--- title: Contact language: en translationKey: contact disable_feed: true --- If you don't know me, it's probably best to contact me via [email][email]. # Language - I prefer English as my working language, but feel free to use any other if it's relevant. - Call me Huy, not Ngo. Vietnamese people don't refer to each other by family name. - No need for Mr., just the name is fine. # Attachment - [Don't send Word documents][no-word], and don't tell me to use it. - Similarly, don't send RAR archive. Maybe avoid sending archive in general. - Avoid sending videos (send a PeerTube link instead for example), executables (send link to source code instead with instruction to build). # Send in plain text I probably would not read HTML emails, which are problematic. Read [this page][useplaintext] to see how to write mail in plain text file. ## What if I want to include an image? Attach it as a file and refer to that. Maybe avoid images as a whole ## Links are usually long and I'm afraid it can be disruptive You can use reference, like this: Please read the post [1] for more information. ... [1]: https://example.org/this-link-is-long-and-disruptive [disroot]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org [email]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org [fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo [gmail]: mailto:duchuy29092000@gmail.com [matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org [no-word]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html [useplaintext]: https://useplaintext.email