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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/stp/AST/Transform.cpp b/stp/AST/Transform.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 598b831e..00000000
--- a/stp/AST/Transform.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
- * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
- *
- * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
- *
- * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
- ********************************************************************/
-// -*- c++ -*-
-#include "AST.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-namespace BEEV {  
-  //Translates signed BVDIV/BVMOD into unsigned variety
-  ASTNode BeevMgr::TranslateSignedDivMod(const ASTNode& in) {
-    if(!(SBVMOD == in.GetKind() || SBVDIV == in.GetKind())) {
-      FatalError("TranslateSignedDivMod: input must be signed DIV/MOD\n",in);
-    }
-    ASTNode dividend = in[0];
-    ASTNode divisor  = in[1];      
-    unsigned len = in.GetValueWidth();
-    if(SBVMOD == in.GetKind()) {
-      //if(TopBit(dividend)==1) 
-      //
-      //then -BVMOD(-dividend,abs(divisor)) 
-      //
-      //else BVMOD(dividend,abs(divisor))
-      //create the condition for the dividend
-      ASTNode hi1  = CreateBVConst(32,len-1);
-      ASTNode one  = CreateOneConst(1);
-      ASTNode cond = CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1));
-      //create the condition and conditional for the divisor
-      ASTNode cond_divisor = CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1));
-      ASTNode pos_divisor  = CreateTerm(ITE,len,cond_divisor,CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor),divisor);
-      //create the modulus term for each case
-      ASTNode modnode = CreateTerm(BVMOD,len,dividend,pos_divisor);
-      ASTNode minus_modnode = CreateTerm(BVMOD,len,CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),pos_divisor);
-      minus_modnode = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_modnode);
-      //put everything together, simplify, and return
-      ASTNode n = CreateTerm(ITE,len,cond,minus_modnode,modnode);
-      return SimplifyTerm_TopLevel(n);
-    }
-    //now handle the BVDIV case
-    //if topBit(dividend) is 1 and topBit(divisor) is 0
-    //
-    //then output is -BVDIV(-dividend,divisor)
-    //
-    //elseif topBit(dividend) is 0 and topBit(divisor) is 1
-    //
-    //then output is -BVDIV(dividend,-divisor)
-    //
-    //elseif topBit(dividend) is 1 and topBit(divisor) is 1
-    //
-    // then output is BVDIV(-dividend,-divisor)
-    //
-    //else simply output BVDIV(dividend,divisor)
-    ASTNode hi1 = CreateBVConst(32,len-1);
-    ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(1);
-    ASTNode one = CreateOneConst(1);
-    ASTNode divnode = CreateTerm(BVDIV, len, dividend, divisor);
-    ASTNode cond1 = CreateNode(AND,
-			       CreateNode(EQ,zero,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
-			       CreateNode(EQ,one, CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
-    ASTNode minus_divnode1 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
-					dividend,
-					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor));
-    minus_divnode1 = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_divnode1);
-    ASTNode cond2 = CreateNode(AND,
-			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
-			       CreateNode(EQ,zero,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
-    ASTNode minus_divnode2 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
-					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),
-					divisor);
-    minus_divnode2 = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_divnode2);
-    ASTNode cond3 = CreateNode(AND,
-			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
-			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
-    ASTNode minus_divnode3 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
-					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),
-					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor));
-    ASTNode n = CreateTerm(ITE,len,
-			   cond1,
-			   minus_divnode1,
-			   CreateTerm(ITE,len,
-				      cond2,
-				      minus_divnode2,
-				      CreateTerm(ITE,len,
-						 cond3,
-						 minus_divnode3,
-						 divnode)));
-  return SimplifyTerm_TopLevel(n);
-  }//end of TranslateSignedDivMod()
-  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformFormula(const ASTNode& form) {
-    ASTNode result;
-    ASTNode simpleForm = form;
-    Kind k = simpleForm.GetKind();
-    if(!(is_Form_kind(k) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == simpleForm.GetType())) {
-      //FIXME: "You have inputted a NON-formula"?
-      FatalError("TransformFormula: You have input a NON-formula",simpleForm);
-    }
-    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
-    if((iter = TransformMap.find(simpleForm)) != TransformMap.end())
-      return iter->second;
-    switch(k) {
-    case TRUE:
-    case FALSE: {
-      result = simpleForm;
-      break;
-    }
-    case NOT: {
-      ASTVec c;
-      c.push_back(TransformFormula(simpleForm[0]));
-      result = CreateNode(NOT,c);      
-      break;
-    }
-    case BVLT:
-    case BVLE:
-    case BVGT:
-    case BVGE:
-    case BVSLT:
-    case BVSLE:
-    case BVSGT:
-    case BVSGE:      
-    case NEQ: {
-      ASTVec c;
-      c.push_back(TransformTerm(simpleForm[0]));      
-      c.push_back(TransformTerm(simpleForm[1]));
-      result = CreateNode(k,c);
-      break;
-    }
-    case EQ: {
-      ASTNode term1 = TransformTerm(simpleForm[0]);      
-      ASTNode term2 = TransformTerm(simpleForm[1]);
-      result = CreateSimplifiedEQ(term1,term2);     
-      break;
-    }
-    case AND:
-    case OR: 
-    case NAND:
-    case NOR:
-    case IFF:
-    case XOR:
-    case ITE:
-    case IMPLIES: {
-      ASTVec vec;
-      ASTNode o;
-      for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = simpleForm.begin(),itend=simpleForm.end(); it != itend; it++){
-	o = TransformFormula(*it);	
-	vec.push_back(o);
-      }
-      result = CreateNode(k, vec);
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      if(k == SYMBOL && BOOLEAN_TYPE == simpleForm.GetType())
-	result = simpleForm;      
-      else {
-	cerr << "The input is: " << simpleForm << endl;
-	cerr << "The valuewidth of input is : " << simpleForm.GetValueWidth() << endl;
-	FatalError("TransformFormula: Illegal kind: ",ASTUndefined, k);
-      }
-      break;    
-    } 
-    //BVTypeCheck(result);
-    TransformMap[simpleForm] = result;
-    return result;
-  } //End of TransformFormula
-  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformTerm(const ASTNode& inputterm) {
-    ASTNode result;
-    ASTNode term = inputterm;
-    Kind k = term.GetKind();
-    if(!is_Term_kind(k))
-      FatalError("TransformTerm: Illegal kind: You have input a nonterm:", inputterm, k);
-    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
-    if((iter = TransformMap.find(term)) != TransformMap.end())
-      return iter->second;
-    switch(k) {
-    case SYMBOL: {
-      // ASTNodeMap::iterator itsym;
-//       if((itsym = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end())	
-//       	result = itsym->second;
-//       else
-	result = term;
-      break;
-    }
-    case BVCONST:
-      result = term;
-      break;
-    case WRITE:
-      FatalError("TransformTerm: this kind is not supported",term);
-      break;
-    case READ:
-      result = TransformArray(term);
-      break;
-    case ITE: {
-      ASTNode cond = term[0];
-      ASTNode thn  = term[1];
-      ASTNode els  = term[2];
-      cond = TransformFormula(cond);
-      thn = TransformTerm(thn);
-      els = TransformTerm(els);
-      //result = CreateTerm(ITE,term.GetValueWidth(),cond,thn,els);
-      result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,thn,els);
-      result.SetIndexWidth(term.GetIndexWidth());
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      ASTVec c = term.GetChildren();
-      ASTVec::iterator it = c.begin();
-      ASTVec::iterator itend = c.end();
-      unsigned width = term.GetValueWidth();
-      unsigned indexwidth = term.GetIndexWidth();
-      ASTVec o;
-      for(;it!=itend;it++) {
-	o.push_back(TransformTerm(*it));
-      }
-      result = CreateTerm(k,width,o);
-      result.SetIndexWidth(indexwidth);
-      if(SBVDIV == result.GetKind() || SBVMOD == result.GetKind()) {
-	result = TranslateSignedDivMod(result);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    }
-    TransformMap[term] = result;
-    if(term.GetValueWidth() != result.GetValueWidth())
-      FatalError("TransformTerm: result and input terms are of different length", result);
-    if(term.GetIndexWidth() != result.GetIndexWidth()) {
-      cerr << "TransformTerm: input term is : " << term << endl;
-      FatalError("TransformTerm: result and input terms have different index length", result);
-    }
-    return result;
-  } //End of TransformTerm
-  /* This function transforms Array Reads, Read over Writes, Read over
-   * ITEs into flattened form.
-   *
-   * Transform1: Suppose there are two array reads in the input
-   * Read(A,i) and Read(A,j) over the same array. Then Read(A,i) is
-   * replaced with a symbolic constant, say v1, and Read(A,j) is
-   * replaced with the following ITE:
-   *
-   * ITE(i=j,v1,v2)
-   *
-   * Transform2:
-   * 
-   * Transform3:
-   */
-  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformArray(const ASTNode& term) {
-    ASTNode result = term;
-    unsigned int width = term.GetValueWidth();
-    Kind k = term.GetKind();
-    if (!is_Term_kind(k))
-      FatalError("TransformArray: Illegal kind: You have input a nonterm:", ASTUndefined, k);
-    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
-    if((iter = TransformMap.find(term)) != TransformMap.end())
-      return iter->second;
-    switch(k) {
-      //'term' is of the form READ(arrName, readIndex) 
-    case READ: {
-      ASTNode arrName = term[0];
-      switch (arrName.GetKind()) {
-      case SYMBOL: {
-	/* input is of the form: READ(A, readIndex)
-	 * 
-	 * output is of the from: A1, if this is the first READ over A
-         *                           
-	 *                        ITE(previous_readIndex=readIndex,A1,A2)
-	 *                        
-         *                        .....
-	 */
-	//  Recursively transform read index, which may also contain reads.
-	ASTNode readIndex = TransformTerm(term[1]);	
-	ASTNode processedTerm = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName,readIndex);
-	//check if the 'processedTerm' has a corresponding ITE construct
-	//already. if so, return it. else continue processing.
-	ASTNodeMap::iterator it;
-	if((it = _arrayread_ite.find(processedTerm)) != _arrayread_ite.end()) {
-	  result = it->second;	
-	  break;
-	}
-	//Constructing Symbolic variable corresponding to 'processedTerm'
-	ASTNode CurrentSymbol;
-	ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
-	// First, check if read index is constant and it has a constant value in the substitution map.
-	if(CheckSubstitutionMap(processedTerm,CurrentSymbol)) {
-	  _arrayread_symbol[processedTerm] = CurrentSymbol;
-	}
-	// Check if it already has an abstract variable.
-	else if((it1 = _arrayread_symbol.find(processedTerm)) != _arrayread_symbol.end()) {
-	  CurrentSymbol = it1->second;
-	}
-	else {
-	  // Make up a new abstract variable.
-	  // FIXME: Make this into a method (there already may BE a method) and
-	  // get rid of the fixed-length buffer!
-	  //build symbolic name corresponding to array read. The symbolic
-	  //name has 2 components: stringname, and a count
-	  const char * b = arrName.GetName();
-	  std::string c(b);
-	  char d[32];
-	  sprintf(d,"%d",_symbol_count++);
-	  std::string ccc(d);
-	  c += "array_" + ccc;
-	  CurrentSymbol = CreateSymbol(c.c_str());
-	  CurrentSymbol.SetValueWidth(processedTerm.GetValueWidth());
-	  CurrentSymbol.SetIndexWidth(processedTerm.GetIndexWidth());
-	  _arrayread_symbol[processedTerm] = CurrentSymbol;	  
-	}
-	//list of array-read indices corresponding to arrName, seen while
-	//traversing the AST tree. we need this list to construct the ITEs
-	// Dill: we hope to make this irrelevant.  Harmless for now.
-	ASTVec readIndices = _arrayname_readindices[arrName];
-	//construct the ITE structure for this array-read
-	ASTNode ite = CurrentSymbol;
-	_introduced_symbols.insert(CurrentSymbol);
-	BVTypeCheck(ite);
-	if(arrayread_refinement) {
-	  // ite is really a variable here; it is an ite in the
-	  // else-branch
-	  result = ite;
-	}
-	else {
-	  // Full Seshia transform if we're not doing read refinement.
-	  //do not loop if the current readIndex is a BVCONST
-	  // if(BVCONST == term[1].GetKind() && !SeenNonConstReadIndex && optimize) {
-	  // 	    result = ite; 
-	  // 	  }
-	  // 	  else {	  
-	    //else part: SET the SeenNonConstReadIndex var, and do the hard work
-	    //SeenNonConstReadIndex = true;
-	    ASTVec::reverse_iterator it2=readIndices.rbegin();
-	    ASTVec::reverse_iterator it2end=readIndices.rend();
-	    for(;it2!=it2end;it2++) {
-	      ASTNode cond = CreateSimplifiedEQ(readIndex,*it2);
-	      if(ASTFalse == cond)
-		continue;
-	      ASTNode arrRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName,*it2);
-	      //Good idea to TypeCheck internally constructed nodes
-	      BVTypeCheck(arrRead);
-	      ASTNode arrayreadSymbol = _arrayread_symbol[arrRead];
-	      if(arrayreadSymbol.IsNull())
-		FatalError("TransformArray:symbolic variable for processedTerm, p," 
-			   "does not exist:p = ",arrRead);
-	      ite = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,arrayreadSymbol,ite);
-	    }
-	    result = ite;
-	    //}
-	}
-	_arrayname_readindices[arrName].push_back(readIndex);	
-	//save the ite corresponding to 'processedTerm'
-	_arrayread_ite[processedTerm] = result;
-	break;
-      } //end of READ over a SYMBOL
-      case WRITE:{	
-	/* The input to this case is: READ((WRITE A i val) j)
-	 *
-	 * The output of this case is: ITE( (= i j) val (READ A i))
-	 */
-	/* 1. arrName or term[0] is infact a WRITE(A,i,val) expression
-	 *
-	 * 2. term[1] is the read-index j
-	 *
-	 * 3. arrName[0] is the new arrName i.e. A. A can be either a
-              SYMBOL or a nested WRITE. no other possibility
-	 *
-	 * 4. arrName[1] is the WRITE index i.e. i
-	 *
-	 * 5. arrName[2] is the WRITE value i.e. val (val can inturn
-	 *    be an array read)
-	 */
-	ASTNode readIndex = TransformTerm(term[1]);
-	ASTNode writeIndex = TransformTerm(arrName[1]);
-	ASTNode writeVal = TransformTerm(arrName[2]);
-	if(!(SYMBOL == arrName[0].GetKind() || 
-	     WRITE == arrName[0].GetKind())) 
-	  FatalError("TransformArray: An array write is being attempted on a non-array:",term);
-	if(ARRAY_TYPE != arrName[0].GetType())
-	  FatalError("TransformArray: An array write is being attempted on a non-array:",term);
-	ASTNode cond = CreateSimplifiedEQ(writeIndex,readIndex);
-	//TypeCheck internally created node
-	BVTypeCheck(cond);
-	ASTNode readTerm = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName[0],readIndex);
-	//TypeCheck internally created node
-	BVTypeCheck(readTerm);
-	ASTNode readPushedIn = TransformArray(readTerm);
-	//TypeCheck internally created node
-	BVTypeCheck(readPushedIn);
-	//result = CreateTerm(ITE, arrName[0].GetValueWidth(),cond,writeVal,readPushedIn);
-	result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,writeVal,readPushedIn);
-	//Good idea to typecheck terms created inside the system
-	BVTypeCheck(result);
-	break;
-      } //end of READ over a WRITE
-      case ITE: {
-	/* READ((ITE cond thn els) j) 
-	 *
-	 * is transformed into
-	 *
-	 * (ITE cond (READ thn j) (READ els j))
-	 */
-	//(ITE cond thn els)
-	ASTNode term0 = term[0];
-	ASTNode j = TransformTerm(term[1]);
-	ASTNode cond = term0[0];
-	//first array 
-	ASTNode t01  = term0[1];
-	//second array
-	ASTNode t02  = term0[2];
-	cond = TransformFormula(cond);
-	ASTNode thn = TransformTerm(t01);
-	ASTNode els = TransformTerm(t02);
-	if(!(t01.GetValueWidth() == t02.GetValueWidth() &&
-	     t01.GetValueWidth() == thn.GetValueWidth() &&
-	     t01.GetValueWidth() == els.GetValueWidth()))
-	  FatalError("TransformArray: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",term);
-	if(!(t01.GetIndexWidth() == t02.GetIndexWidth() &&
-	     t01.GetIndexWidth() == thn.GetIndexWidth() &&
-	     t01.GetIndexWidth() == els.GetIndexWidth()))
-	  FatalError("TransformArray: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",term);
-	//(READ thn j)
-	ASTNode thnRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,thn,j);
-	BVTypeCheck(thnRead);
-	thnRead = TransformArray(thnRead);
-	//(READ els j)
-	ASTNode elsRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,els,j);
-	BVTypeCheck(elsRead);
-	elsRead = TransformArray(elsRead);
-	//(ITE cond (READ thn j) (READ els j))
-	result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,thnRead,elsRead);
-	BVTypeCheck(result);
-      break;
-      }
-      default:
-	FatalError("TransformArray: The READ is NOT over SYMBOL/WRITE/ITE",term);
-	break;
-      } 
-      break;
-    } //end of READ switch
-    default:
-      FatalError("TransformArray: input term is of wrong kind: ",ASTUndefined);
-      break;
-    }
-    TransformMap[term] = result;
-    return result;
-  } //end of TransformArray()  
-} //end of namespace BEEV