#include "all.h" typedef struct Range Range; typedef struct Slot Slot; /* require use, maintains use counts */ void promote(Fn *fn) { Blk *b; Ins *i, *l; Tmp *t; Use *u, *ue; int s, k; /* promote uniform stack slots to temporaries */ b = fn->start; for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) { if (Oalloc > i->op || i->op > Oalloc1) continue; /* specific to NAlign == 3 */ assert(rtype(i->to) == RTmp); t = &fn->tmp[i->to.val]; if (t->ndef != 1) goto Skip; k = -1; s = -1; for (u=t->use; u<&t->use[t->nuse]; u++) { if (u->type != UIns) goto Skip; l = u->u.ins; if (isload(l->op)) if (s == -1 || s == loadsz(l)) { s = loadsz(l); continue; } if (isstore(l->op)) if (req(i->to, l->arg[1]) && !req(i->to, l->arg[0])) if (s == -1 || s == storesz(l)) if (k == -1 || k == optab[l->op].argcls[0][0]) { s = storesz(l); k = optab[l->op].argcls[0][0]; continue; } goto Skip; } /* get rid of the alloc and replace uses */ *i = (Ins){.op = Onop}; t->ndef--; ue = &t->use[t->nuse]; for (u=t->use; u!=ue; u++) { l = u->u.ins; if (isstore(l->op)) { l->cls = k; l->op = Ocopy; l->to = l->arg[1]; l->arg[1] = R; t->nuse--; t->ndef++; } else { if (k == -1) err("slot %%%s is read but never stored to", fn->tmp[l->arg[0].val].name); /* try to turn loads into copies so we * can eliminate them later */ switch(l->op) { case Oloadsw: case Oloaduw: if (k == Kl) goto Extend; /* fall through */ case Oload: if (KBASE(k) != KBASE(l->cls)) l->op = Ocast; else l->op = Ocopy; break; default: Extend: l->op = Oextsb + (l->op - Oloadsb); break; } } } Skip:; } if (debug['M']) { fprintf(stderr, "\n> After slot promotion:\n"); printfn(fn, stderr); } } /* [a, b) with 0 <= a */ struct Range { int a, b; }; struct Slot { int t; int sz; bits m; bits l; Range r; Slot *s; }; static inline int rin(Range r, int n) { return r.a <= n && n < r.b; } static inline int rovlap(Range r0, Range r1) { return r0.b && r1.b && r0.a < r1.b && r1.a < r0.b; } static void radd(Range *r, int n) { if (!r->b) *r = (Range){n, n+1}; else if (n < r->a) r->a = n; else if (n >= r->b) r->b = n+1; } static int slot(Slot **ps, int64_t *off, Ref r, Fn *fn, Slot *sl) { Alias a; Tmp *t; getalias(&a, r, fn); if (a.type != ALoc) return 0; t = &fn->tmp[a.base]; if (t->visit < 0) return 0; *off = a.offset; *ps = &sl[t->visit]; return 1; } static void memr(Ref r, bits x, int ip, Fn *fn, Slot *sl) { int64_t off; Slot *s; if (slot(&s, &off, r, fn, sl)) { s->l |= x << off; s->l &= s->m; if (s->l) radd(&s->r, ip); } } static void memw(Ref r, bits x, int ip, Fn *fn, Slot *sl) { int64_t off; Slot *s; if (slot(&s, &off, r, fn, sl)) { if (s->l) radd(&s->r, ip); s->l &= ~(x << off); } } static int scmp(const void *pa, const void *pb) { Slot *a, *b; a = (Slot *)pa, b = (Slot *)pb; if (a->sz != b->sz) return b->sz - a->sz; return a->r.a - b->r.a; } static void maxrpo(Blk *hd, Blk *b) { if (hd->loop < (int)b->id) hd->loop = b->id; } void coalesce(Fn *fn) { Range r, *br; Slot *s, *s0, *sl; Blk *b, **ps, *succ[3]; Ins *i; Use *u; Tmp *t; Ref *arg; bits x; int n, m, nsl, ip, *kill; uint total, freed, fused; /* minimize the stack usage * by coalescing slots */ nsl = 0; sl = vnew(0, sizeof sl[0], PHeap); for (n=Tmp0; nntmp; n++) { t = &fn->tmp[n]; t->visit = -1; if (t->alias.type == ALoc) if (t->alias.slot == &t->alias) if (t->alias.u.loc.sz != -1) { t->visit = nsl; vgrow(&sl, ++nsl); s = &sl[nsl-1]; s->t = n; s->sz = t->alias.u.loc.sz; s->m = t->alias.u.loc.m; s->s = 0; } } /* one-pass liveness analysis */ for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) b->loop = -1; loopiter(fn, maxrpo); br = vnew(fn->nblk, sizeof br[0], PHeap); ip = INT_MAX - 1; for (n=fn->nblk-1; n>=0; n--) { b = fn->rpo[n]; succ[0] = b->s1; succ[1] = b->s2; succ[2] = 0; br[n].b = ip--; for (s=sl; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) { s->l = 0; for (ps=succ; *ps; ps++) { m = (*ps)->id; if (m > n && rin(s->r, br[m].a)) { s->l = s->m; radd(&s->r, ip); } } } for (i=&b->ins[b->nins]; i!=b->ins;) { arg = (--i)->arg; if (i->op == Oargc) { memr(arg[1], -1, --ip, fn, sl); } if (isload(i->op)) { x = BIT(loadsz(i)) - 1; memr(arg[0], x, --ip, fn, sl); } if (isstore(i->op)) { x = BIT(storesz(i)) - 1; memw(arg[1], x, ip--, fn, sl); } } for (s=sl; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) if (s->l) { radd(&s->r, ip); if (b->loop != -1) { assert(b->loop > n); radd(&s->r, br[b->loop].b - 1); } } br[n].a = ip; } vfree(br); /* kill slots with an empty live range */ total = 0; freed = 0; kill = vnew(0, sizeof kill[0], PHeap); n = 0; for (s=s0=sl; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) { total += s->sz; if (!s->r.b) { vgrow(&kill, ++n); kill[n-1] = s->t; freed += s->sz; } else *s0++ = *s; } nsl = s0-sl; if (debug['M']) { fputs("\n> Slot coalescing:\n", stderr); if (n) { fputs("\tDEAD", stderr); for (m=0; mtmp[kill[m]].name); fputc('\n', stderr); } } while (n--) { t = &fn->tmp[kill[n]]; assert(t->ndef == 1 && t->ins); *t->ins = (Ins){.op = Onop}; for (u=t->use; u<&t->use[t->nuse]; u++) { assert(u->type == UIns); i = u->u.ins; if (!req(i->to, R)) { assert(rtype(i->to) == RTmp); vgrow(&kill, ++n); kill[n-1] = i->to.val; } else *i = (Ins){.op = Onop}; } } vfree(kill); /* fuse slots by decreasing size */ qsort(sl, nsl, sizeof *sl, scmp); fused = 0; for (n=0; ns) continue; s0->s = s0; r = s0->r; for (s=s0+1; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) { if (s->s || !s->r.b) goto Skip; if (rovlap(r, s->r)) /* O(n^2) can be approximated * by 'goto Skip;' if need be */ for (m=n; &sl[m]r)) goto Skip; radd(&r, s->r.a); radd(&r, s->r.b - 1); s->s = s0; fused += s->sz; Skip:; } } /* substitute fused slots */ for (s=sl; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) { if (s->s == s) continue; t = &fn->tmp[s->t]; assert(t->ndef == 1 && t->ins); *t->ins = (Ins){.op = Onop}; for (u=t->use; u<&t->use[t->nuse]; u++) { assert(u->type == UIns); arg = u->u.ins->arg; for (n=0; n<2; n++) if (req(arg[n], TMP(s->t))) arg[n] = TMP(s->s->t); } } if (debug['M']) { for (s0=sl; s0<&sl[nsl]; s0++) { if (s0->s != s0) continue; fprintf(stderr, "\tLOCL (% 3db) %s:", s0->sz, fn->tmp[s0->t].name); for (s=s0; s<&sl[nsl]; s++) { if (s->s != s0) continue; fprintf(stderr, " %%%s", fn->tmp[s->t].name); if (s->r.b) fprintf(stderr, "[%d,%d)", s->r.a-ip, s->r.b-ip); else fputs("{}", stderr); } fputc('\n', stderr); } fprintf(stderr, "\tSUMS %u/%u/%u (freed/fused/total)\n\n", freed, fused, total); printfn(fn, stderr); } vfree(sl); }