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path: root/src/libstore/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libstore/')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstore/ b/src/libstore/
index f58f691c99..659c636e3d 100644
--- a/src/libstore/
+++ b/src/libstore/
@@ -416,12 +416,7 @@ struct LocalStore::GCState
     PathSet busy;
     bool gcKeepOutputs;
     bool gcKeepDerivations;
-    bool drvsIndexed;
-    typedef std::multimap<string, Path> DrvsByName;
-    DrvsByName drvsByName; // derivation paths hashed by name attribute
-    GCState(GCResults & results_) : results(results_), drvsIndexed(false)
+    GCState(GCResults & results_) : results(results_)
@@ -441,42 +436,6 @@ bool LocalStore::isActiveTempFile(const GCState & state,
         && state.tempRoots.find(string(path, 0, path.size() - suffix.size())) != state.tempRoots.end();
-/* Return all the derivations in the Nix store that have `path' as an
-   output.  This function assumes that derivations have the same name
-   as their outputs. */
-PathSet LocalStore::findDerivers(GCState & state, const Path & path)
-    PathSet derivers;
-    Path deriver = queryDeriver(path);
-    if (deriver != "") derivers.insert(deriver);
-    if (!state.drvsIndexed) {
-        Paths entries = readDirectory(nixStore);
-        foreach (Paths::iterator, i, entries)
-            if (isDerivation(*i))
-                state.drvsByName.insert(std::pair<string, Path>(
-                        getNameOfStorePath(*i), nixStore + "/" + *i));
-        state.drvsIndexed = true;
-    }
-    string name = getNameOfStorePath(path);
-    // Urgh, I should have used Haskell...
-    std::pair<GCState::DrvsByName::iterator, GCState::DrvsByName::iterator> range =
-        state.drvsByName.equal_range(name);
-    for (GCState::DrvsByName::iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i)
-        if (isValidPath(i->second)) {
-            Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(i->second);
-            foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, j, drv.outputs)
-                if (j->second.path == path) derivers.insert(i->second);
-        }
-    return derivers;
 bool LocalStore::tryToDelete(GCState & state, const Path & path)
@@ -522,18 +481,9 @@ bool LocalStore::tryToDelete(GCState & state, const Path & path)
         if (!pathExists(path)) return true;
         /* If gc-keep-outputs is set, then don't delete this path if
-           its deriver is not garbage.  !!! Nix does not reliably
-           store derivers, so we have to look at all derivations to
-           determine which of them derive `path'.  Since this makes
-           the garbage collector very slow to start on large Nix
-           stores, here we just look for all derivations that have the
-           same name as `path' (where the name is the part of the
-           filename after the hash, i.e. the `name' attribute of the
-           derivation).  This is somewhat hacky: currently, the
-           deriver of a path always has the same name as the output,
-           but this might change in the future. */
+           there are derivers of this path that are not garbage. */
         if (state.gcKeepOutputs) {
-            PathSet derivers = findDerivers(state, path);
+            PathSet derivers = queryValidDerivers(path);
             foreach (PathSet::iterator, deriver, derivers) {
                 /* Break an infinite recursion if gc-keep-derivations
                    and gc-keep-outputs are both set by tentatively