=========================== QBE Intermediate Language =========================== - Table of Contents ------------------- 1. <@ Basic Concepts > * <@ Input Files > * <@ BNF Syntax > * <@ Sigils > 2. <@ Types > * <@ Simple Types > * <@ Subtyping > 3. <@ Definitions > * <@ Aggregate Types > * <@ Data > * <@ Functions > 4. <@ Control > * <@ Blocks > * <@ Instructions > * <@ Jumps > 5. Immediate Constants * Semantics * Floating Sugar 6. Integer Instructions * Arithmetic * Memory * Comparisons 7. Floating Point Instructions * Arithmetic * Memory * Comparisons 8. Special Instructions * Conversions and Extensions * Casts * Phi - 1. Basic Concepts ------------------- The intermediate language (IL) is a higher-level language than the machine's assembly language. It smoothes most of the irregularities of the underlying hardware and allows an infinite number of temporaries to be used. This higher abstraction level allows frontend programmers to focus on language design issues. ~ Input Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The intermediate language is provided to QBE as text files. Usually, one file is generated per each compilation unit of the frontend input language. An IL file is a sequence of <@ Definitions > for data, functions, and types. Once processed by QBE, the resulting file can be assembled and linked using a standard toolchain (e.g. GNU binutils). Here is a complete "Hello World" IL file, it defines a function that prints to the screen. Since the string is not a first class object (only the pointer is) it is defined outside the function's body. # Define the string constant. data $str = { b "hello world", b 0 } function w $main() { @start # Call the puts function with $str as argument. %r =w call $puts(l $str) ret 0 } If you have read the LLVM language reference, you might recognize the above example. In comparison, QBE makes a much lighter use of types and the syntax is terser. ~ BNF Syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The language syntax is vaporously described in the sections below using BNF syntax. The different BNF constructs used are described in the following list. * Keywords are enclosed between quotes; * `... | ...` expresses disjunctions; * `[ ... ]` marks some syntax as optional; * `( ... ),` designates a comma-separated list of the enclosed syntax; * `...*` and `...+` as used for arbitrary and at-least-once repetition. ~ Sigils ~~~~~~~~ The intermediate language makes heavy use of sigils, all user-defined names are prefixed with a sigil. This is to avoid keyword conflicts, and also to quickly spot the scope and kind of an identifier. * `:` is for user-defined <@ Aggregate Types> * `$` is for globals (represented by a pointer) * `%` is for function-scope temporaries * `@` is for function labels In BNF syntax, we use `?IDENT` to designate an identifier starting with the sigil `?`. - 2. Types ---------- ~ Simple Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `bnf BASETY := 'w' | 'l' | 's' | 'd' # Base types EXTTY := BASETY | 'h' | 'b' # Extended types We makes very minimal use of types. The types used are only what is necessary for unambiguous compilation to machine code and C interfacing. The four base types are `w` (word), `l` (long), `s` (single), and `d` (double), they stand respectively for 32 bits and 64 bits integers, and 32 bits and 64 bits floating points. Temporaries in the IL can only have a basic type. Extended types contain base types and add `h` (half word) and `b` (byte), respectively for 16 bits and 8 bits integers. They are used in <@ Aggregate Types> and <@ Data> definitions. The IL also provides user-defined aggregate types, these are used for C interfacing. The syntax used to designate them is `:foo`. Details about their definition are given in the <@ Aggregate Types > section. ~ Subtyping ~~~~~~~~~~~ The IL has a minimal subtyping feature for integer types. Any value of type `l` can be used in a `w` context. When that happens only the 32 least significant bits of the word value are used. Note that a long value must not be used in word context. The rationale is that the 32 high bits of the extended long value could very well be zeroes or the result of a sign extension of the word. - 3. Definitions ---------------- Definitions are the essential components of an IL file. They can define three types of objects: Aggregate types, data, and functions. Aggregate types are never exported and do not compile to any code. Data and function definitions have file scope and are mutually recursive (even across IL files). Their visibility can be controlled using the `export` keyword. ~ Aggregate Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `bnf TYPEDEF := # Regular type 'type' :IDENT '=' [ 'align' NUMBER ] '{' ( EXTTY [ NUMBER ] ), '}' | # Opaque type 'type' :IDENT '=' 'align' NUMBER '{' NUMBER '}' Aggregate type definitions start with the `type` keyword. They have file scope but types must be defined before their first use. The inner structure of a type is expressed by a comma separated list of <@ Simple Types> enclosed in curly braces. type :fourfloats = { s, s, d, d } For ease of generation, a trailing comma is tolerated by the parser. In case many items of the same type are sequenced (like in a C array), the sorter array syntax can be used. type :abyteandmanywords = { b, w 100 } By default, the alignment of an aggregate type is the maximum alignment of its members. The alignment can be explicitely specified by the programmer Opaque types are used when the inner structure of an aggregate cannot be specified, the alignment for opaque types is mandatory. They are defined by simply enclosing their size between curly braces. type :opaque = align 16 { 32 } ~ Data ~~~~~~ `bnf DATADEF := ['export'] 'data' $IDENT '=' '{' ( EXTTY DATAITEM+ | 'z' NUMBER ), '}' DATAITEM := $IDENT [ '+' NUMBER ] # Symbol and offset | '"' ... '"' # String | IMMEDIATE # Immediate Data definitions define objects that will be emitted in the compiled file. They can be local to the file or exported with global visibility to the whole program. They define a global identifier (starting with the sigil `$`), that will contain a pointer to the object specified by the definition. Objects are described by a sequence of fields that start with a type letter. This letter can either be an extended type, or the `z` letter. If the letter used is an extended type, the data item following specifies the bits to be stored in the field. When several data items follow a letter, they initialize multiple fields of the same size. The members of a struct will be packed. This means that padding has to be emitted by the frontend when necessary. Alignment of the whole data objects can be manually specified, and when no alignment is provided, the maximum alignment of the platform is used. When the `z` letter is used the number following indicates the size of the field, the contents of the field are zero initialized. It can be used to add padding between fields or zero-initialize big arrays. Here are various examples of data definitions. # Three 32 bits values 1, 2, and 3 # followed by a 0 byte. data $a = { w 1 2 3, b 0 } # A thousand bytes 0 initialized. data $b = { z 1000 } # An object containing two 64 bits # fields, one with all bits sets and the # other containing a pointer to the # object itself. data $c = { l -1, l $c } ~ Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~ `bnf FUNCDEF := ['export'] 'function' [BASETY | :IDENT] $IDENT PARAMS '{' BLOCK+ '}' PARAMS := '(' ( (BASETY | :IDENT) %IDENT ), ')' Function definitions contain the actual code to emit in the compiled file. They define a global symbol that contains a pointer to the function code. This pointer can be used in call instructions or stored in memory. Since global symbols are defined mutually recursive, there is no need for function declarations: A function can be referenced before its definition. Similarly, functions from other modules can be used without previous declarations. All the type information is provided in the call instructions. The syntax and semantics for the body of functions is described in the <@ Control > section. - Control --------- The IL represents programs as textual transcriptions of control flow graphs. A program is given as a sequence of blocks of straight-line instructions ending with a jump to other blocks or returning from the function. Because QBE uses static single assignment, blocks can start with a sequence of <@ Phi > instructions. ~ Blocks ~~~~~~~~ `bnf BLOCK := @IDENT # Block label PHI* # Phi instructions INST* # Regular instructions JUMP # Jump or return ~ Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Jumps ~~~~~~~