#include "all.h" #include #include enum { Ksb = 4, /* matches Oarg/Opar/Jret */ Kub, Ksh, Kuh, Kc, K0, Ke = -2, /* erroneous mode */ Km = Kl, /* memory pointer */ }; Op optab[NOp] = { #define O(op, t, cf) [O##op]={#op, t, cf}, #include "ops.h" }; typedef enum { PXXX, PLbl, PPhi, PIns, PEnd, } PState; enum { Txxx = 0, /* aliases */ Tloadw = NPubOp, Tloadl, Tloads, Tloadd, Talloc1, Talloc2, Tcall, Tenv, Tphi, Tjmp, Tjnz, Tret, Texport, Tthread, Tfunc, Ttype, Tdata, Tsection, Talign, Tl, Tw, Tsh, Tuh, Th, Tsb, Tub, Tb, Td, Ts, Tz, Tint, Tflts, Tfltd, Ttmp, Tlbl, Tglo, Ttyp, Tstr, Tplus, Teq, Tcomma, Tlparen, Trparen, Tlbrace, Trbrace, Tnl, Tdots, Teof, Ntok }; static char *kwmap[Ntok] = { [Tloadw] = "loadw", [Tloadl] = "loadl", [Tloads] = "loads", [Tloadd] = "loadd", [Talloc1] = "alloc1", [Talloc2] = "alloc2", [Tcall] = "call", [Tenv] = "env", [Tphi] = "phi", [Tjmp] = "jmp", [Tjnz] = "jnz", [Tret] = "ret", [Texport] = "export", [Tthread] = "thread", [Tfunc] = "function", [Ttype] = "type", [Tdata] = "data", [Tsection] = "section", [Talign] = "align", [Tsb] = "sb", [Tub] = "ub", [Tsh] = "sh", [Tuh] = "uh", [Tb] = "b", [Th] = "h", [Tw] = "w", [Tl] = "l", [Ts] = "s", [Td] = "d", [Tz] = "z", [Tdots] = "...", }; enum { NPred = 63, TMask = 16383, /* for temps hash */ BMask = 8191, /* for blocks hash */ K = 9583425, /* found using tools/lexh.c */ M = 23, }; static uchar lexh[1 << (32-M)]; static FILE *inf; static char *inpath; static int thead; static struct { char chr; double fltd; float flts; int64_t num; char *str; } tokval; static int lnum; static Fn *curf; static int tmph[TMask+1]; static Phi **plink; static Blk *curb; static Blk **blink; static Blk *blkh[BMask+1]; static int nblk; static int rcls; static uint ntyp; void err(char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); fprintf(stderr, "qbe:%s:%d: ", inpath, lnum); vfprintf(stderr, s, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(ap); exit(1); } static void lexinit() { static int done; int i; long h; if (done) return; for (i=0; i> M; assert(lexh[h] == Txxx); lexh[h] = i; } done = 1; } static int64_t getint() { uint64_t n; int c, m; n = 0; c = fgetc(inf); m = (c == '-'); if (m || c == '+') c = fgetc(inf); do { n = 10*n + (c - '0'); c = fgetc(inf); } while ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); ungetc(c, inf); if (m) n = 1 + ~n; return *(int64_t *)&n; } static int lex() { static char tok[NString]; int c, i, esc; int t; do c = fgetc(inf); while (isblank(c)); t = Txxx; tokval.chr = c; switch (c) { case EOF: return Teof; case ',': return Tcomma; case '(': return Tlparen; case ')': return Trparen; case '{': return Tlbrace; case '}': return Trbrace; case '=': return Teq; case '+': return Tplus; case 's': if (fscanf(inf, "_%f", &tokval.flts) != 1) break; return Tflts; case 'd': if (fscanf(inf, "_%lf", &tokval.fltd) != 1) break; return Tfltd; case '%': t = Ttmp; c = fgetc(inf); goto Alpha; case '@': t = Tlbl; c = fgetc(inf); goto Alpha; case '$': t = Tglo; if ((c = fgetc(inf)) == '"') goto Quoted; goto Alpha; case ':': t = Ttyp; c = fgetc(inf); goto Alpha; case '#': while ((c=fgetc(inf)) != '\n' && c != EOF) ; /* fall through */ case '\n': lnum++; return Tnl; } if (isdigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '+') { ungetc(c, inf); tokval.num = getint(); return Tint; } if (c == '"') { t = Tstr; Quoted: tokval.str = vnew(2, 1, PFn); tokval.str[0] = c; esc = 0; for (i=1;; i++) { c = fgetc(inf); if (c == EOF) err("unterminated string"); vgrow(&tokval.str, i+2); tokval.str[i] = c; if (c == '"' && !esc) { tokval.str[i+1] = 0; return t; } esc = (c == '\\' && !esc); } } Alpha: if (!isalpha(c) && c != '.' && c != '_') err("invalid character %c (%d)", c, c); i = 0; do { if (i >= NString-1) err("identifier too long"); tok[i++] = c; c = fgetc(inf); } while (isalpha(c) || c == '$' || c == '.' || c == '_' || isdigit(c)); tok[i] = 0; ungetc(c, inf); tokval.str = tok; if (t != Txxx) { return t; } t = lexh[hash(tok)*K >> M]; if (t == Txxx || strcmp(kwmap[t], tok) != 0) { err("unknown keyword %s", tok); return Txxx; } return t; } static int peek() { if (thead == Txxx) thead = lex(); return thead; } static int next() { int t; t = peek(); thead = Txxx; return t; } static int nextnl() { int t; while ((t = next()) == Tnl) ; return t; } static void expect(int t) { static char *ttoa[] = { [Tlbl] = "label", [Tcomma] = ",", [Teq] = "=", [Tnl] = "newline", [Tlparen] = "(", [Trparen] = ")", [Tlbrace] = "{", [Trbrace] = "}", [Teof] = 0, }; char buf[128], *s1, *s2; int t1; t1 = next(); if (t == t1) return; s1 = ttoa[t] ? ttoa[t] : "??"; s2 = ttoa[t1] ? ttoa[t1] : "??"; sprintf(buf, "%s expected, got %s instead", s1, s2); err(buf); } static Ref tmpref(char *v) { int t, *h; h = &tmph[hash(v) & TMask]; t = *h; if (t) { if (strcmp(curf->tmp[t].name, v) == 0) return TMP(t); for (t=curf->ntmp-1; t>=Tmp0; t--) if (strcmp(curf->tmp[t].name, v) == 0) return TMP(t); } t = curf->ntmp; *h = t; newtmp(0, Kx, curf); strcpy(curf->tmp[t].name, v); return TMP(t); } static Ref parseref() { Con c; memset(&c, 0, sizeof c); switch (next()) { default: return R; case Ttmp: return tmpref(tokval.str); case Tint: c.type = CBits; c.bits.i = tokval.num; break; case Tflts: c.type = CBits; c.bits.s = tokval.flts; c.flt = 1; break; case Tfltd: c.type = CBits; c.bits.d = tokval.fltd; c.flt = 2; break; case Tthread: c.reloc = RelThr; expect(Tglo); /* fall through */ case Tglo: c.type = CAddr; c.label = intern(tokval.str); break; } return newcon(&c, curf); } static int findtyp(int i) { while (--i >= 0) if (strcmp(tokval.str, typ[i].name) == 0) return i; err("undefined type :%s", tokval.str); } static int parsecls(int *tyn) { switch (next()) { default: err("invalid class specifier"); case Ttyp: *tyn = findtyp(ntyp); return Kc; case Tsb: return Ksb; case Tub: return Kub; case Tsh: return Ksh; case Tuh: return Kuh; case Tw: return Kw; case Tl: return Kl; case Ts: return Ks; case Td: return Kd; } } static int parserefl(int arg) { int k, ty, env, hasenv, vararg; Ref r; hasenv = 0; vararg = 0; expect(Tlparen); while (peek() != Trparen) { if (curi - insb >= NIns) err("too many instructions (1)"); if (!arg && vararg) err("no parameters allowed after '...'"); switch (peek()) { case Tdots: if (vararg) err("only one '...' allowed"); vararg = 1; if (arg) { *curi = (Ins){.op = Oargv}; curi++; } next(); goto Next; case Tenv: if (hasenv) err("only one environment allowed"); hasenv = 1; env = 1; next(); k = Kl; break; default: env = 0; k = parsecls(&ty); break; } r = parseref(); if (req(r, R)) err("invalid argument"); if (!arg && rtype(r) != RTmp) err("invalid function parameter"); if (env) if (arg) *curi = (Ins){Oarge, k, R, {r}}; else *curi = (Ins){Opare, k, r, {R}}; else if (k == Kc) if (arg) *curi = (Ins){Oargc, Kl, R, {TYPE(ty), r}}; else *curi = (Ins){Oparc, Kl, r, {TYPE(ty)}}; else if (k >= Ksb) if (arg) *curi = (Ins){Oargsb+(k-Ksb), Kw, R, {r}}; else *curi = (Ins){Oparsb+(k-Ksb), Kw, r, {R}}; else if (arg) *curi = (Ins){Oarg, k, R, {r}}; else *curi = (Ins){Opar, k, r, {R}}; curi++; Next: if (peek() == Trparen) break; expect(Tcomma); } expect(Trparen); return vararg; } static Blk * findblk(char *name) { Blk *b; uint32_t h; h = hash(name) & BMask; for (b=blkh[h]; b; b=b->dlink) if (strcmp(b->name, name) == 0) return b; b = blknew(); b->id = nblk++; strcpy(b->name, name); b->dlink = blkh[h]; blkh[h] = b; return b; } static void closeblk() { curb->nins = curi - insb; idup(&curb->ins, insb, curb->nins); blink = &curb->link; curi = insb; } static PState parseline(PState ps) { Ref arg[NPred] = {R}; Blk *blk[NPred]; Phi *phi; Ref r; Blk *b; int t, op, i, k, ty; t = nextnl(); if (ps == PLbl && t != Tlbl && t != Trbrace) err("label or } expected"); switch (t) { default: if (isstore(t)) { case Tcall: case Ovastart: /* operations without result */ r = R; k = Kw; op = t; goto DoOp; } err("label, instruction or jump expected"); case Trbrace: return PEnd; case Ttmp: break; case Tlbl: b = findblk(tokval.str); if (curb && curb->jmp.type == Jxxx) { closeblk(); curb->jmp.type = Jjmp; curb->s1 = b; } if (b->jmp.type != Jxxx) err("multiple definitions of block @%s", b->name); *blink = b; curb = b; plink = &curb->phi; expect(Tnl); return PPhi; case Tret: curb->jmp.type = Jretw + rcls; if (peek() == Tnl) curb->jmp.type = Jret0; else if (rcls != K0) { r = parseref(); if (req(r, R)) err("invalid return value"); curb->jmp.arg = r; } goto Close; case Tjmp: curb->jmp.type = Jjmp; goto Jump; case Tjnz: curb->jmp.type = Jjnz; r = parseref(); if (req(r, R)) err("invalid argument for jnz jump"); curb->jmp.arg = r; expect(Tcomma); Jump: expect(Tlbl); curb->s1 = findblk(tokval.str); if (curb->jmp.type != Jjmp) { expect(Tcomma); expect(Tlbl); curb->s2 = findblk(tokval.str); } if (curb->s1 == curf->start || curb->s2 == curf->start) err("invalid jump to the start node"); Close: expect(Tnl); closeblk(); return PLbl; } r = tmpref(tokval.str); expect(Teq); k = parsecls(&ty); op = next(); DoOp: if (op == Tphi) { if (ps != PPhi || curb == curf->start) err("unexpected phi instruction"); op = -1; } if (op == Tcall) { arg[0] = parseref(); parserefl(1); op = Ocall; expect(Tnl); if (k == Kc) { k = Kl; arg[1] = TYPE(ty); } else arg[1] = R; if (k >= Ksb) k = Kw; goto Ins; } if (op == Tloadw) op = Oloadsw; if (op >= Tloadl && op <= Tloadd) op = Oload; if (op == Talloc1 || op == Talloc2) op = Oalloc; if (op == Ovastart && !curf->vararg) err("cannot use vastart in non-variadic function"); if (k >= Ksb) err("size class must be w, l, s, or d"); if (op >= NPubOp) err("invalid instruction"); i = 0; if (peek() != Tnl) for (;;) { if (i == NPred) err("too many arguments"); if (op == -1) { expect(Tlbl); blk[i] = findblk(tokval.str); } arg[i] = parseref(); if (req(arg[i], R)) err("invalid instruction argument"); i++; t = peek(); if (t == Tnl) break; if (t != Tcomma) err(", or end of line expected"); next(); } next(); Ins: if (op != -1) { if (curi - insb >= NIns) err("too many instructions (2)"); curi->op = op; curi->cls = k; curi->to = r; curi->arg[0] = arg[0]; curi->arg[1] = arg[1]; curi++; return PIns; } else { phi = alloc(sizeof *phi); phi->to = r; phi->cls = k; phi->arg = vnew(i, sizeof arg[0], PFn); memcpy(phi->arg, arg, i * sizeof arg[0]); phi->blk = vnew(i, sizeof blk[0], PFn); memcpy(phi->blk, blk, i * sizeof blk[0]); phi->narg = i; *plink = phi; plink = &phi->link; return PPhi; } } static int usecheck(Ref r, int k, Fn *fn) { return rtype(r) != RTmp || fn->tmp[r.val].cls == k || (fn->tmp[r.val].cls == Kl && k == Kw); } static void typecheck(Fn *fn) { Blk *b; Phi *p; Ins *i; uint n; int k; Tmp *t; Ref r; BSet pb[1], ppb[1]; fillpreds(fn); bsinit(pb, fn->nblk); bsinit(ppb, fn->nblk); for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) fn->tmp[p->to.val].cls = p->cls; for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) if (rtype(i->to) == RTmp) { t = &fn->tmp[i->to.val]; if (clsmerge(&t->cls, i->cls)) err("temporary %%%s is assigned with" " multiple types", t->name); } } for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { bszero(pb); for (n=0; nnpred; n++) bsset(pb, b->pred[n]->id); for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) { bszero(ppb); t = &fn->tmp[p->to.val]; for (n=0; nnarg; n++) { k = t->cls; if (bshas(ppb, p->blk[n]->id)) err("multiple entries for @%s in phi %%%s", p->blk[n]->name, t->name); if (!usecheck(p->arg[n], k, fn)) err("invalid type for operand %%%s in phi %%%s", fn->tmp[p->arg[n].val].name, t->name); bsset(ppb, p->blk[n]->id); } if (!bsequal(pb, ppb)) err("predecessors not matched in phi %%%s", t->name); } for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) for (n=0; n<2; n++) { k = optab[i->op].argcls[n][i->cls]; r = i->arg[n]; t = &fn->tmp[r.val]; if (k == Ke) err("invalid instruction type in %s", optab[i->op].name); if (rtype(r) == RType) continue; if (rtype(r) != -1 && k == Kx) err("no %s operand expected in %s", n == 1 ? "second" : "first", optab[i->op].name); if (rtype(r) == -1 && k != Kx) err("missing %s operand in %s", n == 1 ? "second" : "first", optab[i->op].name); if (!usecheck(r, k, fn)) err("invalid type for %s operand %%%s in %s", n == 1 ? "second" : "first", t->name, optab[i->op].name); } r = b->jmp.arg; if (isret(b->jmp.type)) { if (b->jmp.type == Jretc) k = Kl; else if (b->jmp.type >= Jretsb) k = Kw; else k = b->jmp.type - Jretw; if (!usecheck(r, k, fn)) goto JErr; } if (b->jmp.type == Jjnz && !usecheck(r, Kw, fn)) JErr: err("invalid type for jump argument %%%s in block @%s", fn->tmp[r.val].name, b->name); if (b->s1 && b->s1->jmp.type == Jxxx) err("block @%s is used undefined", b->s1->name); if (b->s2 && b->s2->jmp.type == Jxxx) err("block @%s is used undefined", b->s2->name); } } static Fn * parsefn(Lnk *lnk) { Blk *b; int i; PState ps; curb = 0; nblk = 0; curi = insb; curf = alloc(sizeof *curf); curf->ntmp = 0; curf->ncon = 1; /* first constant must be 0 */ curf->tmp = vnew(curf->ntmp, sizeof curf->tmp[0], PFn); curf->con = vnew(curf->ncon, sizeof curf->con[0], PFn); for (i=0; icon[0].type = CBits; curf->lnk = *lnk; blink = &curf->start; curf->retty = Kx; if (peek() != Tglo) rcls = parsecls(&curf->retty); else rcls = K0; if (next() != Tglo) err("function name expected"); strncpy(curf->name, tokval.str, NString-1); curf->vararg = parserefl(0); if (nextnl() != Tlbrace) err("function body must start with {"); ps = PLbl; do ps = parseline(ps); while (ps != PEnd); if (!curb) err("empty function"); if (curb->jmp.type == Jxxx) err("last block misses jump"); curf->mem = vnew(0, sizeof curf->mem[0], PFn); curf->nmem = 0; curf->nblk = nblk; curf->rpo = 0; for (b=0; b; b=b->link) b->dlink = 0; /* was trashed by findblk() */ for (i=0; ialign; while (t != Trbrace) { ty1 = 0; switch (t) { default: err("invalid type member specifier"); case Td: type = Fd; s = 8; a = 3; break; case Tl: type = Fl; s = 8; a = 3; break; case Ts: type = Fs; s = 4; a = 2; break; case Tw: type = Fw; s = 4; a = 2; break; case Th: type = Fh; s = 2; a = 1; break; case Tb: type = Fb; s = 1; a = 0; break; case Ttyp: type = FTyp; ty1 = &typ[findtyp(ntyp-1)]; s = ty1->size; a = ty1->align; break; } if (a > al) al = a; a = (1 << a) - 1; a = ((sz + a) & ~a) - sz; if (a) { if (n < NField) { /* padding */ fld[n].type = FPad; fld[n].len = a; n++; } } t = nextnl(); if (t == Tint) { c = tokval.num; t = nextnl(); } else c = 1; sz += a + c*s; if (type == FTyp) s = ty1 - typ; for (; c>0 && nsize) sz = ty->size; ty->size = (sz + a - 1) & -a; ty->align = al; } static void parsetyp() { Typ *ty; int t, al; uint n; /* be careful if extending the syntax * to handle nested types, any pointer * held to typ[] might be invalidated! */ vgrow(&typ, ntyp+1); ty = &typ[ntyp++]; ty->isdark = 0; ty->isunion = 0; ty->align = -1; ty->size = 0; if (nextnl() != Ttyp || nextnl() != Teq) err("type name and then = expected"); strcpy(ty->name, tokval.str); t = nextnl(); if (t == Talign) { if (nextnl() != Tint) err("alignment expected"); for (al=0; tokval.num /= 2; al++) ; ty->align = al; t = nextnl(); } if (t != Tlbrace) err("type body must start with {"); t = nextnl(); if (t == Tint) { ty->isdark = 1; ty->size = tokval.num; if (ty->align == -1) err("dark types need alignment"); if (nextnl() != Trbrace) err("} expected"); return; } n = 0; ty->fields = vnew(1, sizeof ty->fields[0], PHeap); if (t == Tlbrace) { ty->isunion = 1; do { if (t != Tlbrace) err("invalid union member"); vgrow(&ty->fields, n+1); parsefields(ty->fields[n++], ty, nextnl()); t = nextnl(); } while (t != Trbrace); } else parsefields(ty->fields[n++], ty, t); ty->nunion = n; } static void parsedatref(Dat *d) { int t; d->isref = 1; d->u.ref.name = tokval.str; d->u.ref.off = 0; t = peek(); if (t == Tplus) { next(); if (next() != Tint) err("invalid token after offset in ref"); d->u.ref.off = tokval.num; } } static void parsedatstr(Dat *d) { d->isstr = 1; d->u.str = tokval.str; } static void parsedat(void cb(Dat *), Lnk *lnk) { char name[NString] = {0}; int t; Dat d; if (nextnl() != Tglo || nextnl() != Teq) err("data name, then = expected"); strncpy(name, tokval.str, NString-1); t = nextnl(); lnk->align = 8; if (t == Talign) { if (nextnl() != Tint) err("alignment expected"); lnk->align = tokval.num; t = nextnl(); } d.type = DStart; d.name = name; d.lnk = lnk; cb(&d); if (t != Tlbrace) err("expected data contents in { .. }"); for (;;) { switch (nextnl()) { default: err("invalid size specifier %c in data", tokval.chr); case Trbrace: goto Done; case Tl: d.type = DL; break; case Tw: d.type = DW; break; case Th: d.type = DH; break; case Tb: d.type = DB; break; case Ts: d.type = DW; break; case Td: d.type = DL; break; case Tz: d.type = DZ; break; } t = nextnl(); do { d.isstr = 0; d.isref = 0; memset(&d.u, 0, sizeof d.u); if (t == Tflts) d.u.flts = tokval.flts; else if (t == Tfltd) d.u.fltd = tokval.fltd; else if (t == Tint) d.u.num = tokval.num; else if (t == Tglo) parsedatref(&d); else if (t == Tstr) parsedatstr(&d); else err("constant literal expected"); cb(&d); t = nextnl(); } while (t == Tint || t == Tflts || t == Tfltd || t == Tstr || t == Tglo); if (t == Trbrace) break; if (t != Tcomma) err(", or } expected"); } Done: d.type = DEnd; cb(&d); } static int parselnk(Lnk *lnk) { int t, haslnk; for (haslnk=0;; haslnk=1) switch ((t=nextnl())) { case Texport: lnk->export = 1; break; case Tthread: lnk->thread = 1; break; case Tsection: if (lnk->sec) err("only one section allowed"); if (next() != Tstr) err("section \"name\" expected"); lnk->sec = tokval.str; if (peek() == Tstr) { next(); lnk->secf = tokval.str; } break; default: if (t == Tfunc && lnk->thread) err("only data may have thread linkage"); if (haslnk && t != Tdata && t != Tfunc) err("only data and function have linkage"); return t; } } void parse(FILE *f, char *path, void data(Dat *), void func(Fn *)) { Lnk lnk; uint n; lexinit(); inf = f; inpath = path; lnum = 1; thead = Txxx; ntyp = 0; typ = vnew(0, sizeof typ[0], PHeap); for (;;) { lnk = (Lnk){0}; switch (parselnk(&lnk)) { default: err("top-level definition expected"); case Tfunc: func(parsefn(&lnk)); break; case Tdata: parsedat(data, &lnk); break; case Ttype: parsetyp(); break; case Teof: for (n=0; ntype) { case CUndef: break; case CAddr: fprintf(f, "$%s", str(c->label)); if (c->bits.i) fprintf(f, "%+"PRIi64, c->bits.i); break; case CBits: if (c->flt == 1) fprintf(f, "s_%f", c->bits.s); else if (c->flt == 2) fprintf(f, "d_%lf", c->bits.d); else fprintf(f, "%"PRIi64, c->bits.i); break; } } void printref(Ref r, Fn *fn, FILE *f) { int i; Mem *m; switch (rtype(r)) { case RTmp: if (r.val < Tmp0) fprintf(f, "R%d", r.val); else fprintf(f, "%%%s", fn->tmp[r.val].name); break; case RCon: printcon(&fn->con[r.val], f); break; case RSlot: fprintf(f, "S%d", (r.val&(1<<28)) ? r.val-(1<<29) : r.val); break; case RCall: fprintf(f, "%04x", r.val); break; case RType: fprintf(f, ":%s", typ[r.val].name); break; case RMem: i = 0; m = &fn->mem[r.val]; fputc('[', f); if (m->offset.type != CUndef) { printcon(&m->offset, f); i = 1; } if (!req(m->base, R)) { if (i) fprintf(f, " + "); printref(m->base, fn, f); i = 1; } if (!req(m->index, R)) { if (i) fprintf(f, " + "); fprintf(f, "%d * ", m->scale); printref(m->index, fn, f); } fputc(']', f); break; } } void printfn(Fn *fn, FILE *f) { static char ktoc[] = "wlsd"; static char *jtoa[NJmp] = { #define X(j) [J##j] = #j, JMPS(X) #undef X }; Blk *b; Phi *p; Ins *i; uint n; fprintf(f, "function $%s() {\n", fn->name); for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { fprintf(f, "@%s\n", b->name); for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) { fprintf(f, "\t"); printref(p->to, fn, f); fprintf(f, " =%c phi ", ktoc[p->cls]); assert(p->narg); for (n=0;; n++) { fprintf(f, "@%s ", p->blk[n]->name); printref(p->arg[n], fn, f); if (n == p->narg-1) { fprintf(f, "\n"); break; } else fprintf(f, ", "); } } for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) { fprintf(f, "\t"); if (!req(i->to, R)) { printref(i->to, fn, f); fprintf(f, " =%c ", ktoc[i->cls]); } assert(optab[i->op].name); fprintf(f, "%s", optab[i->op].name); if (req(i->to, R)) switch (i->op) { case Oarg: case Oswap: case Oxcmp: case Oacmp: case Oacmn: case Oafcmp: case Oxtest: case Oxdiv: case Oxidiv: fputc(ktoc[i->cls], f); } if (!req(i->arg[0], R)) { fprintf(f, " "); printref(i->arg[0], fn, f); } if (!req(i->arg[1], R)) { fprintf(f, ", "); printref(i->arg[1], fn, f); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } switch (b->jmp.type) { case Jret0: case Jretsb: case Jretub: case Jretsh: case Jretuh: case Jretw: case Jretl: case Jrets: case Jretd: case Jretc: fprintf(f, "\t%s", jtoa[b->jmp.type]); if (b->jmp.type != Jret0 || !req(b->jmp.arg, R)) { fprintf(f, " "); printref(b->jmp.arg, fn, f); } if (b->jmp.type == Jretc) fprintf(f, ", :%s", typ[fn->retty].name); fprintf(f, "\n"); break; case Jjmp: if (b->s1 != b->link) fprintf(f, "\tjmp @%s\n", b->s1->name); break; default: fprintf(f, "\t%s ", jtoa[b->jmp.type]); if (b->jmp.type == Jjnz) { printref(b->jmp.arg, fn, f); fprintf(f, ", "); } fprintf(f, "@%s, @%s\n", b->s1->name, b->s2->name); break; } } fprintf(f, "}\n"); }