#include "all.h" #define MASK(w) (BIT(8*(w)-1)*2-1) /* must work when w==8 */ typedef struct Loc Loc; typedef struct Slice Slice; typedef struct Insert Insert; struct Loc { enum { LRoot, /* right above the original load */ LLoad, /* inserting a load is allowed */ LNoLoad, /* only scalar operations allowed */ } type; uint off; Blk *blk; }; struct Slice { Ref ref; short sz; short cls; /* load class */ }; struct Insert { uint isphi:1; uint num:31; uint bid; uint off; union { Ins ins; struct { Slice m; Phi *p; } phi; } new; }; static Fn *curf; static uint inum; /* current insertion number */ static Insert *ilog; /* global insertion log */ static uint nlog; /* number of entries in the log */ int loadsz(Ins *l) { switch (l->op) { case Oloadsb: case Oloadub: return 1; case Oloadsh: case Oloaduh: return 2; case Oloadsw: case Oloaduw: return 4; case Oload: return KWIDE(l->cls) ? 8 : 4; } die("unreachable"); } int storesz(Ins *s) { switch (s->op) { case Ostoreb: return 1; case Ostoreh: return 2; case Ostorew: case Ostores: return 4; case Ostorel: case Ostored: return 8; } die("unreachable"); } static Ref iins(int cls, int op, Ref a0, Ref a1, Loc *l) { Insert *ist; vgrow(&ilog, ++nlog); ist = &ilog[nlog-1]; ist->isphi = 0; ist->num = inum++; ist->bid = l->blk->id; ist->off = l->off; ist->new.ins = (Ins){op, cls, R, {a0, a1}}; return ist->new.ins.to = newtmp("ld", cls, curf); } static void cast(Ref *r, int cls, Loc *l) { int cls0; if (rtype(*r) == RCon) return; assert(rtype(*r) == RTmp); cls0 = curf->tmp[r->val].cls; if (cls0 == cls || (cls == Kw && cls0 == Kl)) return; if (KWIDE(cls0) < KWIDE(cls)) { if (cls0 == Ks) *r = iins(Kw, Ocast, *r, R, l); *r = iins(Kl, Oextuw, *r, R, l); if (cls == Kd) *r = iins(Kd, Ocast, *r, R, l); } else { if (cls0 == Kd && cls != Kl) *r = iins(Kl, Ocast, *r, R, l); if (cls0 != Kd || cls != Kw) *r = iins(cls, Ocast, *r, R, l); } } static inline void mask(int cls, Ref *r, bits msk, Loc *l) { cast(r, cls, l); *r = iins(cls, Oand, *r, getcon(msk, curf), l); } static Ref load(Slice sl, bits msk, Loc *l) { Alias *a; Ref r, r1; int ld, cls, all, c; ld = (int[]){ [1] = Oloadub, [2] = Oloaduh, [4] = Oloaduw, [8] = Oload }[sl.sz]; all = msk == MASK(sl.sz); if (all) cls = sl.cls; else cls = sl.sz > 4 ? Kl : Kw; r = sl.ref; /* sl.ref might not be live here, * but its alias base ref will be * (see killsl() below) */ if (rtype(r) == RTmp) { a = &curf->tmp[r.val].alias; switch (a->type) { default: die("unreachable"); case ALoc: case AEsc: case AUnk: r = a->base; if (!a->offset) break; r1 = getcon(a->offset, curf); r = iins(Kl, Oadd, r, r1, l); break; case ACon: case ASym: c = curf->ncon++; vgrow(&curf->con, curf->ncon); curf->con[c].type = CAddr; curf->con[c].label = a->label; curf->con[c].bits.i = a->offset; curf->con[c].local = 0; r = CON(c); break; } } r = iins(cls, ld, r, R, l); if (!all) mask(cls, &r, msk, l); return r; } static int killsl(Ref r, Slice sl) { Alias *a; if (rtype(sl.ref) != RTmp) return 0; a = &curf->tmp[sl.ref.val].alias; switch (a->type) { default: die("unreachable"); case ALoc: case AEsc: case AUnk: return req(a->base, r); case ACon: case ASym: return 0; } } /* returns a ref containing the contents of the slice * passed as argument, all the bits set to 0 in the * mask argument are zeroed in the result; * the returned ref has an integer class when the * mask does not cover all the bits of the slice, * otherwise, it has class sl.cls * the procedure returns R when it fails */ static Ref def(Slice sl, bits msk, Blk *b, Ins *i, Loc *il) { Blk *bp; bits msk1, msks; int off, cls, cls1, op, sz, ld; uint np, oldl, oldt; Ref r, r1; Phi *p; Insert *ist; Loc l; /* invariants: * -1- b dominates il->blk; so we can use * temporaries of b in il->blk * -2- if il->type != LNoLoad, then il->blk * postdominates the original load; so it * is safe to load in il->blk * -3- if il->type != LNoLoad, then b * postdominates il->blk (and by 2, the * original load) */ assert(dom(b, il->blk)); oldl = nlog; oldt = curf->ntmp; if (0) { Load: curf->ntmp = oldt; nlog = oldl; if (il->type != LLoad) return R; return load(sl, msk, il); } if (!i) i = &b->ins[b->nins]; cls = sl.sz > 4 ? Kl : Kw; msks = MASK(sl.sz); while (i > b->ins) { --i; if (killsl(i->to, sl) || (iscall(i->op) && escapes(sl.ref, curf))) goto Load; ld = isload(i->op); if (ld) { sz = loadsz(i); r1 = i->arg[0]; r = i->to; } else if (isstore(i->op)) { sz = storesz(i); r1 = i->arg[1]; r = i->arg[0]; } else continue; switch (alias(sl.ref, sl.sz, r1, sz, &off, curf)) { case MustAlias: if (off < 0) { off = -off; msk1 = (MASK(sz) << 8*off) & msks; op = Oshl; } else { msk1 = (MASK(sz) >> 8*off) & msks; op = Oshr; } if ((msk1 & msk) == 0) break; if (off) { cls1 = cls; if (op == Oshr && off + sl.sz > 4) cls1 = Kl; cast(&r, cls1, il); r1 = getcon(8*off, curf); r = iins(cls1, op, r, r1, il); } if ((msk1 & msk) != msk1 || off + sz < sl.sz) mask(cls, &r, msk1 & msk, il); if ((msk & ~msk1) != 0) { r1 = def(sl, msk & ~msk1, b, i, il); if (req(r1, R)) goto Load; r = iins(cls, Oor, r, r1, il); } if (msk == msks) cast(&r, sl.cls, il); return r; case MayAlias: if (ld) break; else goto Load; case NoAlias: break; default: die("unreachable"); } } for (ist=ilog; ist<&ilog[nlog]; ++ist) if (ist->isphi && ist->bid == b->id) if (req(ist->new.phi.m.ref, sl.ref)) if (ist->new.phi.m.sz == sl.sz) { r = ist->new.phi.p->to; if (msk != msks) mask(cls, &r, msk, il); else cast(&r, sl.cls, il); return r; } for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) if (killsl(p->to, sl)) /* scanning predecessors in that * case would be unsafe */ goto Load; if (b->npred == 0) goto Load; if (b->npred == 1) { bp = b->pred[0]; assert(bp->loop >= il->blk->loop); l = *il; if (bp->s2) l.type = LNoLoad; r1 = def(sl, msk, bp, 0, &l); if (req(r1, R)) goto Load; return r1; } r = newtmp("ld", sl.cls, curf); p = alloc(sizeof *p); vgrow(&ilog, ++nlog); ist = &ilog[nlog-1]; ist->isphi = 1; ist->bid = b->id; ist->new.phi.m = sl; ist->new.phi.p = p; p->to = r; p->cls = sl.cls; p->narg = b->npred; p->arg = vnew(p->narg, sizeof p->arg[0], Pfn); p->blk = vnew(p->narg, sizeof p->blk[0], Pfn); for (np=0; npnpred; ++np) { bp = b->pred[np]; if (!bp->s2 && il->type != LNoLoad && bp->loop < il->blk->loop) l.type = LLoad; else l.type = LNoLoad; l.blk = bp; l.off = bp->nins; r1 = def(sl, msks, bp, 0, &l); if (req(r1, R)) goto Load; p->arg[np] = r1; p->blk[np] = bp; } if (msk != msks) mask(cls, &r, msk, il); return r; } static int icmp(const void *pa, const void *pb) { Insert *a, *b; int c; a = (Insert *)pa; b = (Insert *)pb; if ((c = a->bid - b->bid)) return c; if (a->isphi && b->isphi) return 0; if (a->isphi) return -1; if (b->isphi) return +1; if ((c = a->off - b->off)) return c; return a->num - b->num; } /* require rpo ssa alias */ void loadopt(Fn *fn) { Ins *i, *ib; Blk *b; int sz; uint n, ni, ext, nt; Insert *ist; Slice sl; Loc l; curf = fn; ilog = vnew(0, sizeof ilog[0], Pheap); nlog = 0; inum = 0; for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; ++i) { if (!isload(i->op)) continue; sz = loadsz(i); sl = (Slice){i->arg[0], sz, i->cls}; l = (Loc){LRoot, i-b->ins, b}; i->arg[1] = def(sl, MASK(sz), b, i, &l); } qsort(ilog, nlog, sizeof ilog[0], icmp); vgrow(&ilog, nlog+1); ilog[nlog].bid = fn->nblk; /* add a sentinel */ ib = vnew(0, sizeof(Ins), Pheap); for (ist=ilog, n=0; nnblk; ++n) { b = fn->rpo[n]; for (; ist->bid == n && ist->isphi; ++ist) { ist->new.phi.p->link = b->phi; b->phi = ist->new.phi.p; } ni = 0; nt = 0; for (;;) { if (ist->bid == n && ist->off == ni) i = &ist++->new.ins; else { if (ni == b->nins) break; i = &b->ins[ni++]; if (isload(i->op) && !req(i->arg[1], R)) { ext = Oextsb + i->op - Oloadsb; switch (i->op) { default: die("unreachable"); case Oloadsb: case Oloadub: case Oloadsh: case Oloaduh: i->op = ext; break; case Oloadsw: case Oloaduw: if (i->cls == Kl) { i->op = ext; break; } /* fall through */ case Oload: i->op = Ocopy; break; } i->arg[0] = i->arg[1]; i->arg[1] = R; } } vgrow(&ib, ++nt); ib[nt-1] = *i; } b->nins = nt; idup(&b->ins, ib, nt); } vfree(ib); vfree(ilog); if (debug['M']) { fprintf(stderr, "\n> After load elimination:\n"); printfn(fn, stderr); } }