--- title: About language: en ref: about disable_feed: true --- # Me ![I literally used this duck image for debugging](rubber-duck.png) I am Huy[^0], a Vietnamese undergraduate student in ICT[^1]. - pronoun: he/him/his/himself[^5] - languages: Vietnamese, English, French, German, with proficiency and fluency decrementally sorted - Contacts: - Email: [huyngo@disroot.org][mail] - Matrix: [huyngo@envs.net][envs-mx] or [huyngo@opensuse.org][opensuse-mx] - Mastodon: [huy_ngo@fosstodon.org][fosstodon] - Pleroma: [huyngo@envs.net][pleroma] - etiquette: - [plain text email][plain] - [no Word document][no-word] or other proprietary format like RAR ## Works I write [free software][free-sw], but unfortunately not as a professional job. If you're an employer, you can find my [CV][cv] in PDF format. I am not available for hire at the moment, however. ## Donate I receive donation on [liberapay][liberapay] and [patreon][patreon]. # This blog I write about: - Programming - Learning languages - Conlanging - Digital freedom - Books or fiction in general But it's primarily about technology in general. ## Correct mistakes Any correction is appreciated, whether I state a wrong fact or make a grammar mistake. ## Copying Creative Commons License
All content in this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless stated otherwise. This means you are free to share the posts and modify them, provided that you attribute properly, link to the original content, and state your changes. Additionally, you have to share those changes under the same license. ## Source The source code for generating this website can be found on [source hut][srht-blog]. [free-sw]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html [github]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo [acanban]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/acanban [minigh]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/MiniGH [meme-bot]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/discord-meme-bot [wikt]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/wikt-cli [cov]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/cov-news [cnx]: https://cnx.srht.site/ [axuy]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/axuy/ [ipwhl]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/ipwhl/ [palace]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/palace/ [cv]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Huy-Ngo/my-cv/master/huy-cv.pdf [liberapay]: https://liberapay.com/huy.ngo/ [patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/__huy_ngo__ [openring]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring [srht-blog]: https://git.sr.ht/~huyngo/blog [mail]: mailto:huyngo+blog@disroot.org [envs-mx]: https://matrix.to/#/@huyngo:envs.net [opensuse-mx]: https://matrix.to/#/@huyngo:opensuse.org [fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo [pleroma]: https://pleroma.envs.net/huyngo [plain]: https://useplaintext.email [no-word]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html [^0]: Yes call me Huy. Don't call me by family name, even in formal context. [^1]: Information and Communication Technology [^2]: [Vietnamese Ministry of Health](https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/dong-thoi-gian), in Vietnamese [^3]: Not literally half [^5]: I don't know why people just saying he/him. Kinda useless if it weren't a standard, and if you assume people know other option just mention one form then.