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path: root/
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authorQuentin Carbonneaux <>2014-12-19 08:57:56 -0500
committerQuentin Carbonneaux <>2014-12-19 08:57:56 -0500
commit59db3dd956350b6bb0d8dded955e8ad16a2a6b8b (patch)
treed105413c29378ddd2d71af7fbb7d5b9a0c84774b /
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84c874d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+type id = int
+module ISet = Set.Make
+  (struct
+    type t = id
+    let compare = compare
+  end)
+type unop = Not
+type binop =
+  | Add | Sub
+  | Le | Ge | Lt | Gt | Eq | Ne
+type phi = { pjmp: id; pvar: int }
+type instr =
+  | INop
+  | ICon of int
+  | IUop of unop * id
+  | IBop of id * binop * id
+  | IBrz of id * id * id
+  | IJmp of id
+  | IPhi of phi list
+(* Phi nodes must be at the join of branches
+   in the control flow graph, if n branches
+   join, the phi node must have n elements in
+   its list that indicate the value to merge
+   from each of the branches.
+   The id given in each of
+type prog = instr array
+(* Here, we analyze a program backwards to
+   compute the liveness of all variables.
+   We assume that all phi nodes are placed
+   correctly.
+let liveness p =
+  (* The idea is now to reach a fixpoint
+     by applying the same backward liveness
+     propagation a sufficient number of
+     times.
+     The [changed] variable will tell us
+     when we reached the fixpoint, it is
+     reset to false at each iteration.
+  *)
+  let changed = ref true in
+  let liveout = Array.make (Array.length p) ISet.empty in
+  let setlive v l =
+    (* Extend the liveness of v to l. *)
+    if not (ISet.mem v liveout.(l)) then begin
+      changed := true;
+      liveout.(l) <- ISet.add v liveout.(l);
+    end in
+  let succs i =
+    (* Retreive the successor nodes of i. *)
+    if i = Array.length p -1 then [] else
+    match p.(i) with
+    | IBrz (_, i1, i2) -> [i1; i2]
+    | IJmp i1 -> [i1]
+    | _ -> [i+1] in
+  let gen i = ISet.of_list
+    (* Get the Gen set of i. *)
+    begin match p.(i) with
+    | IUop (_, i1) -> [i1]
+    | IBop (i1, _, i2) -> [i1; i2]
+    | IPhi l ->
+      List.iter (fun {pjmp; pvar} ->
+        setlive pvar pjmp
+      ) l; []
+    | _ -> []
+    end in
+  let livein i =
+    (* Get the live In set of i. *)
+    let s = liveout.(i) in
+    let s = ISet.union s (gen i) in
+    ISet.remove i s in
+  (* The fixpoint computation. *)
+  while !changed do
+    changed := false;
+    for i = Array.length p -1 downto 0 do
+      (* Collect live Ins of all successor blocks. *)
+      let live = List.fold_left (fun live i' ->
+          ISet.union live (livein i')
+        ) ISet.empty (succs i) in
+      ISet.iter (fun i' ->
+        setlive i' i
+      ) live
+    done
+  done;
+  liveout
+  Non-reducible control flow graph, these
+  cfgs are problematic when implementing
+  the naive backwards liveness analysis.
+  +--i
+  |  |
+  y  x--+
+  |  |  |
+  +--a  |
+     |  |
+     b--+
+     |
+     c
+(* Testing. *)
+let parse src =
+  let blocks = Hashtbl.create 31 in
+  let src = List.mapi (fun idx l ->
+      let l = String.trim l in
+      try
+        let il = String.index l ':' in
+        let lbl = String.sub l 0 il in
+        Hashtbl.add blocks lbl idx;
+        String.sub l (il+1)
+          (String.length l -(il+1)) ^ " "
+      with Not_found -> l ^ " "
+    ) src in
+  let p = Array.make (List.length src) INop in
+  List.iteri (fun idx l ->
+    let fail s =
+      failwith
+        (Printf.sprintf "line %d: %s" (idx+1) s) in
+    let tok =
+      let p = ref 0 in fun () ->
+      try
+        while l.[!p] = ' ' do incr p done;
+        let p0 = !p in
+        while l.[!p] <> ' ' do incr p done;
+        String.sub l p0 (!p - p0)
+      with _ -> fail "token expected" in
+    let id () =
+      let v = tok () in
+      try Hashtbl.find blocks v
+      with _ -> fail ("unknown variable " ^ v) in
+    let instr =
+      if l = " " then INop else
+      let bop o =
+        let i1 = id () in
+        let i2 = id () in
+        IBop (i1, o, i2) in
+      match tok () with
+      | "con" -> ICon (int_of_string (tok ()))
+      | "not" -> IUop (Not, id ())
+      | "add" -> bop Add
+      | "sub" -> bop Sub
+      | "cle" -> bop Le
+      | "cge" -> bop Ge
+      | "clt" -> bop Lt
+      | "cgt" -> bop Gt
+      | "ceq" -> bop Eq
+      | "cne" -> bop Ne
+      | "phi" ->
+        let exp t =
+          let t' = tok () in
+          if t' <> t then
+            fail ("unexpected " ^ t') in
+        let rec f () =
+          match tok () with
+          | "[" ->
+            let pjmp = id () in
+            let pvar = id () in
+            exp "]";
+            {pjmp; pvar} :: f ()
+          | "." -> []
+          | t -> fail ("unexpected " ^ t) in
+        IPhi (f ())
+      | "brz" ->
+        let v = id () in
+        let bz = id () in
+        let bn = id () in
+        IBrz (v, bz, bn)
+      | "jmp" -> IJmp (id ())
+      | i -> fail ("invalid " ^ i) in
+    p.(idx) <- instr
+  ) src;
+  p
+let t_fact = parse
+  [ "start:"
+  ; "  ni: con 1234"
+  ; "  k1: con 1"
+  ; "loop:"
+  ; "  n0: phi [ back n1 ] [ k1 ni ] ."
+  ; "  n1: sub n0 k1"
+  ; "back: brz n1 pend loop"
+  ; "pend:"
+  ]
+let _ =
+  let open Printf in
+  let s = liveness t_fact in
+  for i = 0 to Array.length s-1 do
+    printf "%04d:" i;
+    ISet.iter (printf " %04d") s.(i);
+    printf "\n";
+  done