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path: root/daily/302hard
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authorRaphael McSinyx <vn.mcsinyx@gmail.com>2017-02-13 22:00:06 +0700
committerRaphael McSinyx <vn.mcsinyx@gmail.com>2017-02-13 22:00:06 +0700
commitfa7cbaee4baf174ee416280d82a60fade6d3eaad (patch)
tree66cc53618b82dc45f83fb70c2290c03a532447cd /daily/302hard
parentac0a1ea7dabaee1b986927efb25e94a3a091fff5 (diff)
Add /r/dailyprogrammer Challenge #302 [Hard]
Diffstat (limited to 'daily/302hard')
4 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/daily/302hard/README.md b/daily/302hard/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3afdca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daily/302hard/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# [[2017-02-10] Challenge #302 [Hard] ASCII Histogram Maker: Part 2 - The Proper Histogram](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer/comments/5t7l07/20170210_challenge_302_hard_ascii_histogram_maker/)
+## Description
+Most of us are familiar with the histogram chart - a representation of a
+frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class
+intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies. It
+is similar to a bar chart, but a histogram groups numbers into ranges. The area
+of the bar is the total frequency of all of the covered values in the range. 
+## Input Description
+You'll be given four numbers on the first line telling you the start and end of
+the horizontal (X) axis and the vertical (Y) axis, respectively. The next line
+tells you the interval for the X-axis to use (the width of the bar). Then
+you'll have a number on a single line telling you how many records to read.
+Then you'll be given the data as 2 numbers: the first is the variable, the
+second number is the frequency of that variable. Example:
+    1 4 1 10
+    2
+    4
+    1 3
+    2 3
+    3 2
+    4 6
+## Challenge Output
+Your program should emit an ASCII histogram plotting the data according to the
+specification - the size of the chart and the frequency of the X-axis,
+variables. Example:
+    10
+     9
+     8
+     7
+     6
+     5
+     4    ***
+     3*** ***
+     2*** ***
+     1*** ***
+      1 2 3 4
+# Challenge Input
+    0 40 0 100
+    8
+    40
+    1 56
+    2 40
+    3 4
+    4 67
+    5 34
+    6 48
+    7 7
+    8 45
+    9 50
+    10 54
+    11 20
+    12 24
+    13 44
+    14 44
+    15 49
+    16 28
+    17 94
+    18 37
+    19 46
+    20 64
+    21 100
+    22 43
+    23 23
+    24 100
+    25 15
+    26 81
+    27 19
+    28 92
+    29 9
+    30 21
+    31 88
+    32 31
+    33 55
+    34 87
+    35 63
+    36 88
+    37 76
+    38 41
+    39 100
+    40 6
diff --git a/daily/302hard/bargroup.pas b/daily/302hard/bargroup.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295c458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daily/302hard/bargroup.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+uses math, sysutils;
+  minx, maxx, miny, maxy, stepx, stepy, i, x0, f: integer;
+  n, j, lenf: byte;
+  raw_freq, freq: array of integer;
+  xtrue, xfalse: array of string;
+function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;
+  var
+    c: integer;
+  begin
+    while b > 0 do
+      begin
+        c := b;
+        b := a mod b;
+        a := c
+      end;
+    gcd := a
+  end;
+function rjust(
+  s: string;
+  width: byte;
+  fill: char
+): string;
+  begin
+    while length(s) < width do
+      s := fill + s;
+    rjust := s
+  end;
+  read(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, stepx, n);
+  setlength(raw_freq, maxx - minx + 1);
+  for i := 0 to length(raw_freq) - 1 do
+    raw_freq[i] := 0;
+  for i := 1 to n do
+    begin
+      readln(x0, f);
+      raw_freq[x0 - minx] := f
+    end;
+  setlength(freq, length(raw_freq) div stepx);
+  for i := 0 to length(freq) - 1 do
+    begin
+      freq[i] := 0;
+      for j := 0 to stepx - 1 do
+        inc(freq[i], raw_freq[i * stepx + j]);
+      freq[i] := freq[i] div stepx
+    end;
+  stepy := maxy - miny + 1;
+  for i in freq do
+    stepy := gcd(stepy, i - miny + 1);
+  lenf := 0;
+  i := miny;
+  repeat
+    lenf := max(length(inttostr(i)), lenf);
+    inc(i, stepy)
+  until i > maxy;
+  setlength(xfalse, length(freq));
+  setlength(xtrue, length(freq));
+  for i := 0 to length(freq) - 1 do
+    begin
+      xtrue[i] := rjust('', length(inttostr(minx + stepx * i)), '*');
+      xfalse[i] := rjust('', length(inttostr(minx + stepx * i)), ' ');
+      for j := 1 to stepx - 1 do
+        begin
+          xtrue[i] := xtrue[i] +
+                      rjust('', length(inttostr(minx + stepx*i + j)) + 1, '*');
+          xfalse[i] := xfalse[i] +
+                       rjust('', length(inttostr(minx + stepx*i + j)) + 1, ' ')
+        end
+    end;
+  repeat
+    write(rjust(inttostr(maxy), lenf, ' '));
+    for i := 0 to length(freq) - 2 do
+      begin
+        if freq[i] >= maxy then
+          write(xtrue[i])
+        else
+          write(xfalse[i]);
+        write(' ')
+      end;
+    if freq[length(freq) - 1] >= maxy then
+      writeln(xtrue[length(freq) - 1])
+    else
+      writeln(xfalse[length(freq) - 1]);
+    dec(maxy, stepy)
+  until maxy < miny;
+  write(rjust('', lenf, ' '));
+  for i := minx to maxx - 1 do
+    write(i, ' ');
+  writeln(maxx)
diff --git a/daily/302hard/input b/daily/302hard/input
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75dd6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daily/302hard/input
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+1 40 0 100
+1 56
+2 40
+3 4
+4 67
+5 34
+6 48
+7 7
+8 45
+9 50
+10 54
+11 20
+12 24
+13 44
+14 44
+15 49
+16 28
+17 94
+18 37
+19 46
+20 64
+21 100
+22 43
+23 23
+24 100
+25 15
+26 81
+27 19
+28 92
+29 9
+30 21
+31 88
+32 31
+33 55
+34 87
+35 63
+36 88
+37 76
+38 41
+39 100
+40 6
diff --git a/daily/302hard/output b/daily/302hard/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ccaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daily/302hard/output
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ 99                                                                                                              
+ 98                                                                                                              
+ 97                                                                                                              
+ 96                                                                                                              
+ 95                                                                                                              
+ 94                                                                                                              
+ 93                                                                                                              
+ 92                                                                                                              
+ 91                                                                                                              
+ 90                                                                                                              
+ 89                                                                                                              
+ 88                                                                                                              
+ 87                                                                                                              
+ 86                                                                                                              
+ 85                                                                                                              
+ 84                                                                                                              
+ 83                                                                                                              
+ 82                                                                                                              
+ 81                                                                                                              
+ 80                                                                                                              
+ 79                                                                                                              
+ 78                                                                                                              
+ 77                                                                                                              
+ 76                                                                                                              
+ 75                                                                                                              
+ 74                                                                                                              
+ 73                                                                                                              
+ 72                                                                                                              
+ 71                                                                                                              
+ 70                                                                                                              
+ 69                                                                                                              
+ 68                                                                                                              
+ 67                                                                                                              
+ 66                                                                                                              
+ 65                                                                                                              
+ 64                                                                                       ***********************
+ 63                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 62                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 61                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 60                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 59                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 58                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 57                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 56                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 55                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 54                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 53                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 52                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 51                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 50                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 49                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 48                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 47                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 46                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 45                                       ***********************                         ***********************
+ 44                                       *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 43                                       *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 42                                       *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 41                                       *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 40                                       *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 39                ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 38                ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 37*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 36*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 35*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 34*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 33*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 32*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 31*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 30*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 29*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 28*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 27*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 26*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 25*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 24*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 23*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 22*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 21*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 20*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 19*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 18*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 17*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 16*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 15*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 14*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 13*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 12*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 11*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+ 10*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  9*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  8*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  7*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  6*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  5*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  4*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  3*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  2*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  1*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+  0*************** ********************** *********************** *********************** ***********************
+   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40