# Derivational Morphology ## Nominalization In all following transformations, where a noun has unknown gender mark *-y*, it is replaced with an ambiguous, idiomatic gender or the gender of a closest noun that defines it. In the former case, such words would be listed in the dictionary. | category | transformation | examples | |----------|----------------|----------| | action | -zy → -sy | chopzy (think) → chopsu (the act of thinking) | | actor | -zy → -nersy | rypzy (teach) → rypnersy (teacher) | | result | -zy → -mensy | chopzy (think) → chopmensu (thought), ghószy (draw) → ghósmense (drawing, picture) | | diminutive| -sy → -zìssy | wuüpsi (dog) → wuüpzìssy (puppy), nùchsa (kid) → nùchzìssa (baby), lìmsi (human) → lìmzìssi (dwarf) | | augmentative| -sy → gáchsy| lìmsi (human) → lìmgáchsi (giant) | ## Verbalization | category | transformation | examples | |----------|----------------|----------| | reverse | V → réc-V | njizy (do) → récnjizy (undo)| | do again | V → bàn-V | chopzy (think) → bànchopzy (rethink) | ## Compounds TBD