/*% clang -g -Wall -Wextra % -o # * miniyacc - LALR(1) grammars for C * See LICENSE for copyright and license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef int Sym; typedef struct Rule Rule; typedef struct TSet TSet; typedef struct Info Info; typedef struct Term Term; typedef struct Item Item; typedef struct Row Row; #define S ((Sym) -1) #define Red(n) (- (n+2)) /* involutive, Red(Red(x)) == x */ #define GetBit(s,n) (s[n/32] & (1<<(n%32))) #define SetBit(s,n) (s[n/32] |= 1<<(n%32)) enum { IdntSz = 64, MaxRhs = 32, MaxTk = 500, MaxNt = 500, MaxRl = 800, MaxTm = 1000, TSetSz = (MaxTk+31)/32, Sym0 = MaxTk }; struct Rule { Sym lhs; Sym rhs[MaxRhs]; char *act; int actln; int prec; }; struct TSet { unsigned t[TSetSz]; }; struct Info { int nul; TSet fst; int prec; enum { ANone, ALeft, ARight, ANonassoc } assoc; char name[IdntSz]; char type[IdntSz]; }; struct Term { Rule *rule; int dot; TSet lk; }; struct Item { int id; int nt; Term ts[MaxTm]; Item **gtbl; int dirty; }; struct Row { int def; int ndef; int *t; }; char srs[] = "shift/reduce conflict state %d token %s\n"; char rrs[] = "reduce/reduce conflict state %d token %s\n"; Item i0; /* temporary item */ int nrl, nsy, nst, ntk; Rule rs[MaxRl]; /* grammar rules (ordered, rcmp) */ Info is[MaxTk+MaxNt]; /* symbol information */ Item **st; /* LALR(1) states (ordered, icmp) */ Row *as; /* action table [state][tok] */ Row *gs; /* goto table [sym][state] */ Sym sstart;/* start symbol */ Item *ini; /* initial state */ int doty; /* type-checking enabled */ int srconf, rrconf; int actsz; int *act; int *chk; int *adsp; int *gdsp; int lineno = 1; char *srca; FILE *fin; FILE *fout; FILE *fgrm; FILE *fhdr; void die(char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (on line %d)\n", s, lineno); exit(1); } void * yalloc(size_t n, size_t o) { void *p; p = calloc(n, o); if (!p) die("out of memory"); return p; } int rcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((Rule *)a)->lhs - ((Rule *)b)->lhs; } Rule * rfind(Sym lhs) { Rule *r; Rule k; k.lhs = lhs; r = bsearch(&k, rs, nrl, sizeof *r, rcmp); if (r != 0) while (r > rs && r[-1].lhs == lhs) r--; return r; } int slen(Sym *l) { int n; for (n=0; *l!=S; n++, l++); return n; } void tszero(TSet *ts) { memset(ts, 0, sizeof *ts); } int tsunion(TSet *tsa, TSet *tsb) { int n; unsigned *a, *b, c, t; c = 0; a = tsa->t; b = tsb->t; n = (31+ntk)/32; while (n-- > 0) { t = *a; *a |= *b++; c |= t ^ *a++; } return !!c; } void first(TSet *ts, Sym *stnc, TSet *last) { Sym f; f = stnc[0]; if (f == S) { if (last) tsunion(ts, last); return; } if (f < ntk) { SetBit(ts->t, f); return; } if (is[f].nul) first(ts, stnc+1, last); tsunion(ts, &is[f].fst); } void ginit() { int chg; Rule *r; Info *i; Sym *s; TSet ts; do { chg = 0; for (r=rs; r-rslhs]; for (s=r->rhs; *s!=S; s++) if (!is[*s].nul) goto nonul; chg |= i->nul == 0; i->nul = 1; nonul: tszero(&ts); first(&ts, r->rhs, 0); chg |= tsunion(&i->fst, &ts); } } while (chg); } int tcmp(Term *a, Term *b) { int c; c = a->rule - b->rule; if (c==0) c = a->dot - b->dot; return c; } int tcmpv(const void *a, const void *b) { return tcmp((Term *)a, (Term *)b); } void iclose(Item *i) { int smap[MaxNt]; Rule *r; Term *t, t1; Sym s, *rem; int chg, n, m; t1.dot = 0; memset(smap, 0, sizeof smap); for (n=0; nnt; n++) { t = &i->ts[n]; s = t->rule->lhs-Sym0; if (t->dot==0) if (smap[s]==0) smap[s] = n; } do { chg = 0; for (n=0; nnt; n++) { t = &i->ts[n]; rem = &t->rule->rhs[t->dot]; s = *rem++; if (s < Sym0 || s == S) continue; r = rfind(s); if (!r) die("some non-terminals are not defined"); tszero(&t1.lk); first(&t1.lk, rem, &t->lk); m = smap[s-Sym0]; if (m) for (; r-rslhs==s; r++, m++) chg |= tsunion(&i->ts[m].lk, &t1.lk); else { m = i->nt; smap[s-Sym0] = m; for (; r-rslhs==s; r++, m++) { if (m>=MaxTm) die("too many terms in item"); t1.rule = r; i->ts[m] = t1; } i->nt = m; chg = 1; } } } while (chg); } void igoto(Item *i, Sym s) { Term *t, *t1; int n; i0.nt = 0; for (n=0, t=i->ts; nnt; n++, t++) { if (t->rule->rhs[t->dot] != s) continue; t1 = &i0.ts[i0.nt++]; *t1 = *t; t1->dot++; } qsort(i0.ts, i0.nt, sizeof i0.ts[0], tcmpv); } int icmp(Item *a, Item *b) { Term *ta, *tb, *ma, *mb; int c; ta = a->ts; tb = b->ts; ma = ta+a->nt; mb = tb+b->nt; for (;;) { if (ta==ma || ta->dot==0) return -(tbdot); if (tb==mb || tb->dot==0) return +(tadot); if ((c=tcmp(ta++, tb++))) return c; } } int stadd(Item **pi) { Item *i, *i1; int lo, hi, mid, n, chg; /* http://www.iq0.com/duffgram/bsearch.c */ i = *pi; lo = 0; hi = nst - 1; if (hi<0 || icmp(i, st[hi])>0) hi++; else if (icmp(i, st[lo])<=0) hi = lo; else while (hi-lo!=1) { mid = (lo+hi)/2; if (icmp(st[mid], i)<0) lo = mid; else hi = mid; } if (hint; n++) chg |= tsunion(&i1->ts[n].lk, &i->ts[n].lk); i1->dirty |= chg; *pi = i1; return chg; } else { st = realloc(st, ++nst * sizeof st[0]); if (!st) die("out of memory"); memmove(&st[hi+1], &st[hi], (nst-1 - hi) * sizeof st[0]); i->gtbl = yalloc(nsy, sizeof i->gtbl[0]); i->dirty = 1; i1 = yalloc(1, sizeof *i1); *i1 = *i; *pi = st[hi] = i1; return 1; } } void stgen() { Sym s; Rule *r; Item *i, *i1; Term tini; int n, chg; ini = &i0; r = rfind(Sym0); tini.rule = r; tini.dot = 0; tszero(&tini.lk); SetBit(tini.lk.t, 0); i0.nt = 0; i0.ts[i0.nt++] = tini; stadd(&ini); do { chg = 0; for (n=0; ndirty) continue; i->dirty = 0; iclose(i); for (s=0; snt) { i->gtbl[s] = 0; continue; } chg |= stadd(&i1); i->gtbl[s] = i1; } } } while (chg); } int resolve(Rule *r, Sym s, int st) { if (!r->prec || !is[s].prec) { conflict: if (fgrm) fprintf(fgrm, srs, st, is[s].name); srconf++; return ARight; } if (r->prec==is[s].prec) { if (is[s].assoc == ANone) goto conflict; return is[s].assoc; } else if (r->precrule->rhs[t->dot]; if (s!=S) { /* shift */ if (s>=ntk) return; assert(i->gtbl[s]); act = ARight; if (tbl[s] && tbl[s] != i->gtbl[s]->id) { assert(tbl[s]<=0); act = resolve(&rs[Red(tbl[s])], s, i->id-1); } switch (act) { case ARight: tbl[s] = i->gtbl[s]->id; break; case ANonassoc: tbl[s] = -1; break; } } else /* reduce */ for (s=0; slk.t, s)) continue; /* default to shift if conflict occurs */ if (!tbl[s]) act = ALeft; else if (tbl[s]<0) { if (fgrm) fprintf(fgrm, rrs, i->id-1, is[s].name); rrconf++; act = ARight; } else act = resolve(t->rule, s, i->id-1); switch (act) { case ALeft: tbl[s] = Red(t->rule-rs); break; case ANonassoc: tbl[s] = -1; break; } } } void setdef(Row *r, int w, int top) { int n, m, x, cnt, def, max; max = 0; def = -1; r->ndef = 0; for (n=0; nt[n]; if (x==0) r->ndef++; if (x>=top || x==0) continue; cnt = 1; for (m=n+1; mt[m]==x) cnt++; if (cnt>max) { def = x; max = cnt; } } r->def = def; if (max!=0) /* zero out the most frequent entry */ for (n=0; nt[n]==def) { r->t[n] = 0; r->ndef++; } } void tblgen() { Row *r; Item *i; int n, m; for (n=0; nid = n+1; as = yalloc(nst, sizeof as[0]); gs = yalloc(nsy-MaxTk, sizeof gs[0]); /* fill action table */ for (n=0; nt = yalloc(ntk, sizeof r->t[0]); for (i=st[n], m=0; mnt; m++) tblset(r->t, i, &i->ts[m]); setdef(r, ntk, -1); r->def = Red(r->def); /* Red(-1) == -1 */ } /* fill goto table */ for (n=MaxTk; nt = yalloc(nst, sizeof r->t[0]); for (m=0; mgtbl[n]) r->t[m] = st[m]->gtbl[n]->id; setdef(r, nst, nst+1); } } int prcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(Row **)a)->ndef - (*(Row **)b)->ndef; } void actgen() { Row **o, *r; int n, m, t, dsp, nnt; actsz = 0; o = yalloc(nst+nsy, sizeof o[0]); act = yalloc(nst*nsy, sizeof act[0]); chk = yalloc(nst*nsy, sizeof chk[0]); adsp = yalloc(nst, sizeof adsp[0]); for (n=0; nt[m]==0; m++) dsp--; retrya: /* The invariant here is even * trickier than it looks. */ for (t=0; t=0 && chk[m]>=0) if ((r->t[t] && (chk[m]!=t || act[m]!=r->t[t])) || (!r->t[t] && chk[m]==t)) { dsp++; goto retrya; } adsp[r-as] = dsp; for (t=0; tt[t]) { chk[dsp+t] = t; act[dsp+t] = r->t[t]; if (dsp+t>=actsz) actsz = dsp+t+1; } } /* fill in gotos */ nnt = nsy-MaxTk; gdsp = yalloc(nnt, sizeof gdsp[0]); for (n=0; nt[m]==0; m++) dsp--; retryg: for (t=m; t=0 && r->t[t]) { dsp++; goto retryg; } gdsp[r-gs] = dsp; for (t=m; tt[t]) { chk[dsp+t] = ntk+(r-gs); act[dsp+t] = r->t[t]; if (dsp+t>=actsz) actsz = dsp+t+1; } } free(o); } void aout(char *name, int *t, int n) { int i; fprintf(fout, "short %s[] = {", name); for (i=0; iid-1); fprintf(fout, "short yyntoks = %d;\n", ntk); o = yalloc(nrl+nst+nsy, sizeof o[0]); for (n=0; n0 || o[n]==-1); if (o[n]>0) o[n]--; } aout("yygdef", o, nsy-MaxTk); aout("yyadsp", adsp, nst); aout("yygdsp", gdsp, nsy-MaxTk); for (n=0; n=0) act[n]--; aout("yyact", act, actsz); aout("yychk", chk, actsz); for (n=0; n<128; n++) { o[n] = 0; for (m=0; m", (int)(r-rs), is[r->lhs].name); for (s1=r->rhs; *s1!=S; s1++) fprintf(fgrm, " %s", is[*s1].name); } fprintf(fgrm, "\n"); for (m=0; mts; t-st[m]->tsnt; t++) { r = t->rule; d = t->dot; if (d==0 && t!=st[m]->ts) continue; fprintf(fgrm, " %s ->", is[r->lhs].name); for (s1=r->rhs; *s1!=S; s1++, d--) fprintf(fgrm, " %s%s", d ? "" : ". ", is[*s1].name); if (!d) fprintf(fgrm, " ."); fprintf(fgrm, "\n"); } fprintf(fgrm, "\n"); ar = &as[m]; for (n=0; nt[n]; if (!act) continue; if (act==-1) fprintf(fgrm, " %s error (nonassoc)\n", is[n].name); else if (act<0) fprintf(fgrm, " %s reduce with rule %d\n", is[n].name, Red(act)); else fprintf(fgrm, " %s shift and go to %d\n", is[n].name, act-1); } if (ar->def != -1) fprintf(fgrm, " * reduce with rule %d\n", ar->def); } } enum { TIdnt, TTokchr, /* 'c' */ TPP, /* %% */ TLL, /* %{ */ TLangle, /* < */ TRangle, /* > */ TSemi, /* ; */ TBar, /* | */ TColon, /* : */ TLBrack, /* { */ TUnion, TType, TToken, TRight, TLeft, TNonassoc, TPrec, TStart, TEof }; struct { char *name; int tok; } words[] = { { "%%", TPP }, { "%union", TUnion }, { "%type", TType }, { "%token", TToken }, { "%right", TRight }, { "%left", TLeft }, { "%nonassoc", TNonassoc }, { "%prec", TPrec }, { "%start", TStart }, { 0, 0 } }; char idnt[IdntSz]; int istok(int c) { return isalnum(c) || c=='_' || c=='%'; } int nexttk() { int n; char c, *p; while (isspace(c=fgetc(fin))) if (c == '\n') lineno++; switch (c) { case '<': return TLangle; case '>': return TRangle; case ';': return TSemi; case '|': return TBar; case ':': return TColon; case '{': return TLBrack; case EOF: return TEof; case '\'': idnt[0] = '\''; idnt[1] = fgetc(fin); idnt[2] = '\''; idnt[3] = 0; if (fgetc(fin)!='\'') die("syntax error, invalid char token"); return TTokchr; } p = idnt; while (istok(c)) { *p++ = c; if (p-idnt >= IdntSz-1) die("identifier too long"); c = fgetc(fin); } *p = 0; if (strcmp(idnt, "%")==0) if (c=='{') return TLL; ungetc(c, fin); for (n=0; words[n].name; n++) if (strcmp(idnt, words[n].name) == 0) return words[n].tok; return TIdnt; } char * cpycode() { int c, nest, len, pos; char *s; len = 64; s = yalloc(len+1, 1); s[0] = '{'; pos = 1; nest = 1; while (nest) { c = fgetc(fin); if (c == '{') nest++; if (c == '}') nest--; if (c == EOF) die("syntax error, unclosed code block"); if (c == '\n') lineno++; if (pos>=len) if (!(s=realloc(s, len=2*len+1))) die("out of memory"); s[pos++] = c; } s[pos] = 0; return s; } int gettype(char *type) { int tk; tk = nexttk(); if (tk==TLangle) { if (nexttk()!=TIdnt) die("syntax error, ident expected after <"); strcpy(type, idnt); if (nexttk()!=TRangle) die("syntax error, unclosed <"); return nexttk(); } else { type[0] = 0; return tk; } } Sym findsy(char *name, int add) { int n; for (n=0; n=MaxTk) die("too many tokens"); ntk++; strcpy(is[n].name, name); return n; } n = MaxTk; } if (strcmp(is[n].name, name)==0) return n; } if (add) { if (nsy>=MaxTk+MaxNt) die("too many non-terminals"); strcpy(is[nsy].name, name); return nsy++; } else return nsy; } void getdecls() { int tk, prec, p, a, c, c1, n; Info *si; char type[IdntSz], *s; strcpy(is[0].name, "$"); ntk = 1; strcpy(is[Sym0].name, "@start"); nsy = MaxTk+1; sstart = S; prec = 0; tk = nexttk(); for (;;) switch (tk) { case TStart: tk = nexttk(); if (tk!=TIdnt) die("syntax error, ident expected after %start"); sstart = findsy(idnt, 1); if (sstart=MaxTk && n=MaxTk) die("too many tokens"); n = ntk++; } si = &is[n]; strcpy(si->name, idnt); strcpy(si->type, type); si->prec = p; si->assoc = a; tk = nexttk(); } break; case TType: tk = gettype(type); if (type[0]==0) die("syntax error, type expected"); while (tk==TIdnt) { si = 0; n = findsy(idnt, 1); if (nname, idnt); strcpy(si->type, type); tk = nexttk(); } break; case TLL: fprintf(fout, "#line %d \"%s\"\n", lineno, srca); for (;;) { c = fgetc(fin); if (c == EOF) die("syntax error, unclosed %{"); if (c == '%') { c1 = fgetc(fin); if (c1 == '}') { fputs("\n", fout); break; } ungetc(c1, fin); } if (c == '\n') lineno++; fputc(c, fout); } tk = nexttk(); break; case TPP: return; case TEof: die("syntax error, unfinished declarations"); default: die("syntax error, declaration expected"); } } void getgram() { extern char *retcode; int tk; Sym hd, *p, s; Rule *r; for (;;) { tk = nexttk(); if (tk==TPP || tk==TEof) { if (sstart==S) die("syntax error, empty grammar"); r = &rs[nrl++]; r->lhs = Sym0; r->rhs[0] = sstart; r->rhs[1] = 0; r->rhs[2] = S; r->act = retcode; qsort(rs, nrl, sizeof rs[0], rcmp); return; } if (tk!=TIdnt) die("syntax error, production rule expected"); if (nexttk()!=TColon) die("syntax error, colon expected after production's head"); hd = findsy(idnt, 1); if (sstart==S) sstart = hd; do { if (nrl>=MaxRl-1) die("too many rules"); r = &rs[nrl++]; r->lhs = hd; r->act = 0; p = r->rhs; while ((tk=nexttk())==TIdnt || tk==TTokchr || tk==TPrec) { if (tk==TPrec) { tk = nexttk(); if (tk!=TIdnt || (s=findsy(idnt, 0))>=ntk) die("token expected after %prec"); r->prec = is[s].prec; continue; } s = findsy(idnt, 1); *p++ = s; if (s0) r->prec = is[s].prec; if (p-r->rhs >= MaxRhs-1) die("production rule too long"); } *p = S; if (tk==TLBrack) { r->actln = lineno; r->act = cpycode(); tk = nexttk(); } } while (tk==TBar); if (tk!=TSemi) die("syntax error, ; or | expected"); } } void actout(Rule *r) { long l; int i, ar; char c, *p, *ty, tya[IdntSz]; ar = slen(r->rhs); p = r->act; i = r->actln; if (!p) return; while ((c=*p++)) switch (c) { case '\n': i++; default: fputc(c, fout); break; case '$': c = *p++; if (c == '$') { fprintf(fout, "yyval"); if (doty) { ty = is[r->lhs].type; if (!ty[0]) { lineno = i; die("$$ has no type"); } fprintf(fout, ".%s", ty); } } else if (c == '<') { ty = tya; while (istok(*p) && ty-tya ar) { lineno = i; die("invalid $n"); } fprintf(fout, "ps[%d].val", (int)l); if (doty) { if (!ty && l>0) ty = is[r->rhs[l-1]].type; if (!ty || !ty[0]) { lineno = i; die("$n has no type"); } fprintf(fout, ".%s", ty); } } } fputs("\n", fout); } void codeout() { extern char *code0[], *code1[]; char **p; Rule *r; int n, c; for (p=code0; *p; p++) fputs(*p, fout); for (n=0; nactln, srca); actout(r); fputs("\t\tbreak;\n", fout); } for (p=code1; *p; p++) fputs(*p, fout); fprintf(fout, "#line %d \"%s\"\n", lineno, srca); while ((c=fgetc(fin))!=EOF) fputc(c, fout); } void init(int ac, char *av[]) { int c, vf, df; char *pref, buf[100], *opt; (void) ac; pref = "y"; vf = df = 0; for (av++; av[0] && av[0][0]=='-'; av++) for (opt = &av[0][1]; (c = *opt); opt++) switch (c) { case 'v': vf = 1; break; case 'd': df = 1; break; case 'b': if ((pref = *++av)) break; default: usage: fputs("usage: myacc [-vd] [-b file_prefix] grammar\n", stderr); exit(1); } if (!(srca = *av)) goto usage; fin = fopen(srca, "r"); if (strlen(pref) + 10 > sizeof buf) die("-b prefix too long"); sprintf(buf, "%s.tab.c", pref); fout = fopen(buf, "w"); if (vf) { sprintf(buf, "%s.output", pref); fgrm = fopen(buf, "w"); } if (df) { sprintf(buf, "%s.tab.h", pref); fhdr = fopen(buf, "w"); if (fhdr) { fprintf(fhdr, "#ifndef Y_TAB_H_\n"); fprintf(fhdr, "#define Y_TAB_H_\n"); } } if (!fin || !fout || (!fgrm && vf) || (!fhdr && df)) die("cannot open work files"); } int main(int ac, char *av[]) { init(ac, av); getdecls(); getgram(); ginit(); stgen(); tblgen(); stdump(); actgen(); tblout(); codeout(); if (srconf) fprintf(stderr, "%d shift/reduce conflicts\n", srconf); if (rrconf) fprintf(stderr, "%d reduce/reduce conflicts\n", rrconf); exit(0); } /* Glorious macros. |sed 's|.*|"&\\n",|' */ char *retcode = "\t\tyyval = ps[1].val; return 0;"; char *code0[] = { "\n", "#ifndef YYSTYPE\n", "#define YYSTYPE int\n", "#endif\n", "YYSTYPE yylval;\n", "\n", "int\n", "yyparse()\n", "{\n", " enum {\n", " StackSize = 100,\n", " ActSz = sizeof yyact / sizeof yyact[0],\n", " };\n", " struct {\n", " YYSTYPE val;\n", " int state;\n", " } stk[StackSize], *ps;\n", " int r, h, n, s, tk;\n", " YYSTYPE yyval;\n", "\n", " ps = stk;\n", " ps->state = s = yyini;\n", " tk = -1;\n", "loop:\n", " n = yyadsp[s];\n", " if (tk < 0 && n > -yyntoks)\n", " tk = yytrns[yylex()];\n", " n += tk;\n", " if (n < 0 || n >= ActSz || yychk[n] != tk) {\n", " r = yyadef[s];\n", " if (r < 0)\n", " return -1;\n", " goto reduce;\n", " }\n", " n = yyact[n];\n", " if (n == -1)\n", " return -1;\n", " if (n < 0) {\n", " r = - (n+2);\n", " goto reduce;\n", " }\n", " tk = -1;\n", " yyval = yylval;\n", "stack:\n", " ps++;\n", " if (ps-stk >= StackSize)\n", " return -2;\n", " s = n;\n", " ps->state = s;\n", " ps->val = yyval;\n", " goto loop;\n", "reduce:\n", " ps -= yyr1[r];\n", " h = yyr2[r];\n", " s = ps->state;\n", " n = yygdsp[h] + s;\n", " if (n < 0 || n >= ActSz || yychk[n] != yyntoks+h)\n", " n = yygdef[h];\n", " else\n", " n = yyact[n];\n", " switch (r) {\n", 0 }; char *code1[] = { " }\n", " goto stack;\n", "}\n", 0 };