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3 files changed, 32 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml
index 43817c4..396895d 100644
--- a/Manifest.toml
+++ b/Manifest.toml
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ uuid = "7b1f6079-737a-58dc-b8bc-7a2ca5c1b5ee"
 deps = ["Dates", "DelimitedFiles", "DocStringExtensions", "ExprTools", "FranklinTemplates", "HTTP", "Literate", "LiveServer", "Logging", "Markdown", "NodeJS", "OrderedCollections", "Pkg", "REPL", "Random"]
-git-tree-sha1 = "f07c66bfd5acb5a0b687a7282ee14f7f7e3c0cd4"
+git-tree-sha1 = "19e1fe4aec820a8e085b3f28415da2f8ba045ca3"
 uuid = "713c75ef-9fc9-4b05-94a9-213340da978e"
-version = "0.10.30"
+version = "0.10.33"
 deps = ["LiveServer"]
diff --git a/blog/gsoc2020/index.md b/blog/gsoc2020/index.md
index 09f208b..c00edcb 100644
--- a/blog/gsoc2020/index.md
+++ b/blog/gsoc2020/index.md
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
 rss = "GSoC 2020 final report"
 date = Date(2020, 8, 31)
+internship = "https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2020/projects/6238594655584256"
+benchmark = "/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200831/#the_benchmark"
+python_gsoc = "https://blogs.python-gsoc.org/en/mcsinyxs-blog"
 @def tags = ["fun", "pip", "gsoc"]
 # Google Summer of Code 2020
-In the summer of 2020, I worked with the contributors of `pip`, trying
-to improve the networking performance of the package manager.  Admittedly, at
-the end of the [internship][] period, [the benchmark said otherwise][benchmark];
-though I really hope the clean-up and minor fixes I happened to be doing
-to the codebase over the summer, in addition to the implementation of parallel
+In the summer of 2020, I worked with the contributors of `pip`,
+trying to improve the networking performance of the package manager.
+Admittedly, at the end of [the internship]({{internship}}) period,
+[the benchmark said otherwise]({{benchmark}}); though I really hope
+the clean-up and minor fixes I happened to be doing to the codebase
+over the summer, in addition to the implementation of parallel
 utils and lazy wheel, might actually help the project.
 Personally, I learned a lot: not just about Python packaging and
@@ -129,23 +133,19 @@ are nowhere near being merged).
 Every Monday throughout the Summer of Code, I summarized what I had done
 in the week before in the form of either a short blog or an (even shorter)
 check-in.  These write-ups often contain handfuls of popular culture references
-and was originally hosted on [Python GSoC][].
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200601}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200601)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200609}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200609)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200615}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200615)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200622}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200622)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200629}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200629)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200706}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200706)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200713}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200713)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200720}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200720)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200727}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200727)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200803}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200803)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200810}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200810)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200817}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200817)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200824}}](/blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200824)
-* [{{fill title blog/gsoc2020/blog20200831}}](/blog/gsoc2020/blog20200831)
-[internship]: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2020/projects/6238594655584256
-[benchmark]: /blog/gsoc2020/blog20200831/#the_benchmark
-[Python GSoC]: https://blogs.python-gsoc.org/en/mcsinyxs-blog/
+and was originally hosted on [Python GSoC]({{python_gsoc}}).
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200601}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200609}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200615}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200622}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200629}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200706}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200713}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200720}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200727}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200803}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200810}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200817}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/checkin20200824}}
+* {{abslink blog/gsoc2020/blog20200831}}
diff --git a/utils.jl b/utils.jl
index f35913b..0569335 100644
--- a/utils.jl
+++ b/utils.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 using Printf
+function hfun_abslink(args)
+  path = args[1]
+  return @sprintf("<a href=/%s>%s</a>", path, pagevar(path, "title"))
 function hfun_pep(args)
   postfix = length(args) < 2 ? "" : '#' * args[2]
   return @sprintf(