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path: root/src/nix-env
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authorEelco Dolstra <>2010-04-21 15:08:58 +0000
committerEelco Dolstra <>2010-04-21 15:08:58 +0000
commitfe2d869e04372de69719c3989a75247ff44b8fd4 (patch)
treece7df351314663d45adaa6a3b7ba4c64f179c63a /src/nix-env
parentf3b8833a48472c3545ea8673d687ea9cadcedd61 (diff)
* Store user environment manifests as a Nix expression in
  $out/manifest.nix rather than as an ATerm.

  (Hm, I thought I committed this two days ago...)

Diffstat (limited to 'src/nix-env')
5 files changed, 166 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/src/nix-env/ b/src/nix-env/
index e298c4003b..4a9df454d4 100644
--- a/src/nix-env/
+++ b/src/nix-env/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "help.txt.hh"
 #include "get-drvs.hh"
 #include "attr-path.hh"
-#include "pathlocks.hh"
 #include "common-opts.hh"
 #include "xml-writer.hh"
 #include "store-api.hh"
@@ -193,141 +192,6 @@ static Path getDefNixExprPath()
-/* Ensure exclusive access to a profile.  Any command that modifies
-   the profile first acquires this lock. */
-static void lockProfile(PathLocks & lock, const Path & profile)
-    lock.lockPaths(singleton<PathSet>(profile),
-        (format("waiting for lock on profile `%1%'") % profile).str());
-    lock.setDeletion(true);
-/* Optimistic locking is used by long-running operations like `nix-env
-   -i'.  Instead of acquiring the exclusive lock for the entire
-   duration of the operation, we just perform the operation
-   optimistically (without an exclusive lock), and check at the end
-   whether the profile changed while we were busy (i.e., the symlink
-   target changed).  If so, the operation is restarted.  Restarting is
-   generally cheap, since the build results are still in the Nix
-   store.  Most of the time, only the user environment has to be
-   rebuilt. */
-static string optimisticLockProfile(const Path & profile)
-    return pathExists(profile) ? readLink(profile) : "";
-static bool createUserEnv(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & elems,
-    const Path & profile, bool keepDerivations,
-    const string & lockToken)
-    throw Error("not implemented");
-#if 0
-    /* Build the components in the user environment, if they don't
-       exist already. */
-    PathSet drvsToBuild;
-    foreach (DrvInfos::const_iterator, i, elems)
-        /* Call to `isDerivation' is for compatibility with Nix <= 0.7
-           user environments. */
-        if (i->queryDrvPath(state) != "" &&
-            isDerivation(i->queryDrvPath(state)))
-            drvsToBuild.insert(i->queryDrvPath(state));
-    debug(format("building user environment dependencies"));
-    store->buildDerivations(drvsToBuild);
-    /* Get the environment builder expression. */
-    Expr envBuilder = parseExprFromFile(state,
-        nixDataDir + "/nix/corepkgs/buildenv"); /* !!! */
-    /* Construct the whole top level derivation. */
-    PathSet references;
-    ATermList manifest = ATempty;
-    ATermList inputs = ATempty;
-    foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, elems) {
-        /* Create a pseudo-derivation containing the name, system,
-           output path, and optionally the derivation path, as well as
-           the meta attributes. */
-        Path drvPath = keepDerivations ? i->queryDrvPath(state) : "";
-        /* Round trip to get rid of "bad" meta values (like
-           functions). */
-        MetaInfo meta = i->queryMetaInfo(state);
-        i->setMetaInfo(meta);
-        ATermList as = ATmakeList5(
-            makeBind(toATerm("type"),
-                makeStr("derivation"), makeNoPos()),
-            makeBind(toATerm("name"),
-                makeStr(i->name), makeNoPos()),
-            makeBind(toATerm("system"),
-                makeStr(i->system), makeNoPos()),
-            makeBind(toATerm("outPath"),
-                makeStr(i->queryOutPath(state)), makeNoPos()), 
-            makeBind(toATerm("meta"),
-                i->attrs->get(toATerm("meta")), makeNoPos()));
-        if (drvPath != "") as = ATinsert(as, 
-            makeBind(toATerm("drvPath"),
-                makeStr(drvPath), makeNoPos()));
-        manifest = ATinsert(manifest, makeAttrs(as));
-        inputs = ATinsert(inputs, makeStr(i->queryOutPath(state)));
-        /* This is only necessary when installing store paths, e.g.,
-           `nix-env -i /nix/store/abcd...-foo'. */
-        store->addTempRoot(i->queryOutPath(state));
-        store->ensurePath(i->queryOutPath(state));
-        references.insert(i->queryOutPath(state));
-        if (drvPath != "") references.insert(drvPath);
-    }
-    /* Also write a copy of the list of inputs to the store; we need
-       it for future modifications of the environment. */
-    Path manifestFile = store->addTextToStore("env-manifest",
-        atPrint(canonicaliseExpr(makeList(ATreverse(manifest)))), references);
-    Expr topLevel = makeCall(envBuilder, makeAttrs(ATmakeList3(
-        makeBind(toATerm("system"),
-            makeStr(thisSystem), makeNoPos()),
-        makeBind(toATerm("derivations"),
-            makeList(ATreverse(manifest)), makeNoPos()),
-        makeBind(toATerm("manifest"),
-            makeStr(manifestFile, singleton<PathSet>(manifestFile)), makeNoPos())
-        )));
-    /* Instantiate it. */
-    debug(format("evaluating builder expression `%1%'") % topLevel);
-    DrvInfo topLevelDrv;
-    if (!getDerivation(state, topLevel, topLevelDrv))
-        abort();
-    /* Realise the resulting store expression. */
-    debug(format("building user environment"));
-    store->buildDerivations(singleton<PathSet>(topLevelDrv.queryDrvPath(state)));
-    /* Switch the current user environment to the output path. */
-    PathLocks lock;
-    lockProfile(lock, profile);
-    Path lockTokenCur = optimisticLockProfile(profile);
-    if (lockToken != lockTokenCur) {
-        printMsg(lvlError, format("profile `%1%' changed while we were busy; restarting") % profile);
-        return false;
-    }
-    debug(format("switching to new user environment"));
-    Path generation = createGeneration(profile, topLevelDrv.queryOutPath(state));
-    switchLink(profile, generation);
-    return true;
 static int getPriority(EvalState & state, const DrvInfo & drv)
     MetaValue value = drv.queryMetaInfo(state, "priority");
diff --git a/src/nix-env/ b/src/nix-env/
index 75585b1b29..60576f1ae7 100644
--- a/src/nix-env/
+++ b/src/nix-env/
@@ -130,6 +130,20 @@ void switchLink(Path link, Path target)
         throw SysError(format("renaming `%1%' to `%2%'") % tmp % link);
+void lockProfile(PathLocks & lock, const Path & profile)
+    lock.lockPaths(singleton<PathSet>(profile),
+        (format("waiting for lock on profile `%1%'") % profile).str());
+    lock.setDeletion(true);
+string optimisticLockProfile(const Path & profile)
+    return pathExists(profile) ? readLink(profile) : "";
diff --git a/src/nix-env/profiles.hh b/src/nix-env/profiles.hh
index 99c20f42d1..a64258dae2 100644
--- a/src/nix-env/profiles.hh
+++ b/src/nix-env/profiles.hh
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define __PROFILES_H
 #include "types.hh"
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
 #include <time.h>
@@ -37,6 +38,20 @@ void deleteGeneration(const Path & profile, unsigned int gen);
 void switchLink(Path link, Path target);
+/* Ensure exclusive access to a profile.  Any command that modifies
+   the profile first acquires this lock. */
+void lockProfile(PathLocks & lock, const Path & profile);
+/* Optimistic locking is used by long-running operations like `nix-env
+   -i'.  Instead of acquiring the exclusive lock for the entire
+   duration of the operation, we just perform the operation
+   optimistically (without an exclusive lock), and check at the end
+   whether the profile changed while we were busy (i.e., the symlink
+   target changed).  If so, the operation is restarted.  Restarting is
+   generally cheap, since the build results are still in the Nix
+   store.  Most of the time, only the user environment has to be
+   rebuilt. */
+string optimisticLockProfile(const Path & profile);
diff --git a/src/nix-env/ b/src/nix-env/
index f040f8c115..a0e51cae19 100644
--- a/src/nix-env/
+++ b/src/nix-env/
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 #include "util.hh"
 #include "get-drvs.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "shared.hh"
+#include "eval.hh"
+#include "parser.hh"
+#include "profiles.hh"
 namespace nix {
@@ -11,18 +18,138 @@ static void readLegacyManifest(const Path & path, DrvInfos & elems);
 DrvInfos queryInstalled(EvalState & state, const Path & userEnv)
     DrvInfos elems;
-    Path path = userEnv + "/manifest";
-    if (!pathExists(path))
-        return DrvInfos(); /* not an error, assume nothing installed */
+    Path manifestFile = userEnv + "/manifest.nix";
+    Path oldManifestFile = userEnv + "/manifest";
-    readLegacyManifest(path, elems);
+    if (pathExists(manifestFile)) {
+        Value v;
+        state.eval(parseExprFromFile(state, manifestFile), v);
+        getDerivations(state, v, "", Bindings(), elems);
+    } else if (pathExists(oldManifestFile))
+        readLegacyManifest(oldManifestFile, elems);
     return elems;
+bool createUserEnv(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & elems,
+    const Path & profile, bool keepDerivations,
+    const string & lockToken)
+    /* Build the components in the user environment, if they don't
+       exist already. */
+    PathSet drvsToBuild;
+    foreach (DrvInfos::const_iterator, i, elems)
+        if (i->queryDrvPath(state) != "")
+            drvsToBuild.insert(i->queryDrvPath(state));
+    debug(format("building user environment dependencies"));
+    store->buildDerivations(drvsToBuild);
+    /* Construct the whole top level derivation. */
+    PathSet references;
+    Value manifest;
+    state.mkList(manifest, elems.size());
+    unsigned int n = 0;
+    foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, elems) {
+        /* Create a pseudo-derivation containing the name, system,
+           output path, and optionally the derivation path, as well as
+           the meta attributes. */
+        Path drvPath = keepDerivations ? i->queryDrvPath(state) : "";
+        Value & v(*state.allocValues(1));
+        manifest.list.elems[n++] = &v;
+        state.mkAttrs(v);
+        mkString((*v.attrs)[state.sType], "derivation");
+        mkString((*v.attrs)[state.sName], i->name);
+        mkString((*v.attrs)[state.sSystem], i->system);
+        mkString((*v.attrs)[state.sOutPath], i->queryOutPath(state));
+        if (drvPath != "")
+            mkString((*v.attrs)[state.sDrvPath], i->queryDrvPath(state));
+        state.mkAttrs((*v.attrs)[state.sMeta]);
+        MetaInfo meta = i->queryMetaInfo(state);
+        foreach (MetaInfo::const_iterator, j, meta) {
+            Value & v2((*(*v.attrs)[state.sMeta].attrs)[state.symbols.create(j->first)]);
+            switch (j->second.type) {
+                case MetaValue::tpInt: mkInt(v2, j->second.intValue); break;
+                case MetaValue::tpString: mkString(v2, j->second.stringValue); break;
+                case MetaValue::tpStrings: {
+                    state.mkList(v2, j->second.stringValues.size());
+                    unsigned int m = 0;
+                    foreach (Strings::const_iterator, k, j->second.stringValues) {
+                        v2.list.elems[m] = state.allocValues(1);
+                        mkString(*v2.list.elems[m++], *k);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                default: abort();
+            }
+        }
+        /* This is only necessary when installing store paths, e.g.,
+           `nix-env -i /nix/store/abcd...-foo'. */
+        store->addTempRoot(i->queryOutPath(state));
+        store->ensurePath(i->queryOutPath(state));
+        references.insert(i->queryOutPath(state));
+        if (drvPath != "") references.insert(drvPath);
+    }
+    /* Also write a copy of the list of user environment elements to
+       the store; we need it for future modifications of the
+       environment. */
+    Path manifestFile = store->addTextToStore("env-manifest.nix",
+        (format("%1%") % manifest).str(), references);
+    printMsg(lvlError, manifestFile);
+    /* Get the environment builder expression. */
+    Value envBuilder;
+    state.eval(parseExprFromFile(state, nixDataDir + "/nix/corepkgs/buildenv"), envBuilder);
+    /* Construct a Nix expression that calls the user environment
+       builder with the manifest as argument. */
+    Value args, topLevel;
+    state.mkAttrs(args);
+    mkString((*args.attrs)[state.sSystem], thisSystem);
+    mkString((*args.attrs)[state.symbols.create("manifest")],
+        manifestFile, singleton<PathSet>(manifestFile));
+    (*args.attrs)[state.symbols.create("derivations")] = manifest;
+    mkApp(topLevel, envBuilder, args);
+    /* Evaluate it. */
+    debug("evaluating user environment builder");
+    DrvInfo topLevelDrv;
+    if (!getDerivation(state, topLevel, topLevelDrv))
+        abort();
+    /* Realise the resulting store expression. */
+    debug("building user environment");
+    store->buildDerivations(singleton<PathSet>(topLevelDrv.queryDrvPath(state)));
+    /* Switch the current user environment to the output path. */
+    PathLocks lock;
+    lockProfile(lock, profile);
+    Path lockTokenCur = optimisticLockProfile(profile);
+    if (lockToken != lockTokenCur) {
+        printMsg(lvlError, format("profile `%1%' changed while we were busy; restarting") % profile);
+        return false;
+    }
+    debug(format("switching to new user environment"));
+    Path generation = createGeneration(profile, topLevelDrv.queryOutPath(state));
+    switchLink(profile, generation);
+    return true;
 /* Code for parsing manifests in the old textual ATerm format. */
 static string parseStr(std::istream & str)
diff --git a/src/nix-env/user-env.hh b/src/nix-env/user-env.hh
index 6675014f1a..4125d82173 100644
--- a/src/nix-env/user-env.hh
+++ b/src/nix-env/user-env.hh
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ namespace nix {
 DrvInfos queryInstalled(EvalState & state, const Path & userEnv);
+bool createUserEnv(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & elems,
+    const Path & profile, bool keepDerivations,
+    const string & lockToken);
 #endif /* !__USER_ENV_H */