--- title: À propos ref: about draft: true disable_feed: true --- I suppose I should introduce my selves in third person to distinguish my internet persona and "meatsona", even though I find it weird to write in third person. The distinction is there, albeit somewhat blur. I might have some other personae, but I don't feel comfortable disclosing them in public. ## xarvos the internet persona known as xarvos is a blob of energy without a shape. ze chose to use this debugging rubber duck to represent zemself. ![a yellow rubber duck](duck.png) no, that is not an "x" that starts zer name; it's a [velar fricative][x], and zer name's pronunciation in IPA is /xarvos/. ze prefers to write in lowercase, except for acronyms and as-is quotes. xarvos is a creative creature. ze loves writing (fiction, software), drawing. ## Huy ## common I speak Vietnamese, English, French, German, with proficiency and fluency decrementally sorted. Please [contact][contact] if you want language exchange. I write about all kinds of stuff; expect tech discussion, shitposts, language stuff, fictions, blah blah. I [work][work] as a software developer, and that means I [hate software][relevant-xkcd] more than others. [x]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_velar_fricative [contact]: /en/about/contact/ [work]: /en/about/works/ [relevant-xkcd]: https://xkcd.com/2030/