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+# [[2017-02-06] Challenge #302 [Easy] Spelling with Chemistry](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer/comments/5seexn/20170206_challenge_302_easy_spelling_with/)
+## Description
+The [IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements](https://iupac.org/what-we-do/periodic-table-of-elements/)
+is one of the most recognizable features of modern chemistry - the organization
+of all known chemical elements along with some of their most fundamental
+properties, together with their names and symbols. Today we're going to use
+that as we spell some words.
+Here's the list of the elements alphabetized by the element's name. We can also
+see the symbol (1 or 2 letters - we're omitting the emerging elements that
+often contain three letters), atomic number and weight, and Pauling
+Electronegativities (c), which are unused in this challenge.
+|    Element    | Symbol |  Z  | Atomic Weight |  c  |
+| ------------- | :----: | --- | ------------- | --- |
+| Actinium      |   Ac   |  89 |    (227)      | 1.1 |
+| Aluminum      |   Al   |  13 |    26.9815    | 1.5 |
+| Americium     |   Am   |  95 |    (243)      | 1.3 |
+| Antimony      |   Sb   |  51 |    121.75     | 1.9 |
+| Argon         |   Ar   |  18 |    39.948     |     |
+| Arsenic       |   As   |  33 |    74.9216    | 2.0 |
+| Astatine      |   At   |  85 |    (210)      | 2.2 |
+| Barium        |   Ba   |  56 |    137        | 0.9 |
+| Berkelium     |   Bk   |  97 |    (247)      | 1.3 |
+| Beryllium     |   Be   |   4 |    9.0122     | 1.5 |
+| Bismuth       |   Bi   |  83 |    208.980    | 1.9 |
+| Boron         |   B    |   5 |    10.81      | 2.0 |
+| Bromine       |   Br   |  35 |    79.904     | 2.8 |
+| Cadmium       |   Cd   |  48 |    112.40     | 1.7 |
+| Calcium       |   Ca   |  20 |    40.08      | 1.0 |
+| Californium   |   Cf   |  98 |    (251)      | 1.3 |
+| Carbon        |   C    |   6 |    12.011     | 2.5 |
+| Cerium        |   Ce   |  58 |    140.12     | 1.1 |
+| Cesium        |   Cs   |  55 |    132.9054   | 0.7 |
+| Chlorine      |   Cl   |  17 |    35.453     | 3.0 |
+| Chromium      |   Cr   |  24 |    51.996     | 1.6 |
+| Cobalt        |   Co   |  27 |    58.9332    | 1.8 |
+| Copper        |   Cu   |  29 |    63.546     | 1.9 |
+| Curium        |   Cm   |  96 |    (247)      | 1.3 |
+| Dysprosium    |   Dy   |  66 |    162.50     | 1.1 |
+| Einsteinium   |   Es   |  99 |    (254)      | 1.3 |
+| Erbium        |   Er   |  68 |    167.26     | 1.1 |
+| Europium      |   Eu   |  63 |    151.96     | 1.1 |
+| Fermium       |   Fm   | 100 |    (257)      | 1.3 |
+| Fluorine      |   F    |   9 |    18.9984    | 4.0 |
+| Francium      |   Fr   |  87 |    (223)      | 0.7 |
+| Gadolinium    |   Gd   |  64 |    157.25     | 1.1 |
+| Gallium       |   Ga   |  31 |    69.72      | 1.6 |
+| Germanium     |   Ge   |  32 |    72.59      | 1.8 |
+| Gold          |   Au   |  79 |    196.966    | 2.4 |
+| Hafnium       |   Hf   |  72 |    178.49     | 1.3 |
+| Helium        |   He   |   2 |    4.00260    |     |
+| Holmium       |   Ho   |  67 |    164.930    | 1.1 |
+| Hydrogen      |   H    |   1 |    1.0079     | 2.1 |
+| Indium        |   In   |  49 |    114.82     | 1.7 |
+| Iodine        |   I    |  53 |    126.904    | 2.5 |
+| Iridium       |   Ir   |  77 |    192.22     | 2.2 |
+| Iron          |   Fe   |  26 |    55.847     | 1.8 |
+| Krypton       |   Kr   |  36 |    83.80      |     |
+| Lanthanum     |   La   |  57 |    138.905    | 1.1 |
+| Lawrencium    |   Lr   | 103 |    (256)      |     |
+| Lead          |   Pb   |  82 |    207.2      | 1.8 |
+| Lithium       |   Li   |   3 |    6.941      | 1.0 |
+| Lutetium      |   Lu   |  71 |    174.97     | 1.2 |
+| Magnesium     |   Mg   |  12 |    24.305     | 1.2 |
+| Manganese     |   Mn   |  25 |    54.9380    | 1.5 |
+| Mendelevium   |   Md   | 101 |    (258)      | 1.3 |
+| Mercury       |   Hg   |  80 |    200.59     | 1.9 |
+| Molybdenum    |   Mo   |  42 |    95.94      | 1.8 |
+| Neodymium     |   Nd   |  60 |    144.24     | 1.1 |
+| Neon          |   Ne   |  10 |    20.179     |     |
+| Neptunium     |   Np   |  93 |    237.048    | 1.3 |
+| Nickel        |   Ni   |  28 |    58.70      | 1.8 |
+| Niobium       |   Nb   |  41 |    92.9064    | 1.6 |
+| Nitrogen      |   N    |   7 |    14.0067    | 3.0 |
+| Nobelium      |   No   | 102 |    (255)      | 1.3 |
+| Osmium        |   Os   |  76 |    190.2      | 2.2 |
+| Oxygen        |   O    |   8 |    15.9994    | 3.5 |
+| Palladium     |   Pd   |  46 |    106.4      | 2.2 |
+| Phosphorus    |   P    |  15 |    30.9738    | 2.1 |
+| Platinum      |   Pt   |  78 |    195.09     | 2.2 |
+| Plutonium     |   Pu   |  94 |    (244)      | 1.3 |
+| Polonium      |   Po   |  84 |    (210)      | 2.0 |
+| Potassium     |   K    |  19 |    39.098     | 0.8 |
+| Praseodymium  |   Pr   |  59 |    140.908    | 1.1 |
+| Promethium    |   Pm   |  61 |    (147)      | 1.1 |
+| Protactinium  |   Pa   |  91 |    231.036    | 1.4 |
+| Radium        |   Ra   |  88 |    226.025    | 0.9 |
+| Radon         |   Rn   |  86 |    (222)      |     |
+| Rhenium       |   Re   |  75 |    186.207    | 1.9 |
+| Rhodium       |   Rh   |  45 |    102.906    | 2.2 |
+| Rubidium      |   Rb   |  37 |    85.4678    | 0.8 |
+| Ruthenium     |   Ru   |  44 |    101.07     | 2.2 |
+| Rutherfordium |   Rf   | 104 |    (261)      |     |
+| Samarium      |   Sm   |  62 |    150.4      | 1.1 |
+| Scandium      |   Sc   |  21 |    44.9559    | 1.3 |
+| Selenium      |   Se   |  34 |    78.96      | 2.4 |
+| Silicon       |   Si   |  14 |    28.086     | 1.8 |
+| Silver        |   Ag   |  47 |    107.868    | 1.9 |
+| Sodium        |   Na   |  11 |    22.9898    | 0.9 |
+| Strontium     |   Sr   |  38 |    87.62      | 1.0 |
+| Sulfur        |   S    |  16 |    32.06      | 2.5 |
+| Tantalum      |   Ta   |  73 |    180.948    | 1.5 |
+| Technetium    |   Tc   |  43 |    98.9062    | 1.9 |
+| Tellurium     |   Te   |  52 |    127.60     | 2.1 |
+| Terbium       |   Tb   |  65 |    158.925    | 1.1 |
+| Thallium      |   Tl   |  81 |    204.37     | 1.8 |
+| Thorium       |   Th   |  90 |    232.038    | 1.2 |
+| Thulium       |   Tm   |  69 |    168.934    | 1.1 |
+| Tin           |   Sn   |  50 |    118.69     | 1.8 |
+| Titanium      |   Ti   |  22 |    47.90      | 1.5 |
+| Tungsten      |   W    |  74 |    183.85     | 1.7 |
+| Uranium       |   U    |  92 |    238.029    | 1.5 |
+| Vanadium      |   V    |  23 |    50.9414    | 1.6 |
+| Xenon         |   Xe   |  54 |    131.30     |     |
+| Ytterbium     |   Yb   |  70 |    173.04     | 1.1 |
+| Yttrium       |   Y    |  39 |    88.9059    | 1.2 |
+| Zinc          |   Zn   |  30 |    65.38      | 1.6 |
+| Zirconium     |   Zr   |  40 |    91.22      | 1.4 |
+## Input Description
+You'll be given a list of words, one per line. Example:
+    genius
+## Output Description
+Your program should emit the word as a series of elements by name with proper
+capitalization from the above table. Example:
+    GeNiUS (germanium nickel uranium sulfur)
+## Challenge Input
+    functions
+    bacon
+    poison
+    sickness
+    ticklish 
+## Challenge Output
+    FUNCTiONS (flourine, uranium, nitrogen, carbon, titanium, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur)
+    BaCoN (barium, cobalt, nitrogen)
+    POISON (phosphorus, oxygen, iodine, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen)
+    SiCKNeSS (silicon, carbon, potassium, neon, sulfur, sulfur)
+    TiCKLiSH (titanium, carbon, potassium, lithium, sulfur, hydrogen)
+## Bonus
+Note that *bacon* has a few different possibilities. Which is the heaviest by
+atomic weight?
diff --git a/daily/302easy/ptspell.py b/daily/302easy/ptspell.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b9adbbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daily/302easy/ptspell.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from sys import stdin
+PERIODIC_TABLE = {'Ac': ('Actinium', 227.0), 'Ag': ('Silver', 107.868),
+                  'Al': ('Aluminum', 26.9815), 'Am': ('Americium', 243.0),
+                  'Ar': ('Argon', 39.948), 'As': ('Arsenic', 74.9216),
+                  'At': ('Astatine', 210.0), 'Au': ('Gold', 196.966),
+                  'B': ('Boron', 10.81), 'Ba': ('Barium', 137.0),
+                  'Be': ('Beryllium', 9.0122), 'Bi': ('Bismuth', 208.98),
+                  'Bk': ('Berkelium', 247.0), 'Br': ('Bromine', 79.904),
+                  'C': ('Carbon', 12.011), 'Ca': ('Calcium', 40.08),
+                  'Cd': ('Cadmium', 112.4), 'Ce': ('Cerium', 140.12),
+                  'Cf': ('Californium', 251.0), 'Cl': ('Chlorine', 35.453),
+                  'Cm': ('Curium', 247.0), 'Co': ('Cobalt', 58.9332),
+                  'Cr': ('Chromium', 51.996), 'Cs': ('Cesium', 132.9054),
+                  'Cu': ('Copper', 63.546), 'Dy': ('Dysprosium', 162.5),
+                  'Er': ('Erbium', 167.26), 'Es': ('Einsteinium', 254.0),
+                  'Eu': ('Europium', 151.96), 'F': ('Fluorine', 18.9984),
+                  'Fe': ('Iron', 55.847), 'Fm': ('Fermium', 257.0),
+                  'Fr': ('Francium', 223.0), 'Ga': ('Gallium', 69.72),
+                  'Gd': ('Gadolinium', 157.25), 'Ge': ('Germanium', 72.59),
+                  'H': ('Hydrogen', 1.0079), 'He': ('Helium', 4.0026),
+                  'Hf': ('Hafnium', 178.49), 'Hg': ('Mercury', 200.59),
+                  'Ho': ('Holmium', 164.93), 'I': ('Iodine', 126.904),
+                  'In': ('Indium', 114.82), 'Ir': ('Iridium', 192.22),
+                  'K': ('Potassium', 39.098), 'Kr': ('Krypton', 83.8),
+                  'La': ('Lanthanum', 138.905), 'Li': ('Lithium', 6.941),
+                  'Lr': ('Lawrencium', 256.0), 'Lu': ('Lutetium', 174.97),
+                  'Md': ('Mendelevium', 258.0), 'Mg': ('Magnesium', 24.305),
+                  'Mn': ('Manganese', 54.938), 'Mo': ('Molybdenum', 95.94),
+                  'N': ('Nitrogen', 14.0067), 'Na': ('Sodium', 22.9898),
+                  'Nb': ('Niobium', 92.9064), 'Nd': ('Neodymium', 144.24),
+                  'Ne': ('Neon', 20.179), 'Ni': ('Nickel', 58.7),
+                  'No': ('Nobelium', 255.0), 'Np': ('Neptunium', 237.048),
+                  'O': ('Oxygen', 15.9994), 'Os': ('Osmium', 190.2),
+                  'P': ('Phosphorus', 30.9738), 'Pa': ('Protactinium', 231.036),
+                  'Pb': ('Lead', 207.2), 'Pd': ('Palladium', 106.4),
+                  'Pm': ('Promethium', 147.0), 'Po': ('Polonium', 210.0),
+                  'Pr': ('Praseodymium', 140.908), 'Pt': ('Platinum', 195.09),
+                  'Pu': ('Plutonium', 244.0), 'Ra': ('Radium', 226.025),
+                  'Rb': ('Rubidium', 85.4678), 'Re': ('Rhenium', 186.207),
+                  'Rf': ('Rutherfordium', 261.0), 'Rh': ('Rhodium', 102.906),
+                  'Rn': ('Radon', 222.0), 'Ru': ('Ruthenium', 101.07),
+                  'S': ('Sulfur', 32.06), 'Sb': ('Antimony', 121.75),
+                  'Sc': ('Scandium', 44.9559), 'Se': ('Selenium', 78.96),
+                  'Si': ('Silicon', 28.086), 'Sm': ('Samarium', 150.4),
+                  'Sn': ('Tin', 118.69), 'Sr': ('Strontium', 87.62),
+                  'Ta': ('Tantalum', 180.948), 'Tb': ('Terbium', 158.925),
+                  'Tc': ('Technetium', 98.9062), 'Te': ('Tellurium', 127.6),
+                  'Th': ('Thorium', 232.038), 'Ti': ('Titanium', 47.9),
+                  'Tl': ('Thallium', 204.37), 'Tm': ('Thulium', 168.934),
+                  'U': ('Uranium', 238.029), 'V': ('Vanadium', 50.9414),
+                  'W': ('Tungsten', 183.85), 'Xe': ('Xenon', 131.3),
+                  'Y': ('Yttrium', 88.9059), 'Yb': ('Ytterbium', 173.04),
+                  'Zn': ('Zinc', 65.38), 'Zr': ('Zirconium', 91.22)}
+MEM = {}
+def spell(s):
+    if s in MEM: return MEM[s]
+    if not s: return []
+    s, l = s.capitalize(), []
+    if len(s) == 1 and s in PERIODIC_TABLE:
+        MEM[s] = [(s,)]
+        return MEM[s]
+    if len(s) == 2:
+        if s in PERIODIC_TABLE: l.append((s,))
+        t = tuple(s.upper())
+        if all(i in PERIODIC_TABLE for i in t): l.append(t)
+        MEM[s] = l
+        return l
+    if s[0] in PERIODIC_TABLE:
+        l.extend([(s[0],) + i for i in spell(s[1:])])
+    if len(s) > 1 and s[0:2] in PERIODIC_TABLE:
+        l.extend([(s[0:2],) + i for i in spell(s[2:])])
+    MEM[s] = l
+    return l
+for i in stdin:
+    d = {sum(PERIODIC_TABLE[k][1] for k in j): j for j in spell(i.strip())}
+    t = d[max(d)]
+    print(''.join(t), '(' + ' '.join(PERIODIC_TABLE[j][0] for j in t) + ')')