Files generated by KLEE
Standard Global Files
These are global files are always generated on a KLEE execution:
- info: This is a text file containing various information
related to a KLEE run. In particular, it records the exact
command-line with which KLEE was run, and the total time taken by
the execution. E.g.:
$ cat info
klee --write-pcs demo.o
PID: 12460
Started: 2009-05-20 22:31:41
BEGIN searcher description
END searcher description
Finished: 2009-05-20 22:31:41
Elapsed: 00:00:00
KLEE: done: explored paths = 3
KLEE: done: avg. constructs per query = 6
KLEE: done: total queries = 3
KLEE: done: valid queries = 0
KLEE: done: invalid queriers = 3
KLEE: done: query cex = 3
KLEE: done: total instructions = 67
KLEE: done: completed paths = 3
KLEE: done: generated tests = 3
- warnings.txt: This is a text file containing all warnings emitted by KLEE.
- messages.txt: This is a text file containing all other messages emitted by KLEE.
- assembly.ll: This file contains a human readable version
of the LLVM bitcode executed by KLEE
- run.stats: This is a text file containing various
statistics emitted by KLEE. While this file can be inspected
manually, you should use the klee-stats
tool for that.
- run.istats: This is a binary file containing global
statistics emitted by KLEE for each line of code in the program.
Other Global Files
- queries.pc:
Per-path files
test<N>.ktest: Contains the test case generated by
KLEE on that path. Use ktest-tool
to read the contents. The generation of .ktest files
can be disabled using the --no-output option.
test<N>.<error-type>.err: Generated for paths
where KLEE found an error. Contains information about the error
in textual form.
- test<N>.pc: Contains the constraints associated with the given
path, in KQuery format. The generation
of these files can be enabled via the --write-cvcs flag.
test<N>.cvc: Contains the constraints associated
with the given path,
in CVC
format. The generation of these files can be enabled via
the --write-pcs flag. (This is the same information as
in the corresponding .pc file.)