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path: root/scripts/build/build.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/build/build.sh')
1 files changed, 803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/build/build.sh b/scripts/build/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..feda6bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/build/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+set -u
+# Build script for different components that are needed
+DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
+show_help() {
+  local name="$1"
+  echo "$name [--docker] [--keep-dockerfile] [--install-system-deps] component*" 
+  echo "Available components:"
+  for component_path in "$DIR/v-"*.inc; do
+    [ -e "$component_path" ] || continue
+    component_path=${component_path#"$DIR/v-"}
+    component=${component_path%".inc"}
+    echo "$component"
+  done
+  return 0
+function to_upper() {
+  echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
+function to_lower() {
+  echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
+to_bool() {
+  [[ "$1" == "1" || "$1" == "ON" || "$1" == "YES" || "$1" == "TRUE" || "$1" == "T" ]] && echo 1 && return 0
+  [[ "$1" == "0" || "$1" == "OFF" || "$1" == "NO" || "$1" == "FALSE" || "$1" == "F" ]] && echo 0 && return 0
+  # Error case - value unknown
+  exit 1
+check_bool() {
+  local v="$1"
+  local result
+  result=$(to_bool "${!v}" ) || { echo "${v} has invalid boolean value: ${!v}"; exit 1; }
+validate_build_variables() {
+  # Check general default variables
+  if [[ -z ${BASE+x} ]] || [[ -z "${BASE}" ]]; then
+    echo "BASE not set. - BASE directory defines target where every component should be installed"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+validate_component() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local c_type="$2"
+  local component_path="$DIR/${c_type}-${component}.inc"
+  if [[ ! -f "${component_path}" ]]; then
+    echo "Component ${component} not found."
+    return 1
+  fi
+load_component() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local c_type="$2"
+  local component_path="$DIR/${c_type}-${component}.inc"
+  if [[ ! -f "${component_path}" ]]; then
+    echo "Component ${component} not found."
+    return 2 # File not found
+  fi
+  source "${component_path}" || { echo "Error in file ${component_path}"; return 1; }
+check_docker_os() {
+  local docker_base=$1
+  local os_info=""
+  # start docker using the base image, link this directory and get the os information
+  os_info=$(docker run -v "${DIR}:/tmp" "${docker_base}" /tmp/build.sh --check-os) || { echo "Docker execution failed: $os_info"; exit 1;}
+  local line
+  while read -r line; do
+  case $line in
+    OS=*)
+    OS="${line#*=}"
+    ;;
+      DISTRIBUTION="${line#*=}"
+    ;;
+      DISTRIBUTION_VER="${line#*=}"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  done <<< "$os_info"
+  echo "Docker OS=${OS}"
+build_docker() {
+  local component=$1
+  local is_dependency=$2
+  load_component "${component}" "v" || { echo "Loading component failed ${component}"; return 1; }
+  # Extract repository, image, tag from base image
+  local base_repository="${BASE_IMAGE%/*}"
+  [[ "${base_repository}" == "${BASE_IMAGE}" ]] && base_repository="" # No base repository provided
+  local base_image="${BASE_IMAGE##*/}"
+  local base_tag="${base_image##*:}"
+  if [[ "${base_tag}" == "${base_image}" ]]; then
+    base_tag="" # No tag provided
+  else
+    base_image="${base_image%:*}"
+  fi
+  local BASE="/tmp"
+  # Check all input variables
+  validate_required_variables "${component}" "required_variables"
+  # Get the list of build dependencies and check them
+  local depending_artifact_components=("")
+  check_list artifact_dependency_"${component}"
+  mapfile -t depending_artifact_components <<< "$(get_list artifact_dependency_"${component}")"
+  local v
+  for v in "${depending_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    { build_docker "${v}" 1; } || { echo "Not all compile dependencies are available: ${v}"; return 1; }
+  done
+  # Get the list of runtime dependencies
+  local depending_runtime_artifact_components=("")
+  mapfile -t depending_runtime_artifact_components <<< "$(get_list runtime_artifact_dependency_"${component}")"
+  local v
+  for v in "${depending_runtime_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    { build_docker "${v}" 1;} || { echo "Not all runtime dependencies are available: ${v}"; return 1; }
+  done
+  echo "Build component: ${component}"
+  # Setup general component variables
+  gather_dependencies "${component}" "artifact" "setup_variables"
+  # Get the docker image id if available
+  local config_id=""
+  config_id=$(execution_action "get_docker_config_id" "${component}")
+  res="$?"
+  [[ "$res" -eq 1 ]] && echo "Building docker dependency ${component} failed: get_docker_config_id_${component}" && return 1
+  # An empty config id indicates nothing to build
+  [[ -z "${config_id}" ]] && return 0
+  # Use the config id to find a pre-build docker image
+  local target_image="${component}:${config_id}_${base_image}_${base_tag}"
+  [[ -z $(docker images -q "${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}") ]] || { echo "Docker image exists: ${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}"; return 0; }
+  docker pull "${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}" || /bin/true
+  [[ -z $(docker images -q "${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}") ]] || { echo "Docker image exists: ${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}"; return 0; }
+  # Gather all indirect depending components
+  local all_depending_artifact_components=("")
+  mapfile -t all_depending_artifact_components <<< "$(get_all_dependencies "${component}" "artifact")"
+  local all_depending_runtime_artifact_components=("")
+  mapfile -t all_depending_runtime_artifact_components <<< "$(get_all_dependencies "${component}" "runtime_artifact")"
+  local docker_dependencies=("")
+  docker_dependencies+=("${all_depending_artifact_components[@]}")
+  for c in "${depending_runtime_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+    local found=0
+    for i in "${docker_dependencies[@]}"; do
+      [[ -z "$i" ]] && continue
+      [[ "$i" == "$c" ]] && found=1 && break
+    done
+    # Attach item if new
+    [[ "$found" -eq 0 ]] && docker_dependencies+=("$c")
+  done
+  # Start to build image
+  local temp_dir
+  temp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
+  [[ -d "${temp_dir}" ]] || (echo "Could not create temp_dir"; exit 1)
+  local docker_context=""
+  docker_context=$(execution_action "get_docker_context" "${component}") || docker_context=""
+  local docker_container_context=""
+  docker_container_context=$(execution_action "get_docker_container_context" "${component}") || docker_container_context=""
+  # Prepare Dockerfile
+  local dockerfile="${temp_dir}/Dockerfile"
+  {
+    # Add all depending images as layers
+    for v in "${docker_dependencies[@]}"; do
+      [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+      local dep_config_id
+      dep_config_id=$(execution_action "get_docker_config_id" "${v}") || true
+      # An empty config id indicates nothing to build
+      [[ -z "${dep_config_id}" ]] && continue
+      echo "FROM ${REPOSITORY}/${v}:${dep_config_id}_${base_image}_${base_tag} as ${v}_base"
+    done
+    # If multiple source images are available use the first one as a base image
+    local hasBaseImage=0
+    for v in "${all_depending_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+      [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+      dep_config_id=$(execution_action "get_docker_config_id" "${v}") || true
+      # An empty config id indicates nothing to build
+      [[ -z "${dep_config_id}" ]] && continue
+      if [[ "${hasBaseImage}" -eq 0 ]]; then
+        hasBaseImage=1
+        # Use base image as building base
+        echo "FROM ${v}_base as intermediate"
+      else
+        # Copy artifacts
+        # TODO: maybe get list of specific directories to copys
+        echo "COPY --from=${v}_base ${BASE} ${BASE}/"
+      fi
+    done
+    if [[ "${hasBaseImage}" -eq 0 ]]; then
+      hasBaseImage=1
+      # Use base image as building base
+      echo "FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as intermediate"
+    fi
+    # Retrieve list of required variables and make them available in Docker
+    local docker_vars=[]
+    mapfile -t docker_vars <<< "$(get_list required_variables_"$component")"
+    docker_vars+=("BASE")
+    for v in "${all_depending_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+      [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+      local dep_docker_vars=()
+      mapfile -t dep_docker_vars <<< "$(get_list required_variables_"${v}")"
+      docker_vars+=("${dep_docker_vars[@]}")
+    done
+    # Export docker variables explicitly
+    for d_v in "${docker_vars[@]}"; do
+      [[ -z "${d_v}" ]] && continue
+      local d_v_value
+      d_v_value=${!d_v}
+      echo "ENV ${d_v}=${d_v_value}"
+    done
+    # Run the build script
+    if [[ -z "${docker_context}" ]]; then
+      # Copy content from the temporary directory to the docker image
+      echo "COPY . ."
+      echo "RUN ./build.sh --debug --install-system-deps ${component}"
+    else
+      echo "COPY . ${docker_container_context}"
+      # TODO: this is quite specific to this script: should use common value
+      echo "RUN ${docker_container_context}/scripts/build/build.sh --debug --install-system-deps ${component}"
+    fi
+    # Copy all the build artifacts to the final image: build artifact is the full path
+    # and will be the same in the destination docker image
+    if [[ "${is_dependency}" -eq 1 || "${CREATE_FINAL_IMAGE}" -eq 0 ]]; then
+      echo "FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as final"
+      local build_artifacts
+      mapfile -t build_artifacts <<< "$(execution_action "get_build_artifacts" "${component}")"
+      for artifact in "${build_artifacts[@]}"; do
+        [[ -z "${artifact}" ]] && continue
+        echo "COPY --from=intermediate ${artifact} ${artifact}"
+      done
+      # Copy all the runtime dependencies
+      for dep_component in "${all_depending_runtime_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+        [[ -z "${dep_component}" ]] && continue
+        local build_artifacts
+        mapfile -t build_artifacts <<< "$(execution_action "get_build_artifacts" "${dep_component}")"
+        for artifact in "${build_artifacts[@]}"; do
+          [[ -z "${artifact}" ]] && continue
+          echo "COPY --from=intermediate ${artifact} ${artifact}"
+        done
+      done
+    fi
+    # TODO Add description labels
+    echo "LABEL maintainer=\"KLEE Developers\""
+  } >> "${dockerfile}"
+  # Append template file if exists
+  docker_template_files=(
+      "${DIR}/d-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}-${DISTRIBUTION_VER}.inc"
+      "${DIR}/d-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}.inc"
+      "${DIR}/d-${component}-${OS}.inc"
+      "${DIR}/d-${component}.inc"
+    )
+  for f in "${docker_template_files[@]}"; do
+     [[ ! -f "$f" ]] && continue
+     cat "$f" >> "${dockerfile}"
+     break
+  done
+  # Copy docker context and dependencies
+  shopt -s nullglob # allow nullglobing
+  echo "${all_depending_artifact_components[@]}"
+  for v in "${all_depending_artifact_components[@]}" "${component}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    local files=(
+      "${DIR}/"*"-${v}.inc" \
+      "${DIR}/"*"-${v}-${OS}.inc" \
+      "${DIR}/"*"-${v}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}.inc" \
+      "${DIR}/"*"-${v}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}-${DISTRIBUTION_VER}.inc" \
+      "${DIR}/build.sh" \
+      "${DIR}/common-functions"
+    )
+    local f
+    for f in  "${files[@]}"; do
+      [ -f "$f" ] || continue
+      cp -r "$f" "${temp_dir}/"
+    done
+    mkdir -p "${temp_dir}/patches"
+    for f in "${DIR}/patches/${v}"*.patch; do
+      cp -r "$f" "${temp_dir}/patches/"
+    done
+  done
+  shopt -u nullglob # disallow nullglobing
+  if [[ -z "${docker_context}" ]]; then
+    docker_context="${temp_dir}"
+  fi
+  # Build Docker container
+  docker build -t "${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}" -f "${temp_dir}"/Dockerfile "${docker_context}" || return 1
+  if [[ "${PUSH_DOCKER_DEPS}" -eq 1 && "${is_dependency}" -eq 1 ]]; then
+    docker push "${REPOSITORY}/${target_image}" || /usr/bin/true
+  fi
+  if [[ "${KEEP_DOCKERFILE}" -eq 0 ]]; then
+    # Clean-up docker build directory
+    rm -rf "${temp_dir}"
+  else
+    echo "Preserved docker directory: ${temp_dir}"
+  fi
+check_os() {
+  if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
+    # Host is Linux
+    OS="linux"
+    DISTRIBUTION="$(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release)"
+    DISTRIBUTION_VER="$(grep ^VERSION_ID= /etc/os-release || echo "")"
+    # Remove `"`, if exists
+  elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+    # Host is Mac OS X
+    OS="osx"
+    DISTRIBUTION="$(sw_vers -productName)"
+    DISTRIBUTION_VER="$(sw_vers -productVersion)"
+  else
+    echo "Operating System unknown $OSTYPE"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Detected OS: ${OS}"
+  echo "OS=${OS}"
+  echo "Detected distribution: ${DISTRIBUTION}"
+  echo "Detected version: ${DISTRIBUTION_VER}"
+try_execute() {
+  # Check if a function exists and execute it
+  fct=$1
+  # promote that function does not exist
+  [[ "$(type -t "${fct}")" != "function" ]] && return 2
+  # promote the return value of the function
+  local failed=0
+  "${fct}" || failed=1
+  return "${failed}"
+try_execute_if_exists() {
+  # Check if a function exists and execute it
+  fct=$1
+  # Ignore if function does not exist
+  [[ "$(type -t "${fct}")" != "function" ]] && return 0
+  # promote the return value of the function
+  local failed=0
+  "${fct}" || failed=1
+  return "${failed}"
+# Execute the most system specific action possible.
+# If an action executed successfuly, return 0
+# The function will return 1 if an action was not successful
+execution_action() {
+    local action="$1"
+    local component="$2"
+    local found=0
+    # Execute most specific action: os + distribution + distribution version
+    if [[ -f "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}-${DISTRIBUTION_VER}.inc" ]]; then
+        found=1
+        source "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}-${DISTRIBUTION_VER}.inc"
+        local failed=0
+        try_execute "${action}"_"${component}" || failed=1
+        [[ "$failed" -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+    fi
+    # Execute most specific action: os + distribution
+    if [[ -f "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}.inc" ]]; then
+        found=1
+        source "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}-${DISTRIBUTION}.inc"
+        local failed=0
+        try_execute "${action}"_"${component}" || failed=1
+        [[ "$failed" -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+    fi
+    # Execute most specific action: os
+    if [[ -f "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}.inc" ]]; then
+        found=1
+        source "${DIR}/p-${component}-${OS}.inc";
+        local failed=0
+        try_execute "${action}"_"${component}" || failed=1
+        [[ "$failed" -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+    fi
+    # Execute package specific action:
+    if [[ -f "${DIR}/p-${component}.inc" ]]; then
+        found=1
+        source "${DIR}/p-${component}.inc";
+        local failed=0
+        try_execute "${action}"_"${component}" || failed=1
+        [[ "$failed" -eq 0 ]] && return 0
+    fi
+    # Found an action file but something didn't work
+    [[ "${found}" -eq 1 ]] && return 1
+    # No action found
+    return 2
+# Returns a list that is the result of either an array or function call
+  local list_name=$1
+  local result=("")
+  if [[ "$(type -t "${list_name}")" == "function" ]]; then
+    mapfile -t result <<< "$("${list_name}")"
+  elif [[ -n ${!list_name+x} ]]; then
+    list_array="${list_name}[@]"
+    result=("${!list_array}")
+  fi
+  for i in "${result[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${i}" ]] && continue
+    echo "${i}"
+  done
+  return 0
+# Check if a lists exist
+  local list_name=$1
+  if [[ "$(type -t "${list_name}")" == "function" ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  local list_array="${list_name}[@]"
+  if [[ ${!list_array+x} ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  echo "Variable or function \"${list_name}\" not found"
+  exit 1
+validate_required_variables() {
+    local component="$1"
+    local type="$2"
+    local variables
+    check_list required_variables_"${component}"
+    mapfile -t variables <<< "$(get_list "${type}"_"${component}")"
+    if [[ -n "${variables[*]}" ]]; then
+        # Check if variables are defined
+        for v in "${variables[@]}"; do
+            if [[ -z ${!v+x} ]]; then
+                echo "${v} Required but unset"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    try_execute_if_exists required_variables_check_"${component}"
+get_all_dependencies_rec() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local type="$2"
+  local depending_components
+  # Get the list of dependencies
+  mapfile -t depending_components <<< "$(get_list "${type}"_dependency_"${component}")"
+  for v in "${depending_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    get_all_dependencies_rec "$v" "$type"
+  done
+  echo "$component"
+get_all_dependencies() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local type="$2"
+  local depending_components=("")
+  # Get the list of dependencies
+  mapfile -t depending_components <<< "$(get_list "${type}"_dependency_"${component}")"
+  local final_list=("${depending_components[@]}")
+  for v in "${depending_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    local deps_list=("")
+    local failed=0
+    mapfile -t deps_list <<< "$(get_all_dependencies_rec "$v" "$type")"
+    [[ "${failed}" -eq 1 ]] && continue
+    # Make sure items are unique and keep the order of occurence
+    for di in "${deps_list[@]}"; do
+      local found=0
+      for f in "${final_list[@]}"; do
+        [[ -z "$f" ]] && continue
+        [[ "$di" == "$f" ]] && found=1 && break
+      done
+      [[ "$found" -eq 0 ]] && final_list+=("${di}")
+    done
+  done
+  for v in "${final_list[@]}"; do
+    echo "${v}"
+  done
+gather_dependencies_rec() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local type="$2"
+  local action="$3"
+  load_component "${component}" "v" || { echo "Loading component failed ${component}"; return 1; }
+  validate_required_variables "${component}" "required_variables"
+  # Get the list of dependencies
+  local variables
+  check_list "${type}"_dependency_"${component}"
+  mapfile -t variables <<< "$(get_list "${type}"_dependency_"${component}")"
+  for v in "${variables[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    gather_dependencies_rec "$v" "${type}" "${action}"
+  done
+  try_execute_if_exists "${action}"_"${component}"
+gather_dependencies() {
+  local component="$1"
+  local dependency_type="$2"
+  local action="$3"
+  local depending_components
+  # Get the list of dependencies
+  check_list "${dependency_type}"_dependency_"${component}"
+  mapfile -t depending_components <<< "$(get_list "${dependency_type}"_dependency_"${component}")"
+  for v in "${depending_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    gather_dependencies_rec "$v" "${dependency_type}" "${action}"
+  done
+  try_execute_if_exists "${action}"_"${component}"
+check_module() {
+  local module="$1"
+  # Validate module if different functions or arrays exist
+  (
+    load_component "${module}" "v" || return 1
+    list_or_functions=(
+      required_variables
+      artifact_dependency
+    )
+    for item in "${list_or_functions[@]}"; do
+      check_list "${item}_${module}"
+    done
+  ) || { echo "Module $1 not valid"; return 1; }
+  # Validate build instructions
+  (
+    validate_component "${module}" "p" || { echo "No build instructions found for ${module}"; return 0; }
+    load_component "${module}" "p"
+    list_or_functions=(
+      setup_build_variables
+      download
+      build
+      install
+      is_installed
+      setup_artifact_variables
+      get_build_artifacts
+      get_docker_config_id
+    )
+    for item in "${list_or_functions[@]}"; do
+      check_list "${item}_${module}"
+    done
+  ) || { echo "Build instructions for ${module} are not valid"; return 1; }
+## Install the specified component
+install_component() {
+  local component="$1"
+  # Load general component information
+  load_component "${component}" "v" || { echo "Loading component failed ${component}"; return 1; }
+  # Get the list of dependencies
+  local depending_artifact_components
+  check_list artifact_dependency_"${component}"
+  mapfile -t depending_artifact_components <<< "$(get_list artifact_dependency_"${component}")"
+  # Make sure an artefact is available for the depending component
+  for v in "${depending_artifact_components[@]}"; do
+    [[ -z "${v}" ]] && continue
+    install_component "${v}"
+  done
+  # Setup general component variables
+  validate_required_variables "${component}" "required_variables"
+  # Handle dependencies of required artifacts
+  gather_dependencies "${component}" "artifact" "setup_variables"
+  # Check if the artifact is installed ablready
+  execution_action is_installed "${component}" && execution_action setup_artifact_variables "${component}" && validate_required_variables "${component}"  "export_variables" && { echo "Already installed ${component}"; return 0; }
+  # Install package if available
+  execution_action install_binary_artifact "${component}" && execution_action setup_artifact_variables "${component}" && validate_required_variables "${component}"  "export_variables" && { echo "Package installed ${component}"; return 0 ;}
+  # Validate general build variables
+  validate_build_variables
+  # Check if there is build information, if not - this is a meta package, return
+  validate_component "${component}" "p" || return 0
+  # Load build description
+  load_component "${component}" "p" || { echo "Loading component failed ${component}"; return 1; }
+  # Setup build variables
+  setup_build_variables_"${component}"
+  # Check and install runtime-dependencies if needed
+  execution_action "install_runtime_dependencies" "${component}" || true
+  # Validate configuration
+  try_execute_if_exists validate_build_config_"${component}"
+  # Install build dependencies
+  if [[ "${INSTALL_SYSTEM_DEPS}" == "1" ]]; then
+    execution_action "install_build_dependencies" "${component}" || {
+      echo "Could not install build dependencies for ${component}";
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fi
+  # Install build source
+  try_execute_if_exists download_"${component}"
+  # Build the package
+  try_execute_if_exists build_"${component}"
+  # Install to its final destination
+  try_execute_if_exists install_"${component}"
+main() {
+  local NAME
+  NAME=$(basename "${0}")
+  local USAGE="usage: ${NAME} "
+  local COMPONENTS=()
+  local BUILD_DOCKER=0
+  local CHECK_MODULE=0
+  for i in "$@" ;do
+  case $i in
+    --debug)
+      set -x
+    ;;
+    --docker)
+    ;;
+    --keep-dockerfile)
+    ;;
+    --push-docker-deps)
+    ;;
+    --create-final-image)
+    ;;
+    --install-system-deps)
+    ;;
+    --help)
+      show_help "${NAME}"
+      exit 0
+    ;;
+    --check-os)
+      # Checks the operating sytem used
+      check_os
+      exit 0
+    ;;
+    --check-module)
+      # Check the validity of the module
+    ;;
+    -*)
+      echo "${NAME}: unknown argument: $i"
+      show_help "${NAME}"
+      exit 1
+    ;;
+    *)
+      COMPONENTS+=("$i")
+    ;;
+  esac
+  done
+  if [[ ${#COMPONENTS[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
+    show_help "${NAME}"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ "${CHECK_MODULE}" -eq 1 ]]; then
+    for m in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
+      check_module "${m}"
+    done
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  # Validate selected components: check if they have a v-"component".inc file
+  for c in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
+    validate_component "$c" "v"
+  done
+  if [[ "${BUILD_DOCKER}" == "1" ]]; then
+    if [[ -z ${BASE_IMAGE+X} ]]; then
+      echo "No BASE_IMAGE provided"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    if [[ -z ${REPOSITORY+X} ]]; then
+      echo "No REPOSITORY provided"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    # Gather information about the base image
+    check_docker_os "${BASE_IMAGE}"
+    # Install components
+    for c in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
+      build_docker "$c" 0 || { echo "Building docker image ${c} failed"; return 1; }
+    done
+  else
+    # General Setup
+    check_os
+    # Install components
+    for c in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
+      install_component "$c"
+      try_execute_if_exists check_export_variables_"$c"
+    done
+  fi
+main "$@"