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path: root/proto
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authorQuentin Carbonneaux <>2016-02-11 10:33:44 -0500
committerQuentin Carbonneaux <>2016-02-11 10:33:44 -0500
commit96251837db7c698a76d997f1449f0cd47885f203 (patch)
tree3a0019a8c9e6115bc4205c00baa86e7814baaa0f /proto
parent86dfca58460639f9a969aa312f0adf17e79be1f0 (diff)
leave the prototype to git history
Diffstat (limited to 'proto')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1726 deletions
diff --git a/proto/.gitignore b/proto/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc12a1..0000000
--- a/proto/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proto/Makefile b/proto/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f137b4a..0000000
--- a/proto/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: test clean
-	ocamlc -g -o bak
-test: bak
-	@./bak test
-	@cc -O2 -o t.out tmain.c t.o && ./t.out
-	rm -f bak *.out *.o *.cm[io]
diff --git a/proto/TODO b/proto/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index e144c66..0000000
--- a/proto/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-- Operand classes for instructions
-- Hints in register allocation
-- Fixed register instructions (div, mul)
-  Is this part of "operand classes"?
-- SEXT ZEXT (we need 8, 16, 32, 64 bits)
-- CMP ...
-- ALLOC STORE LOAD (we need 8, 16, 32, 64 bits)
-(- PTR)
-- Register use/defs for all instructions.
-- Integer (32 & 64 bits)
-(- Structure "{a,b,c}")
-(- Pointer (to type "t"))
-- Q: Should we allow constant operands?
-  A:
-  It looks like `Con instructions are a bad idea because
-  they introduce spurious live ranges.
-  This was not a huge problem, modifications s in loc and
-  getreg only fixed this.  Still, it makes use larger bit
-  vectors during the liveness analysis.
-- Q: How to represent the IR?
-  A:
-  So far, a graph of basic blocks composed of quadruples
-  seems to be the most convenient.
-- Q: Do we need types?
-- x = y op z [fixed using freeze]
-  if x is spilled, y can be moved to a spill location
-  to free one register for x, this is kind of stupid.
-  We can probably fix this by having a better heuristic
-  for spilling decisions.
-- [tentative fix: 4fc98da]
-  Phi defined variables with spill location do not work.
-- At the end of a block we call loc on all live variables,
-  if there are not enough registers, some variables get
-  assigned spill locations.  We need to be able to spill
-  variables that are already in register.
-  NOTE: Following Braun & Hack we could do one pass
-  first that determines what variables are in register
-  at the end of loops.  This sounds good because
-  back-edges are actually easier to detect than loop
-  headers!
diff --git a/proto/ b/proto/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1aff2..0000000
--- a/proto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-type id = int
-type ty =
-  | TInt of bool * int
-  | TArr of int * ty
-  | TPtr of ty
-  | TVoid
-type con = CInt of int
-type cnd = Ge | Le | Gt | Lt | Ne | Eq
-type ins =
-  | IAlloc of ty
-  | IMem of id
-  | ISto of id * id
-  | IAdd of id * id
-  | ISub of id * id
-  | ICon of ty * con
-  | IBr  of id * cnd * id * id
-  | IJmp of id
-  | IPhi of ty * id * id
-let isint = function TInt _ -> true | _ -> false
-let isbranch = function IBr _ | IJmp _ -> true | _ -> false
-exception Type of string
-let tychk blk =
-  let typs = Array.make (Array.length blk) TVoid in
-  let blks = ref [] in
-  let jmp src dst =
-    let rec f = function
-      | (blk, srcs) :: tl when blk = dst ->
-        (blk, src :: srcs) :: tl
-      | b :: tl when fst b < dst -> b :: f tl
-      | l ->
-        let srcs =
-          if dst = 0 then [src] else
-          if isbranch blk.(dst-1)
-          then [src] else [dst-1; src] in
-        (dst, srcs) :: l in
-    blks := f !blks in
-  let f i =                                           (* do easy type checks *)
-    let chn n =
-      if n >= i || n < 0 then
-        raise (Type "broken data dependency") in
-    function
-    | IPhi (ty, _, _) ->
-      if ty = TVoid then
-        raise (Type "invalid void phi");
-      typs.(i) <- ty
-    | ICon (ty, _) -> typs.(i) <- ty
-    | IAlloc ty ->
-      if ty = TVoid then
-        raise (Type "invalid void alloc");
-      typs.(i) <- TPtr ty
-    | IMem n ->
-      chn n;
-      (match typs.(n) with
-      | TPtr ty -> typs.(i) <- ty
-      | _ -> raise (Type "invalid dereference")
-      )
-    | ISto (a, b) ->
-      chn a; chn b;
-      if typs.(a) <> TPtr typs.(b) then
-        raise (Type "invalid store")
-    | IAdd (a, b) ->
-      chn a; chn b;
-      if not (isint typs.(b)) then
-        raise (Type "second add operand not integral");
-      (match typs.(a) with
-      | (TPtr _) as t -> typs.(i) <- t
-      | (TInt _) as t ->
-        if t <> typs.(b) then
-          raise (Type "invalid heterogeneous addition");
-        typs.(i) <- t
-      | _ -> raise (Type "invalid type for addition")
-      )
-    | ISub (a, b) ->
-      chn a; chn b;
-      (match typs.(a), typs.(b) with
-      | (TPtr _ as ta), (TPtr _ as tb) ->
-        if ta <> tb then
-          raise (Type "substracted pointers have different types");
-        typs.(i) <- TInt (true, 64)
-      | (TInt _ as ta), (TInt _ as tb) ->
-        if ta <> tb then
-          raise (Type "invalid heterogeneous substraction");
-        typs.(i) <- ta
-      | _ -> raise (Type "invalid type for substraction")
-      )
-    | IBr (_, _, _, dst) -> jmp i dst; jmp i (i+1)
-    | IJmp dst -> jmp i dst in
-  Array.iteri f blk;
-  let f = function                                (* check types at phi nodes *)
-    | IPhi (_, a, b) ->
-      if typs.(a) <> typs.(b) then
-        raise (Type "ill-typed phi node")
-    | _ -> () in
-  Array.iter f blk;
-  let bbase i =
-    let rec f base = function
-      | [] -> base
-      | (b, _) :: _ when b > i -> base
-      | (b, _) :: tl -> f b tl in
-    f 0 !blks in
-  let f i = function                               (* check validity of ssa *)
-    | IPhi (_, a, b) ->
-      let callers =
- bbase (List.assoc (bbase i) !blks) in
-      let ba = bbase a and bb = bbase b in
-      if ba = bb
-      || not (List.mem ba callers)
-      || not (List.mem bb callers)
-      then
-        raise (Type "invalid phi node");
-    | IAdd (a, b) | ISub (a, b) | ISto (a, b) | IBr (a, _, b, _) ->
-      let bi = bbase i in
-      if bbase a <> bi || bbase b <> bi then
-        raise (Type "operands of non-phy not in current block")
-    | IMem a ->
-      if bbase a <> bbase i then
-        raise (Type "operands of non-phy not in current block")
-    | IJmp _ | ICon _ | IAlloc _ -> () in
-  Array.iteri f blk
-                                                          (* tests *)
-let _ =
-  let int = TInt (true, 32) in
-  let p0 = [|
-    (* 0 *) ICon (int, CInt 1);
-    (* 1 *) ICon (int, CInt 42);
-    (* 2 *) IPhi (int, 0, 2);
-    (* 3 *) IAdd (1, 2);
-    (* 4 *) IJmp 1
-  |] in tychk p0
diff --git a/proto/ctests/eucl.c b/proto/ctests/eucl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd2e9c9..0000000
--- a/proto/ctests/eucl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main()
-	int a = 123456;
-	int b = 32223;
-	int t;
-	do {
-		t = a % b;
-		a = b;
-		b = t;
-	} while (b);
-	printf("%d\n", a);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/proto/ctests/pspill.c b/proto/ctests/pspill.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3dfba8..0000000
--- a/proto/ctests/pspill.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-long f() {
-	long l00, l01, l02, l03, l04, l05, l06, l07, l08, l09, l10, l11, l12, l13;
-	l00 = 42;
-	l01 = l00 + l00;
-	l02 = l00 + l01;
-	l03 = l00 + l02;
-	l04 = l00 + l03;
-	l05 = l00 + l04;
-	l06 = l00 + l05;
-	l07 = l06 + l06;
-	l08 = l05 + l07;
-	l09 = l04 + l08;
-	l10 = l03 + l09;
-	l11 = l02 + l10;
-	l12 = l01 + l11;
-	l13 = l00 + l12;
-	return l13;
diff --git a/proto/ctests/psum.c b/proto/ctests/psum.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea6a03..0000000
--- a/proto/ctests/psum.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-long f() {
-	long n, n0, s;
-	s = 0;
-	n = 1234567;
-	for (;;) {
-		n0 = n - 1;
-		s = s + n;
-		if (!n0) break;
-		n = n0;
-	}
-	return s;
diff --git a/proto/ b/proto/
deleted file mode 100644
index d83f4fd..0000000
--- a/proto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-(* This is a module to spit simple ELF
-   object files that can afterwards be
-   linked to build an application.
-let hash s =
-  (* The ELF hash function. *)
-  let open Int64 in (* I doubt this is necessary... *)
-  let rec f p h =
-    if p = String.length s then to_int h else
-    let h = shift_left h 4 in
-    let h = add h (of_int (int_of_char s.[p])) in
-    let g = logand h (of_int 0xf0000000) in
-    let h = logxor h (shift_right g 24) in
-    f (p+1) (logand h (of_int 0x0fffffff)) in
-  f 0 (of_int 0)
-let le n x =
-  (* Make a string of bytes in little endian convention. *)
-  let b = Bytes.create n in
-  let rec f i x =
-    if i = n then () else
-    let d = char_of_int (x land 0xff) in
-    Bytes.set b i d;
-    f (i+1) (x lsr 8) in
-  f 0 x; Bytes.to_string b
-let stt_NOTYPE = 0
-let stt_OBJECT = 1
-let stt_FUNC   = 2
-let stb_LOCAL  = 0
-let stb_GLOBAL = 16
-let stb_WEAK   = 32
-let sht_NULL     = le 4 0
-let sht_PROGBITS = le 4 1
-let sht_SYMTAB   = le 4 2
-let sht_STRTAB   = le 4 3
-let sht_RELA     = le 4 4
-let sht_NOTE     = le 4 7
-let sht_NOBITS   = le 4 8
-let shf_WRITE     = 1
-let shf_ALLOC     = 2
-let shf_EXECINSTR = 4
-let barebones_elf oc fn text =
-  let header = String.concat ""
-    [ "\x7fELF"                          (* e_ident, magic *)
-    ; "\x02"                             (* e_ident, ELFCLASS64 *)
-    ; "\x01"                             (* e_ident, ELFDATA2LSB *)
-    ; "\x01"                             (* e_indent, EV_CURRENT *)
-    ; "\x00"                             (* e_ident, ELFOSABI_SYSV *)
-    ; "\x00"                             (* e_ident, ABI version *)
-    ; "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"     (* e_ident, padding *)
-    ; "\x01\x00"                         (* e_type, ET_REL *)
-    ; "\x3e\x00"                         (* e_machine, EM_X86_64 *)
-    ; "\x01\x00\x00\x00"                 (* e_version, EV_CURRENT *)
-    ; "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" (* e_entry, unused *)
-    ; "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" (* e_phoff, unused *)
-    ; "\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" (* e_shoff, 64 *)
-    ; "\x00\x00\x00\x00"                 (* e_flags, 0 *)
-    ; "\x40\x00"                         (* e_hsize, 64 *)
-    ; "\x00\x00"                         (* e_phentsize, 0 *)
-    ; "\x00\x00"                         (* e_phnum, 0 *)
-    ; "\x40\x00"                         (* e_shentsize, 64 *)
-    ; "\x07\x00"                         (* e_shnum, 7 *)
-    ; "\x06\x00"                         (* e_shstrndx, 6 *)
-    ] in
-  (* We will use the following section organization.
-     1- .text   PROGBITS
-     2- .data   PROGBITS
-     3- .bss    NOBITS
-     4- .rela   RELA
-     5- .symtab SYMTAB
-     6- .strtab STRTAB
-  *)
-  let adds s x = (String.length s, s ^ x ^ "\x00") in
-  (* section names *)
-  let textstr, strtab = adds "\x00" ".text" in
-  let datastr, strtab = adds strtab ".data" in
-  let bssstr , strtab = adds strtab ".bss"  in
-  let relastr, strtab = adds strtab ".rela" in
-  let symtstr, strtab = adds strtab ".symt" in
-  let strtstr, strtab = adds strtab ".strt" in
-  (* function names *)
-  let fnstr, strtab = adds strtab fn in
-  let symtab = String.concat ""
-    [ le 0x18 0                      (* first symbol is reserved *)
-    ; le 4 fnstr                     (* st_name *)
-    ; le 1 (stt_FUNC lor stb_GLOBAL) (* st_info *)
-    ; "\x00"                         (* st_other *)
-    ; le 2 1                         (* st_shndx, .text *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* st_value, offset in .text section *)
-    ; le 8 (String.length text)      (* st_size *)
-    ] in
-  let textoff = 64 + 7 * 64 in
-  let txtlen, txtpad =
-    let l = String.length text in
-    let p = (l + 7) land 7 in
-    (l, p) in
-  let dataoff = textoff + txtlen + txtpad in
-  let bssoff  = dataoff + 0 in
-  let relaoff = bssoff + 0 in
-  let symtoff = relaoff + 0 in
-  let strtoff = symtoff + String.length symtab in
-  let sh = String.concat ""
-    [ le 64 0 (* first section header is reserved *)
-    (* .text *)
-    ; le 4 textstr                   (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_PROGBITS                   (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 (shf_ALLOC lor shf_EXECINSTR) (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 textoff                   (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 txtlen                    (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_link *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_info *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_entsize *)
-    (* .data *)
-    ; le 4 datastr                   (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_PROGBITS                   (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 (shf_ALLOC lor shf_WRITE) (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 dataoff                   (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_link *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_info *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_entsize *)
-    (* .bss *)
-    ; le 4 bssstr                    (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_NOBITS                     (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 (shf_ALLOC lor shf_WRITE) (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 bssoff                    (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_link *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_info *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_entsize *)
-    (* .rela *)
-    ; le 4 relastr                   (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_RELA                       (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 relaoff                   (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 5                         (* sh_link, symtab index *)
-    ; le 4 1                         (* sh_info, text section *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0x18                      (* sh_entsize *)
-    (* .symtab *)
-    ; le 4 symtstr                   (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_SYMTAB                     (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 symtoff                   (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 (String.length symtab)    (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 6                         (* sh_link, strtab index *)
-    ; le 4 1                         (* sh_info, first non-local symbol *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0x18                      (* sh_entsize *)
-    (* .strtab *)
-    ; le 4 strtstr                   (* sh_name *)
-    ; sht_STRTAB                     (* sh_type *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_flags *)
-    ; le 8 0                         (* sh_addr *)
-    ; le 8 strtoff                   (* sh_offset *)
-    ; le 8 (String.length strtab)    (* sh_size *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_link *)
-    ; le 4 0                         (* sh_info *)
-    ; le 8 1                         (* sh_addralign *)
-    ; le 8 0x18                      (* sh_entsize *)
-    ] in
-  List.iter (output_string oc)
-    [ header
-    ; sh
-    ; text; String.make txtpad '\x90'
-    ; symtab
-    ; strtab
-    ]
-let _ =
-  let oc = open_out "test.o" in
-  let text = String.concat ""
-    [ "\xb8\x2a\x00\x00\x00" (* mov 42, %eax *)
-    ; "\xc3"                 (* retq *)
-    ] in
-  barebones_elf oc "main" text
diff --git a/proto/ b/proto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79081b9..0000000
--- a/proto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(* Generic binary heaps. *)
-module Heap: sig
-  type 'a t
-  val create: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t
-  val add: 'a t -> 'a -> unit
-  val popd: 'a t -> unit
-  val pop: 'a t -> 'a option
-  val top: 'a t -> 'a option
-end = struct
-  type 'a t =
-    { mutable arr: 'a array
-    ; mutable len: int
-    ; cmp: 'a -> 'a -> int
-    }
-  let mkarray n = Array.make n (Obj.magic 0)
-  let create cmp = {arr = mkarray 2; len = 0; cmp }
-  let top {arr; len; _} =
-    if len = 0 then None else Some arr.(1)
-  let swap arr i j =
-    let tmp = arr.(i) in
-    arr.(i) <- arr.(j);
-    arr.(j) <- tmp
-  let rec bblup cmp arr i =
-    let prnt = i/2 in
-    if prnt = 0 then () else
-    if cmp arr.(prnt) arr.(i) < 0 then () else
-    (swap arr prnt i; bblup cmp arr prnt)
-  let add ({arr; len; cmp} as hp) x =
-    let arr =
-      let alen = Array.length arr in
-      if alen > len+1 then arr else
-      let arr' = mkarray (alen * 2) in
-      Array.blit arr 0 arr' 0 alen;
-      hp.arr <- arr';
-      arr' in
-    hp.len <- len + 1;
-    arr.(hp.len) <- x;
-    bblup cmp arr hp.len
-  let rec bbldn cmp arr i len =
-    let ch0 = 2*i in
-    let ch1 = ch0 + 1 in
-    if ch0 > len then () else
-    let mn =
-      if ch1 > len then ch0 else
-      if cmp arr.(ch0) arr.(ch1) < 0
-      then ch0 else ch1 in
-    if cmp arr.(i) arr.(mn) <= 0 then () else
-    (swap arr i mn; bbldn cmp arr mn len)
-  let popd ({arr; len; cmp} as hp) =
-    if len = 0 then () else
-    arr.(1) <- arr.(len);
-    hp.len <- len - 1;
-    bbldn cmp arr 1 len
-  let pop hp =
-    let r = top hp in
-    popd hp; r
diff --git a/proto/ b/proto/
deleted file mode 100644
index be2323d..0000000
--- a/proto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-module ISet = Set.Make
-  (struct
-    type t = int
-    let compare = compare
-  end)
-type unop = Not
-type binop =
-  | Add | Sub
-  | Le | Ge | Lt | Gt | Eq | Ne
-type ('ref, 'loc) phi = { pjmp: 'loc; pvar: 'ref }
-type ('ref, 'loc) ir =
-  | INop
-  | ICon of int
-  | IUop of unop * 'ref
-  | IBop of 'ref * binop * 'ref
-  | IBrz of 'ref * 'loc * 'loc
-  | IJmp of 'loc
-  | IPhi of ('ref, 'loc) phi list
-(* Phi nodes must be at the join of branches
-   in the control flow graph, if n branches
-   join, the phi node must have n elements in
-   its list that indicate the value to merge
-   from each of the branches.
-   The id given in each of
-(* Here, we analyze a program backwards to
-   compute the liveness of all variables.
-   We assume that all phi nodes are placed
-   correctly.
-let liveness p =
-  (* The idea is now to reach a fixpoint
-     by applying the same backward liveness
-     propagation a sufficient number of
-     times.
-     The [changed] variable will tell us
-     when we reached the fixpoint, it is
-     reset to false at each iteration.
-  *)
-  let changed = ref true in
-  let liveout = Array.make (Array.length p) ISet.empty in
-  let setlive v l =
-    (* Extend the liveness of v to l. *)
-    if not (ISet.mem v liveout.(l)) then begin
-      changed := true;
-      liveout.(l) <- ISet.add v liveout.(l);
-    end in
-  let succs i =
-    (* Retreive the successor nodes of i. *)
-    if i = Array.length p -1 then [] else
-    match p.(i) with
-    | IBrz (_, i1, i2) -> [i1; i2]
-    | IJmp i1 -> [i1]
-    | _ -> [i+1] in
-  let gen i = ISet.of_list
-    (* Get the Gen set of i. *)
-    begin match p.(i) with
-    | IUop (_, i1) -> [i1]
-    | IBop (i1, _, i2) -> [i1; i2]
-    | IPhi l ->
-      List.iter (fun {pjmp; pvar} ->
-        setlive pvar pjmp
-      ) l; []
-    | _ -> []
-    end in
-  let livein i =
-    (* Get the live In set of i. *)
-    let s = liveout.(i) in
-    let s = ISet.union s (gen i) in
-    ISet.remove i s in
-  (* The fixpoint computation. *)
-  while !changed do
-    changed := false;
-    for i = Array.length p -1 downto 0 do
-      (* Collect live Ins of all successor blocks. *)
-      let live = List.fold_left (fun live i' ->
-          ISet.union live (livein i')
-        ) ISet.empty (succs i) in
-      ISet.iter (fun i' ->
-        setlive i' i
-      ) live
-    done
-  done;
-  liveout
-type loc =
-  | L0          (* No location. *)
-  | LCon of int (* Constant. *)
-  | LReg of int (* Machine register. *)
-  | LSpl of int (* Spill location. *)
-type spill = { sreg: int; soff: int }
-type regir =
-  | RIR of int * (loc, int ref) ir
-  | RMove of loc * loc
-(* The reg IR adds spill saves and restores to standard
-   IR instructions.  The register allocator below uses
-   these new instructions when the physical machine lacks
-   registers.
-let regalloc nr p l =
-  (* The final reg IR is built here. *)
-  let rir = ref [] in
-  let emit r = rir := r :: !rir in
-  let ipos = Array.init (Array.length p) ref in
-  emit (RIR (-1, INop));
-  (* Hints help the allocator to know what register
-     to use.  They can be combined using the |>
-     operator below. *)
-  let hints = Array.make (Array.length p) (-1) in
-  (* let ( |> ) a b = if a < 0 then b else a in *)
-  (* Number of spill slots. *)
-  let spill = ref 0 in
-  (* Associative list binding live ir to locations,
-     ordered by freshness. *)
-  let locs = ref [] in
-  let setloc i l = locs := (i, l) :: !locs in
-  let setspill i =
-    setloc i (LSpl !spill);
-    incr spill; !spill - 1 in
-  (* Get free registers. *)
-  let free () =
-    let rl = Array.to_list (Array.init nr (fun i -> i)) in
-    List.filter (fun r ->
-      not (List.mem (LReg r) ( snd !locs))
-    ) rl in
-  (* Allocate a register for an ir. *)
-  let alloc hint i =
-    let ret r = setloc i (LReg r); r in
-    let free = free () in
-    if List.mem hint free then ret hint
-    else match free with  r::_ -> ret r
-    | [] -> (* No more free registers, force spill. *)
-      let regof = function LReg r -> r | _ -> -1 in
-      let cmpf (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b in
-      let l = (fun (i,l) -> (i,regof l)) !locs in
-      let l = List.filter (fun (_,r) -> r >= 0) l in
-      let sir, sreg = List.hd (List.sort cmpf l) in (* Take the oldest. *)
-      locs := snd (List.partition ((=) (sir, LReg sreg)) !locs);
-      let soff =
-        match try List.assoc sir !locs with _ -> L0 with
-        | LSpl n -> n
-        | _ -> setspill sir in
-      emit (RMove (LReg sreg, LSpl soff));
-      ret sreg in
-  (* Find a register for a destination. *)
-  let dst i =
-    let li =
-      try List.assoc i !locs with Not_found -> L0 in
-    let r = match li with
-      | LReg r -> r
-      | _ -> alloc hints.(i) i in
-    begin match li with
-    | LSpl l -> emit (RMove (LSpl l, LReg r))
-    | _ -> ()
-    end;
-    locs := snd (List.partition (fun (j,_) -> j=i) !locs);
-    r in
-  let phis = ref [] in
-  (* Find a location for an operand. *)
-  let loc i =
-    try List.assoc i !locs with Not_found ->
-    try List.assoc i !phis with Not_found ->
-    match p.(i) with
-    | ICon k -> setloc i (LCon k); LCon k
-    | _ -> LReg (alloc hints.(i) i) in
-  let loc2 i =
-    try List.assoc i !locs with Not_found ->
-    try List.assoc i !phis with Not_found ->
-    match p.(i) with
-    | ICon k -> setloc i (LCon k); LCon k
-    | _ ->
-      (* Here, we just want to avoid using the
-         same register we used for the first
-         operand. *)
-      if free () = [] then LSpl (setspill i)
-      else LReg (alloc hints.(i) i) in
-  let philoc i =
-    match p.(i) with
-    | IPhi pl ->
-      (try List.assoc i !phis with Not_found ->
-      let l = loc2 i in
-      phis := (i, l) :: !phis;
-      begin match l with
-      | LReg h -> List.iter (fun x -> hints.(x.pvar) <- h) pl;
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      l)
-    | _ -> failwith "regalloc: invalid call to philoc" in
-  let rec movs jmp i =
-    if i >= Array.length p then () else
-    match p.(i) with
-    | IPhi l ->
-      let l = List.filter (fun x -> x.pjmp = jmp) l in
-      assert (List.length l = 1);
-      let pl = philoc i in
-      let v = (List.hd l).pvar in
-      let vl = loc2 v in
-      emit (RMove (pl, vl));
-      movs jmp (i+1)
-    | _ -> () in
-  (* Going backwards. *)
-  for i = Array.length p -1 downto 0 do
-    (* Forget about all bindings not live
-       at the end of the instruction. *)
-    locs := List.filter
-      (fun (i',_) -> ISet.mem i' l.(i)) !locs;
-    begin match p.(i) with
-    | IPhi _ -> ()
-    | ICon _ | INop ->
-      movs i (i+1)
-    | IBrz (i', l1, l2) ->
-      emit (RIR (-1, IJmp ipos.(l2)));
-      movs i l2;
-      let li' = loc i' in
-      let p = List.length !rir in
-      emit (RIR (-1, IBrz (li', ipos.(l1), ref p)));
-      movs i l1
-    | IJmp l ->
-      emit (RIR (-1, IJmp ipos.(l)));
-      movs i l;
-    | IUop (op, i') ->
-      let r = dst i in
-      let li' = hints.(i') <- r; loc i' in
-      emit (RIR (r, IUop (op, li')));
-      movs i (i+1)
-    | IBop (il, op, ir) ->
-      let r = dst i in
-      let lil = hints.(il) <- r; loc il in
-      let lir = loc2 ir in
-      emit (RIR (r, IBop (lil, op, lir)));
-      movs i (i+1)
-    end;
-    (* Update position of the current instruction. *)
-    ipos.(i) := List.length !rir;
-  done;
-  (Array.of_list !rir, !spill)
-module type ARCH = sig
-  type label type reg
-  type brtype = Jump | NonZ of reg
-  (* Labels for branching. *)
-  val newlbl: unit -> label
-  val setlbl: label -> unit
-  (* Register creation. *)
-  val regk: int -> reg
-  val regn: int -> reg
-  (* Register spilling and restoration. *)
-  val spill: reg -> int -> unit
-  val resto: int -> reg -> unit
-  (* Boring instructions. *)
-  val mov: reg -> reg -> unit
-  val bop: binop -> reg -> reg -> reg -> unit
-  val uop: unop -> reg -> reg -> unit
-  val br: brtype -> label -> unit
-  (* Initialization finalization. *)
-  val reset: int -> unit
-  val code: unit -> string
-(* Testing. *)
-let parse src =
-  let blocks = Hashtbl.create 31 in
-  let rec addlbl idx l =
-    let l = String.trim l in
-    try
-      let il = String.index l ':' in
-      let lbl = String.sub l 0 il in
-      Hashtbl.add blocks lbl idx;
-      let l =
-        String.sub l (il+1)
-          (String.length l -(il+1)) in
-      addlbl idx l
-    with Not_found -> l ^ " " in
-  let src = List.mapi addlbl src in
-  let p = Array.make (List.length src) INop in
-  List.iteri (fun idx l ->
-    let fail s =
-      failwith
-        (Printf.sprintf "line %d: %s" (idx+1) s) in
-    let tok =
-      let p = ref 0 in fun () ->
-      try
-        while l.[!p] = ' ' do incr p done;
-        let p0 = !p in
-        while l.[!p] <> ' ' do incr p done;
-        String.sub l p0 (!p - p0)
-      with _ -> fail "token expected" in
-    let id () =
-      let v = tok () in
-      try Hashtbl.find blocks v
-      with _ -> fail ("unknown variable " ^ v) in
-    let instr =
-      if l = " " then INop else
-      let bop o =
-        let i1 = id () in
-        let i2 = id () in
-        IBop (i1, o, i2) in
-      match tok () with
-      | "con" -> ICon (int_of_string (tok ()))
-      | "not" -> IUop (Not, id ())
-      | "add" -> bop Add
-      | "sub" -> bop Sub
-      | "cle" -> bop Le
-      | "cge" -> bop Ge
-      | "clt" -> bop Lt
-      | "cgt" -> bop Gt
-      | "ceq" -> bop Eq
-      | "cne" -> bop Ne
-      | "phi" ->
-        let exp t =
-          let t' = tok () in
-          if t' <> t then
-            fail ("unexpected " ^ t') in
-        let rec f () =
-          match tok () with
-          | "[" ->
-            let pjmp = id () in
-            let pvar = id () in
-            exp "]";
-            {pjmp; pvar} :: f ()
-          | "." -> []
-          | t -> fail ("unexpected " ^ t) in
-        IPhi (f ())
-      | "brz" ->
-        let v = id () in
-        let bz = id () in
-        let bn = id () in
-        IBrz (v, bz, bn)
-      | "jmp" -> IJmp (id ())
-      | i -> fail ("invalid " ^ i) in
-    p.(idx) <- instr
-  ) src;
-  p
-let t_sum =
-  [ "k0:  con 0"
-  ; "ni:  con 1234"
-  ; "k1:  con 1"
-  ; "n0:  phi [ jmp n1 ] [ k1 ni ] ."
-  ; "f1:  phi [ jmp f2 ] [ k1 k1 ] ."
-  ; "n1:  sub n0 k1"
-  ; "f2:  add f1 n0"
-  ; "jmp: brz n1 end n0"
-  (* ; "jmp: jmp n0" *)
-  ; "end:"
-  ]
-  The following program has irreducible
-  control-flow.  The control flow is
-  pictured below.
-  +--b1      <- defs r0, r1
-  |  |
-  b2 b3
-  |  |
-  \  b4<-+   <- uses r0
-   \ |   |
-  +--b5  |   <- uses r1
-  |  |   |
-  b7 b6--+
-  A simple implementation (that works for
-  non-irreducible control flows) proceeds
-  backwards, it would successfully make r1
-  live in b2 and b3 but r0 would fail to be
-  live in b2. It would become live for the
-  loop b4-b5-b6 when reaching the loop header
-  b4, but the simple algorithm would not
-  propagate back to b2.
-let t_irred =
-  [ "k0:  con 0"
-  ; "r0:  con 1"
-  ; "r1:  con 2"
-  ; "b1:  brz k0 b2 b3"
-  ; "b2:  jmp b5"
-  ; "b3:"
-  ; "b4:  add r0 k0"
-  ; "b50: add r1 k0"
-  ; "b5:  brz k0 b6 b7"
-  ; "b6:  jmp b4"
-  ; "b7:"
-  ]
-let _ =
-  let src = t_sum in
-  let p = parse src in
-  let open Printf in
-  printf "** Program:\n";
-  List.iter (printf "%s\n") src;
-  printf "\n** Liveness analysis:\n";
-  let l = liveness p in
-  for i = 0 to Array.length p -1 do
-    printf "%04d:" i;
-    ISet.iter (printf " %04d") l.(i);
-    printf "\n";
-  done;
-  printf "\n** Register allocation:\n";
-  let regs = [| "rax"; "rbx" |] in (* ; "rbx"; "rcx" |] in *)
-  let loc = function
-    | L0 -> assert false
-    | LReg r -> regs.(r)
-    | LCon k -> sprintf "$%d" k
-    | LSpl n -> sprintf "%d(sp)" n in
-  let r, _ = regalloc (Array.length regs) p l in
-  let bop_str = function
-    | Add -> "add" | Sub -> "sub"
-    | Le -> "cle" | Ge -> "cge"
-    | Lt -> "clt" | Gt -> "cgt"
-    | Eq -> "ceq" | Ne -> "cne" in
-  let lr = Array.length r in
-  let inum l = lr - !l in
-  for i = 0 to lr -1 do
-    printf "%03d " i;
-    begin match r.(i) with
-    | RIR (r, IUop (Not, i')) ->
-      printf "%s = not %s" regs.(r) (loc i')
-    | RIR (r, IBop (i1, o, i2)) ->
-      printf "%s = %s %s %s"
-        regs.(r) (bop_str o) (loc i1) (loc i2)
-    | RIR (_, IBrz (i', l1, l2)) ->
-      printf "brz %s %03d %03d" (loc i')
-        (inum l1) (inum l2)
-    | RIR (_, IJmp l) ->
-      printf "jmp %03d" (inum l)
-    | RIR (_, IPhi l) ->
-      printf "phi"
-    | RMove (t, f) ->
-      printf "%s = %s" (loc t) (loc f)
-    | _ -> ()
-    end;
-    printf "\n"
-  done
diff --git a/proto/ b/proto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64bf3ae..0000000
--- a/proto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-type uop = Neg
-type bop = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Rem | CLe | CEq
-type bref = int (* Block references. *)
-type 'op seqi = [ `Con of int | `Uop of uop * 'op | `Bop of 'op * bop * 'op ]
-type 'op jmpi = [ `Brz of 'op * bref * bref | `Jmp of bref | `Ret of 'op ]
-type ('ins, 'phi, 'jmp) bb =
-  { mutable bb_name: string
-  ; mutable bb_phis: 'phi array
-  ; mutable bb_inss: 'ins array
-  ; mutable bb_jmp: 'jmp
-  }
-(* ** Liveness analysis. ** *)
-type iref = IRPhi of (bref * int) | IRIns of (bref * int)
-let blk = function IRPhi (b, _) | IRIns (b, _) -> b
-type iprog = (iref seqi, [`Phi of iref list], iref jmpi) bb array
-module IRSet = Set.Make(
-  struct type t = iref let compare = compare end
-let liveout lh ir =
-  try Hashtbl.find lh ir with Not_found ->
-  let e = IRSet.empty in Hashtbl.add lh ir e; e
-let livein lh p ir =
-  let gen (b, i) = IRSet.of_list begin
-    let {bb_inss; bb_jmp; _} = p.(b) in
-      if i = -1 then [] else
-      if i = Array.length bb_inss
-      then match bb_jmp with
-      | `Brz (i1, _, _) | `Ret i1 -> [i1]
-      | `Jmp _ -> []
-      else match bb_inss.(i) with
-      | `Uop (_, i1) -> [i1]
-      | `Bop (i1, _, i2) -> [i1; i2]
-      | `Con _ -> []
-    end in
-  let kill ((b, i) as ir) =
-    if i >= 0 then IRSet.singleton (IRIns ir) else
-    fst (Array.fold_left
-      (fun (k, i) _ -> (IRSet.add (IRPhi (b, i)) k, i+1))
-      (IRSet.empty, 0) p.(b).bb_phis
-    ) in
-  let s = liveout lh ir in
-  let s = IRSet.union s (gen ir) in
-  IRSet.diff s (kill ir)
-let liveness (p: iprog) =
-  let module H = Hashtbl in
-  let changed = ref true in (* Witness for fixpoint. *)
-  let nbb = Array.length p in
-  let lh = H.create 1001 in
-  let setlive ir ir' = (* Mark ir live at ir'. *)
-    let lir' = liveout lh ir' in
-    if not (IRSet.mem ir lir') then begin
-      changed := true;
-      H.replace lh ir' (IRSet.add ir lir');
-    end in
-  let succs (b, i) = (* Successor nodes of an instruction. *)
-    let {bb_inss; bb_jmp; _} = p.(b) in
-    if i = Array.length bb_inss then
-      if b+1 = nbb then [] else
-      match bb_jmp with
-      | `Brz (_, b1, b2) -> [(b1, -1); (b2, -1)]
-      | `Jmp b1 -> [(b1, -1)]
-      | `Ret _ -> []
-    else [(b, i+1)] in
-  while !changed do
-    changed := false;
-    for b = nbb - 1 downto 0 do
-      let bb = p.(b) in
-      for i = Array.length bb.bb_inss downto -1 do
-        let ir = (b, i) in
-        let live = List.fold_left (fun live ir' ->
-            IRSet.union live (livein lh p ir')
-          ) IRSet.empty (succs ir) in
-        IRSet.iter (fun ir' -> setlive ir' ir) live
-      done;
-      Array.iter (fun (`Phi il) ->
-        List.iter (fun ir ->
-          let br = blk ir in
-          setlive ir (br, Array.length p.(br).bb_inss)
-        ) il
-      ) bb.bb_phis;
-    done
-  done;
-  lh (* Return the final hash table. *)
-(* ** Register allocation. ** *)
-type loc = LVoid | LReg of int | LSpill of int | LCon of int
-type 'op rins = { ri_res: 'op; ri_ins: [ 'op seqi | `Mov of 'op ] }
-type 'op rphi = { rp_res: 'op; rp_spill: int option; rp_list: (bref * loc) list }
-type rprog = (loc rins, loc rphi, loc jmpi) bb array
-let nregs = ref 3
-let regalloc (p: iprog): rprog =
-  let module H = struct
-    include Hashtbl
-    let find h ir =
-      try find h ir with Not_found ->
-      let k = ref 0 in
-      let isconst = function
-        `Con c -> k := c; true | _ -> false in
-      match ir with
-      | IRIns (b, i) when isconst p.(b).bb_inss.(i) -> LCon !k
-      | _ -> LVoid
-  end in
-  let lh = liveness p in
-  let nbb = Array.length p in
-  let rp = Array.init nbb (fun i ->
-      { bb_name = p.(i).bb_name
-      ; bb_phis = [| |]
-      ; bb_inss = [| |]
-      ; bb_jmp = `Jmp (-1)
-      }
-    ) in
-  let outmaps = Array.make nbb [] in
-  let inmaps  = Array.make nbb [] in
-  let bb = ref [] in (* Basic block in construction. *)
-  let emiti l i = bb := {ri_res=l; ri_ins=i} :: !bb in
-  let act = H.create 101 in (* The active list. *)
-  let regs = Array.init !nregs (fun i -> i) |> Array.to_list in
-  let free = ref regs in (* Free registers. *)
-  let nspill = ref 0 in
-  let newspill () = incr nspill; !nspill - 1 in
-  let getspill ir =
-    match H.find act ir with
-    | LSpill s -> s
-    | _ -> -1 in
-  let kill ir =
-    match H.find act ir with
-    | LReg r -> H.remove act ir; free := r :: !free
-    | _ -> H.remove act ir in
-  let loc ir =
-    match H.find act ir with
-    | LVoid ->
-      let l =
-        match !free with
-        | r :: f -> free := f; LReg r
-        | [] -> LSpill (newspill ())
-      in
-      H.add act ir l; l
-    | l -> l in
-  let rec getreg frz = (* Aggressively obtain one register. *)
-    match !free with
-    | r :: f when List.mem r frz -> (* Frozen, can't use it. *)
-      free := f;
-      let r' = getreg frz in
-      free := r :: !free; r'
-    | r :: f -> free := f; r
-    | [] -> (* Spill needed! *)
-      match
-        H.fold (fun ir loc l -> (* Find candidates. *)
-          match loc with
-          | LReg r when not (List.mem r frz) ->
-            (ir, r) :: l
-          | _ -> l
-        ) act [] (* |> sort by spill cost *)
-      with [] -> failwith "god damn it, not enough registers"
-      | (ir, r) :: _ ->
-        H.remove act ir;
-        let s = getspill ir in
-        let s =
-          if s >= 0 then s else
-          let s' = newspill () in
-          H.add act ir (LSpill s'); s' in
-        emiti (LReg r) (`Mov (LSpill s));
-        r in
-  let getreg frz =
-    let r = getreg frz in
-    assert (not (List.mem r !free));
-    r in
-  let regloc frz ir =
-    match H.find act ir with
-    | (LCon _ | LReg _) as loc -> loc
-    | _ ->
-      let r = getreg frz in
-      H.add act ir (LReg r);
-      LReg r in
-  for b = nbb - 1 downto 0 do
-    let bi = p.(b).bb_inss in
-    let bl = Array.length bi in
-    (* Fill outmaps with the allocation state at
-     * the end of the block (after the final branch).
-     *)
-    let lvout = liveout lh (b, bl) in
-    outmaps.(b) <- begin
-      IRSet.fold (fun ir m -> (ir, loc ir) :: m) lvout []
-    end;
-    let jmp =
-      match p.(b).bb_jmp with
-      | `Jmp br -> `Jmp br
-      | `Ret (ir) -> `Ret (loc ir)
-      | `Brz (ir, br1, br2) ->
-        `Brz (loc ir, br1, br2) in
-    rp.(b).bb_jmp <- jmp;
-    for i = bl - 1 downto 0 do
-      let ir = IRIns (b, i) in
-      begin match H.find act ir with
-      | LCon _ | LVoid -> () (* Dead code. *)
-      | lir ->
-        let r, frz =
-          match lir with
-          | LSpill s ->
-            let frz =
-              let block ir l =
-                match H.find act ir with
-                | LReg r -> r :: l
-                | _ -> l in
-              match bi.(i) with
-              | `Uop (_, ir) ->
-                [] |> block ir
-              | `Bop (ir1, _, ir2) ->
-                [] |> block ir1 |> block ir2
-              | _ -> [] in
-            let r = getreg frz in
-            free := r :: !free; (* Add it straight back to free, but freeze it. *)
-            (r, [r])
-          | LReg r -> kill ir; (r, [])
-          | _ -> assert false
-          in
-        let s = getspill ir in
-        begin match bi.(i) with
-        | `Con k -> ()
-        | `Uop (op, ir') ->
-          let l' = regloc frz ir' in
-          if s >= 0 then emiti (LSpill s) (`Mov (LReg r));
-          emiti (LReg r) (`Uop (op, l'))
-        | `Bop (ir1, op, ir2) ->
-          (* Special case: Division uses RDX, we
-           * need to make sure it is free for use.
-           *)
-          let rdx = 1 in
-          if (op = Div || op = Rem) && not (List.mem rdx !free) then
-            getreg (List.filter ((<>) rdx) regs) |> ignore
-          else
-            free := (List.filter ((<>) rdx) !free);
-          let l1 = regloc frz ir1 in
-          let frz = match l1 with
-            | LReg r1 -> r1 :: frz
-            | _ -> frz in
-          let l2 = regloc frz ir2 in
-          if s >= 0 then emiti (LSpill s) (`Mov (LReg r));
-          emiti (LReg r) (`Bop (l1, op, l2));
-          if op = Div || op = Rem then
-            free := rdx :: !free;
-        end;
-      end
-    done;
-    let lvin = liveout lh (b, -1) in
-    inmaps.(b) <- begin
-      IRSet.fold (fun ir l ->
-        let loc = H.find act ir in
-        if blk ir = b then
-          kill ir; (* Kill current block's phis *)
-        let s = getspill ir in
-        kill ir;
-        if s >= 0 then
-          (ir, (loc, Some s)) :: l
-        else
-          (ir, (loc, None)) :: l
-      ) lvin []
-    end;
-    rp.(b).bb_inss <- Array.of_list !bb;
-    bb := [];
-  done;
-  (* Compute phis. *)
-  for b = 0 to nbb - 1 do
-    rp.(b).bb_phis <- Array.of_list begin
-      IRSet.fold (fun ir l ->
-        match ir with
-        | IRPhi (b', pr) when b' = b ->
-          let `Phi pl = p.(b).bb_phis.(pr) in
-          let pl =
-            let f ir =
-              let b = blk ir in
-              (b, List.assoc ir outmaps.(b)) in
-   f pl |>
-            List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b) in
-          let res, spl = List.assoc ir inmaps.(b) in
-          { rp_res = res
-          ; rp_spill = spl
-          ; rp_list =  pl
-          } :: l
-        | _ -> assert (blk ir <> b);
-          (* Forgive me, I sin!! *)
-          let rl = ref [] in
-          for b = 0 to nbb - 1 do
-            let bl = Array.length p.(b).bb_inss in
-            if IRSet.mem ir (liveout lh (b, bl)) then
-              rl := (b, List.assoc ir outmaps.(b)) :: !rl
-          done;
-          { rp_res = fst (List.assoc ir inmaps.(b))
-          ; rp_spill = None
-          ; rp_list = List.rev !rl
-          } :: l
-      ) (liveout lh (b, -1)) []
-    end
-  done;
-  rp
-(* ** Phi resolution. ** *)
-(* Machine program, ready for code generation. *)
-type mprog = (loc rins, unit, loc jmpi) bb array
-let movgen (p: rprog): mprog =
-  let parmov b b' =
-    let tmp = LReg (-1) in
-    let src, dst =
-      let phis = p.(b').bb_phis in
- (fun x -> List.assoc b x.rp_list) phis,
- (fun x -> x.rp_res) phis in
-    let n = Array.length dst in
-    let status = Array.make n `ToMove in
-    let ms = ref [] in
-    let emov dst src =
-      ms := {ri_res = dst; ri_ins = `Mov src} :: !ms in
-    let rec mv i =
-      if src.(i) <> dst.(i) then begin
-        status.(i) <- `Moving;
-        for j = 0 to n - 1 do
-          if src.(j) = dst.(i) then
-            match status.(j) with
-            | `ToMove -> mv j
-            | `Moving -> emov tmp src.(j); src.(j) <- tmp
-            | `Moved -> ()
-        done;
-        emov dst.(i) src.(i);
-        status.(i) <- `Moved;
-      end in
-    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
-      if status.(i) = `ToMove then mv i
-    done;
-    Array.iter (fun {rp_res; rp_spill} ->
-      match rp_spill with
-      | Some spl when LSpill spl <> rp_res ->
-        emov (LSpill spl) rp_res
-      | _ -> ()
-    ) p.(b').bb_phis;
-    List.rev !ms |> Array.of_list in
-  let nbb = Array.length p in
-  let bmap = Array.init nbb (fun i -> -i - 1) in
-  let bn = ref 0 in
-  let mp = ref [] in
-  let addb b = mp := b :: !mp; incr bn; !bn - 1 in
-  for b = 0 to nbb - 1 do
-    let b' =
-      { bb_name = p.(b).bb_name
-      ; bb_phis = [| |]
-      ; bb_inss = p.(b).bb_inss
-      ; bb_jmp = `Jmp (-1)
-      } in
-    bmap.(b) <- addb b';
-    let movbb suff jb =
-      if jb = -1 then -1 else
-      let c = parmov b jb in
-      if c = [| |] then bmap.(jb) else
-      addb
-        { bb_name = p.(b).bb_name ^ suff
-        ; bb_phis = [| |]
-        ; bb_inss = c
-        ; bb_jmp = `Jmp bmap.(jb)
-        } in
-    b'.bb_jmp <- begin
-      match p.(b).bb_jmp with
-      | `Jmp b1 -> `Jmp (movbb "_mov" b1)
-      | `Ret (l) -> `Ret (l)
-      | `Brz (l, b1, b2) ->
-        let b1', b2' =
-          if b1 = b + 1 then
-            let b2' = movbb "_mov2" b2 in
-            let b1' = movbb "_mov1" b1 in
-            (b1', b2')
-          else
-            let b1' = movbb "_mov1" b1 in
-            let b2' = movbb "_mov2" b2 in
-            (b1', b2') in
-        `Brz (l, b1', b2')
-    end;
-  done;
-  List.rev !mp
-  |> Array.of_list
-  |> (fun b ->
-    let f n =
-      if n >= -1 then n else bmap.(-n - 1) in
-    { b with bb_jmp =
-      match b.bb_jmp with
-      | `Ret (l) -> `Ret (l)
-      | `Jmp b1 -> `Jmp (f b1)
-      | `Brz (l, b1, b2) -> `Brz (l, f b1, f b2)
-    }
-  )
-(* ** X86-64 code generation. ** *)
-let codegen (p: mprog): string =
-  let cl = ref [] and off = ref 0 in
-  let outs s = cl := s :: !cl; off := !off + String.length s in
-  let outb b = outs (String.make 1 (Char.chr b)) in
-  (* output prelude *)
-  outb 0x55;              (* push %rbp      *)
-  outs "\x48\x89\xe5";    (* mov %rsp, %rbp *)
-  let regmap = [| (* only caller-save regs, for now *)
-      0;  (* rax *)
-      1;  (* rcx *)
-      2;  (* rdx *) (* comes late because of division *)
-                    (* look for RDX and change there too! *)
-      6;  (* rsi *)
-      7;  (* rdi *)
-      8;  (* r8  *)
-      9;  (* r9  *)
-      10; (* r10 *)
-      11; (* r11 *)
-    |] in
-  let regn = function
-    | LReg r -> regmap.(r+1)
-    | _ -> failwith "register expected in regn" in
-  let rexp rg rm =
-    let rex = 0x48 in
-    let rg, rex = if rg > 7
-      then rg-8, rex lor 4
-      else rg, rex in
-    let rm, rex = if rm > 7
-      then rm-8, rex lor 1
-      else rm, rex in
-    (rex, rg, rm) in
-  let modrm ?(md=3) r m =
-    (md lsl 6) + (r lsl 3) + m in
-  let lite ?byt x =
-    let byt = match byt with
-      Some b -> b | None -> Bytes.create 4 in
-    let rec f i x =
-      if i = 4 then () else begin
-        Bytes.set byt i (Char.chr (x land 0xff));
-        f (i+1) (x lsr 8)
-      end in
-    f 0 x; Bytes.unsafe_to_string byt in
-  let oins op r m =
-    let rex, r, m = rexp r m in
-    outb rex; outb op; outb (modrm r m) in
-  let slot s =
-    let c = ((-1-s) * 8) land 0xff in
-    assert (c < 256);
-    c in
-  let move l l1 = match l, l1 with
-    | (LReg _ as r), LCon k ->
-      oins 0xc7 0 (regn r); outs (lite k)
-    | LSpill s, LCon k ->
-      outb 0x48;
-      outb 0xc7;
-      outb (modrm ~md:1 0 5);
-      outb (slot s);
-      outs (lite k)
-    | (LReg _ as r), (LReg _ as r1) ->
-      let rex, r1, r = rexp (regn r1) (regn r) in
-      outb rex; outb 0x89; outb (modrm r1 r)
-    | (LReg _ as r), LSpill s ->
-      let rex, r, m = rexp (regn r) 5 in
-      outb rex; outb 0x8b; outb (modrm ~md:1 r m); outb (slot s)
-    | LSpill s, (LReg _ as r) ->
-      let rex, r, m = rexp (regn r) 5 in
-      outb rex; outb 0x89; outb (modrm ~md:1 r m); outb (slot s)
-    | _ -> failwith "invalid move" in
-  let nbb = Array.length p in
-  let boffs = Array.make nbb (`Unk []) in
-  let label b =
-    let p0 = !off + 4 in
-    match boffs.(b) with
-    | `Unk l ->
-      let lbl = lite p0 in
-      boffs.(b) <- `Unk (lbl :: l);
-      lbl
-    | `Kno p -> lite (p - p0) in
-  for b = 0 to nbb - 1 do
-    let pl =
-      match boffs.(b) with
-      | `Unk pl -> pl | _ -> [] in
-    List.iter (fun s -> (* back-patching *)
-      let p =
-        Char.code s.[0] +
-        Char.code s.[1] lsl 8 +
-        Char.code s.[2] lsl 16 +
-        Char.code s.[3] lsl 24 in
-      let byt = Bytes.unsafe_of_string s in
-      ignore (lite ~byt (!off - p))
-    ) pl;
-    boffs.(b) <- `Kno !off;
-    let is = p.(b).bb_inss in
-    for i = 0 to Array.length is - 1 do
-      match is.(i) with
-      | { ri_res = l; ri_ins = `Bop (l1, op, l2) } ->
-	let l2 =
-          if l1 = l || op = Div || op = Rem then l2 else
-          if l2 = l then begin
-            move (LReg (-1)) l;
-	    move l l1;
-	    LReg (-1)
-          end else
-            (move l l1; l2) in
-        begin match op with
-        | Add ->
-          begin match l2 with
-          | LCon k -> oins 0x81 0 (regn l); outs (lite k)
-          | LReg _ -> oins 0x01 (regn l2) (regn l)
-          | _ -> assert false
-          end
-        | Sub ->
-          begin match l2 with
-          | LCon k -> oins 0x81 5 (regn l); outs (lite k)
-          | LReg _ -> oins 0x29 (regn l2) (regn l)
-          | _ -> assert false
-          end
-        | Div ->
-          move (LReg (-1)) l1;
-          outb 0x99;           (* cltd *)
-          oins 0xf7 7 (regn l2);
-          move l (LReg (-1));  (* quotient in rax *)
-        | Rem ->
-          move (LReg (-1)) l1;
-          outb 0x99;           (* cltd *)
-          oins 0xf7 7 (regn l2);
-          if l <> LReg 1 then (* RDX *)
-            move l (LReg 1);  (* remainder in rdx *)
-        | Mul -> failwith "Mul not implemented"
-        | CLe -> failwith "CLe not implemented"
-        | CEq -> failwith "CEq not implemented"
-        end
-      | { ri_res = l; ri_ins = `Uop (Neg, l1) } ->
-        if l <> l1 then
-          move l l1;
-        oins 0xf7 3 (regn l)
-      | { ri_res = l; ri_ins = `Mov l1 } ->
-        move l l1
-      | { ri_res = l; ri_ins = `Con k } ->
-        move l (LCon k)
-    done;
-    begin match p.(b).bb_jmp with
-    | `Brz (r, b1, b2) when b1 >= 0 && b2 >= 0 ->
-      oins 0x85 (regn r) (regn r);
-      if b1 = b+1 then
-        (outb 0x0f; outb 0x85; outs (label b2))
-      else if b2 = b+1 then
-        (outb 0x0f; outb 0x84; outs (label b1))
-      else
-        failwith "double branch"
-    | `Jmp b1 when b1 >= 0 ->
-      if b1 <> b+1 then
-        (outb 0xe9; outs (label b1))
-    | `Ret (l) ->
-      move (LReg (-1)) l;
-      outb 0x5d;           (* pop %rbp *)
-      outb 0xc3;           (* retq     *)
-    | _ -> ()
-    end
-  done;
-  String.concat "" (List.rev !cl)
-(* Little test programs. *)
-let pbasic: iprog =
-  [| { bb_name = "start"
-     ; bb_phis = [| |]
-     ; bb_inss =
-       [| `Con 2
-        ; `Con 3
-        ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 1))
-        ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 2))
-       |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Ret (IRIns (0, 3))
-     }
-  |]
-let pcount: iprog =
-  [| { bb_name = "init"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Con 1234567; `Con 1 |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Jmp 1
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "loop"
-     ; bb_phis = [| `Phi [IRIns (0, 0); IRIns (1, 0)] |]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Bop (IRPhi (1, 0), Sub, IRIns (0, 1)) |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Brz (IRIns (1, 0), 2, 1)
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "end"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Con 42 |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Ret (IRIns (0,1))
-     }
-  |]
-let psum: iprog =
-  [| { bb_name = "init"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Con 1234567; `Con 1; `Con 0 |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Jmp 1
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "loop"
-     ; bb_phis =
-       [| `Phi [IRIns (0, 0); IRIns (1, 0)]       (* n  = phi(100, n1) *)
-        ; `Phi [IRIns (0, 2); IRIns (1, 1)]       (* s  = phi(1, s1) *)
-       |]
-     ; bb_inss =
-       [| `Bop (IRPhi (1, 0), Sub, IRIns (0, 1))  (* n1 = n - 1 *)
-        ; `Bop (IRPhi (1, 1), Add, IRPhi (1, 0))  (* s1 = s + n *)
-       |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Brz (IRIns (1, 0), 2, 1)
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "end"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Con 42 |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Ret (IRIns (1,1))
-     }
-  |]
-let peucl: iprog =
-  [| { bb_name = "init"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [| `Con 123456; `Con 32223 |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Jmp 1
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "loop"
-     ; bb_phis =
-       [| `Phi [IRIns (0, 0); IRPhi (1, 1)]
-        ; `Phi [IRIns (0, 1); IRIns (1, 0)]
-       |]
-     ; bb_inss =
-       [| `Bop (IRPhi (1, 0), Rem, IRPhi (1, 1))
-       |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Brz (IRIns (1, 0), 2, 1)
-     }
-   ; { bb_name = "end"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss = [||]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Ret (IRPhi (1, 1))
-     }
-  |]
-let pspill: iprog =
-  [| { bb_name = "init"
-     ; bb_phis = [||]
-     ; bb_inss =
-(* 00 *)    [| `Con 42
-(* 01 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 0))
-(* 02 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 1))
-(* 03 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 2))
-(* 04 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 3))
-(* 05 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 4))
-(* 06 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 5))
-(* 07 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 6), Add, IRIns (0, 6))
-(* 08 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 5), Add, IRIns (0, 7))
-(* 09 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 4), Add, IRIns (0, 8))
-(* 10 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 3), Add, IRIns (0, 9))
-(* 11 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 2), Add, IRIns (0, 10))
-(* 12 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 1), Add, IRIns (0, 11))
-(* 13 *)     ; `Bop (IRIns (0, 0), Add, IRIns (0, 12))
-           |]
-     ; bb_jmp = `Ret (IRIns (0, 13))
-     }
-  |]
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-let oneshot () =
-  ()
-let _ =
-  if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 && Sys.argv.(1) = "test" then
-    let oc = open_out "t.o" in
-    nregs := 3;
-    let s = peucl |> regalloc |> movgen |> codegen in
-    Elf.barebones_elf oc "f" s;
-    close_out oc;
-  else
-    oneshot ()
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
diff --git a/proto/tmain.c b/proto/tmain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e1c24..0000000
--- a/proto/tmain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-enum { NRounds = 150 };
-extern long f(void);
-int main()
-	clock_t t0, tmin;
-	long i, l;
-	tmin = 10 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-	for (i=0; i<NRounds; i++) {
-		t0 = clock();
-		l = f();
-		t0 = clock() - t0;
-		if (t0 < tmin)
-			tmin = t0;
-	}
-	printf("f() = %ld\n", l);
-	printf("  %.4f secs\n", (double)t0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
-	return 0;