Plan for new slot computations: - reverse the allocation of all stack slots so that isel slots go below spill locations - the fast allocs must be allocated by decreasing alignment constraints - instead of the svec vector, we simply need two numbers that contain the size of both the locals and spills (stk0, stk1) - maybe it's time to include small alignments - use Tmp.spill == -1 to mark unallocated slots Layout: ---------- rbp = 0 [16] | << padding 1 >> | .. spills .. | <- enforce align 16 | .. align 16 .. | .. align 8 .. | .. align 4 .. | << padding 0 >> ---------- rsp = 0 [16] padding 0: inserted at last minute by the code emitter to respect the ABI padding 1: inserted at the beginning of spill it can be 4 or 0 Examples: if the first local is aligned 4 of size 4, its slot number will be set 0, to emit the proper offset to