+++ rss = "GSoC 2020: Sorting Things Out" date = Date(2020, 8, 3) +++ @def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"] # Sorting Things Out Hi! I really hope that everyone reading this is still doing okay, and if that isn't the case, I wish you a good day! ## `pip` 20.2 Released! Last Wednesday, `pip` 20.2 was released, delivering the `2020-resolver` as well as many other improvements! I was lucky to be able to get the `fast-deps` feature to be included as part of the release. A brief description of this *experimental* feature as well as testing instruction can be found on [Python Discuss][]. The public exposure of the feature also remind me of some further {{pip 8681 optimization}} to make on {{pip 8670 "the lazy wheel"}}. Hopefully without download parallelization it would not be too slow to put off testing by concerned users of `pip`. ## Preparation for Download Parallelization As of this moment, we already have: * {{pip 8162#issuecomment-667504162 "Multithreading pool fallback working"}} * An opt-in to use lazy wheel to optain dependency information, and thus getting a list of wheels at the end of resolution ready to be downloaded together What's left is *only* to interject a parallel download somewhere after the dependency resolution step. Still, this struggles me way more than I've ever imagined. I got so stuck that I had to give myself a day off in the middle of the week (and study some Rust), then I came up with {{pip 8638 "something what was agreed upon as difficult to maintain"}}. Indeed, a large part of this is my fault, for not communicating the design thoroughly with `pip`'s maintainers and not carefully noting stuff down during (verbal) discussions with my mentor. Thankfully {{pip 8685 "Chris Hunt came to the rescue"}} and did a refactoring that will make my future work much easier and cleaner. [Python Discuss]: https://discuss.python.org/t/announcement-pip-20-2-release/4863/2