#include "all.h" #include static void adduse(Tmp *tmp, int ty, Blk *b, ...) { Use *u; int n; va_list ap; va_start(ap, b); n = tmp->nuse; vgrow(&tmp->use, ++tmp->nuse); u = &tmp->use[n]; u->type = ty; u->bid = b->id; switch (ty) { case UPhi: u->u.phi = va_arg(ap, Phi *); break; case UIns: u->u.ins = va_arg(ap, Ins *); break; case UJmp: break; default: die("unreachable"); } va_end(ap); } /* fill usage, phi, and class information * must not change .visit fields */ void filluse(Fn *fn) { Blk *b; Phi *p; Ins *i; int m, t; uint a; Tmp *tmp; /* todo, is this the correct file? */ tmp = fn->tmp; for (t=0; tntmp; t++) { tmp[t].ndef = 0; tmp[t].nuse = 0; tmp[t].phi = 0; tmp[t].cls = 0; if (tmp[t].use == 0) tmp[t].use = vnew(0, sizeof(Use)); } for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) { assert(rtype(p->to) == RTmp); t = p->to.val; tmp[t].ndef++; tmp[t].cls = p->cls; tmp[t].phi = p->to.val; for (a=0; anarg; a++) if (rtype(p->arg[a]) == RTmp) { t = p->arg[a].val; adduse(&tmp[t], UPhi, b, p); if (!tmp[t].phi) tmp[t].phi = p->to.val; } } for (i=b->ins; i-b->ins < b->nins; i++) { if (!req(i->to, R)) { assert(rtype(i->to) == RTmp); t = i->to.val; tmp[t].ndef++; tmp[t].cls = i->cls; } for (m=0; m<2; m++) if (rtype(i->arg[m]) == RTmp) { t = i->arg[m].val; adduse(&tmp[t], UIns, b, i); } } if (rtype(b->jmp.arg) == RTmp) adduse(&tmp[b->jmp.arg.val], UJmp, b); } } static void addpred(Blk *bp, Blk *bc) { if (!bc->pred) { bc->pred = alloc(bc->npred * sizeof bc->pred[0]); bc->visit = 0; } bc->pred[bc->visit++] = bp; } /* fill predecessors information in blocks */ void fillpreds(Fn *f) { Blk *b; for (b=f->start; b; b=b->link) { b->npred = 0; b->pred = 0; } for (b=f->start; b; b=b->link) { if (b->s1) b->s1->npred++; if (b->s2 && b->s2 != b->s1) b->s2->npred++; } for (b=f->start; b; b=b->link) { if (b->s1) addpred(b, b->s1); if (b->s2 && b->s2 != b->s1) addpred(b, b->s2); } } static int rporec(Blk *b, int x) { Blk *s1, *s2; if (!b || b->id >= 0) return x; b->id = 1; s1 = b->s1; s2 = b->s2; if (s1 && s2 && s1->loop > s2->loop) { s1 = b->s2; s2 = b->s1; } x = rporec(s1, x); x = rporec(s2, x); b->id = x; assert(x >= 0); return x - 1; } /* fill the rpo information */ void fillrpo(Fn *f) { int n; Blk *b, **p; for (b=f->start; b; b=b->link) b->id = -1; n = 1 + rporec(f->start, f->nblk-1); f->nblk -= n; f->rpo = alloc(f->nblk * sizeof f->rpo[0]); for (p=&f->start; *p;) { b = *p; if (b->id == -1) { blkdel(b); *p = b->link; } else { b->id -= n; f->rpo[b->id] = b; p=&(*p)->link; } } } /* for dominators computation, read * "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm" * by K. Cooper, T. Harvey, and K. Kennedy. */ static Blk * inter(Blk *b1, Blk *b2) { Blk *bt; if (b1 == 0) return b2; while (b1 != b2) { if (b1->id < b2->id) { bt = b1; b1 = b2; b2 = bt; } while (b1->id > b2->id) { b1 = b1->idom; assert(b1); } } return b1; } static void filldom(Fn *fn) { Blk *b, *d; int ch, n; uint p; for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { b->idom = 0; b->dom = 0; b->dlink = 0; } do { ch = 0; for (n=1; nnblk; n++) { b = fn->rpo[n]; d = 0; for (p=0; pnpred; p++) if (b->pred[p]->idom || b->pred[p] == fn->start) d = inter(d, b->pred[p]); if (d != b->idom) { ch++; b->idom = d; } } } while (ch); for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) if ((d=b->idom)) { assert(d != b); b->dlink = d->dom; d->dom = b; } } static int sdom(Blk *b1, Blk *b2) { assert(b1 && b2); if (b1 == b2) return 0; while (b2->id > b1->id) b2 = b2->idom; return b1 == b2; } static int dom(Blk *b1, Blk *b2) { return b1 == b2 || sdom(b1, b2); } static void addfron(Blk *a, Blk *b) { int n; for (n=0; nnfron; n++) if (a->fron[n] == b) return; if (!a->nfron) a->fron = vnew(++a->nfron, sizeof a->fron[0]); else vgrow(&a->fron, ++a->nfron); a->fron[a->nfron-1] = b; } static void fillfron(Fn *fn) { Blk *a, *b; for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { if (b->s1) for (a=b; !sdom(a, b->s1); a=a->idom) addfron(a, b->s1); if (b->s2) for (a=b; !sdom(a, b->s2); a=a->idom) addfron(a, b->s2); } } static Ref refindex(int t, Fn *fn) { return newtmp(fn->tmp[t].name, fn->tmp[t].cls, fn); } static void phiins(Fn *fn) { BSet u[1], defs[1]; Blk *a, *b, **blist, **be, **bp; Ins *i; Phi *p; Ref r; int t, n, k, nt; bsinit(u, fn->nblk); bsinit(defs, fn->nblk); blist = emalloc(fn->nblk * sizeof blist[0]); be = &blist[fn->nblk]; nt = fn->ntmp; for (t=Tmp0; ttmp[t].visit = 0; if (fn->tmp[t].phi != 0) continue; bszero(u); k = -1; bp = be; for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { b->visit = 0; r = R; for (i=b->ins; i-b->ins < b->nins; i++) { if (!req(r, R)) { if (req(i->arg[0], TMP(t))) i->arg[0] = r; if (req(i->arg[1], TMP(t))) i->arg[1] = r; } if (req(i->to, TMP(t))) { if (!bshas(b->out, t)) { if (fn->tmp[t].ndef == 1) r = TMP(t); else r = refindex(t, fn); i->to = r; } else { if (!bshas(u, b->id)) { bsset(u, b->id); *--bp = b; } if (k == -1) k = i->cls; assert(k == i->cls); } } } if (!req(r, R) && req(b->jmp.arg, TMP(t))) b->jmp.arg = r; } bscopy(defs, u); while (bp != be) { fn->tmp[t].visit = t; b = *bp++; bsclr(u, b->id); for (n=0; nnfron; n++) { a = b->fron[n]; if (a->visit++ == 0) if (bshas(a->in, t)) { p = alloc(sizeof *p); p->cls = k; p->to = TMP(t); p->link = a->phi; a->phi = p; if (!bshas(defs, a->id)) if (!bshas(u, a->id)) { bsset(u, a->id); *--bp = a; } } } } } free(blist); } typedef struct Name Name; struct Name { Ref r; Blk *b; Name *up; }; static Name *namel; static Name * nnew(Ref r, Blk *b, Name *up) { Name *n; if (namel) { n = namel; namel = n->up; } else /* could use alloc, here * but namel should be reset */ n = emalloc(sizeof *n); n->r = r; n->b = b; n->up = up; return n; } static void nfree(Name *n) { n->up = namel; namel = n; } static void rendef(Ref *r, Blk *b, Name **stk, Fn *fn) { Ref r1; int t; t = r->val; if (req(*r, R) || !fn->tmp[t].visit) return; r1 = refindex(t, fn); fn->tmp[r1.val].visit = t; stk[t] = nnew(r1, b, stk[t]); *r = r1; } static Ref getstk(int t, Blk *b, Name **stk) { Name *n, *n1; n = stk[t]; while (n && !dom(n->b, b)) { n1 = n; n = n->up; nfree(n1); } stk[t] = n; if (!n) { /* uh, oh, warn */ return CON_Z; } else return n->r; } static void renblk(Blk *b, Name **stk, Fn *fn) { Phi *p; Ins *i; Blk *s, **ps, *succ[3]; int t, m; for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) rendef(&p->to, b, stk, fn); for (i=b->ins; i-b->ins < b->nins; i++) { for (m=0; m<2; m++) { t = i->arg[m].val; if (rtype(i->arg[m]) == RTmp) if (fn->tmp[t].visit) i->arg[m] = getstk(t, b, stk); } rendef(&i->to, b, stk, fn); } t = b->jmp.arg.val; if (rtype(b->jmp.arg) == RTmp) if (fn->tmp[t].visit) b->jmp.arg = getstk(t, b, stk); succ[0] = b->s1; succ[1] = b->s2; succ[2] = 0; for (ps=succ; (s=*ps); ps++) for (p=s->phi; p; p=p->link) { t = p->to.val; if ((t=fn->tmp[t].visit)) { m = p->narg++; if (m == NPred) die("renblk, too many phi args"); p->arg[m] = getstk(t, b, stk); p->blk[m] = b; } } for (s=b->dom; s; s=s->dlink) renblk(s, stk, fn); } /* require rpo and ndef */ void ssa(Fn *fn) { Name **stk, *n; int d, nt; Blk *b, *b1; nt = fn->ntmp; stk = emalloc(nt * sizeof stk[0]); d = debug['L']; debug['L'] = 0; filldom(fn); if (debug['N']) { fprintf(stderr, "\n> Dominators:\n"); for (b1=fn->start; b1; b1=b1->link) { if (!b1->dom) continue; fprintf(stderr, "%10s:", b1->name); for (b=b1->dom; b; b=b->dlink) fprintf(stderr, " %s", b->name); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } fillfron(fn); filllive(fn); phiins(fn); renblk(fn->start, stk, fn); while (nt--) while ((n=stk[nt])) { stk[nt] = n->up; nfree(n); } debug['L'] = d; free(stk); if (debug['N']) { fprintf(stderr, "\n> After SSA construction:\n"); printfn(fn, stderr); } } static int phicheck(Phi *p, Blk *b, Ref t) { Blk *b1; uint n; for (n=0; nnarg; n++) if (req(p->arg[n], t)) { b1 = p->blk[n]; if (b1 != b && !sdom(b, b1)) return 1; } return 0; } /* require use and ssa */ void ssacheck(Fn *fn) { Tmp *t; Ins *i; Phi *p; Use *u; Blk *b, *bu; Ref r; for (t=&fn->tmp[Tmp0]; t-fn->tmp < fn->ntmp; t++) if (t->ndef > 1) err("ssa temporary %%%s defined more than once", t->name); for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) { for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) { r = p->to; t = &fn->tmp[r.val]; for (u=t->use; u-t->use < t->nuse; u++) { bu = fn->rpo[u->bid]; if (u->type == UPhi) { if (phicheck(u->u.phi, b, r)) goto Err; } else if (bu != b && !sdom(b, bu)) goto Err; } } for (i=b->ins; i-b->ins < b->nins; i++) { if (rtype(i->to) != RTmp) continue; r = i->to; t = &fn->tmp[r.val]; for (u=t->use; u-t->use < t->nuse; u++) { bu = fn->rpo[u->bid]; if (u->type == UPhi) { if (phicheck(u->u.phi, b, r)) goto Err; } else { if (bu == b) { if (u->type == UIns) if (u->u.ins <= i) goto Err; } else if (!sdom(b, bu)) goto Err; } } } } return; Err: if (t->visit) die("%%%s violates ssa invariant", t->name); else err("ssa temporary %%%s is used undefined in @%s", t->name, bu->name); }