\section{Technique} In order to generate test cases to distinguish between multiple patches, our tool extends symbolic execution in a number of ways. First, instead of taking in a single program, all of its revisions are passed to the tool. Since each patch only modifies a small portion of the program, most of the code is shared among these revisions, hence they are combined into a \emph{meta program} to avoid repeating execution. Second, we combine the path constraints in execution \glspl{state} of different revisions in a certain way before feeding to a \gls{smt} solver to generate \glspl{difftest}. Third, the new conditions the combined \gls{smt} formula includes (aside from the conjunction of its parents) are assertions on the distinction of corresponding values across revisions, so we offer multiple options to capture such \emph{\glspl{symout}}. Next, we introduces concrete execution to reduce the theorem proving load, and produce \glspl{difftest} for clustering the patches and finally produce a decision tree. One may observe that the clustering information can help with selecting more ``promising'' states, although such scheduling enhancement is not covered by this work. We implemented these extensions on top of \klee{} in a tool named \psychic{}, whose high-level architectures are compared in figure~\ref{arch}. The overall process of \psychic{} is denoted in algorithm~\ref{overall}. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{subcaptiongroup} \subcaptionlistentry{KLEE}\label{klee-arch} \begin{tikzpicture}[mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes=typetag,row sep=1ex}, typetag/.style={draw,anchor=west}, title/.style={draw=none,inner sep=0pt}, line width=0.2ex] \linespread{0.8} \node[draw,label={[name=sched]Scheduler}] (states) {States}; \node[draw,fit={(sched) (states)}] {}; \node[draw,right=11em of states] (symb) {Interpreter}; \draw[-angle 45] (states.north east) to[in=90,out=15] node[sloped,above,pos=0.4]{Selected state} (symb.north west); \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=0,out=-90] node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{Child state} (states.east); \node[draw,below=3em of symb] (smt) {Theorem prover}; \draw[angle 45-angle 45] (symb) to (smt); \node[left=4em of states.west] (bc) {Bitcode}; \draw[-angle 90] (bc) to[in=180,out=60] (states.west); \node[above=1em of bc,align=center] (seed) {Seed\\input}; \draw[dotted] (seed) to[out=0,in=180] (states); \node[below=1em of bc,align=center] (tests) {Test\\cases}; \draw[-angle 45] (smt.west) to[in=0,out=180] (tests); \node[below=5em of sched.south east] (symb) {\captiontext{}}; \end{tikzpicture} \vspace{-2em} \subcaptionlistentry{Psychic}\label{psychic-arch} \begin{tikzpicture}[mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes=typetag,row sep=1ex}, typetag/.style={draw,anchor=west}, title/.style={draw=none,inner sep=0pt}, line width=0.2ex] \linespread{0.8} \node[draw,label={[name=sched]Scheduler}] (states) {States}; \node[draw,below=0.5ex of states] (clstr) {Clusters}; \node[draw,fit={(sched) (states) (clstr)}] {}; \node[draw,right=11em of states] (symb) {Interpreter}; \draw[-angle 45] (states.north east) to[in=90,out=15] node[sloped,above,pos=0.4]{Selected state} (symb.north west); \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=0,out=-90] node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{Child state} (states.east); \node[draw,below=6em of symb] (smt) {Theorem prover}; \draw[angle 45-angle 45] (symb) to (smt); \node[draw,below=7em of sched,label={[name=diff]Differentiator}] (outs) {Fruitful states}; \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=45,out=-90] node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{State with output} (outs.15); \draw[-angle 90] (outs) to[in=90,out=0,pos=0.4] node[sloped,below]{Path conditions} (smt.north west); \draw (outs.south east) to[in=90,out=10] (smt.north west); \node[draw,below=0.5ex of outs] (prog) {Binary}; \node[draw,fit={(diff) (outs) (prog)}] {}; \draw[-angle 45] (smt.south west) to[out=-90,in=0] node[sloped,below]{Concrete input} (prog); \draw[-angle 45] (prog) to[out=180,in=-150] node[left,align=center]{Diff.\\test} (clstr.south west); \node[left=4em of states.west] (bc) {Bitcode}; \draw[-angle 90] (bc) to[in=180,out=60] (states.west); \node[below=1em of bc,align=center] (tree) {Decision\\tree}; \draw[-angle 45] (clstr.west) to[out=180,in=60] (tree); \node[above=1em of bc,align=center] (seed) {Seed\\input}; \draw[dotted] (seed) to[out=0,in=180] (states); \draw[-angle 45] (bc.south west) to[out=-135,in=-135] (prog.south west); \node[below=12em of sched.south east] (symb) {\captiontext{}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{subcaptiongroup} \captionsetup{subrefformat=parens} \caption{Architecture overviews of \subref{klee-arch} \klee{} and \subref{psychic-arch} \psychic{} extension.}\label{arch} \end{figure} \begin{algorithm} \caption{Overall execution of \psychic{}}\label{overall} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Require Meta program $P$ \Ensure Set of differential tests $T$ \State $T \gets \varnothing$ \State $D \gets \varnothing$ \Comment{Distinguished revision pairs} \State $H \gets \varnothing$ \Comment{Halt states} \State $S \gets \Call{InitialState}{P}$ \While{$S \neq \varnothing$} \State $(i, e, \varPhi, n) \gets \Call{Select}{S}$ \Comment{instruction, environment, path constraints, and revision number} \State $S \gets S \setminus \{(i, e, \varPhi, n)\}$ \State $(i', e') \gets \Call{Execute}{i, e}$ \If{$\Call{IsHalt}{i}$} \For{$(\varPhi', n') \in H$} \State $t \gets \Call{DiffTest}{D, \varPhi, n, \varPhi', n'}$ \If{$t \ne \bot$} \State $T \gets T \cup \{t\}$ \State $D \gets D \cup \Call{DistinguishPairs}{t}$ \EndIf \EndFor \State $H \gets H \cup \{(\varPhi, n)\}$ \ElsIf{$\Call{IsBranch}{i}$} \State $(\varphi, i_c', i_a') \gets i'$ \Comment{condition, consequent, and alternative} \If{$\Call{IsMeta}{\varphi}$} \State $S \gets S \cup \Call{ApplyMetaBranch}{\varphi, i_c', i_a', e', \varPhi, n}$ \Else \If{$\Call{sat}{\varPhi \land \varphi}$} $S \gets S \cup \{(i_c', e', \varPhi \land \varphi, n)\}$ \EndIf \If{$\Call{sat}{\varPhi \land \lnot\varphi}$} $S \gets S \cup \{(i_a', e', \varPhi \land \lnot\varphi, n)\}$ \EndIf \EndIf \Else \If{$\Call{IsReturn}{i}$} \State $\varPhi' \gets \varPhi \land \Call{FunctionOutputs}{i}$ \Else \State $\varPhi' \gets \varPhi$ \EndIf \State $S \gets S \cup \{(i', e', \varPhi')\}$ \EndIf \EndWhile \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \subsection{Meta program} The meta program format takes inspiration from program unification used for shadow symbolic execution. Unlike \textsc{Shadow} which tests only one patch~\cite{shadow} to reveal its regressions, though, the goal of \psychic{} is to find the difference in behavior between multiple patches. Therefore, the former's annotation at level of expressions does not meet our expectation on expressivity. Instead, we implement higher-order branching. Annotating patches at block level simplifies the generation process and improves the readability of the meta program. \begin{figure}\centering \begin{subfigure}{0.35\textwidth} \begin{alltt} \textcolor{purple}{---} dfasearch.c \textcolor{purple}{c1cb19fe} \textcolor{blue}{+++} dfasearch.c \textcolor{blue}{8f08d8e2} @@ \textcolor{purple}{-360,2} \textcolor{blue}{+360,1} @@ \textcolor{purple}{-beg = match;} \textcolor{purple}{-goto success_in_len;} \textcolor{blue}{+goto success;}\end{alltt} \subcaption{}\label{8f08d8e2} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{0.35\textwidth} \begin{alltt} \textcolor{purple}{---} dfasearch.c \textcolor{purple}{c1cb19fe} \textcolor{violet}{+++} dfasearch.c \textcolor{violet}{YmI4MGM3ND} @@ \textcolor{purple}{-360,2} \textcolor{violet}{+360,2} @@ beg = match; \textcolor{purple}{-goto success_in_len;} \textcolor{violet}{+goto success;}\end{alltt} \subcaption{}\label{YmI4MGM3ND} \end{subfigure} \captionsetup{subrefformat=parens} \caption{Unified format of \subref{8f08d8e2} a fix in \texttt{grep}'s commit \texttt{8f08d8e2}, and \subref{YmI4MGM3ND} an alternative patch.}\label{grep-8f08d8e2} \end{figure} For instance, given the two unified diffs~\cite{unidiff} of a bug fix from upstream \texttt{grep}, and a patch in \textsc{DBGBench}~\cite{dbgbench} in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2},\footnote{The snippets have been outdented to fit within the width of this page.} one can construct the relevant part of the meta program in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2-meta}, where \verb|__klee_meta| parses the environment for the choice of revision when executed concretely~\cite{msv} and returns a new symbolic value in symbolic evaluation. This way, the meta program can be used for both executions to share metadata such as the patch identifier (82 and 43 in this case). \begin{figure}\centering \begin{varwidth}{\linewidth}\begin{alltt} int __klee_meta2 = __klee_meta(2); if (__klee_meta(2) == \textcolor{purple}{0}) \verb|{| // original buggy version \textcolor{purple}{beg = match;} \verb|}| else if (__klee_meta2 == \textcolor{blue}{82}) \verb|{| // upstream patch \verb|}| else if (__klee_meta2 == \textcolor{violet}{43}) \verb|{| // alternative patch \textcolor{violet}{beg = match;} \verb|}| int __klee_meta3 = __klee_meta(3); if (__klee_meta(3) == \textcolor{purple}{0}) \verb|{| \textcolor{purple}{goto success_in_len;} \verb|}| else if (__klee_meta3 == \textcolor{blue}{82}) \verb|{| \textcolor{blue}{goto success;} \verb|}| else if (__klee_meta3 == \textcolor{violet}{43}) \verb|{| \textcolor{violet}{goto success;} \verb|}|\end{alltt}\end{varwidth} \caption{Meta branches with the fixes in \texttt{grep}'s upstream and alternative patches in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2}.} \label{grep-8f08d8e2-meta} \end{figure} One may notice that the meta program may have any level of granularity. \psychic{} utilizes the meta program to maximize instructions and path constraints sharing, which effectively means to defer the divergence point deep into the control flow. For its intended use on automatically generated patches whose hunks are commonly short, optimizing the meta program construction is not a major issue. In algorithm~\ref{overall}, \textsc{IsMeta} cheaply detects higher-order branching patch identifier, via basic tree pattern matching% ~\cite{tree-pattern} and skip adding its condition to the children states. Instead, those states carry the revision number outside of their path constraints for constant-time access when pruning paths going though multiple patches in algorithm~\ref{apply-meta}. \begin{algorithm} \caption{Construction of possible states after a patch location} \label{apply-meta} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Procedure{ApplyMetaBranch}{$\varphi, i_c, i_a, e, \varPhi, n$} \State $n' \gets \Call{RevisionNumber}{\varphi}$ \State $s_a = (i_a, e, \varPhi, n)$ \Comment{assume the lack of meta branch nesting and always follow alternative path} \If{$n = 0$} \Return $\{(i_c, e, \varPhi, n'), s_a\}$ \Comment{$i_c$ enters patch $n'$ } \EndIf \If{$n' \ne 0 \land n \ne n'$} \Return $\{s_a\}$ \Comment{at most one simultaneous patch} \EndIf \State \Return $\{(i_c, e, \varPhi, n), s_a\}$ \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \subsection{Symbolic output selection} \psychic{} is based on \klee{} and thus inherits its support for the diverse set of programs written in languages with C \gls{ffi} for calling \klee{} intrinsics and a compiler using LLVM as a backend. One kind of LLVM instruction may be used for difference purposes, so for better applicability we try to accommodate for a range of usages. For capturing output values, \psychic{} offers the following methods. \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] \item Source code annotation\label{annote} \item Output files (including standard output)\label{stdout} \item Function return values\label{ret} \item Pointers to mutable data as function arguments\label{parg} \end{enumerate} Method \ref{annote} is handled similar to previous works described in section~\ref{klee-use}. With \klee{} support for symbolic files, the same avatar idiom is trivially applied for~\ref{stdout}. However, since files are byte buffers, their application in symbolic execution is limited due to the scalability of \gls{smt} solvers, which treat each byte as a variable. For human-readable files, this is particularly inefficient due to their low information entropy~\cite{entropy}. On the other hand, because of imperfect fault localization either by human~\cite{dbgbench} or automatically~\cite{fl-eval}, output annotation has limited exhaustiveness. To balance between manual annotation and computational scalability, methods \ref{ret} and \ref{parg} are introduced to automatically capture output more precisely at the end of every interested function. Debugging information forwarded from compiler frontend are kept in bitcodes, and they are used to limit the subroutines to be monitored, for example in algorithm~\ref{fnout}, the file that is patched by an \gls{apr} tool. \begin{algorithm} \caption{Extraction of \glspl{symout} of a function}\label{fnout} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Procedure{FunctionOutputs}{$i$} \State $f \gets \Call{Function}{i}$ \If{$f$ is not in the patched file} \Return $\top$ \EndIf % Can't do nested calls LOL \State $\varPhi \gets \Call{SymbolicOutput}{\textsc{ReturnValue}(i), f}$ \For{$a \in \Call{FunctionArguments}{i}$} \If{$\Call{IsPointer}{a} \land \lnot\Call{IsConstPointer}{a} \land \lnot\Call{IsFunctionPointer}{a}$} \State $\varPhi \gets \varPhi \land \Call{SymbolicOutput}{\textsc{Dereference}(a), a}$ \EndIf \EndFor \State \Return $\varPhi$ \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} Each \gls{symout} then is given an unique name for later comparison. For the sake of simplicity, we name them after the capturing method and associated identifier, i.e.~variable or subroutine. \subsection{Input generation} When two states monitor some commonly named \glspl{symout} and are at \emph{parallel} positions in their path, their path constraints can be used to generate a \gls{difftest}. Two states are said to be parallel if and only if their program counter points to the same instruction and the conjunction of their path conditions is satisfiable. Currently \psychic{} only compare halt states to minimize memory usage and \gls{smt} solving cost. Such \gls{smt} formula is constructed in algorithm~\ref{diffgen} by first append a suffix to each output name, then for the common ones assert for possible distinction between two paths. If the path constraints of both states are \gls{sat} with at least one difference in outputs, a \gls{difftest} can be generated from the \gls{smt} model. \begin{algorithm} \caption{\Gls{difftest} generation}\label{diffgen} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Procedure{DiffTest}{$D, \varPhi, n, \varPhi', n'$} \If{$n \ne n' \lor \{n, n'\} \in D$} \Return $\bot$ \EndIf \State $\varPsi, N \gets \Call{RenameOutputs}{\varPhi, n}$ \State $\varPsi', N' \gets \Call{RenameOutputs}{\varPhi', n'}$ \State $\varPsi_\text{diff} \gets \bigvee_{a \in N \cap N'}\Call{Distinct}{a, n, n'}$ \If{$\lnot\Call{sat}{\varPsi \land \varPsi' \land \varPsi_\text{diff}}$} \Return $\bot$ \EndIf \State $m \gets \Call{Model}{\varPsi \land \varPsi' \land \varPsi_\text{diff}}$ \State $I \gets \Call{InputValues}{m}$ \State \Return $(m, \{\Call{Execute}{I, r} \mid r \in \textsc{revisions}\})$ \EndProcedure \Procedure{RenameOutputs}{$x, n$} \State $X, k \gets x$ \Comment{subexpressions and kind} \If{$\Call{IsRead}{t}$} \State $a, i \gets X$ \Comment{array name and index} \If{$\Call{IsOutput}{a}$} \State $a' \gets \Call{AppendName}{a, n}$ \State $x' \gets ((a', i), k)$ \State \Return $x', \{a\}$ \Else \State \Return $x, \varnothing$ \EndIf \EndIf \State $X' \gets X$ \State $N \gets \varnothing$ \Comment{seen output names} \For{$i \in 1{.}\,{.}\Call{Length}{X}$} \State $X'_i, N_+ \gets \Call{RenameOutputs}{E_i, n}$ \State $N \gets N \cup N_+$ \EndFor \State \Return $(X', k), N$ \EndProcedure \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \subsection{Decision tree construction} From each \gls{difftest}, a set of clusters of revisions with the same output is constructed. We then superimpose these clustering sets to create hierarchical clusterings or a decision tree. A minimal tree, i.e~a tree with the shortest height, is found through exhaustively search though all subsets of set of clustering sets. TODO: analyse complexity