the initial file size are discarded.\n\
                              Note: file offset is always incremented.\n\
  -max-fail <N>             - Allow up to N injected failures\n\
  -fd-fail                  - Shortcut for '-max-fail 1'\n\n");

  while (k < argc) {
    if (__streq(argv[k], "--sym-arg") || __streq(argv[k], "-sym-arg")) {
      const char *msg = "--sym-arg expects an integer argument <max-len>";
      if (++k == argc)

      max_len = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);

      if (sym_arg_num > 99)
        __emit_error("No more than 100 symbolic arguments allowed.");

      sym_arg_name[3] = '0' + sym_arg_num / 10;
      sym_arg_name[4] = '0' + sym_arg_num % 10;
      __add_arg(&new_argc, new_argv, __get_sym_str(max_len, sym_arg_name),
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--sym-args") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-sym-args")) {
      const char *msg = "--sym-args expects three integer arguments "
                        "<min-argvs> <max-argvs> <max-len>";

      if (k + 3 >= argc)

      min_argvs = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);
      max_argvs = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);
      max_len = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);

      if ((min_argvs > max_argvs) || (min_argvs == 0 && max_argvs == 0))
        __emit_error("Invalid range to --sym-args");

      n_args = klee_range(min_argvs, max_argvs + 1, "n_args");

      if (sym_arg_num + max_argvs > 99)
        __emit_error("No more than 100 symbolic arguments allowed.");
      for (i = 0; i < n_args; i++) {
        sym_arg_name[3] = '0' + sym_arg_num / 10;
        sym_arg_name[4] = '0' + sym_arg_num % 10;

        __add_arg(&new_argc, new_argv, __get_sym_str(max_len, sym_arg_name),
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--sym-files") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-sym-files")) {
      const char *msg = "--sym-files expects two integer arguments "
                        "<no-sym-files> <sym-file-len>";

      if (k + 2 >= argc)

      if (sym_files != 0)
        __emit_error("Multiple --sym-files are not allowed.\n");

      sym_files = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);
      sym_file_len = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);

      if (sym_files == 0)
        __emit_error("The first argument to --sym-files (number of files) "
                     "cannot be 0\n");

      if (sym_file_len == 0)
        __emit_error("The second argument to --sym-files (file size) "
                     "cannot be 0\n");

    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--sym-stdin") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-sym-stdin")) {
      const char *msg =
          "--sym-stdin expects one integer argument <sym-stdin-len>";

      if (++k == argc)

      sym_stdin_len = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--sym-stdout") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-sym-stdout")) {
      sym_stdout_flag = 1;
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--save-all-writes") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-save-all-writes")) {
      save_all_writes_flag = 1;
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--fd-fail") || __streq(argv[k], "-fd-fail")) {
      fd_fail = 1;
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--bout-file") || __streq(argv[k], "-bout-file")) {
      k += 2;
    } else if (__streq(argv[k], "--max-fail") ||
               __streq(argv[k], "-max-fail")) {
      const char *msg = "--max-fail expects an integer argument <max-failures>";
      if (++k == argc)

      fd_fail = __str_to_int(argv[k++], msg);
    } else {
      /* simply copy arguments */
      __add_arg(&new_argc, new_argv, argv[k++], 1024);

  final_argv = (char **)malloc((new_argc + 1) * sizeof(*final_argv));
  if (!final_argv)
    __emit_error("out of memory in klee_init_env");
  memcpy(final_argv, new_argv, new_argc * sizeof(*final_argv));
  final_argv[new_argc] = 0;

  *argcPtr = new_argc;
  *argvPtr = final_argv;

  klee_init_fds(sym_files, sym_file_len, sym_stdin_len, sym_stdout_flag,
                save_all_writes_flag, fd_fail);

/* The following function represents the main function of the user application
 * and is renamed during POSIX setup */
int __klee_posix_wrapped_main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp);

/* This wrapper gets called instead of main if POSIX setup is used */
int __klee_posix_wrapper(int argcPtr, char **argvPtr, char** envp) {
  klee_init_env(&argcPtr, &argvPtr);
  return __klee_posix_wrapped_main(argcPtr, argvPtr, envp);