#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import subprocess import sys import shutil def testFile(name, klee_path, lli_path): baseName,ext = os.path.splitext(name) exeFile = 'Output/linked_%s.bc'%baseName print('-- building test bitcode --') make_cmd = 'make %s 2>&1' % (exeFile,) print("EXECUTING: %s" % (make_cmd,)) sys.stdout.flush() if os.system(make_cmd): raise SystemExit('make failed') print('\n-- running lli --') lli_cmd = [lli_path, '-force-interpreter=true', exeFile] print("EXECUTING: %s" % (lli_cmd,)) # Decode is for python 3.x lliOut = subprocess.check_output(lli_cmd).decode() print('-- lli output --\n%s--\n' % (lliOut,)) print('-- running klee --') klee_out_path = "Output/%s.klee-out" % (baseName,) if os.path.exists(klee_out_path): shutil.rmtree(klee_out_path) klee_cmd = [klee_path, '--output-dir=' + klee_out_path, '--no-output', exeFile] print("EXECUTING: %s" % (klee_cmd,)) sys.stdout.flush() # Decode is for python 3.x kleeOut = subprocess.check_output(klee_cmd).decode() print('-- klee output --\n%s--\n' % (kleeOut,)) if lliOut != kleeOut: raise SystemExit('outputs differ') def testOneFile(f, printOutput=False): try: testFile(f, printOutput) code = ['pass','xpass'][f.startswith('broken')] extra = '' except TestError as e: code = ['fail','xfail'][f.startswith('broken')] extra = str(e) print('%s: %s -- %s'%(code,f,extra)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('test_path', help='test path') parser.add_argument('--klee', dest='klee_path', help="path to the klee binary", required=True) parser.add_argument('--lli', dest='lli_path', help="path to the lli binary", required=True) opts = parser.parse_args() test_name = os.path.basename(opts.test_path) testFile(test_name, opts.klee_path, opts.lli_path) if __name__=='__main__': main()