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path: root/test/Feature
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authorMartin Nowack <m.nowack@imperial.ac.uk>2020-06-04 12:09:47 +0100
committerCristian Cadar <c.cadar@imperial.ac.uk>2020-10-09 21:34:43 +0100
commit838b0b1930da796f157cd6f4b11145de4d7c4e4e (patch)
treee9df758b8d24f73a855d6df009bcf4875b9228c4 /test/Feature
parent3aa92e3d997b5bbb626957bed52658677e9a3ef8 (diff)
Add testcase for weakly linked globals
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Feature')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Feature/GlobalVariable.ll b/test/Feature/GlobalVariable.ll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b567bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/GlobalVariable.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+; RUN: llvm-as %s -f -o %t1.bc
+; RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+; Run KLEE and expect it to error out but not crash
+; RUN: not %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out --optimize=false %t1.bc 2> %t2
+; Check that it could not find an initializer for the external_function global
+; RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t2
+; CHECK: ERROR: Unable to load symbol(external_function) while initializing globals
+@external_function = extern_weak global i8
+@bar = internal thread_local global <{ [56 x i8] }> zeroinitializer, align 32
+@handle = global i8* null, align 8
+define internal void @foo(i8* nocapture) {
+    ret void
+define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** nocapture %argv) nounwind readnone {
+  br i1 icmp ne (i8* @external_function, i8* null), label %bbtrue, label %bbfalse
+  %0 = tail call i32 bitcast (i8* @external_function to i32 (void (i8*)*, i8*, i8*)*)(void (i8*)* nonnull @foo, i8* getelementptr inbounds (<{ [56 x i8] }>, <{ [56 x i8] }>* @bar, i64 0, i32 0, i64 0), i8* bitcast (i8** @handle to i8*))
+  ret i32 0
+  ret i32 1