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path: root/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/installer/newt/page.scm')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcede3e333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2018 Mathieu Othacehe <>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (gnu installer newt page)
+  #:use-module (gnu installer newt utils)
+  #:use-module (guix i18n)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
+  #:use-module (newt)
+  #:export (draw-info-page
+            draw-connecting-page
+            run-input-page
+            run-error-page
+            run-listbox-selection-page
+            run-scale-page))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Some helpers around guile-newt to draw or run generic pages. The
+;;; difference between 'draw' and 'run' terms comes from newt library. A page
+;;; is drawn when the form it contains does not expect any user
+;;; interaction. In that case, it is necessary to call (newt-refresh) to force
+;;; the page to be displayed. When a form is 'run', it is blocked waiting for
+;;; any action from the user (press a button, input some text, ...).
+;;; Code:
+(define (draw-info-page text title)
+  "Draw an informative page with the given TEXT as content.  Set the title of
+this page to TITLE."
+  (let* ((text-box
+          (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 text 40
+                                 #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+         (grid (make-grid 1 1))
+         (form (make-form)))
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 0 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT text-box)
+    (add-component-to-form form text-box)
+    (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+    (draw-form form)
+    ;; This call is imperative, otherwise the form won't be displayed. See the
+    ;; explanation in the above commentary.
+    (newt-refresh)
+    form))
+(define (draw-connecting-page service-name)
+  "Draw a page to indicate a connection in in progress."
+  (draw-info-page
+   (format #f (G_ "Connecting to ~a, please wait.") service-name)
+   (G_ "Connection in progress")))
+(define* (run-input-page text title
+                         #:key
+                         (allow-empty-input? #f)
+                         (input-field-width 40))
+  "Run a page to prompt user for an input. The given TEXT will be displayed
+above the input field. The page title is set to TITLE. Unless
+allow-empty-input? is set to #t, an error page will be displayed if the user
+enters an empty input."
+  (let* ((text-box
+          (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 text
+                                 input-field-width
+                                 #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+         (grid (make-grid 1 3))
+         (input-entry (make-entry -1 -1 20))
+         (ok-button (make-button -1 -1 (G_ "Ok")))
+         (form (make-form)))
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 0 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT text-box)
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 1 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT input-entry
+                    #:pad-top 1)
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 2 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT ok-button
+                    #:pad-top 1)
+    (add-components-to-form form text-box input-entry ok-button)
+    (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+    (let ((error-page (lambda ()
+                        (run-error-page (G_ "Please enter a non empty input")
+                                        (G_ "Empty input")))))
+      (let loop ()
+        (receive (exit-reason argument)
+            (run-form form)
+          (let ((input (entry-value input-entry)))
+            (if (and (not allow-empty-input?)
+                     (eq? exit-reason 'exit-component)
+                     (string=? input ""))
+                (begin
+                  ;; Display the error page.
+                  (error-page)
+                  ;; Set the focus back to the input input field.
+                  (set-current-component form input-entry)
+                  (loop))
+                (begin
+                  (destroy-form-and-pop form)
+                  input))))))))
+(define (run-error-page text title)
+  "Run a page to inform the user of an error. The page contains the given TEXT
+to explain the error and an \"OK\" button to acknowledge the error. The title
+of the page is set to TITLE."
+  (let* ((text-box
+          (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 text 40
+                                 #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+         (grid (make-grid 1 2))
+         (ok-button (make-button -1 -1 "Ok"))
+         (form (make-form)))
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 0 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT text-box)
+    (set-grid-field grid 0 1 GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT ok-button
+                    #:pad-top 1)
+    ;; Set the background color to red to indicate something went wrong.
+    (newt-set-color COLORSET-ROOT "white" "red")
+    (add-components-to-form form text-box ok-button)
+    (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+    (run-form form)
+    ;; Restore the background to its original color.
+    (newt-set-color COLORSET-ROOT "white" "blue")
+    (destroy-form-and-pop form)))
+(define* (run-listbox-selection-page #:key
+                                     info-text
+                                     title
+                                     (info-textbox-width 50)
+                                     listbox-items
+                                     listbox-item->text
+                                     (listbox-height 20)
+                                     (listbox-default-item #f)
+                                     (listbox-allow-multiple? #f)
+                                     (sort-listbox-items? #t)
+                                     button-text
+                                     (button-callback-procedure
+                                      (const #t))
+                                     (listbox-callback-procedure
+                                      (const #t)))
+  "Run a page asking the user to select an item in a listbox. The page
+contains, stacked vertically from the top to the bottom, an informative text
+set to INFO-TEXT, a listbox and a button. The listbox will be filled with
+LISTBOX-ITEMS converted to text by applying the procedure LISTBOX-ITEM->TEXT
+on every item. The selected item from LISTBOX-ITEMS is returned. The button
+text is set to BUTTON-TEXT and the procedure BUTTON-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE called
+when it is pressed. The procedure LISTBOX-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE is called when an
+item from the listbox is selected (by pressing the <ENTER> key).
+INFO-TEXTBOX-WIDTH is the width of the textbox where INFO-TEXT will be
+displayed. LISTBOX-HEIGHT is the height of the listbox.
+If LISTBOX-DEFAULT-ITEM is set to the value of one of the items in
+LISTBOX-ITEMS, it will be selected by default. Otherwise, the first element of
+the listbox is selected.
+If LISTBOX-ALLOW-MULTIPLE? is set to #t, multiple items from the listbox can
+be selected (using the <SPACE> key). It that case, a list containing the
+selected items will be returned.
+If SORT-LISTBOX-ITEMS? is set to #t, the listbox items are sorted using
+'string<=' procedure (after being converted to text)."
+  (define (fill-listbox listbox items)
+    "Append the given ITEMS to LISTBOX, once they have been converted to text
+with LISTBOX-ITEM->TEXT. Each item appended to the LISTBOX is given a key by
+newt. Save this key by returning an association list under the form:
+where NEWT-LISTBOX-KEY is the key returned by APPEND-ENTRY-TO-LISTBOX, when
+ITEM was inserted into LISTBOX."
+    (map (lambda (item)
+           (let* ((text (listbox-item->text item))
+                  (key (append-entry-to-listbox listbox text)))
+             (cons key item)))
+         items))
+  (define (sort-listbox-items listbox-items)
+    "Return LISTBOX-ITEMS sorted using the 'string<=' procedure on the text
+corresponding to each item in the list."
+    (let* ((items (map (lambda (item)
+                         (cons item (listbox-item->text item)))
+                       listbox-items))
+           (sorted-items
+            (sort items (lambda (a b)
+                          (let ((text-a (cdr a))
+                                (text-b (cdr b)))
+                            (string<= text-a text-b))))))
+      (map car sorted-items)))
+  (define (set-default-item listbox listbox-keys default-item)
+    "Set the default item of LISTBOX to DEFAULT-ITEM. LISTBOX-KEYS is the
+association list returned by the FILL-LISTBOX procedure. It is used because
+the current listbox item has to be selected by key."
+    (for-each (match-lambda
+                ((key . item)
+                 (when (equal? item default-item)
+                   (set-current-listbox-entry-by-key listbox key))))
+              listbox-keys))
+  (let* ((listbox (make-listbox
+                   -1 -1
+                   listbox-height
+                           (if listbox-allow-multiple?
+                               FLAG-MULTIPLE
+                               0))))
+         (form (make-form))
+         (info-textbox
+          (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 info-text
+                                 info-textbox-width
+                                 #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+         (button (make-button -1 -1 button-text))
+         (grid (vertically-stacked-grid
+                GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT info-textbox
+                GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT listbox
+                GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT button))
+         (sorted-items (if sort-listbox-items?
+                           (sort-listbox-items listbox-items)
+                           listbox-items))
+         (keys (fill-listbox listbox sorted-items)))
+    (when listbox-default-item
+      (set-default-item listbox keys listbox-default-item))
+    (add-form-to-grid grid form #t)
+    (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+    (receive (exit-reason argument)
+        (run-form form)
+      (dynamic-wind
+        (const #t)
+        (lambda ()
+          (when (eq? exit-reason 'exit-component)
+            (cond
+             ((components=? argument button)
+              (button-callback-procedure))
+             ((components=? argument listbox)
+              (if listbox-allow-multiple?
+                  (let* ((entries (listbox-selection listbox))
+                         (items (map (lambda (entry)
+                                       (assoc-ref keys entry))
+                                     entries)))
+                    (listbox-callback-procedure items)
+                    items)
+                  (let* ((entry (current-listbox-entry listbox))
+                         (item (assoc-ref keys entry)))
+                    (listbox-callback-procedure item)
+                    item))))))
+        (lambda ()
+          (destroy-form-and-pop form))))))
+(define* (run-scale-page #:key
+                         title
+                         info-text
+                         (info-textbox-width 50)
+                         (scale-width 40)
+                         (scale-full-value 100)
+                         scale-update-proc
+                         (max-scale-update 5))
+  "Run a page with a progress bar (called 'scale' in newt). The given
+INFO-TEXT is displayed in a textbox above the scale. The width of the textbox
+is set to INFO-TEXTBOX-WIDTH. The width of the scale is set to
+SCALE-WIDTH. SCALE-FULL-VALUE indicates the value that correspond to 100% of
+the scale.
+The procedure SCALE-UPDATE-PROC shall return a new scale
+value. SCALE-UPDATE-PROC will be called until the returned value is superior
+or equal to SCALE-FULL-VALUE, but no more than MAX-SCALE-UPDATE times. An
+error is raised if the MAX-SCALE-UPDATE limit is reached."
+  (let* ((info-textbox
+          (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 info-text
+                                 info-textbox-width
+                                 #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+         (scale (make-scale -1 -1 scale-width scale-full-value))
+         (grid (vertically-stacked-grid
+                GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT info-textbox
+                GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT scale))
+         (form (make-form)))
+    (add-form-to-grid grid form #t)
+    (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+    (draw-form form)
+    ;; This call is imperative, otherwise the form won't be displayed. See the
+    ;; explanation in the above commentary.
+    (newt-refresh)
+    (dynamic-wind
+      (const #t)
+      (lambda ()
+        (let loop ((i max-scale-update)
+                   (last-value 0))
+          (let ((value (scale-update-proc last-value)))
+            (set-scale-value scale value)
+            ;; Same as above.
+            (newt-refresh)
+            (unless (>= value scale-full-value)
+              (if (> i 0)
+                  (loop (- i 1) value)
+                  (error "Max scale updates reached."))))))
+      (lambda ()
+        (destroy-form-and-pop form)))))