#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import sys, os class MergeError(Exception): pass def checkAssemblies(directories): def read(d): try: return open(os.path.join(d,'assembly.ll')).read() except: raise MergeError("unable to open assembly for: %s"%(`d`,)) reference = read(directories[0]) for d in directories[1:]: if reference != read(d): return False return True def allEqual(l): return not [i for i in l if i!=l[0]] def merge(inputs, output, outputDir): inputs = [[None,iter(i)] for i in inputs] def getLine(elt): la,i = elt if la is None: try: ln = i.next() except StopIteration: ln = None except: raise MergeError("unexpected IO error") return ln else: elt[0] = None return la def getLines(): return map(getLine,inputs) def putback(ln,elt): assert elt[0] is None elt[0] = ln events = None # read header (up to ob=) while 1: lns = getLines() ln = lns[0] if ln.startswith('ob='): if [l for l in lns if not l.startswith('ob=')]: raise MergeError("headers differ") output.write('ob=%s\n'%(os.path.join(outputDir,'assembly.ll'),)) break else: if ln.startswith('positions:'): if ln!='positions: instr line\n': raise MergeError("unexpected 'positions' directive") elif ln.startswith('events:'): events = ln[len('events: '):].strip().split(' ') if not allEqual(lns): raise MergeError("headers differ") output.write(ln) if events is None: raise MergeError('missing events directive') boolTypes = set(['Icov','Iuncov']) numEvents = len(events) eventTypes = [e in boolTypes for e in events] def mergeStats(datas): if not allEqual([d[:2] for d in datas]): raise MergeError("instruction or line specifications differ") elif [d for d in datas if len(d)!=numEvents+2]: raise MergeError("statistics differ in event counts") result = [datas[0][0],datas[0][1]] for i,ev in enumerate(events): s = sum([d[i+2] for d in datas]) if ev=='Icov': result.append(max([d[i+2] for d in datas])) # true iff any are non-zero elif ev=='Iuncov': result.append(min([d[i+2] for d in datas])) # true iff any are non-zero else: result.append(s) return result def readCalls(): results = {} for elt in inputs: while 1: ln = getLine(elt) if ln is not None and (ln.startswith('cfl=') or ln.startswith('cfn=')): if ln.startswith('cfl='): cfl = ln cfn = getLine(elt) if not cfn.startswith('cfn='): raise MergeError("unexpected cfl directive without function") else: cfl = None cfn = ln target = getLine(elt) if not target.startswith('calls='): raise MergeError("unexpected cfn directive with calls") stat = map(int,getLine(elt).strip().split(' ')) key = target existing = results.get(target) if existing is None: results[key] = [cfl,cfn,target,stat] else: if existing[0]!=cfl or existing[1]!=cfn: raise MergeError("multiple call descriptions for a single target") existing[3] = mergeStats([existing[3],stat]) else: putback(ln, elt) break return results # read statistics while 1: lns = getLines() ln = lns[0] if ln is None: if not allEqual(lns): raise MergeError("unexpected end of input") break elif ln.startswith('fn') or ln.startswith('fl'): if not allEqual(lns): raise MergeError("files differ") output.write(ln) else: # an actual statistic data = [map(int,ln.strip().split(' ')) for ln in lns] print >>output,' '.join(map(str,mergeStats(data))) # read any associated calls for cfl,cfn,calls,stat in readCalls().values(): if cfl is not None: output.write(cfl) output.write(cfn) output.write(calls) print >>output,' '.join(map(str,stat)) def main(args): from optparse import OptionParser op = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] directories+ output") opts,args = op.parse_args() output = args.pop() directories = args if len(directories)<=1: op.error("incorrect number of arguments") print 'Merging:',', '.join(directories) print 'Into:',output if not checkAssemblies(directories): raise MergeError("executables differ") if not os.path.exists(output): os.mkdir(output) assembly = open(os.path.join(directories[0],'assembly.ll')).read() open(os.path.join(output,'assembly.ll'),'w').write(assembly) inputs = [open(os.path.join(d,'run.istats')) for d in directories] merge(inputs, open(os.path.join(output,'run.istats'),'w'), output) if __name__=='__main__': main(sys.argv)