%{ #include #include #include #include enum { NString = 32, NGlo = 256, NVar = 512, NStr = 256, }; enum { /* minic types */ NIL, INT, LNG, PTR, FUN, }; #define IDIR(x) (((x) << 3) + PTR) #define FUNC(x) (((x) << 3) + FUN) #define DREF(x) ((x) >> 3) #define KIND(x) ((x) & 7) #define SIZE(x) \ (x == NIL ? (die("void has no size"), 0) : \ x == INT ? 4 : 8) typedef struct Node Node; typedef struct Symb Symb; typedef struct Stmt Stmt; struct Symb { enum { Con, Tmp, Var, Glo, } t; union { int n; char v[NString]; } u; unsigned long ctyp; }; struct Node { char op; union { int n; char v[NString]; Symb s; } u; Node *l, *r; }; struct Stmt { enum { If, While, Seq, Expr, Break, Ret, } t; void *p1, *p2, *p3; }; int yylex(void), yyerror(char *); Symb expr(Node *), lval(Node *); void bool(Node *, int, int); FILE *of; int line; int lbl, tmp, nglo; char *ini[NGlo]; struct { char v[NString]; unsigned ctyp; int glo; } varh[NVar]; void die(char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "error:%d: %s\n", line, s); exit(1); } void * alloc(size_t s) { void *p; p = malloc(s); if (!p) die("out of memory"); return p; } unsigned hash(char *s) { unsigned h; h = 42; while (*s) h += 11 * h + *s++; return h % NVar; } void varclr() { unsigned h; for (h=0; ht = Tmp; s->ctyp = LNG; s->u.n = tmp++; } unsigned prom(int op, Symb *l, Symb *r) { Symb *t; int sz; if (l->ctyp == r->ctyp && KIND(l->ctyp) != PTR) return l->ctyp; if (l->ctyp == LNG && r->ctyp == INT) { sext(r); return LNG; } if (l->ctyp == INT && r->ctyp == LNG) { sext(l); return LNG; } if (op == '+') { if (KIND(r->ctyp) == PTR) { t = l; l = r; r = t; } if (KIND(r->ctyp) == PTR) die("pointers added"); goto Scale; } if (op == '-') { if (KIND(l->ctyp) != PTR) die("pointer substracted from integer"); if (KIND(r->ctyp) != PTR) goto Scale; if (l->ctyp != r->ctyp) die("non-homogeneous pointers in substraction"); return LNG; } Scale: sz = SIZE(DREF(l->ctyp)); if (r->t == Con) r->u.n *= sz; else { if (irtyp(r->ctyp) != 'l') sext(r); fprintf(of, "\t%%t%d =l mul %d, ", tmp, sz); psymb(*r); fprintf(of, "\n"); r->u.n = tmp++; } return l->ctyp; } void load(Symb d, Symb s) { char t; fprintf(of, "\t"); psymb(d); t = irtyp(d.ctyp); fprintf(of, " =%c load%c ", t, t); psymb(s); fprintf(of, "\n"); } void call(Node *n, Symb *sr) { Node *a; char *f; unsigned ft; f = n->l->u.v; if (varget(f)) { ft = varget(f)->ctyp; if (KIND(ft) != FUN) die("invalid call"); } else ft = FUNC(INT); sr->ctyp = DREF(ft); for (a=n->r; a; a=a->r) a->u.s = expr(a->l); fprintf(of, "\t"); psymb(*sr); fprintf(of, " =%c call $%s(", irtyp(sr->ctyp), f); a = n->r; if (a) for (;;) { fprintf(of, "%c ", irtyp(a->u.s.ctyp)); psymb(a->u.s); a = a->r; if (a) fprintf(of, ", "); else break; } fprintf(of, ")\n"); } Symb expr(Node *n) { static char *otoa[] = { ['+'] = "add", ['-'] = "sub", ['*'] = "mul", ['/'] = "div", ['%'] = "rem", ['&'] = "and", ['<'] = "cslt", /* meeeeh, wrong for pointers! */ ['l'] = "csle", ['e'] = "ceq", ['n'] = "cne", }; Symb sr, s0, s1, sl; int o, l; char ty[2]; sr.t = Tmp; sr.u.n = tmp++; switch (n->op) { case 0: abort(); case 'o': case 'a': l = lbl; lbl += 3; bool(n, l, l+1); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l); fprintf(of, "\tjmp @l%d\n", l+2); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+1); fprintf(of, "\tjmp @l%d\n", l+2); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+2); fprintf(of, "\t"); sr.ctyp = INT; psymb(sr); fprintf(of, " =w phi @l%d 1, @l%d 0\n", l, l+1); break; case 'V': s0 = lval(n); sr.ctyp = s0.ctyp; load(sr, s0); break; case 'N': sr.t = Con; sr.u.n = n->u.n; sr.ctyp = INT; break; case 'S': sr.t = Glo; sr.u.n = n->u.n; sr.ctyp = IDIR(INT); break; case 'C': call(n, &sr); break; case '@': s0 = expr(n->l); if (KIND(s0.ctyp) != PTR) die("dereference of a non-pointer"); sr.ctyp = DREF(s0.ctyp); load(sr, s0); break; case 'A': sr = lval(n->l); sr.ctyp = IDIR(sr.ctyp); break; case '=': s0 = expr(n->r); s1 = lval(n->l); sr = s0; if (s1.ctyp == LNG && s0.ctyp == INT) sext(&s0); if (s0.ctyp != IDIR(NIL) || KIND(s1.ctyp) != PTR) if (s1.ctyp != IDIR(NIL) || KIND(s0.ctyp) != PTR) if (s1.ctyp != s0.ctyp) die("invalid assignment"); fprintf(of, "\tstore%c ", irtyp(s1.ctyp)); goto Args; case 'P': case 'M': o = n->op == 'P' ? '+' : '-'; sl = lval(n->l); s0.t = Tmp; s0.u.n = tmp++; s0.ctyp = sl.ctyp; load(s0, sl); s1.t = Con; s1.u.n = 1; s1.ctyp = INT; goto Binop; default: s0 = expr(n->l); s1 = expr(n->r); o = n->op; Binop: sr.ctyp = prom(o, &s0, &s1); if (strchr("neop)) { sprintf(ty, "%c", irtyp(sr.ctyp)); sr.ctyp = INT; } else strcpy(ty, ""); fprintf(of, "\t"); psymb(sr); fprintf(of, " =%c", irtyp(sr.ctyp)); fprintf(of, " %s%s ", otoa[o], ty); Args: psymb(s0); fprintf(of, ", "); psymb(s1); fprintf(of, "\n"); break; } if (n->op == '-' && KIND(s0.ctyp) == PTR && KIND(s1.ctyp) == PTR) { fprintf(of, "\t%%t%d =l div ", tmp); psymb(sr); fprintf(of, ", %d\n", SIZE(DREF(s0.ctyp))); sr.u.n = tmp++; } if (n->op == 'P' || n->op == 'M') { fprintf(of, "\tstore%c ", irtyp(sl.ctyp)); psymb(sr); fprintf(of, ", "); psymb(sl); fprintf(of, "\n"); sr = s0; } return sr; } Symb lval(Node *n) { Symb sr; switch (n->op) { default: die("invalid lvalue"); case 'V': if (!varget(n->u.v)) die("undefined variable"); sr = *varget(n->u.v); break; case '@': sr = expr(n->l); if (KIND(sr.ctyp) != PTR) die("dereference of a non-pointer"); sr.ctyp = DREF(sr.ctyp); break; } return sr; } void bool(Node *n, int lt, int lf) { Symb s; int l; switch (n->op) { default: s = expr(n); /* TODO: insert comparison to 0 with proper type */ fprintf(of, "\tjnz "); psymb(s); fprintf(of, ", @l%d, @l%d\n", lt, lf); break; case 'o': l = lbl; lbl += 1; bool(n->l, lt, l); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l); bool(n->r, lt, lf); break; case 'a': l = lbl; lbl += 1; bool(n->l, l, lf); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l); bool(n->r, lt, lf); break; } } int stmt(Stmt *s, int b) { int l, r; Symb x; if (!s) return 0; switch (s->t) { case Ret: x = expr(s->p1); fprintf(of, "\tret "); psymb(x); fprintf(of, "\n"); return 1; case Break: if (b < 0) die("break not in loop"); fprintf(of, "\tjmp @l%d\n", b); return 1; case Expr: expr(s->p1); return 0; case Seq: return stmt(s->p1, b) || stmt(s->p2, b); case If: l = lbl; lbl += 3; bool(s->p1, l, l+1); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l); if (!(r=stmt(s->p2, b))) if (s->p3) fprintf(of, "\tjmp @l%d\n", l+2); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+1); if (s->p3) if (!(r &= stmt(s->p3, b))) fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+2); return s->p3 && r; case While: l = lbl; lbl += 3; fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l); bool(s->p1, l+1, l+2); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+1); if (!stmt(s->p2, l+2)) fprintf(of, "\tjmp @l%d\n", l); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", l+2); return 0; } } Node * mknode(char op, Node *l, Node *r) { Node *n; n = alloc(sizeof *n); n->op = op; n->l = l; n->r = r; return n; } Node * mkidx(Node *a, Node *i) { Node *n; n = mknode('+', a, i); n = mknode('@', n, 0); return n; } Node * mkneg(Node *n) { static Node *z; if (!z) { z = mknode('N', 0, 0); z->u.n = 0; } return mknode('-', z, n); } Stmt * mkstmt(int t, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { Stmt *s; s = alloc(sizeof *s); s->t = t; s->p1 = p1; s->p2 = p2; s->p3 = p3; return s; } Node * param(char *v, unsigned ctyp, Node *pl) { Node *n; if (ctyp == NIL) die("invalid void declaration"); n = mknode(0, 0, pl); varadd(v, 0, ctyp); strcpy(n->u.v, v); return n; } Stmt * mkfor(Node *ini, Node *tst, Node *inc, Stmt *s) { Stmt *s1, *s2; if (ini) s1 = mkstmt(Expr, ini, 0, 0); else s1 = 0; if (inc) { s2 = mkstmt(Expr, inc, 0, 0); s2 = mkstmt(Seq, s, s2, 0); } else s2 = s; if (!tst) { tst = mknode('N', 0, 0); tst->u.n = 1; } s2 = mkstmt(While, tst, s2, 0); if (s1) return mkstmt(Seq, s1, s2, 0); else return s2; } %} %union { Node *n; Stmt *s; unsigned u; } %token NUM %token STR %token IDENT %token PP MM LE GE SIZEOF %token TVOID TINT TLNG %token IF ELSE WHILE FOR BREAK RETURN %right '=' %left OR %left AND %left '&' %left EQ NE %left '<' '>' LE GE %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %type type %type stmt stmts %type expr exp0 pref post arg0 arg1 par0 par1 %% prog: func prog | fdcl prog | idcl prog | ; fdcl: type IDENT '(' ')' ';' { varadd($2->u.v, 1, FUNC($1)); }; idcl: type IDENT ';' { if ($1 == NIL) die("invalid void declaration"); if (nglo == NGlo) die("too many string literals"); ini[nglo] = alloc(sizeof "{ x 0 }"); sprintf(ini[nglo], "{ %c 0 }", irtyp($1)); varadd($2->u.v, nglo++, $1); }; init: { varclr(); tmp = 0; }; func: init prot '{' dcls stmts '}' { if (!stmt($5, -1)) fprintf(of, "\tret 0\n"); fprintf(of, "}\n\n"); }; prot: IDENT '(' par0 ')' { Symb *s; Node *n; int t, m; varadd($1->u.v, 1, FUNC(INT)); fprintf(of, "function w $%s(", $1->u.v); n = $3; if (n) for (;;) { s = varget(n->u.v); fprintf(of, "%c ", irtyp(s->ctyp)); fprintf(of, "%%t%d", tmp++); n = n->r; if (n) fprintf(of, ", "); else break; } fprintf(of, ") {\n"); fprintf(of, "@l%d\n", lbl++); for (t=0, n=$3; n; t++, n=n->r) { s = varget(n->u.v); m = SIZE(s->ctyp); fprintf(of, "\t%%%s =l alloc%d %d\n", n->u.v, m, m); fprintf(of, "\tstore%c %%t%d", irtyp(s->ctyp), t); fprintf(of, ", %%%s\n", n->u.v); } }; par0: par1 | { $$ = 0; } ; par1: type IDENT ',' par1 { $$ = param($2->u.v, $1, $4); } | type IDENT { $$ = param($2->u.v, $1, 0); } ; dcls: | dcls type IDENT ';' { int s; char *v; if ($2 == NIL) die("invalid void declaration"); v = $3->u.v; s = SIZE($2); varadd(v, 0, $2); fprintf(of, "\t%%%s =l alloc%d %d\n", v, s, s); }; type: type '*' { $$ = IDIR($1); } | TINT { $$ = INT; } | TLNG { $$ = LNG; } | TVOID { $$ = NIL; } ; stmt: ';' { $$ = 0; } | '{' stmts '}' { $$ = $2; } | BREAK ';' { $$ = mkstmt(Break, 0, 0, 0); } | RETURN expr ';' { $$ = mkstmt(Ret, $2, 0, 0); } | expr ';' { $$ = mkstmt(Expr, $1, 0, 0); } | WHILE '(' expr ')' stmt { $$ = mkstmt(While, $3, $5, 0); } | IF '(' expr ')' stmt ELSE stmt { $$ = mkstmt(If, $3, $5, $7); } | IF '(' expr ')' stmt { $$ = mkstmt(If, $3, $5, 0); } | FOR '(' exp0 ';' exp0 ';' exp0 ')' stmt { $$ = mkfor($3, $5, $7, $9); } ; stmts: stmts stmt { $$ = mkstmt(Seq, $1, $2, 0); } | { $$ = 0; } ; expr: pref | expr '=' expr { $$ = mknode('=', $1, $3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = mknode('+', $1, $3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = mknode('-', $1, $3); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = mknode('*', $1, $3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = mknode('/', $1, $3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = mknode('%', $1, $3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = mknode('<', $1, $3); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = mknode('<', $3, $1); } | expr LE expr { $$ = mknode('l', $1, $3); } | expr GE expr { $$ = mknode('l', $3, $1); } | expr EQ expr { $$ = mknode('e', $1, $3); } | expr NE expr { $$ = mknode('n', $1, $3); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = mknode('&', $1, $3); } | expr AND expr { $$ = mknode('a', $1, $3); } | expr OR expr { $$ = mknode('o', $1, $3); } ; exp0: expr | { $$ = 0; } ; pref: post | '-' pref { $$ = mkneg($2); } | '*' pref { $$ = mknode('@', $2, 0); } | '&' pref { $$ = mknode('A', $2, 0); } ; post: NUM | STR | IDENT | SIZEOF '(' type ')' { $$ = mknode('N', 0, 0); $$->u.n = SIZE($3); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | IDENT '(' arg0 ')' { $$ = mknode('C', $1, $3); } | post '[' expr ']' { $$ = mkidx($1, $3); } | post PP { $$ = mknode('P', $1, 0); } | post MM { $$ = mknode('M', $1, 0); } ; arg0: arg1 | { $$ = 0; } ; arg1: expr { $$ = mknode(0, $1, 0); } | expr ',' arg1 { $$ = mknode(0, $1, $3); } ; %% int yylex() { struct { char *s; int t; } kwds[] = { { "void", TVOID }, { "int", TINT }, { "long", TLNG }, { "if", IF }, { "else", ELSE }, { "for", FOR }, { "while", WHILE }, { "return", RETURN }, { "break", BREAK }, { "sizeof", SIZEOF }, { 0, 0 } }; int i, c, c1, n; char v[NString], *p; do { c = getchar(); if (c == '#') while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') ; if (c == '\n') line++; } while (isspace(c)); if (c == EOF) return 0; if (isdigit(c)) { n = 0; do { n *= 10; n += c-'0'; c = getchar(); } while (isdigit(c)); ungetc(c, stdin); yylval.n = mknode('N', 0, 0); yylval.n->u.n = n; return NUM; } if (isalpha(c)) { p = v; do { if (p == &v[NString-1]) die("ident too long"); *p++ = c; c = getchar(); } while (isalpha(c) || c == '_'); *p = 0; ungetc(c, stdin); for (i=0; kwds[i].s; i++) if (strcmp(v, kwds[i].s) == 0) return kwds[i].t; yylval.n = mknode('V', 0, 0); strcpy(yylval.n->u.v, v); return IDENT; } if (c == '"') { i = 0; n = 32; p = alloc(n); strcpy(p, "{ b \""); for (i=5;; i++) { c = getchar(); if (c == EOF) die("unclosed string literal"); if (i+8 >= n) { p = memcpy(alloc(n*2), p, n); n *= 2; } p[i] = c; if (c == '"' && p[i-1]!='\\') break; } strcpy(&p[i], "\", b 0 }"); if (nglo == NGlo) die("too many globals"); ini[nglo] = p; yylval.n = mknode('S', 0, 0); yylval.n->u.n = nglo++; return STR; } c1 = getchar(); #define DI(a, b) a + b*256 switch (DI(c,c1)) { case DI('!','='): return NE; case DI('=','='): return EQ; case DI('<','='): return LE; case DI('>','='): return GE; case DI('+','+'): return PP; case DI('-','-'): return MM; case DI('&','&'): return AND; case DI('|','|'): return OR; } #undef DI ungetc(c1, stdin); return c; } int yyerror(char *err) { die("parse error"); return 0; } int main() { int i; of = stdout; nglo = 1; if (yyparse() != 0) die("parse error"); for (i=1; i