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path: root/cmake/compile_bitcode_library.cmake
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Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/compile_bitcode_library.cmake')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/compile_bitcode_library.cmake b/cmake/compile_bitcode_library.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1fb3ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/compile_bitcode_library.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+function(compile_bitcode_library library_name source_files compile_cc_flags compile_cxx_flags opt_suffix)
+    # Compile every source file
+    set(BC_FILES)
+    foreach(source_file ${source_files})
+        # Get filename without extension
+        get_filename_component(file_name_only "${source_file}" NAME_WE)
+        set(bc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_name_only}${opt_suffix}.bc" )
+        get_filename_component(source_file_type "${source_file}" EXT)
+        if("${source_file_type}" STREQUAL ".cpp")
+            add_custom_command(
+                    OUTPUT ${bc_file}
+                    COMMAND ${LLVMCXX} -c "-emit-llvm" ${compile_cxx_flags} "${source_file}" -o ${bc_file}
+                    DEPENDS ${source_file}
+            )
+        else()
+            add_custom_command(
+                    OUTPUT ${bc_file}
+                    COMMAND ${LLVMCC} -c "-emit-llvm" ${compile_cc_flags} "${source_file}" -o ${bc_file}
+                    DEPENDS ${source_file}
+            )
+        endif()
+        list(APPEND BC_FILES ${bc_file})
+    endforeach()
+    # Add command to link them to an archive
+    add_custom_command(
+            OUTPUT ${library_name}
+            COMMAND ${LLVM_AR} rcs ${library_name} ${BC_FILES}
+            DEPENDS ${BC_FILES}
+    )
+function(prefix_with_path files prefix output_var)
+    set(_result)
+    foreach(file ${files})
+        list(APPEND _result "${prefix}${file}")
+    endforeach()
+    set(${output_var} "${_result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(add_bitcode_library_targets lib_prefix prefixed_files cc_extra_args cxx_extra_args)
+    set(_lib_dependencies)
+    foreach(_suffix ${LIB_BC_SUFFIX})
+        set(final_cc_flags ${LIB_BC_FLAGS_${_suffix}} ${cc_extra_args})
+        set(final_cxx_flags ${LIB_BC_FLAGS_${_suffix}} ${cxx_extra_args})
+        compile_bitcode_library("${KLEE_RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}/libklee${lib_prefix}${_suffix}.bca" "${prefixed_files}" "${final_cc_flags}" "${final_cxx_flags}" "${_suffix}")
+        list(APPEND _lib_dependencies "${KLEE_RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}/libklee${lib_prefix}${_suffix}.bca")
+    endforeach()
+    add_custom_target(${lib_prefix} DEPENDS "${_lib_dependencies}")
\ No newline at end of file