#include "lisc.h" typedef struct RMap RMap; struct RMap { int t[NReg]; int r[NReg]; Bits bt; Bits br; int n; }; extern Ins insb[NIns], *curi; static Sym *sym; /* symbol table in use */ static struct { Ref src, dst; } *pm; /* parallel move constructed */ static int cpm, npm; /* capacity and size of pm */ static int rfind(RMap *m, int t) { int i; for (i=0; in; i++) if (m->t[i] == t) return m->r[i]; return -1; } static Ref rref(RMap *m, int t) { int r, s; r = rfind(m, t); if (r == -1) { s = sym[t].spill; assert(s && "should have spilled"); return SLOT(s); } else return SYM(r); } static void radd(RMap *m, int t, int r) { assert(sym[t].type == STmp && "invalid symbol"); assert(RAX <= r && r < RAX + NReg && "invalid register"); assert(!BGET(m->bt, t) && "temp has mapping"); assert(!BGET(m->br, r) && "reg already allocated"); assert(m->n <= NReg && "too many mappings"); BSET(m->bt, t); BSET(m->br, r); m->t[m->n] = t; m->r[m->n] = r; m->n++; } static Ref ralloc(RMap *m, int t) { int r; if (sym[t].type == SReg) { assert(BGET(m->br, t)); r = t; } else if (BGET(m->bt, t)) { r = rfind(m, t); assert(r > 0); } else { r = sym[t].hint; if (r == -1 || BGET(m->br, r)) for (r=RAX; BGET(m->br, r); r++) ; radd(m, t, r); if (sym[t].hint == -1) sym[t].hint = r; } return SYM(r); } static int rfree(RMap *m, int t) { int i, r; if (sym[t].type == SReg) { assert(BGET(m->br, t)); BCLR(m->br, t); return t; } if (!BGET(m->bt, t)) return 0; for (i=0; m->t[i] != t; i++) assert(i+1 < m->n); r = m->r[i]; BCLR(m->bt, t); BCLR(m->br, r); m->n--; memmove(&m->t[i], &m->t[i+1], (m->n-i) * sizeof(int)); memmove(&m->r[i], &m->r[i+1], (m->n-i) * sizeof(int)); return r; } static void mdump(RMap *m) { int i; for (i=0; in; i++) fprintf(stderr, " (%s, %s)", sym[m->t[i]].name, sym[m->r[i]].name); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static inline int isreg(Ref r) { return rtype(r) == RSym && sym[r.val].type == SReg; } static void pmadd(Ref src, Ref dst) { if (npm == cpm) { cpm = cpm * 2 + 16; pm = realloc(pm, cpm * sizeof pm[0]); if (!pm) diag("pmadd: out of memory"); } pm[npm].src = src; pm[npm].dst = dst; npm++; } enum PMStat { ToMove, Moving, Moved }; static Ref pmrec(enum PMStat *status, int i) { Ref swp, swp1; int j; if (req(pm[i].src, pm[i].dst)) return R; status[i] = Moving; swp = R; for (j=0; jto)) for (;; i--) { r = i->to.val; rt = i->arg[0]; assert(rtype(rt) == RSym); rfree(m, r); rt = ralloc(m, rt.val); pmadd(rt, i->to); if (i==b->ins || (i-1)->op!=OCopy || !isreg((i-1)->to)) break; } else if (isreg(i->arg[0])) for (;; i--) { r = i->arg[0].val; if (req(i->to, R)) { if (BGET(m->br, r)) { for (n=0; m->r[n] != r; n++) assert(n+1 < m->n); t = m->t[n]; rfree(m, t); BSET(m->br, r); rt = ralloc(m, t); pmadd(rt, i->arg[0]); } } else if (BGET(m->bt, i->to.val)) { rt = SYM(rfree(m, i->to.val)); pmadd(i->arg[0], rt); } BSET(m->br, r); if (i==b->ins || (i-1)->op!=OCopy || !isreg((i-1)->arg[0])) break; } else assert(!"no parallel move starting here"); pmgen(); nins = curi-insb; ib = alloc((b->nins + nins - (i1-i)) * sizeof(Ins)); memcpy(ip = ib, b->ins, (i - b->ins) * sizeof(Ins)); ip += i - b->ins; memcpy(ir = ip, insb, nins * sizeof(Ins)); ip += nins; memcpy(ip, i1, (&b->ins[b->nins] - i1) * sizeof(Ins)); b->nins += nins - (i1-i); free(b->ins); b->ins = ib; return ir; } /* register allocation * depends on rpo, cost, (and obviously spill) */ void rega(Fn *fn) { int n, t, u, r, x; Blk *b, *b1, *s, ***ps, *blist; Ins *i; RMap *end, *beg, cur; Phi *p; uint a; Ref src, dst; sym = fn->sym; end = alloc(fn->ntmp * sizeof end[0]); beg = alloc(fn->ntmp * sizeof beg[0]); /* 1. gross hinting setup */ for (t=Tmp0; tntmp; t++) sym[t].hint = -1; for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { for (i=b->ins; i-b->ins < b->nins; i++) { if (i->op == OCopy && rtype(i->arg[0]) == RSym && !req(i->to, R)) { t = i->arg[0].val; u = i->to.val; if (sym[t].type == SReg) sym[u].hint = t; if (sym[u].type == SReg) sym[t].hint = u; } } } /* 2. assign registers backwards */ if (debug['R']) fprintf(stderr, "> Register mappings:\n"); for (n=fn->nblk-1; n>=0; n--) { b = fn->rpo[n]; cur.n = 0; cur.bt = (Bits){{0}}; cur.br = (Bits){{0}}; b1 = b->s1; if (b1 && b->s2 && b->s2->loop > b1->loop) b1 = b->s2; if (b1 && b->loop > b1->loop) b1 = 0; /* try to reuse the register * assignment of the most frequent * successor */ if (b1) for (t=Tmp0; tntmp; t++) if (BGET(b->out, t)) if ((r = rfind(&beg[b1->id], t)) != -1) radd(&cur, t, r); for (x=0; x<2; x++) for (t=Tmp0; tntmp; t++) if (x==1 || sym[t].hint!=-1) if (BGET(b->out, t)) if (!BGET(cur.bt, t)) ralloc(&cur, t); /* process instructions */ end[n] = cur; if (rtype(b->jmp.arg) == RSym) b->jmp.arg = ralloc(&cur, b->jmp.arg.val); for (i=&b->ins[b->nins]; i!=b->ins;) { i--; if (i->op == OCopy /* par. moves are special */ && (isreg(i->arg[0]) || isreg(i->to))) { i = dopm(b, i, &cur); continue; } if (!req(i->to, R)) { r = rfree(&cur, i->to.val); if (!r) { *i = (Ins){ONop, R, {R, R}}; continue; } i->to = SYM(r); } if (rtype(i->arg[0]) == RSym) { /* * on Intel, we attempt to * use the same register * for the return and the * first argument */ t = i->arg[0].val; if (sym[t].hint == -1 && r) sym[t].hint = r; i->arg[0] = ralloc(&cur, t); } if (rtype(i->arg[1]) == RSym) { /* * on Intel, we have to * make sure we avoid the * situation * eax = sub ebx, eax */ if (opdesc[i->op].comm == F && r) BSET(cur.br, r); t = i->arg[1].val; i->arg[1] = ralloc(&cur, t); if (opdesc[i->op].comm == F && r) BCLR(cur.br, r); } } b->in = cur.bt; for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) if (rtype(p->to) == RSym) BCLR(b->in, p->to.val); beg[n] = cur; if (debug['R']) { fprintf(stderr, "\t%-10s beg", b->name); mdump(&beg[n]); fprintf(stderr, "\t end"); mdump(&end[n]); } } if (debug['R']) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); /* 3. compose glue code */ blist = 0; for (b=fn->start;; b=b->link) { ps = (Blk**[3]){&b->s1, &b->s2, (Blk*[1]){0}}; for (; (s=**ps); ps++) { npm = 0; for (p=s->phi; p; p=p->link) { assert(rtype(p->to) == RSlot || rtype(p->to) == RSym); dst = p->to; if (rtype(dst) == RSym) { r = rfind(&beg[s->id], dst.val); if (!r) continue; dst = SYM(r); } for (a=0; p->blk[a]!=b; a++) assert(a+1 < p->narg); src = p->arg[a]; if (rtype(src) == RSym) src = rref(&end[b->id], src.val); pmadd(src, dst); } for (t=Tmp0; tntmp; t++) if (BGET(s->in, t)) { src = rref(&end[b->id], t); dst = rref(&beg[s->id], t); pmadd(src, dst); } pmgen(); /* todo, moving this out of * here would make sense */ n = curi-insb; if (!n) continue; b1 = blocka(); b1->link = blist; blist = b1; fn->nblk++; sprintf(b1->name, "%s_%s", b->name, s->name); i = alloc(n * sizeof(Ins)); memcpy(i, insb, n * sizeof(Ins)); b1->ins = i; b1->nins = n; b1->jmp.type = JJmp; b1->s1 = s; **ps = b1; } if (!b->link) { b->link = blist; break; } } for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) while ((p=b->phi)) { b->phi = p->link; free(p); } free(end); free(beg); }