#include "all.h" #define CMP(X) \ X(Ciule, "be") \ X(Ciult, "b") \ X(Cisle, "le") \ X(Cislt, "l") \ X(Cisgt, "g") \ X(Cisge, "ge") \ X(Ciugt, "a") \ X(Ciuge, "ae") \ X(Cieq, "z") \ X(Cine, "nz") \ X(NCmpI+Cfle, "be") \ X(NCmpI+Cflt, "b") \ X(NCmpI+Cfgt, "a") \ X(NCmpI+Cfge, "ae") \ X(NCmpI+Cfeq, "z") \ X(NCmpI+Cfne, "nz") \ X(NCmpI+Cfo, "np") \ X(NCmpI+Cfuo, "p") enum { SLong = 0, SWord = 1, SShort = 2, SByte = 3, Ki = -1, /* matches Kw and Kl */ Ka = -2, /* matches all classes */ }; /* Instruction format strings: * * if the format string starts with -, the instruction * is assumed to be 3-address and is put in 2-address * mode using an extra mov if necessary * * if the format string starts with +, the same as the * above applies, but commutativity is also assumed * * %k is used to set the class of the instruction, * it'll expand to "l", "q", "ss", "sd", depending * on the instruction class * %0 designates the first argument * %1 designates the second argument * %= designates the result * * if %k is not used, a prefix to 0, 1, or = must be * added, it can be: * M - memory reference * L - long (64 bits) * W - word (32 bits) * H - short (16 bits) * B - byte (8 bits) * S - single precision float * D - double precision float */ static struct { short op; short cls; char *asm; } omap[] = { { Oadd, Ka, "+add%k %1, %=" }, { Osub, Ka, "-sub%k %1, %=" }, { Oand, Ki, "+and%k %1, %=" }, { Oor, Ki, "+or%k %1, %=" }, { Oxor, Ki, "+xor%k %1, %=" }, { Osar, Ki, "-sar%k %B1, %=" }, { Oshr, Ki, "-shr%k %B1, %=" }, { Oshl, Ki, "-shl%k %B1, %=" }, { Omul, Ki, "+imul%k %1, %=" }, { Omul, Ks, "+mulss %1, %=" }, { Omul, Kd, "+mulsd %1, %=" }, { Odiv, Ka, "-div%k %1, %=" }, { Ostorel, Ka, "movq %L0, %M1" }, { Ostorew, Ka, "movl %W0, %M1" }, { Ostoreh, Ka, "movw %H0, %M1" }, { Ostoreb, Ka, "movb %B0, %M1" }, { Ostores, Ka, "movss %S0, %M1" }, { Ostored, Ka, "movsd %D0, %M1" }, { Oload, Ka, "mov%k %M0, %=" }, { Oloadsw, Kl, "movslq %M0, %L=" }, { Oloadsw, Kw, "movl %M0, %W=" }, { Oloaduw, Ki, "movl %M0, %W=" }, { Oloadsh, Ki, "movsw%k %M0, %=" }, { Oloaduh, Ki, "movzw%k %M0, %=" }, { Oloadsb, Ki, "movsb%k %M0, %=" }, { Oloadub, Ki, "movzb%k %M0, %=" }, { Oextsw, Kl, "movslq %W0, %L=" }, { Oextuw, Kl, "movl %W0, %W=" }, { Oextsh, Ki, "movsw%k %H0, %=" }, { Oextuh, Ki, "movzw%k %H0, %=" }, { Oextsb, Ki, "movsb%k %B0, %=" }, { Oextub, Ki, "movzb%k %B0, %=" }, { Oexts, Kd, "cvtss2sd %0, %=" }, { Otruncd, Ks, "cvtsd2ss %0, %=" }, { Ostosi, Ki, "cvttss2si%k %0, %=" }, { Odtosi, Ki, "cvttsd2si%k %0, %=" }, { Oswtof, Ka, "cvtsi2%k %W0, %=" }, { Osltof, Ka, "cvtsi2%k %L0, %=" }, { Ocast, Ki, "movq %D0, %L=" }, { Ocast, Ka, "movq %L0, %D=" }, { Oaddr, Ki, "lea%k %M0, %=" }, { Oswap, Ki, "xchg%k %0, %1" }, { Osign, Kl, "cqto" }, { Osign, Kw, "cltd" }, { Oxdiv, Ki, "div%k %0" }, { Oxidiv, Ki, "idiv%k %0" }, { Oxcmp, Ks, "ucomiss %S0, %S1" }, { Oxcmp, Kd, "ucomisd %D0, %D1" }, { Oxcmp, Ki, "cmp%k %0, %1" }, { Oxtest, Ki, "test%k %0, %1" }, #define X(c, s) \ { Oflag+c, Ki, "set" s " %B=\n\tmovzb%k %B=, %=" }, CMP(X) #undef X { NOp, 0, 0 } }; static char *rname[][4] = { [RAX] = {"rax", "eax", "ax", "al"}, [RBX] = {"rbx", "ebx", "bx", "bl"}, [RCX] = {"rcx", "ecx", "cx", "cl"}, [RDX] = {"rdx", "edx", "dx", "dl"}, [RSI] = {"rsi", "esi", "si", "sil"}, [RDI] = {"rdi", "edi", "di", "dil"}, [RBP] = {"rbp", "ebp", "bp", "bpl"}, [RSP] = {"rsp", "esp", "sp", "spl"}, [R8 ] = {"r8" , "r8d", "r8w", "r8b"}, [R9 ] = {"r9" , "r9d", "r9w", "r9b"}, [R10] = {"r10", "r10d", "r10w", "r10b"}, [R11] = {"r11", "r11d", "r11w", "r11b"}, [R12] = {"r12", "r12d", "r12w", "r12b"}, [R13] = {"r13", "r13d", "r13w", "r13b"}, [R14] = {"r14", "r14d", "r14w", "r14b"}, [R15] = {"r15", "r15d", "r15w", "r15b"}, }; static int slot(Ref r, Fn *fn) { int s; s = rsval(r); assert(s <= fn->slot); /* specific to NAlign == 3 */ if (s < 0) return -4 * s; else if (fn->vararg) return -176 + -4 * (fn->slot - s); else return -4 * (fn->slot - s); } static void emitcon(Con *con, FILE *f) { char *p, *l; switch (con->type) { case CAddr: l = str(con->sym.id); p = l[0] == '"' ? "" : T.assym; if (con->sym.type == SThr) { if (T.apple) fprintf(f, "%s%s@TLVP", p, l); else fprintf(f, "%%fs:%s%s@tpoff", p, l); } else fprintf(f, "%s%s", p, l); if (con->bits.i) fprintf(f, "%+"PRId64, con->bits.i); break; case CBits: fprintf(f, "%"PRId64, con->bits.i); break; default: die("unreachable"); } } static char * regtoa(int reg, int sz) { static char buf[6]; assert(reg <= XMM15); if (reg >= XMM0) { sprintf(buf, "xmm%d", reg-XMM0); return buf; } else return rname[reg][sz]; } static Ref getarg(char c, Ins *i) { switch (c) { case '0': return i->arg[0]; case '1': return i->arg[1]; case '=': return i->to; default: die("invalid arg letter %c", c); } } static void emitins(Ins, Fn *, FILE *); static void emitcopy(Ref r1, Ref r2, int k, Fn *fn, FILE *f) { Ins icp; icp.op = Ocopy; icp.arg[0] = r2; icp.to = r1; icp.cls = k; emitins(icp, fn, f); } static void emitf(char *s, Ins *i, Fn *fn, FILE *f) { static char clstoa[][3] = {"l", "q", "ss", "sd"}; char c; int sz; Ref ref; Mem *m; Con off; switch (*s) { case '+': if (req(i->arg[1], i->to)) { ref = i->arg[0]; i->arg[0] = i->arg[1]; i->arg[1] = ref; } /* fall through */ case '-': assert((!req(i->arg[1], i->to) || req(i->arg[0], i->to)) && "cannot convert to 2-address"); emitcopy(i->to, i->arg[0], i->cls, fn, f); s++; break; } fputc('\t', f); Next: while ((c = *s++) != '%') if (!c) { fputc('\n', f); return; } else fputc(c, f); switch ((c = *s++)) { case '%': fputc('%', f); break; case 'k': fputs(clstoa[i->cls], f); break; case '0': case '1': case '=': sz = KWIDE(i->cls) ? SLong : SWord; s--; goto Ref; case 'D': case 'S': sz = SLong; /* does not matter for floats */ Ref: c = *s++; ref = getarg(c, i); switch (rtype(ref)) { case RTmp: assert(isreg(ref)); fprintf(f, "%%%s", regtoa(ref.val, sz)); break; case RSlot: fprintf(f, "%d(%%rbp)", slot(ref, fn)); break; case RMem: Mem: m = &fn->mem[ref.val]; if (rtype(m->base) == RSlot) { off.type = CBits; off.bits.i = slot(m->base, fn); addcon(&m->offset, &off); m->base = TMP(RBP); } if (m->offset.type != CUndef) emitcon(&m->offset, f); fputc('(', f); if (!req(m->base, R)) fprintf(f, "%%%s", regtoa(m->base.val, SLong)); else if (m->offset.type == CAddr) fprintf(f, "%%rip"); if (!req(m->index, R)) fprintf(f, ", %%%s, %d", regtoa(m->index.val, SLong), m->scale ); fputc(')', f); break; case RCon: fputc('$', f); emitcon(&fn->con[ref.val], f); break; default: die("unreachable"); } break; case 'L': sz = SLong; goto Ref; case 'W': sz = SWord; goto Ref; case 'H': sz = SShort; goto Ref; case 'B': sz = SByte; goto Ref; case 'M': c = *s++; ref = getarg(c, i); switch (rtype(ref)) { case RMem: goto Mem; case RSlot: fprintf(f, "%d(%%rbp)", slot(ref, fn)); break; case RCon: off = fn->con[ref.val]; emitcon(&off, f); if (off.type == CAddr) if (off.sym.type != SThr || T.apple) fprintf(f, "(%%rip)"); break; case RTmp: assert(isreg(ref)); fprintf(f, "(%%%s)", regtoa(ref.val, SLong)); break; default: die("unreachable"); } break; default: die("invalid format specifier %%%c", c); } goto Next; } static void *negmask[4] = { [Ks] = (uint32_t[4]){ 0x80000000 }, [Kd] = (uint64_t[2]){ 0x8000000000000000 }, }; static void emitins(Ins i, Fn *fn, FILE *f) { Ref r; int64_t val; int o, t0; Ins ineg; switch (i.op) { default: Table: /* most instructions are just pulled out of * the table omap[], some special cases are * detailed below */ for (o=0;; o++) { /* this linear search should really be a binary * search */ if (omap[o].op == NOp) die("no match for %s(%c)", optab[i.op].name, "wlsd"[i.cls]); if (omap[o].op == i.op) if (omap[o].cls == i.cls || (omap[o].cls == Ki && KBASE(i.cls) == 0) || (omap[o].cls == Ka)) break; } emitf(omap[o].asm, &i, fn, f); break; case Onop: /* just do nothing for nops, they are inserted * by some passes */ break; case Omul: /* here, we try to use the 3-addresss form * of multiplication when possible */ if (rtype(i.arg[1]) == RCon) { r = i.arg[0]; i.arg[0] = i.arg[1]; i.arg[1] = r; } if (KBASE(i.cls) == 0 /* only available for ints */ && rtype(i.arg[0]) == RCon && rtype(i.arg[1]) == RTmp) { emitf("imul%k %0, %1, %=", &i, fn, f); break; } goto Table; case Osub: /* we have to use the negation trick to handle * some 3-address subtractions */ if (req(i.to, i.arg[1]) && !req(i.arg[0], i.to)) { ineg = (Ins){Oneg, i.cls, i.to, {i.to}}; emitins(ineg, fn, f); emitf("add%k %0, %=", &i, fn, f); break; } goto Table; case Oneg: if (!req(i.to, i.arg[0])) emitf("mov%k %0, %=", &i, fn, f); if (KBASE(i.cls) == 0) emitf("neg%k %=", &i, fn, f); else fprintf(f, "\txorp%c %sfp%d(%%rip), %%%s\n", "xxsd"[i.cls], T.asloc, stashbits(negmask[i.cls], 16), regtoa(i.to.val, SLong) ); break; case Odiv: /* use xmm15 to adjust the instruction when the * conversion to 2-address in emitf() would fail */ if (req(i.to, i.arg[1])) { i.arg[1] = TMP(XMM0+15); emitf("mov%k %=, %1", &i, fn, f); emitf("mov%k %0, %=", &i, fn, f); i.arg[0] = i.to; } goto Table; case Ocopy: /* copies are used for many things; see my note * to understand how to load big constants: * https://c9x.me/notes/2015-09-19.html */ assert(rtype(i.to) != RMem); if (req(i.to, R) || req(i.arg[0], R)) break; if (req(i.to, i.arg[0])) break; t0 = rtype(i.arg[0]); if (i.cls == Kl && t0 == RCon && fn->con[i.arg[0].val].type == CBits) { val = fn->con[i.arg[0].val].bits.i; if (isreg(i.to)) if (val >= 0 && val <= UINT32_MAX) { emitf("movl %W0, %W=", &i, fn, f); break; } if (rtype(i.to) == RSlot) if (val < INT32_MIN || val > INT32_MAX) { emitf("movl %0, %=", &i, fn, f); emitf("movl %0>>32, 4+%=", &i, fn, f); break; } } if (isreg(i.to) && t0 == RCon && fn->con[i.arg[0].val].type == CAddr) { emitf("lea%k %M0, %=", &i, fn, f); break; } if (rtype(i.to) == RSlot && (t0 == RSlot || t0 == RMem)) { i.cls = KWIDE(i.cls) ? Kd : Ks; i.arg[1] = TMP(XMM0+15); emitf("mov%k %0, %1", &i, fn, f); emitf("mov%k %1, %=", &i, fn, f); break; } /* conveniently, the assembler knows if it * should use movabsq when reading movq */ emitf("mov%k %0, %=", &i, fn, f); break; case Ocall: /* calls simply have a weird syntax in AT&T * assembly... */ switch (rtype(i.arg[0])) { case RCon: fprintf(f, "\tcallq "); emitcon(&fn->con[i.arg[0].val], f); fprintf(f, "\n"); break; case RTmp: emitf("callq *%L0", &i, fn, f); break; default: die("invalid call argument"); } break; case Osalloc: /* there is no good reason why this is here * maybe we should split Osalloc in 2 different * instructions depending on the result */ emitf("subq %L0, %%rsp", &i, fn, f); if (!req(i.to, R)) emitcopy(i.to, TMP(RSP), Kl, fn, f); break; case Oswap: if (KBASE(i.cls) == 0) goto Table; /* for floats, there is no swap instruction * so we use xmm15 as a temporary */ emitcopy(TMP(XMM0+15), i.arg[0], i.cls, fn, f); emitcopy(i.arg[0], i.arg[1], i.cls, fn, f); emitcopy(i.arg[1], TMP(XMM0+15), i.cls, fn, f); break; } } static uint64_t framesz(Fn *fn) { uint64_t i, o, f; /* specific to NAlign == 3 */ for (i=0, o=0; ireg >> amd64_sysv_rclob[i]); f = fn->slot; f = (f + 3) & -4; return 4*f + 8*o + 176*fn->vararg; } void amd64_emitfn(Fn *fn, FILE *f) { static char *ctoa[] = { #define X(c, s) [c] = s, CMP(X) #undef X }; static int id0; Blk *b, *s; Ins *i, itmp; int *r, c, o, n, lbl; uint64_t fs; emitfnlnk(fn->name, &fn->lnk, f); fputs("\tpushq %rbp\n\tmovq %rsp, %rbp\n", f); fs = framesz(fn); if (fs) fprintf(f, "\tsubq $%"PRIu64", %%rsp\n", fs); if (fn->vararg) { o = -176; for (r=amd64_sysv_rsave; r<&amd64_sysv_rsave[6]; r++, o+=8) fprintf(f, "\tmovq %%%s, %d(%%rbp)\n", rname[*r][0], o); for (n=0; n<8; ++n, o+=16) fprintf(f, "\tmovaps %%xmm%d, %d(%%rbp)\n", n, o); } for (r=amd64_sysv_rclob; r<&amd64_sysv_rclob[NCLR]; r++) if (fn->reg & BIT(*r)) { itmp.arg[0] = TMP(*r); emitf("pushq %L0", &itmp, fn, f); fs += 8; } for (lbl=0, b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { if (lbl || b->npred > 1) fprintf(f, "%sbb%d:\n", T.asloc, id0+b->id); for (i=b->ins; i!=&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) emitins(*i, fn, f); lbl = 1; switch (b->jmp.type) { case Jhlt: fprintf(f, "\tud2\n"); break; case Jret0: if (fn->dynalloc) fprintf(f, "\tmovq %%rbp, %%rsp\n" "\tsubq $%"PRIu64", %%rsp\n", fs ); for (r=&amd64_sysv_rclob[NCLR]; r>amd64_sysv_rclob;) if (fn->reg & BIT(*--r)) { itmp.arg[0] = TMP(*r); emitf("popq %L0", &itmp, fn, f); } fprintf(f, "\tleave\n" "\tret\n" ); break; case Jjmp: Jmp: if (b->s1 != b->link) fprintf(f, "\tjmp %sbb%d\n", T.asloc, id0+b->s1->id); else lbl = 0; break; default: c = b->jmp.type - Jjf; if (0 <= c && c <= NCmp) { if (b->link == b->s2) { s = b->s1; b->s1 = b->s2; b->s2 = s; } else c = cmpneg(c); fprintf(f, "\tj%s %sbb%d\n", ctoa[c], T.asloc, id0+b->s2->id); goto Jmp; } die("unhandled jump %d", b->jmp.type); } } id0 += fn->nblk; if (!T.apple) elf_emitfnfin(fn->name, f); }