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path: root/content
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authorNgô Ngọc Đức Huy <huyngo@disroot.org>2021-04-16 11:46:26 +0700
committerNgô Ngọc Đức Huy <huyngo@disroot.org>2021-04-16 11:46:26 +0700
commitbb44a5916136dbe808dac58475ff248d101b4f75 (patch)
tree29dcaaf0d054a125bd09800028d904b89b4d24f5 /content
parent98b2a2ce1a9083b875118662a10151350b73d70d (diff)
Add menu translations
Diffstat (limited to 'content')
4 files changed, 85 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/content/contact.fr.md b/content/contact.fr.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fdd4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/contact.fr.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title: Contact
+language: en
+translationKey: contact
+Si vous ne me connaissez pas, ne me contactez que par [courriel][email].
+# Langue
+- Je préfère anglais, mais une autre langue est ok si elle est pertinente
+- Je m'appelle Huy, pas Ngo. Les Vietnamiens n'utilisent pas le nom de famille
+  pour s'appeler.
+- Pas de « monsieur ».
+# Pièces jointe
+- [Ne m'envoyez pas de documents Word][no-word], et ne m'obigez pas à l'utiliser.
+- Similairement, ne m'envoyez pas de RAR. Peut-être, c'est mieux que l'on
+  n'envoie pas du tout d'archives.
+- Ne m'envoyez pas de vidéos. Si c'est nécessaire, envoyez un lien pour le vidéo.
+# Texte pur
+Je ne lirais pas de courriels en HTML, comme ils sont problématiques.
+Lisez [ce page][useplaintext] (en anglais), qui explique comment écrire des
+courriels en texte pur (et aussi pourquoi ceux en HTML sont problématiques).
+[disroot]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org
+[email]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org
+[fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo
+[gmail]: mailto:duchuy29092000@gmail.com
+[matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org
+[no-word]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
+[useplaintext]: https://useplaintext.email
diff --git a/content/contact.md b/content/contact.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4133f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/contact.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: Contact
+language: en
+translationKey: contact
+If you don't know me, it's probably best to contact me via [email][email].
+# Language
+- I prefer English as my working language, but feel free to use any other if it's relevant.
+- Call me Huy, not Ngo. Vietnamese people don't refer to each other by family name.
+- No need for Mr., just the name is fine.
+# Attachment
+- [Don't send Word documents][no-word], and don't tell me to use it.
+- Similarly, don't send RAR archive. Maybe avoid sending archive in general.
+- Avoid sending videos (send a PeerTube link instead for example),
+  executables (send link to source code instead with instruction to build).
+# Send in plain text
+I probably would not read HTML emails, which are problematic.
+Read [this page][useplaintext] to see how to write mail in plain text file.
+## What if I want to include an image?
+Attach it as a file and refer to that. Maybe avoid images as a whole
+## Links are usually long and I'm afraid it can be disruptive
+You can use reference, like this:
+    Please read the post [1] for more information.
+    ...
+    [1]: https://example.org/this-link-is-long-and-disruptive
+[disroot]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org
+[email]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org
+[fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo
+[gmail]: mailto:duchuy29092000@gmail.com
+[matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org
+[no-word]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
+[useplaintext]: https://useplaintext.email
diff --git a/content/social.fr.md b/content/social.fr.md
index 0dda922..93e17c6 100644
--- a/content/social.fr.md
+++ b/content/social.fr.md
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ J'ai abandonné Facebook et les autres.
 Je suis exclusivement sur les médias sociaux fédérés, en particulier :
 - [Mastodon]: Pour les posts cours (mais 500 mots c'est plus long que ce que Twitter permit)
-- [Pixelfed]: La version fédérée d'Instagram, où je publie des mèmes
+- [PixelFed]: La version fédérée d'Instagram, où je publie des mèmes
 - [Matrix.org]: Pour le message instant, avec E2EE pour des messages privés
 You can find my Mastodon account at the footer and in my CV. Ask me further on
 Mastodon or email if you really want to know other two.
 [Mastodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo
-[Pixelfed]: https://anar.chi.st/xarvos
+[PixelFed]: https://anar.chi.st/xarvos
 [Matrix.org]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org
diff --git a/content/social.md b/content/social.md
index 281af16..36748d1 100644
--- a/content/social.md
+++ b/content/social.md
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ menu:
 I practically left Facebook et al. Currently I am on federated social networks, namely:
 - [Mastodon]: For short text post, but it's longer than Twitter
-- [Pixelfed]: Federated Instagram, where I post memes
+- [PixelFed]: Federated Instagram, where I post memes
 - [Matrix.org]: Instant messaging, with E2EE for private messages
 [Mastodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo
-[Pixelfed]: https://anar.chi.st/xarvos
+[PixelFed]: https://anar.chi.st/xarvos
 [Matrix.org]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org