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path: root/guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm b/guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm
index 353fb934a6..a9fe9c80cc 100644
--- a/guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm
+++ b/guix/build/texlive-build-system.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 ;;; Copyright © 2017 Ricardo Wurmus <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2021 Thiago Jung Bauermann <>
+;;; Copyright © 2023 Nicolas Goaziou <>
 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
   #:use-module ((guix build gnu-build-system) #:prefix gnu:)
   #:use-module (guix build utils)
   #:use-module (guix build union)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
   #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-2)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:export (%standard-phases
@@ -35,36 +38,264 @@
 ;; Code:
-(define (compile-with-latex engine format file)
+(define (runfiles-root-directories)
+  "Return list of root directories containing runfiles."
+  (scandir "."
+           (negate
+            (cut member <> '("." ".." "build" "doc" "source")))))
+(define (texlive-input? input)
+  "Return #t if INPUT is a texlive input, #f otherwise."
+  (match input
+    (((or "source" (? (cut string-prefix? "texlive-" <>))) . _) #t)
+    (_ #f)))
+(define (install-as-runfiles dir regexp)
+  "Install files under DIR matching REGEXP on top of existing runfiles in the
+current tree.  Sub-directories below DIR are preserved when looking for the
+runfile to replace.  If a file has no matching runfile, it is ignored."
+  (let ((runfiles (append-map (cut find-files <>)
+                              (runfiles-root-directories))))
+    (for-each (lambda (file)
+                (match (filter
+                        (cut string-suffix?
+                             (string-drop file (string-length dir))
+                             <>)
+                        runfiles)
+                  ;; Current file is not a runfile.  Ignore it.
+                  (() #f)
+                  ;; One candidate only.  Replace it with the one from DIR.
+                  ((destination)
+                   (let ((target (dirname destination)))
+                     (install-file file target)
+                     (format #t "re-generated file ~s in ~s~%"
+                             (basename file)
+                             target)))
+                  ;; Multiple candidates!  Not much can be done.  Hopefully,
+                  ;; this should never happen.
+                  (_
+                   (format (current-error-port)
+                           "warning: ambiguous location for file ~s; ignoring it~%"
+                           (basename file)))))
+              (find-files dir regexp))))
+(define* (patch-shell-scripts #:rest _)
+  "Expand filenames for usual tools in shell scripts."
+  (when (file-exists? "scripts")
+    (let* ((commands '("awk" "basename" "cat" "grep" "mkdir" "rm" "sed" "sort"
+                       "uname"))
+           (command-regexp (format #f
+                                   "\\b(~a)\\b"
+                                   (string-join commands "|"))))
+      (substitute* (find-files "scripts" "\\.sh$")
+        ((command-regexp _ command)
+         (which command))))))
+(define* (delete-drv-files #:rest _)
+  "Delete pre-generated \".drv\" files in order to prevent build failures."
+  (when (file-exists? "source")
+    (for-each delete-file (find-files "source" "\\.drv$"))))
+(define* (generate-font-metrics #:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+  ;; Decide what Metafont files to build by comparing them to the expected
+  ;; font metrics base names.  Keep only files for which the two base names
+  ;; do match.
+  (define (font-metrics root)
+    (and (file-exists? root)
+         (map (cut basename <> ".tfm") (find-files root "\\.tfm$"))))
+  (define (font-files directory metrics)
+    (if (file-exists? directory)
+        (delete-duplicates
+         (filter (lambda (f)
+                   (or (not metrics)
+                       (member (basename f ".mf") metrics)))
+                 (find-files directory "\\.mf$")))
+        '()))
+  ;; Metafont files could be scattered across multiple directories.  Treat
+  ;; each sub-directory as a separate font source.
+  (define (font-sources root metrics)
+    (delete-duplicates (map dirname (font-files root metrics))))
+  (and-let* ((local-metrics (font-metrics "fonts/tfm"))
+             (local-sources (font-sources "fonts/source" local-metrics))
+             ((not (null? local-sources))) ;nothing to generate: bail out
+             (root (getcwd))
+             (metafont
+              (cond ((assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "texlive-metafont") =>
+                     (cut string-append <> "/share/texmf-dist"))
+                    (else
+                     (error "Missing 'texlive-metafont' native input"))))
+             ;; Collect all font source files from texlive (native-)inputs so
+             ;; "mf" can know where to look for them.
+             (font-inputs
+              (delete-duplicates
+               (append-map (match-lambda
+                             ((? (negate texlive-input?)) '())
+                             (("texlive-bin" . _) '())
+                             (("texlive-metafont" . _)
+                              (list (string-append metafont "/metafont/base")))
+                             ((_ . input)
+                              (font-sources input #f)))
+                           (or native-inputs inputs)))))
+    ;; Tell mf where to find "mf.base".
+    (setenv "MFBASES" (string-append metafont "/web2c/"))
+    (mkdir-p "build")
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (source)
+       ;; Tell "mf" where are the font source files.  In case current package
+       ;; provides multiple sources, treat them separately.
+       (setenv "MFINPUTS"
+               (string-join (cons (string-append root "/" source)
+                                  font-inputs)
+                            ":"))
+       ;; Build font metrics (tfm).
+       (with-directory-excursion source
+         (for-each (lambda (font)
+                     (format #t "building font ~a~%" font)
+                     (invoke "mf" "-progname=mf"
+                             (string-append "-output-directory="
+                                            root "/build")
+                             (string-append "\\"
+                                            "mode:=ljfour; "
+                                            "mag:=1; "
+                                            "batchmode; "
+                                            "input "
+                                            (basename font ".mf"))))
+                   (font-files "." local-metrics)))
+       ;; Refresh font metrics at the appropriate location.
+       (install-as-runfiles "build" "\\.tfm$"))
+     local-sources)))
+(define* (create-formats #:key create-formats inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+  (define (collect-locations inputs pred)
+    (delete-duplicates
+     (append-map (match-lambda
+                   ((? (negate texlive-input?)) '())
+                   ((_ . dir)
+                    (if pred
+                        (map dirname (find-files dir pred))
+                        (list dir))))
+                 inputs)))
+  (when create-formats
+    (setenv "TFMFONTS"
+            (string-join (collect-locations inputs "\\.tfm$") ":"))
+    (setenv "TEXINPUTS"
+            (string-join (collect-locations inputs #f) "//:" 'suffix))
+    (setenv "LUAINPUTS"
+            (string-join (collect-locations inputs "\\.lua$") ":"))
+    (mkdir-p "web2c")
+    (for-each (cut invoke "fmtutil-sys" "--byfmt" <> "--fmtdir=web2c")
+              create-formats)
+    ;; Remove cruft.
+    (for-each delete-file (find-files "web2c" "\\.log$"))))
+(define (compile-with-latex engine format output file)
   (invoke engine
-          "-output-directory=build"
+          (string-append "-output-directory=" output)
           (if format (string-append "&" format) "-ini")
 (define* (build #:key inputs build-targets tex-engine tex-format
-  (mkdir "build")
-  (for-each (cut compile-with-latex tex-engine tex-format <>)
-            (if build-targets build-targets
-                (scandir "." (cut string-suffix? ".ins" <>)))))
-(define* (install #:key outputs tex-directory #:allow-other-keys)
-  (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-         (target (string-append
-                  out "/share/texmf-dist/tex/" tex-directory)))
-    (mkdir-p target)
-    (for-each delete-file (find-files "." "\\.(log|aux)$"))
-    (for-each (cut install-file <> target)
-              (find-files "build" ".*"))))
+  (let ((targets
+         (cond
+          (build-targets
+           ;; Collect the relative file names of all the specified targets.
+           (append-map (lambda (target)
+                         (find-files "source"
+                                     (lambda (f _)
+                                       (string-suffix? (string-append "/" target)
+                                                       f))))
+                       build-targets))
+          ((directory-exists? "source")
+           ;; Prioritize ".ins" files over ".dtx" files.  There's no
+           ;; scientific reasoning here; it just seems to work better.
+           (match (find-files "source" "\\.ins$")
+             (() (find-files "source" "\\.dtx$"))
+             (files files)))
+          (else '()))))
+    (unless (null? targets)
+      (let ((output (string-append (getcwd) "/build")))
+        (mkdir-p output)
+        (for-each (lambda (target)
+                    (with-directory-excursion (dirname target)
+                      (compile-with-latex tex-engine
+                                          tex-format
+                                          output
+                                          (basename target))))
+                  targets))
+      ;; Now move generated files from the "build" directory into the rest of
+      ;; the source tree, effectively replacing downloaded files.
+      ;;
+      ;; Documentation may have been generated, but replace only runfiles,
+      ;; i.e., files that belong neither to "doc" nor "source" trees.
+      ;;
+      ;; In TeX Live, all packages are fully pre-generated.  As a consequence,
+      ;; a generated file from the "build" top directory absent from the rest of
+      ;; the tree is deemed unnecessary and can safely be ignored.
+      (install-as-runfiles "build" "."))))
+(define* (install #:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+        (doc (assoc-ref outputs "doc")))
+    ;; Take care of documentation.
+    (when (directory-exists? "doc")
+      (unless doc
+        (format (current-error-port)
+                "warning: missing 'doc' output for package documentation~%"))
+      (let ((doc-dir (string-append (or doc out) "/share/texmf-dist/doc")))
+        (mkdir-p doc-dir)
+        (copy-recursively "doc" doc-dir)))
+    ;; Install runfiles.  The package may not contain any, though.  Create
+    ;; #$output anyway to handle this situation gracefully.
+    (mkdir-p out)
+    (let ((texmf (string-append out "/share/texmf-dist")))
+      (for-each (lambda (root)
+                  (let ((destination (string-append texmf "/" root)))
+                    (mkdir-p destination)
+                    (copy-recursively root destination)))
+                (runfiles-root-directories)))))
+(define* (link-scripts #:key link-scripts outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+  (when (pair? link-scripts)
+    (unless (file-exists? "scripts")
+      (error "missing \"scripts\" directory: no script to link"))
+    (let ((bin (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin"))
+          (filenames
+           (filter (lambda (f) (any (cut string-suffix? <> f) link-scripts))
+                   (find-files "scripts"))))
+      ;; Sanity check: make sure no provided script is ignored.
+      (let ((unknown (lset-difference string=?
+                                      (map basename link-scripts)
+                                      (map basename filenames))))
+        (when (pair? unknown)
+          (error (format #f "cannot find script(s): ~a~%"
+                         (string-join unknown)))))
+      ;; All lights are green.  Create "bin/" and the symlinks.
+      (mkdir-p bin)
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (script)
+         ;; Remove extension, if any.
+         (let ((name (match (string-split (basename script) #\.)
+                       ((name) name)
+                       (tokens (string-join (drop-right tokens 1)))))
+               (origin (string-append "../share/texmf-dist/" script)))
+           (format #t "linking bin/~s to ~s~%" name origin)
+           (symlink origin (string-append bin "/" name))))
+       filenames))))
 (define %standard-phases
   (modify-phases gnu:%standard-phases
     (delete 'bootstrap)
     (delete 'configure)
+    (add-after 'unpack 'patch-shell-scripts patch-shell-scripts)
+    (add-before 'build 'delete-drv-files delete-drv-files)
+    (add-after 'delete-drv-files 'generate-font-metrics generate-font-metrics)
     (replace 'build build)
+    (add-after 'build 'create-formats create-formats)
     (delete 'check)
-    (replace 'install install)))
+    (replace 'install install)
+    (add-after 'install 'link-scripts link-scripts)))
 (define* (texlive-build #:key inputs (phases %standard-phases)
                         #:allow-other-keys #:rest args)