; Tests for the Funnel Shift intrinsics fshl/fshr(a, b, c) which ; - concatenate 'a' and 'b' ; - shift the result by an amount 'c' (left or right) ; - return the top or bottom half of result (depending on direction) ; ; This file consists of a sequence of tests of the form ; ``` ; T = llvm_fshl(a, b, c); ; C = T != r; ; if C { ; klee_abort(); ; } ; ``` ; where the constants a, b, c and r are copied from the constants ; used in the LLVM testfile llvm/test/Analysis/ConstantFolding/funnel-shift.ll ; REQUIRES: geq-llvm-7.0 ; RUN: %llvmas %s -o=%t.bc ; RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out ; RUN: %klee -exit-on-error --output-dir=%t.klee-out --optimize=false %t.bc target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare i32 @llvm.fshl.i32(i32, i32, i32) declare i32 @llvm.fshr.i32(i32, i32, i32) declare i7 @llvm.fshl.i7(i7, i7, i7) declare i7 @llvm.fshr.i7(i7, i7, i7) declare void @klee_abort() ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone uwtable define dso_local i32 @main() #0 { ; T1: extract(concat(0x12345678, 0xABCDEF01) << 5) = 0x468ACF15 %T1 = call i32 @llvm.fshl.i32(i32 305419896, i32 2882400001, i32 5) %C1 = icmp ne i32 %T1, 1183502101 br i1 %C1, label %FAIL1, label %OK1 FAIL1: call void @klee_abort() unreachable OK1: ; T2: extract(concat(0x12345678, 0xABCDEF01) >> 5) = 0xC55E6F78 ; Try an oversized shift (37) to test modulo functionality. %T2 = call i32 @llvm.fshr.i32(i32 305419896, i32 2882400001, i32 37) %C2 = icmp ne i32 %T2, 3311300472 br i1 %C2, label %FAIL2, label %OK2 FAIL2: call void @klee_abort() unreachable OK2: ; T3: extract(concat(0b1110000, 0b1111111) << 2) = 0b1000011 ; Use a weird type. ; Try an oversized shift (9) to test modulo functionality. %T3 = call i7 @llvm.fshl.i7(i7 112, i7 127, i7 9) %C3 = icmp ne i7 %T3, 67 br i1 %C3, label %FAIL3, label %OK3 FAIL3: call void @klee_abort() unreachable OK3: ; T4: extract(concat(0b1110000, 0b1111111) >> 2) = 0b0011111 ; Try an oversized shift (16) to test modulo functionality. %T4 = call i7 @llvm.fshr.i7(i7 112, i7 127, i7 16) %C4 = icmp ne i7 %T4, 31 br i1 %C4, label %FAIL4, label %OK4 FAIL4: call void @klee_abort() unreachable OK4: ret i32 0 }