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path: root/tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp
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authorFrank Busse <bb0xfb@gmail.com>2023-03-24 21:14:02 +0000
committerMartinNowack <2443641+MartinNowack@users.noreply.github.com>2024-01-12 12:00:35 +0000
commit19b6ae578b0658115d15848604a28434845bb3e3 (patch)
tree31d52545929760ad725385bd1cdc1153b710fc75 /tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp
parentfc83f06b17221bf5ef20e30d9da1ccff927beb17 (diff)
new: persistent ptree (-write-ptree) and klee-ptree
Introduce three different kinds of process trees:
1. Noop: does nothing (e.g. no allocations for DFS)
2. InMemory: same behaviour as before (e.g. RandomPathSearcher)
3. Persistent: similar to InMemory but writes nodes to ptree.db
     and tracks information such as branch type, termination
     type or source location (asm) in nodes. Enabled with

ptree.db files can be analysed/plotted with the new "klee-ptree"
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp b/tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..950d1b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/klee-ptree/Printers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+//===-- Printers.cpp --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "Printers.h"
+#include "DFSVisitor.h"
+#include "klee/Core/BranchTypes.h"
+#include "klee/Core/TerminationTypes.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <unordered_map>
+// branches
+void printBranches(const Tree &tree) {
+  if (tree.nodes.size() <= 1) {
+    std::cout << "Empty tree.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  std::unordered_map<BranchType, std::uint32_t> branchTypes;
+  DFSVisitor visitor(
+      tree,
+      [&branchTypes](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+        branchTypes[std::get<BranchType>(node.kind)]++;
+      },
+      nullptr);
+  // sort output
+  std::vector<std::pair<BranchType, std::uint32_t>> sortedBranchTypes(
+      branchTypes.begin(), branchTypes.end());
+  std::sort(sortedBranchTypes.begin(), sortedBranchTypes.end(),
+            [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
+              return (lhs.second > rhs.second) ||
+                     (lhs.second == rhs.second && lhs.first < rhs.first);
+            });
+  std::cout << "branch type,count\n";
+  for (const auto &[branchType, count] : sortedBranchTypes)
+    std::cout << branchTypeNames[branchType] << ',' << count << '\n';
+// depths
+struct DepthInfo {
+  std::vector<std::uint32_t> depths;
+  std::uint32_t maxDepth{0};
+  std::uint32_t noLeaves{0};
+  std::uint32_t noNodes{0};
+DepthInfo getDepthInfo(const Tree &tree) {
+  DepthInfo I;
+  DFSVisitor visitor(
+      tree,
+      [&](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) { ++I.noNodes; },
+      [&I](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+        ++I.noLeaves;
+        ++I.noNodes;
+        if (depth > I.maxDepth)
+          I.maxDepth = depth;
+        if (depth >= I.depths.size())
+          I.depths.resize(depth + 1, 0);
+        ++I.depths[depth];
+      });
+  return I;
+void printDepths(const Tree &tree) {
+  if (tree.nodes.size() <= 1) {
+    std::cout << "Empty tree.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  const auto DI = getDepthInfo(tree);
+  std::cout << "depth,count\n";
+  for (size_t depth = 1; depth <= DI.maxDepth; ++depth) {
+    auto count = DI.depths[depth];
+    if (count)
+      std::cout << depth << ',' << count << '\n';
+  }
+// dot
+std::array<std::string, 6> NodeColours = {"green", "orange",   "red",
+                                          "blue",  "darkblue", "darkgrey"};
+std::string_view terminationTypeColour(StateTerminationType type) {
+  // Exit
+  if (type == StateTerminationType::Exit)
+    return NodeColours[0];
+  // Early
+  if ((StateTerminationType::EXIT < type &&
+       type <= StateTerminationType::EARLY) ||
+      (StateTerminationType::EXECERR < type &&
+       type <= StateTerminationType::END)) {
+    return NodeColours[1];
+  }
+  // Program error
+  if (StateTerminationType::SOLVERERR < type &&
+      type <= StateTerminationType::PROGERR)
+    return NodeColours[2];
+  // User error
+  if (StateTerminationType::PROGERR < type &&
+      type <= StateTerminationType::USERERR)
+    return NodeColours[3];
+  // Execution/Solver error
+  if ((StateTerminationType::USERERR < type &&
+       type <= StateTerminationType::EXECERR) ||
+      (StateTerminationType::EARLY < type &&
+       type <= StateTerminationType::SOLVERERR))
+    return NodeColours[4];
+  return NodeColours[5];
+void printIntermediateNode(std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+  std::cout << 'N' << id << '[' << "tooltip=\""
+            << branchTypeNames[std::get<BranchType>(node.kind)] << "\\n"
+            << "node: " << id << "\\nstate: " << node.stateID
+            << "\\nasm: " << node.asmLine << "\"];\n";
+void printLeafNode(std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+  const auto terminationType = std::get<StateTerminationType>(node.kind);
+  const auto colour = terminationTypeColour(terminationType);
+  std::cout << 'N' << id << '[' << "tooltip=\""
+            << terminationTypeNames[terminationType] << "\\n"
+            << "node: " << id << "\\nstate: " << node.stateID
+            << "\\nasm: " << node.asmLine << "\",color=" << colour << "];\n";
+void printEdges(std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+  std::cout << 'N' << id << "->{";
+  if (node.left && node.right) {
+    std::cout << 'N' << node.left << " N" << node.right;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << 'N' << (node.left ? node.left : node.right);
+  }
+  std::cout << "};\n";
+void printDOT(const Tree &tree) {
+  // header
+  // - style defaults to intermediate nodes
+  std::cout << "strict digraph PTree {\n"
+               "node[shape=point,width=0.15,color=darkgrey];\n"
+               "edge[color=darkgrey];\n\n";
+  // nodes
+  // - change colour for leaf nodes
+  // - attach branch and location info as tooltips
+  DFSVisitor nodeVisitor(tree, printIntermediateNode, printLeafNode);
+  // edges
+  DFSVisitor edgeVisitor(tree, printEdges, nullptr);
+  // footer
+  std::cout << '}' << std::endl;
+// instructions
+struct Info {
+  std::uint32_t noBranches{0};
+  std::uint32_t noTerminations{0};
+  std::map<StateTerminationType, std::uint32_t> terminationTypes;
+void printInstructions(const Tree &tree) {
+  std::map<std::uint32_t, Info> asmInfo;
+  DFSVisitor visitor(
+      tree,
+      [&asmInfo](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+        asmInfo[node.asmLine].noBranches++;
+      },
+      [&asmInfo](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+        auto &info = asmInfo[node.asmLine];
+        info.noTerminations++;
+        info.terminationTypes[std::get<StateTerminationType>(node.kind)]++;
+      });
+  std::cout << "asm line,branches,terminations,termination types\n";
+  for (const auto &[asmLine, info] : asmInfo) {
+    std::cout << asmLine << ',' << info.noBranches << ',' << info.noTerminations
+              << ',';
+    std::string sep{""};
+    for (const auto &[terminationType, count] : info.terminationTypes) {
+      std::cout << sep << terminationTypeNames[terminationType] << '(' << count
+                << ')';
+      sep = ";";
+    }
+    std::cout << '\n';
+  }
+// terminations
+void printTerminations(const Tree &tree) {
+  if (tree.nodes.size() <= 1) {
+    std::cout << "Empty tree.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  std::map<StateTerminationType, std::uint32_t> terminations;
+  DFSVisitor visitor(
+      tree, nullptr,
+      [&terminations](std::uint32_t id, Node node, std::uint32_t depth) {
+        terminations[std::get<StateTerminationType>(node.kind)]++;
+      });
+  std::cout << "termination type,count\n";
+  for (const auto &[terminationType, count] : terminations)
+    std::cout << terminationTypeNames[terminationType] << ',' << count << '\n';
+// tree info
+void printTreeInfo(const Tree &tree) {
+  if (tree.nodes.size() <= 1) {
+    std::cout << "Empty tree.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  const auto DI = getDepthInfo(tree);
+  // determine average depth
+  std::uint64_t sum{0};
+  for (size_t depth = 1; depth <= DI.maxDepth; ++depth) {
+    auto count = DI.depths[depth];
+    if (count)
+      sum += count * depth;
+  }
+  double avgDepth = (double)sum / DI.noLeaves;
+  std::cout << "nodes: " << DI.noNodes << '\n'
+            << "leaf nodes: " << DI.noLeaves
+            << (DI.noNodes && (DI.noLeaves != DI.noNodes / 2 + 1)
+                    ? " (not a binary tree?!)"
+                    : "")
+            << '\n'
+            << "max. depth: " << DI.maxDepth << '\n'
+            << "avg. depth: " << std::setprecision(2) << avgDepth << '\n';