Building/managing dependencies of KLEE are not easy. This script should change
* script install different versions in their specific directories
This allows:
- to have different versions in parallel installed: llvm, solvers
- to have different optimization levels installed (Debug, no-debug,
assertions, optimized)
- to have different versions of instrumentation enabled (address, memory,
leakage, undefined behavior)
* the script is kept distribution agnostic: assuming basic packages are
installed (a compiler), use `scripts/build/ubuntu-dependencies.sh` to install
ubuntu specific ones
* the script does not install any file into system directories (sudo is not
required) files are only installed into a user specified BASE directory
The same scripts are used for either local setup (`scripts/build/local_install.sh`)
or create a docker image based of your current source folder (`scripts/build/build_docker.sh`)
Change the defaults permanently by modifying (`scripts/build/common-defaults.sh`)
or change them on the fly by providing them as environment variables on the
command line.
The same scripts are also used for TravisCI, so we test what we are using.