--- title: IPWHL packaging status lang: en date: 2021-08-26 ---

IPWHL dependencies

Below are packages which IPWHL depends on, with unpackaged ones marked as red and uses emphasized text:
  1. packaging
  2. toml
  3. tox
  4. pip
  5. flake8-builtins
  6. isort
  7. pep8-naming
  8. mypy

Top 100 downloaded packages

As of 26th of August, 2021, IPWHL has packaged 207 packages, 39 of which are in the 100 most downloaded packages (according to hugovk's report).
  1. urllib3
  2. botocore
  3. six
  4. boto3
  5. setuptools
  6. awscli
  7. requests
  8. python-dateutil
  9. certifi
  10. idna
  11. s3transfer
  12. pyyaml
  13. pip
  14. rsa
  15. wheel
  16. pyasn1
  17. jmespath
  18. numpy
  19. cffi
  20. chardet
  21. typing-extensions
  22. colorama
  23. packaging
  24. pandas
  25. importlib-metadata
  26. pytz
  27. protobuf
  28. click
  29. pyparsing
  30. zipp
  31. markupsafe
  32. jinja2
  33. oauthlib
  34. attrs
  35. docutils
  36. requests-oauthlib
  37. pycparser
  38. cryptography
  39. google-api-core
  40. pyjwt
  41. charset-normalizer
  42. google-auth
  43. cachetools
  44. toml
  45. pyasn1-modules
  46. isodate
  47. msrest
  48. decorator
  49. future
  50. websocket-client
  51. wrapt
  52. pillow
  53. werkzeug
  54. flask
  55. azure-core
  56. google-cloud-core
  57. sqlalchemy
  58. scipy
  59. azure-storage-blob
  60. googleapis-common-protos
  61. py
  62. google-cloud-storage
  63. lxml
  64. tqdm
  65. docker
  66. pytest
  67. itsdangerous
  68. matplotlib
  69. pyarrow
  70. grpcio
  71. joblib
  72. filelock
  73. jsonschema
  74. pyrsistent
  75. scikit-learn
  76. aiohttp
  77. multidict
  78. yarl
  79. pluggy
  80. google-api-python-client
  81. google-resumable-media
  82. psutil
  83. pygments
  84. async-timeout
  85. azure-common
  86. tabulate
  87. greenlet
  88. futures
  89. regex
  90. httplib2
  91. appdirs
  92. pyopenssl
  93. mccabe
  94. defusedxml
  95. prometheus-client
  96. fsspec
  97. gunicorn
  98. uritemplate
  99. kiwisolver
  100. pexpect