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17 files changed, 1033 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/1.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/1.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e6a7b
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+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/1.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Unexpected Things When You're Expecting"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 9)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Unexpected Things When You're Expecting
+Hi everyone, I hope that you are all doing well and wishes you all good health!
+The last week has not been really kind to me with a decent amount of
+academic pressure (my school year is lasting until early Jully).
+It would be bold to say that I have spent 10 hours working on my GSoC project
+since the last check-in, let alone the 30 hours per week requirement.
+That being said, there were still some discoveries that I wish to share.
+## The `multiprocessing[.dummy]` wrapper
+Most of the time I spent was to finalize the multi{processing,threading}
+wrapper for `map` function that submit tasks to the worker pool.
+To my surprise, it is rather difficult to write something that is
+not only portable but also easy to read and test.
+By {{pip 8320 "the latest commit"}}, I realized the following:
+1. The `multiprocessing` module was not designed for the implementation
+   details to be abstracted away entirely.  For example, the lazy `map`'s
+   could be really slow without specifying suitable chunk size
+   (to cut the input iterable and distribute them to workers in the pool).
+   By *suitable*, I mean only an order smaller than the input.  This defeats
+   half of the purpose of making it lazy: allowing the input to be
+   evaluated lazily.  Luckily, in the use case I'm aiming for, the length of
+   the iterable argument is small and the laziness is only needed for the output
+   (to pipeline download and installation).
+2. Mocking `import` for testing purposes can never be pretty.  One reason
+   is that we (Python users) have very little control over the calls of
+   `import` statements and its lower-level implementation `__import__`.
+   In order to properly patch this built-in function, unlike for others
+   of the same group, we have to `monkeypatch` the name from `builtins`
+   (or `__builtins__` under Python 2) instead of the module that import stuff.
+   Furthermore, because of the special namespacing, to avoid infinite recursion
+   we need to alias the function to a different name for fallback.
+3. To add to the problem, `multiprocessing` lazily imports the fragile module
+   during pools creation.  Since the failure is platform-specific
+   (the lack of `sem_open`), it was decided to check upon the import
+   of the `pip`'s module.  Although the behavior is easier to reason
+   in human language, testing it requires invalidating cached import and
+   re-import the wrapper module.
+4. Last but not least, I now understand the pain of keeping Python 2
+   compatibility that many package maintainers still need to deal with
+   everyday (although Python 2 has reached its end-of-life, `pip`, for
+   example, {{pip 6148 "will still support it for another year"}}).
+## The change in direction
+Since last week, my mentor Pradyun Gedam and I set up weekly real-time
+meeting (a fancy term for video/audio chat in the worldwide quarantine
+era) for the entire GSoC period. During the last session, we decided to
+put parallelization of download during resolution on hold, in favor of a
+more beneficial goal: {{pip 7819 "partially download the wheels during
+dependency resolution"}}.
+As discussed by Danny McClanahan and the maintainers of `pip`, it is feasible
+to only download a few kB of a wheel to obtain enough metadata for
+the resolution of dependency.  While this is only applicable to wheels
+(i.e. prebuilt packages), other packaging format only make up less than 20%
+of the downloads (at least on PyPI), and the figure is much less for
+the most popular packages.  Therefore, this optimization alone could make
+[the upcoming backtracking resolver][]'s performance par with the legacy one.
+During the last few years, there has been a lot of effort being poured into
+replacing `pip`'s current resolver that is unable to resolve conflicts.
+While its correctness will be ensured by some of the most talented and
+hard-working developers in the Python packaging community, from the users'
+point of view, it would be better to have its performance not lagging
+behind the old one.  Aside from the increase in CPU cycles for more
+rigorous resolution, more I/O, especially networking operations is expected
+to be performed.  This is due to {{pip 7406#issuecomment-583891169 "the lack
+of a standard and efficient way to acquire the metadata"}}.  Therefore, unlike
+most package managers we are familiar with, `pip` has to fetch
+(and possibly build) the packages solely for dependency informations.
+Fortunately, {{pep 427 recommended-archiver-features}} recommends
+package builders to place the metadata at the end of the archive.
+This allows the resolver to only fetch the last few kB using
+`HTTP range requests`_ for the relevant information.
+Simply appending `Range: bytes=-8000` to the request header
+in `pip._internal.network.download` makes the resolution process
+*lightning* fast.  Of course this breaks the installation but I am confident
+that it is not difficult to implement this optimization cleanly.
+One drawback of this optimization is the compatibility.  Not every Python
+package index support range requests, and it is not possible to verify
+the partial wheel.  While the first case is unavoidable, for the other,
+hashes checking is usually used for pinned/locked-version requirements,
+thus no backtracking is done during dependency resolution.
+Either way, before installation, the packages selected by the resolver
+can be downloaded in parallel.  This warranties a larger crowd of packages,
+compared to parallelization during resolution, where the number of downloads
+can be as low as one during trail of different versions of the same package.
+Unfortunately, I have not been able to do much other than
+{{pip 8411 "a minor clean up"}}.  I am looking forward to accomplishing more
+this week and seeing what this path will lead us too!  At the moment,
+I am happy that I'm able to meet the blog deadline, at least in UTC!
+[the upcoming backtracking resolver]: http://www.ei8fdb.org/thoughts/2020/05/test-pips-alpha-resolver-and-help-us-document-dependency-conflicts
+[HTTP range requests]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Range_requests
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/2.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/2.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb3a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: The Wonderful Wizard of O'zip"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 22)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# The Wonderful Wizard of O'zip
+> Never give up... No one knows what's going to happen next.
+## Preface
+Greetings and best wishes!  I had a lot of fun during the last week,
+although admittedly nothing was really finished.  In summary,
+these are the works I carried out in the last seven days:
+* Finilizing {{pip 8320 "utilities for parallelization"}}
+* {{pip 8467 "Continuing experimenting"}}
+  on {{pip 8442 "using lazy wheels or dependency resolution"}}
+* Polishing up {{pip 8411 "the patch"}} refactoring
+  `operations.prepare.prepare_linked_requirement`
+* Adding `flake8-logging-format`
+  {{pip 8423#issuecomment-645418725 "to the linter"}}
+* Splitting {{pip 8456 "the linting patch"}} from {{pip 8332 "the PR adding
+  the license requirement to vendor README"}}
+## The `multiprocessing[.dummy]` wrapper
+Yes, you read it right, this is the same section as last fortnight's blog.
+My mentor Pradyun Gedam gave me a green light to have {{pip 8411}} merged
+without support for Python 2 and the non-lazy map variant, which turns out
+to be troublesome for multithreading.
+The tests still needs to pass of course and the flaky tests (see failing tests
+over Azure Pipeline in the past) really gave me a panic attack earlier today.
+We probably need to mark them as xfail or investigate why they are
+undeterministic specifically on Azure, but the real reason I was *all caught up
+and confused* was that the unit tests I added mess with the cached imports
+and as `pip`'s tests are run in parallel, who knows what it might affect.
+I was so relieved to not discover any new set of tests made flaky by ones
+I'm trying to add!
+## The file-like object mapping ZIP over HTTP
+This is where the fun starts.  Before we dive in, let's recall some
+background information on this.  As discovered by Danny McClanahan
+in {{pip 7819}}, it is possible to only download a potion of a wheel
+and it's still valid for `pip` to get the distribution's metadata.
+In the same thread, Daniel Holth suggested that one may use
+HTTP range requests to specifically ask for the tail of the wheel,
+where the ZIP's central directory record as well as where usually
+`dist-info` (the directory containing `METADATA`) can be found.
+Well, *usually*.  While {{pep 427}} does indeed recommend
+> Archivers are encouraged to place the `.dist-info` files physically
+> at the end of the archive.  This enables some potentially interesting
+> ZIP tricks including the ability to amend the metadata without
+> rewriting the entire archive.
+one of the mentioned *tricks* is adding shared libraries to wheels
+of extension modules (using e.g. `auditwheel` or `delocate`).
+Thus for non-pure Python wheels, it is unlikely that the metadata
+lie in the last few megabytes.  Ignoring source distributions is bad enough,
+we can't afford making an optimization that doesn't work for extension modules,
+which are still an integral part of the Python ecosystem )-:
+But hey, the ZIP's directory record is warrantied to be at the end of the file!
+Couldn't we do something about that?  The short answer is yes.  The long answer
+is, well, yessssssss! That, plus magic provided by most operating systems,
+this is what we figured out:
+1. We can download a realatively small chunk at the end of the wheel
+   until it is recognizable as a valid ZIP file.
+2. In order for the end of the archive to actually appear as the end to
+   `zipfile`, we feed to it an object with `seek` and `read` defined.
+   As navigating to the rear of the file is performed by calling `seek`
+   with relative offset and `whence=SEEK_END` (see `man 3 fseek`
+   for more details), we are completely able to make the wheels in the cloud
+   to behave as if it were available locally.
+   ![Wheel in the cloud](/assets/cloud.gif)
+3. For large wheels, it is better to store them in hard disks instead of memory.
+   For smaller ones, it is also preferable to store it as a file to avoid
+   (error-prony and often not really efficient) manual tracking and joining
+   of downloaded segments.  We only use a small potion of the wheel, however
+   just in case one is wonderring, we have very little control over
+   when `tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile` rolls over, so the memory-disk hybrid
+   is not exactly working as expected.
+4. With all these in mind, all we have to do is to define an intermediate object
+   check for local availability and download if needed on calls to `read`,
+   to lazily provide the data over HTTP and reduce execution time.
+The only theoretical challenge left is to keep track of downloaded intervals,
+which I finally figured out after a few trials and errors.  The code
+was submitted as a pull request to `pip` at {{pip 8467}}.  A more modern
+(read: Python 3-only) variant was packaged and uploaded to PyPI under
+the name of lazip_.  I am unaware of any use case for it outside of `pip`,
+but it's certainly fun to play with d-:
+## What's next?
+I have been falling short of getting the PRs mention above merged for
+quite a while.  With `pip`'s next beta coming really soon, I have to somehow
+make the patches reach a certain standard and enough attention to be part of
+the pre-release—beta-testing would greatly help the success of the GSoC project.
+To other GSoC students and mentors reading this, I also hope your projects
+to turn out successful!
+[lazip]: https://pypi.org/project/lazip/
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/3.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/3.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c41b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/3.md
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: I'm Not Drowning On My Own"
+date = Date(2020, 7, 6)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# I'm Not Drowning On My Own
+## Cold Water
+Hello there!  My schoolyear is coming to an end, with some final assignments
+and group projects left to be done.  I for sure underestimated the workload
+of these and in the last (and probably next) few days I'm drowning in work
+trying to meet my deadlines.
+One project that might be remotely relevant is [cheese-shop][], which tries to
+manage the metadata of packages from the real [Cheese Shop][].  Other than that,
+schoolwork is draining a lot of my time and I can't remember the last time
+I came up with something new for my GSoC project )-;
+## Warm Water
+On the bright side, I received a lot of help and encouragement
+from contributors and stakeholders of `pip`.  In the last week alone,
+I had five pull requests merged:
+* {{pip 8332}}: Add license requirement to `_vendor/README.rst`
+* {{pip 8320}}: Add utilities for parallelization
+* {{pip 8504}}: Parallelize `pip list --outdated` and `--uptodate`
+* {{pip 8411}}: Refactor `operations.prepare.prepare_linked_requirement`
+* {{pip 8467}}: Add utitlity to lazily acquire wheel metadata over HTTP
+In addition to helping me getting my PRs merged, my mentor Pradyun Gedam
+also gave me my first official feedback, including what I'm doing right
+(and wrong too!) and what I should keep doing to increase the chance of
+the project being successful.
+{{pip 7819}}'s roadmap (Danny McClanahan's discoveries and works on lazy wheels)
+is being closely tracked by `hatch`'s maintainter Ofek Lev, which really
+makes me proud and warms my heart, that what I'm helping build is actually
+needed by the community!
+## Learning How To Swim
+With {{pip 8467}} and {{pip 8530}} merged, I'm now working on {{pip 8532}}
+which aims to roll out the lazy wheel as the way to obtain
+dependency information via the CLI flag `--use-feature=lazy-wheel`.
+{{pip 8532}} was failing initially, despite being relatively trivial and that
+the commit it used to base on was passing.  Surprisingly, after rebasing it
+on top of {{pip 8530}}, it suddenly became green mysteriously.  After the first
+(early) review, I was able to iterate on my earlier code, which used
+the ambiguous exception `RuntimeError`.
+The rest to be done is *just* adding some functional tests (I'm pretty sure
+this will be either overwhelming or underwhelming) to make sure that
+the command-line flag is working correctly.  Hopefully this can make it into
+the beta of the upcoming release {{pip 8511 "this month"}}.
+![Lazy wheel](/assets/lazy-wheel.jpg)
+In other news, I've also submitted {{pip 8538 "a patch improving the tests
+for the parallelization utilities"}}, which was really messy as I wrote them.
+Better late than never!
+Metaphors aside, I actually can't swim d-:
+## Diving Plan
+After {{pip 8532}}, I think I'll try to parallelize downloads of wheels
+that are lazily fetched only for metadata.  By the current implementation
+of the new resolver, for `pip install`, this can be injected directly
+between the resolution and build/installation process.
+[cheese-shop]: https://github.com/McSinyx/cheese-shop
+[Cheese Shop]: https://pypi.org
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/4.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/4.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43738a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/4.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: I've Walked 500 Miles..."
+date = Date(2020, 7, 20)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# I've Walked 500 Miles...
+> ... and I would walk 500 more\
+> Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles\
+> To fall down at your door
+> ![500 miles](/assets/500-miles.gif)
+## The Main Road
+Hi, have you met `fast-deps`?  It's (going to be) the name of `pip`'s
+experimental feature that may improve the speed of dependency resolution
+of the new resolver.  By avoid downloading whole wheels to just
+obtain metadata, it is especially helpful when `pip` has to do
+heavy backtracking to resolve conflicts.
+Thanks to {{pip 8532#discussion_r453990728 "Chris Hunt's review on GH-8537"}},
+my mentor Pradyun Gedam and I worked out a less hacky approach to inteject
+the call to lazy wheel during the resolution process.  A new PR {{pip 8588}}
+was filed to implement it—I could have *just* worked on top of the old PR
+and rebased, but my `git` skill is far from gud enuff to confidently do it.
+Testing this one has been a lot of fun though.  At first, integration tests
+were added as a rerun of the tests for the new resolver, with an additional flag
+to use feature `fast-deps`.  It indeed made me feel guilty towards [Travis][],
+who has to work around 30 minutes more every run. Per Chris Hunt's suggestion,
+in the new PR, I instead write a few functional tests for the area relating
+the most to the feature, namely `pip`'s subcommands `wheel`,
+`download` and `install`.
+It was also suggested that a mock server with HTTP range requests support
+might be better (in term of performance and reliablilty) than for testing.
+However, {{pip 8584#issuecomment-659227702 "I have yet to be able to make
+Werkzeug do it"}}.
+Why did I say I'm half way there?  With the parallel utilities merged and a way
+to quickly get the list of distribution to be downloaded being really close,
+what left is *only* to figure out a way to properly download them in parallel.
+With no distribution to be added during the download progress, the model of this
+will fit very well with the architecture in [my original proposal][].
+A batch downloader can be implemented to track the progress of each download
+and thus report them cleanly as e.g. progress bar or percentage. This is
+the part I am second-most excited about of my GSoC project this summer
+(after the synchronization of downloads written in my proposal, which was then
+superseded by `fast-deps`) and I can't wait to do it!
+## The Side Quests
+As usual, I make sure that I complete every side quest I see during the journey:
+* {{pip 8568}}: Declare constants in `configuration.py` as such
+* {{pip 8571}}: Clean up `Configuration.unset_value`
+  and nit the class' `__init__`
+* {{pip 8578}}: Allow verbose/quite level
+  to be specified via config file and env var
+* {{pip 8599}}: Replace tabs by spaces for consistency
+## Snap Back to Reality
+A bit about me, I actually walked 500 meters earlier today to a bank
+and walked 500 more to another to prepare my Visa card for purchasing
+the upcoming Pinephone prototype.  It's one of the first smartphones
+to fully support a GNU/Linux distribution, where one can run desktop apps
+(including proper terminals) as well as traditional services like SSH,
+HTTP server and IPFS node because why not?  Just a few hours ago,
+I pre-ordered the [postmarketOS community edition][] with additional hardware
+for convergence.
+If you did not come here for a Pinephone ad, please take my apologies though d-;
+and to ones reading this, I hope you all can become the person who walks
+a thousand miles to fall down at the door opening to all
+what you ever wished for!
+[Travis]: https://travis-ci.com
+[my original proposal]: /assets/pip-parallel-dl.pdf
+[postmarketOS community edition]: https://postmarketos.org/blog/2020/07/15/pinephone-ce-preorder/
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/5.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/5.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2ef8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/5.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Sorting Things Out"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 3)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Sorting Things Out
+Hi!  I really hope that everyone reading this is still doing okay,
+and if that isn't the case, I wish you a good day!
+## `pip` 20.2 Released!
+Last Wednesday, `pip` 20.2 was released, delivering the `2020-resolver`
+as well as many other improvements!  I was lucky to be able
+to get the `fast-deps` feature to be included as part of the release.
+A brief description of this *experimental* feature as well as testing
+instruction can be found on [Python Discuss][].
+The public exposure of the feature also remind me of some further
+{{pip 8681 optimization}} to make on {{pip 8670 "the lazy wheel"}}.
+Hopefully without download parallelization it would not be too slow
+to put off testing by concerned users of `pip`.
+## Preparation for Download Parallelization
+As of this moment, we already have:
+* {{pip 8162#issuecomment-667504162 "Multithreading pool fallback working"}}
+* An opt-in to use lazy wheel to optain dependency information,
+  and thus getting a list of wheels at the end of resolution
+  ready to be downloaded together
+What's left is *only* to interject a parallel download somewhere after
+the dependency resolution step.  Still, this struggles me way more than
+I've ever imagined.  I got so stuck that I had to give myself a day off
+in the middle of the week (and study some Rust), then I came up with
+{{pip 8638 "something what was agreed upon as difficult to maintain"}}.
+Indeed, a large part of this is my fault, for not communicating the design
+thoroughly with `pip`'s maintainers and not carefully noting stuff down
+during (verbal) discussions with my mentor.  Thankfully {{pip 8685
+"Chris Hunt came to the rescue"}} and did a refactoring that will
+make my future work much easier and cleaner.
+[Python Discuss]: https://discuss.python.org/t/announcement-pip-20-2-release/4863/2
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/6.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/6.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40caad5
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+++ b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/6.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Parallelizing Wheel Downloads"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 17)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Parallelizing Wheel Downloads
+> And now it's clear as this promise\
+> That we're making\
+> Two progress bars into one
+Hello there! It has been raining a lot lately and some mosquito has given me
+the Dengue fever today.  To whoever reading this, I hope it would never happen
+to you.
+Download Parallelization
+I've been working on `pip`'s download parallelization for quite a while now.
+As distribution download in `pip` was modeled as a lazily evaluated iterable
+of chunks, parallelizing such procedure is as simple as submitting routines
+that write files to disk to a worker pool.
+Or at least that is what I thought.
+Progress Reporting UI
+`pip` is currently using customly defined progress reporting classes,
+which was not designed to working with multithreading code.  Firstly, I want to
+try using these instead of defining separate UI for multithreaded progresses.
+As they use system signals for termination, one must the progress bars has to be
+running the main thread.  Or sort of.
+Since the progress bars are designed as iterators, I realized that we
+can call `next` on them.  So quickly, I throw in some queues and locks,
+and prototyped the first *working* {{pip 8771 "implementation of
+progress synchronization"}}.
+Performance Issues
+Welp, I only said that it works, but I didn't mention the performance,
+which is terrible.  I am pretty sure that the slow down is with
+the synchronization, since the `map_multithread` call doesn't seem
+to trigger anything that may introduce any sort of blocking.
+This seems like a lot of fun, and I hope I'll get better tomorrow
+to continue playing with it!
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/article/7.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/article/7.md
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index 0000000..58d8d33
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Outro"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 31)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Outro
+> Steamed fish was amazing, matter of fact\
+> Let me get some jerk chicken to go\
+> Grabbed me one of them lemon pie theories\
+> And let me get some of them benchmarks you theories too
+## The Look
+At the time of writing,
+{{pip 8771 "implementation-wise parallel download is ready"}}:
+Does this mean I've finished everything just-in-time?  This sounds to good
+to be true!  And how does it perform?  Welp...
+## The Benchmark
+Here comes the bad news: under a decent connection to the package index,
+using `fast-deps` does not make `pip` faster.  For best comparison,
+I will time `pip download` on the following cases:
+### Average Distribution
+For convenience purposes, let's refer to the commands to be used as follows
+$ pip --no-cache-dir download {requirement}  # legacy-resolver
+$ pip --use-feature=2020-resolver \
+   --no-cache-dir download {requirement}  # 2020-resolver
+$ pip --use-feature=2020-resolver --use-feature=fast-deps \
+   --no-cache-dir download {requirement}  # fast-deps
+In the first test, I used [axuy][] and obtained the following results
+| legacy-resolver | 2020-resolver | fast-deps |
+| --------------- | ------------- | --------- |
+| 7.709s          | 7.888s        | 10.993s   |
+| 7.068s          | 7.127s        | 11.103s   |
+| 8.556s          | 6.972s        | 10.496s   |
+Funny enough, running `pip download` with `fast-deps` in a directory
+with downloaded files already took around 7-8 seconds.  This is because
+to lazily download a wheel, `pip` has to {{pip 8670 "make many requests"}}
+which are apparently more expensive than actual data transmission on my network.
+!!! note "When is it useful then?"
+    With unstable connection to PyPI (for some reason I am not confident enough
+    to state), this is what I got
+    | 2020-resolver | fast-deps |
+    | ------------- | --------- |
+    | 1m16.134s     | 0m54.894s |
+    | 1m0.384s      | 0m40.753s |
+    | 0m50.102s     | 0m41.988s |
+    As the connection was *unstable* and that the majority of `pip` networking
+    is performed as CI/CD with large and stable bandwidth, I am unsure what this
+    result is supposed to tell (-;
+### Large Distribution
+In this test, I used [TensorFlow][] as the requirement and obtained
+the following figures:
+| legacy-resolver | 2020-resolver | fast-deps |
+| --------------- | ------------- | --------- |
+| 0m52.135s       | 0m58.809s     | 1m5.649s  |
+| 0m50.641s       | 1m14.896s     | 1m28.168s |
+| 0m49.691s       | 1m5.633s      | 1m22.131s |
+### Distribution with Conflicting Dependencies
+Some requirement that will trigger a decent amount of backtracking by
+the current implementation of the new resolver `oslo-utils==1.4.0`:
+| 2020-resolver | fast-deps |
+| ------------- | --------- |
+| 14.497s       | 24.010s   |
+| 17.680s       | 28.884s   |
+| 16.541s       | 26.333s   |
+## What Now?
+I don't know, to be honest.  At this point I'm feeling I've failed my own
+(and that of other stakeholders of `pip`) expectation and wasted the time
+and effort of `pip`'s maintainers reviewing dozens of PRs I've made
+in the last three months.
+On the bright side, this has been an opportunity for me to explore the codebase
+of package manager and discovered various edge cases where the new resolver
+has yet to cover (e.g. I've just noticed that `pip download` would save
+to-be-discarded distributions, I'll file an issue on that soon).  Plus I got
+to know many new and cool people and idea, which make me a more helpful
+individual to work on Python packaging in the future, I hope.
+[TensorFlow]: https://www.tensorflow.org
+[axuy]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/axuy
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+# GSoC 2020 Blog Posts
+Blog posts are longer descriptions of the work
+I was doing as a Python GSoC student:
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/1}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/2}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/3}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/4}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/5}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/6}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/7}}
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: First Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 1)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# First Check-In
+Hi everyone, I am McSinyx, a Vietnamese undergraduate student
+who loves [free software][].  This summer I am working with
+the maintainers and the contributors of `pip` to make
+the package manager {{pip 825 "download in parallel"}}.
+## What did I do during the community bonding period?
+Aside from bonding with `pip`'s maintainers and contributors as well as
+with my mentors, I was also experimenting on the theoretical and technical
+obstacles blocking this GSoC project.  Pradyun Gedam (a mentor of mine)
+suggested making [a proof of concept][] to determine if parallel downloading
+can play nicely with ResolveLib_'s abstraction and we are reviewing it
+together.  On the technical side, we `pip`'s committers are exploring
+{{pip 8169 "available options for parallelization"}} and I made an attempt to
+{{pip 8320 "make use of Python's standard worker pool in a portable way"}}.
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Yes, of course!  Neither of the experiments above is finished as of
+this moment.  Though, I am optimistic that the issues will not be
+real blockers and we will figure that out in the next few days.
+## What is coming up next?
+As planned, this week I am going to refactor the package downloading code
+in `pip`.  The main purpose is to decouple the networking code from
+the package preparation operation and make sure that it is thread-safe.
+In addition, I am also continuing mentioned experiments to have a better
+confidence on the future of this GSoC project.
+To other GSoC students, mentors and admins reading this, I am wishing
+you all good health and successful projects this summer!
+[free software]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
+[a proof of concept]: https://gist.github.com/McSinyx/513dbff71174fcc79f1cb600e09881af
+[ResolveLib]: https://pypi.org/project/resolvelib
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Second Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 15)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Second Check-In
+Hi everyone and may the odds ever in your favor, especially during this
+tough time!
+## What did I do last week?
+Not as much I wished, apparently (-:
+* Finalizing {{pip 8411 "the refactoring patch"}}
+  of `operations.prepare.prepare_linked_requirement`
+* {{pip 8423 "Nitpicking some logging calls"}}.  This (as well as the next one)
+  was to fill up the time my brain not being as productive as I want it to XD
+* {{pip 8423 "Beginning to migrate"}} from `%`- to `{}`-style logging.
+  The amount of tests failing due to this was way beyond my imagination,
+  but I got functional tests for `pip install` and unit tests passing now!
+* {{pip 8442 "Mocking up a working partial wheel download during
+  dependency resolution"}} for [the new resolver][].
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Yes, of course!  {{pip 8320 "Parallel maps"}} are still stalling
+as well as other small PRs listed above.  The failure related to
+`logging` are still making me pulling my hair out and the proof of
+concept for partial wheel downloading is too ugly even for a PoC.
+I imagine that I will have a lot of clean up to do this week (yay!).
+## What is coming up next?
+I'm trying get the multi-{threading,processing} facilities merged ASAP
+to start rolling it out in practice.  The first thing popping out of my
+head is to get back {{pip 7962 "the multi-threaded"}} `pip list -o`.
+The other experimental improvement (this phrase does not sound right!)
+I would like to get done is the partial wheel download.  It would be
+really nice if I can get both included as `unstable-feature`'s
+in {{pip 7628#issuecomment-636319539 "the upcoming beta release of pip 20.2"}}.
+[the new resolver]: http://www.ei8fdb.org/thoughts/2020/05/test-pips-alpha-resolver-and-help-us-document-dependency-conflicts/
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Third Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 29)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Third Check-In
+Holla, holla, holla!  Last seven days has not been a really productive week
+for me, though I think there are still some nice things to share with
+you all here!  The good news is that I've finish my last leçon as a somophore,
+the bad news is that I have a bunch of upcoming tests, mainly in the form
+of group projects and/or presentation (phew!).  Enough about me,
+let's get back to `pip`:
+## What did I do last week?
+Not much, actually )-:
+* Write some tests for {{pip 8467 "the HTTP range mapping for wheel"}}.
+* {{pip 8504 "Try to bring back"}} multithreaded `pip list --outdated`
+  and `--uptodate`, as {{pip 8320 "the parallel <code>map</code>"}} was merged
+  earlier today.
+* Nitpick {{pip 8332}}
+  (yep it's a new low for me to include this to the list (-:).
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not exactly, since I didn't do much d-;  [Many of my PRs][] are stalling though.
+On one hand the maintainers of `pip` are all volunteers working in
+their free time, on the other hand I don't think I have tried hard enough
+to get their attention on my PRs.
+## What is coming up next?
+I'll try my best getting the following merged upstream before
+{{pip 8206 "the upcoming beta release"}}:
+* Parallel networking for `pip list`: {{pip 8504}}
+* Lazy wheel for dependency information: {{pip 8467}}, {{pip 8411}}
+  (to determine if hashing is required) and {{pip 8467#issuecomment-648717032
+  "a new patch introducing this as an unstable feature"}}
+[Many of my PRs]: https://github.com/pulls?q=is:open+is:pr+author:McSinyx+repo:pypa/pip+sort:updated-desc
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Fourth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 7, 13)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Fourth Check-In
+Hello there! I'm having my second year's last exam tomorrow,
+but it [feels like summer][] already!  I've been finalizing quite a few things
+to get them ready for pip 20.2b2.
+## What did I do last week?
+I've spent most of the time on getting {{pip 8532 "the opt-in"}} for obtaining
+dependency information via lazy wheels ready.  It will be available as
+`--use-feature=fast-deps` and only has effect when
+`--use-feature=2020-resolver` also presents.
+While waiting for reviews and suggestions, I made some patches for
+internal cleansing, namely {{pip 8568}}, {{pip 8571}} and {{pip 8578}}.
+Some of the similar patches I made earlier were also merged last week:
+{{pip 8456}} and {{pip 8538}}.
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not really, everything was going as expected for me.
+## What is coming up next?
+After {{pip 8532}}, I'll work on the parallel download of the postponed wheels.
+My main current concern is with how the download progress will be reported
+to the users, but I think I'll figure it out soon.
+[feels like summer]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B9Fk_SgI0
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Fifth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 7, 27)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Fifth Check-In
+Hello and I hope y'all are still doing well!
+## What did I do last week?
+I was not really productive last week—most of the following tickets are fillers
+to make use of the spare cycles I had when I was still trying to figure out
+the way to implement the main work.
+* Finalize the `--use-feature=fast-deps` flag ({{pip 8588}})
+* Improve mocking of environment variables in the test suit ({{pip 8614}})
+* Finalize the fix for verbose/quiet options specified via
+  configuration files and environment variables ({{pip 8578}})
+* Clean up a tiny bit in the resolver internal API ({{pip 8629}})
+* Start working on seperating the download of wheels
+  from dependency resolution ({{pip 8638}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+I'm struggling on refactoring the code to support separate download.
+`pip`'s codebase was not intended for this and thus there are
+many execution paths and other details entangled around the relevant area.
+## What is coming up next?
+`pip` 20.2 is going to be released within the next few days with
+`--use-feature=fast-deps` included and I'm mentally prepare to fix
+any undiscovered problem.  At the same time, I will continue working
+on {{pip 8638}} and hopefully get it done soon enough to begin drafting
+download parallelization strategies, mostly with the UI.
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Sixth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 10)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Sixth Check-In
+Hello there!
+## What did I do last week?
+It has been a quite fun week for me, given the current state of
+development and the newly dicovered bugs thanks to pip 20.2 release:
+* Initiate discussion with the maintainers of pip on isolating
+  networking code for late download in parallel ({{pip 8697}})
+* Discuss the UI of parallel download ({{pip 8698}})
+* Log debug information relating lazy wheel decision ({{pip 8710}})
+* Disable caching for range requests ({{pip 8716}})
+* Dedent late download logs ({{pip 8722}})
+* Add a hook for batch downloading (third attempt I think) ({{pip 8737}})
+* Test hash checking for fast-deps ({{pip 8743}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not exactly, everything is going smoothly and I'm feeling awesome!
+## What is coming up next?
+I'll try to solve {{pip 8697}} and {{pip 8698}} within the next few days.
+I am optimistic that the parallel download prototype will be done
+within this week.
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020: Final Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 24)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Final Check-In
+Hello there!
+## What did I do last week?
+Not much, but seemingly implementation-wise I have finished my GSoC project:
+* Finish the implementation of wheels' parallel download ({{pip 8771}})
+* Help make `pip`'s CI green again ({{pip 8790}})
+* Reformat a few spots in user guide ({{pip 8795}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+I got sick, but I am recovering now!
+## What is coming up next?
+I will try to spend the time I got left within the scope of GSoC
+to {{pip 8720 "improve cache usage of the fast-deps feature"}}.
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+# GSoC 2020 Check Ins
+Weekly check ins answer a few short questions as a sort of status report:
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/1}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/2}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/3}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/4}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/5}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/6}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/7}}
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+rss = "GSoC 2020 final report"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 31)
+internship = "https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2020/projects/6238594655584256"
+benchmark = "/blog/2020/gsoc/blog20200831/#the_benchmark"
+python_gsoc = "https://blogs.python-gsoc.org/en/mcsinyxs-blog"
+@def tags = ["fun", "pip", "gsoc"]
+# Google Summer of Code 2020
+In the summer of 2020, I worked with the contributors of `pip`,
+trying to improve the networking performance of the package manager.
+Admittedly, at the end of [the internship]({{internship}}) period,
+[the benchmark said otherwise]({{benchmark}}); though I really hope
+the clean-up and minor fixes I happened to be doing to the codebase
+over the summer, in addition to the implementation of parallel
+utils and lazy wheel, might actually help the project.
+Personally, I learned a lot: not just about Python packaging and
+networking stuff, but also on how to work with others.  I am really
+grateful to {{github pradyunsg}} (my mentor), {{github chrahunt}},
+{{github uranusjr}}, {{github pfmoore}}, {{github brainwane}},
+{{github sbidoul}}, {{github xavfernandez}}, {{github webknjaz}},
+{{github jaraco}}, {{github deveshks}}, {{github gutsytechster}},
+{{github dholth}}, {{github dstufft}}, {{github cosmicexplorer}}
+and {{github ofek}}.  While this feels like a long shout-out list,
+it really isn't.  These people are the maintainers, the contributors of `pip`
+and/or other Python packaging projects, and more importantly, they have been
+more than helpful, encouraging and patient to me throughout my every activities,
+showing me the way when I was lost, fixing me when I was wrong, putting up with
+my carelessness and showing me support across different social media.
+To best serve the community, below I have tried my best to document
+what I have done, how I've done it and why I've done it for over
+the last three months.  At the time of writing, some work is still in progress,
+so these also serve as a reference point for myself and others to reason
+about decisions in relevant topics.
+## The Main Story
+The storyline can be divided into the following four main acts.
+### Act One: Parallelization Utilities
+In this first act, I ensured the portibility of parallelization
+measures for later use in the final act.  Multithreading and multiprocessing
+`map` were properly fellback on platforms without full support.
+* {{pip 8320}}: Add utilities for parallelization (close {{pip 8169}})
+* {{pip 8538}}: Make `utils.parallel` tests tear down properly
+* {{pip 8504}}: Parallelize `pip list --outdated` and `--uptodate`
+  (using {{pip 8320}})
+### Act Two: Lazy Wheels
+As proposed by {{github cosmicexplorer}} in {{pip 7819}}, it is possible to only
+download a portion of a wheel to obtain metadata during dependency resolution.
+Not only that this would reduce the total amount of data to be transmitted over
+the network in case the resolver needs to perform heavy backtracking, but also
+it would create a synchronization point at the end of the resolution progress
+where parallel downloading can be applied to the needed wheels (some wheels
+solely serve their metadata during dependency backtracking and are not needed
+by the users).
+* {{pip 8467}}: Add utitlity to lazily acquire wheel metadata over HTTP
+* {{pip 8584}}: Revise lazy wheel and its tests
+* {{pip 8681}}: Make range requests closer to chunk size (help {{pip 8670}})
+* {{pip 8716}} and {{pip 8730}}: Disable caching for range requests
+### Act Three: Late Downloading
+During this act, the main works were refactoring to integrate the *lazy wheel*
+into `pip`'s codebase and clean up the way for download parallelization.
+* {{pip 8411}}: Refactor `operations.prepare.prepare_linked_requirement`
+* {{pip 8629}}: Abstract away `AbstractDistribution`
+  in higher-level resolver code
+* {{pip 8442}}, {{pip 8532}} and {{pip 8588}} (later reworked by
+  {{github chrahunt}} in {{pip 8685}}): Use lazy wheel to obtain
+  dependency information for the new resolver
+* {{pip 8743}}: Test hash checking for `fast-deps`
+* {{pip 8804}}: Check download directory before making range requests
+### Act Four: Batch Downloading in Parallel
+The final act is mostly about the UI of the parallel download.
+My work involved around how the progress should be displayed
+and how other relevant information should be reported to the users.
+* {{pip 8710}}: Revise method fetching metadata using lazy wheels
+* {{pip 8722}}: Dedent late download logs (fix {{pip 8721}})
+* {{pip 8737}}: Add a hook for batch downloading
+* {{pip 8771}}: Parallelize wheel download
+The Side Quests
+In order to keep the wheel turning (no pun intended) and avoid wasting time
+waiting for the pull requests above to be reviewed, I decided to create
+even more PRs (as I am typing this, many of the patches listed below
+are nowhere near being merged).
+* {{pip 7878}}: Fail early when install path is not writable
+* {{pip 7928}}: Fix rst syntax in Getting Started guide
+* {{pip 7988}}: Fix tabulate col size in case of empty cell
+* {{pip 8137}}: Add subcommand alias mechanism
+* {{pip 8143}}: Make mypy happy with beta release automation
+* {{pip 8248}}: Fix typo and simplify ireq call
+* {{pip 8332}}: Add license requirement to `_vendor/README.rst`
+* {{pip 8423}}: Nitpick logging calls
+* {{pip 8435}}: Use str.format style in logging calls
+* {{pip 8456}}: Lint `src/pip/_vendor/README.rst`
+* {{pip 8568}}: Declare constants in configuration.py as such
+* {{pip 8571}}: Clean up `Configuration.unset_value` and nit `__init__`
+* {{pip 8578}}: Allow verbose/quiet level to be specified
+  via config files and environment variables
+* {{pip 8599}}: Replace tabs by spaces for consistency
+* {{pip 8614}}: Use `monkeypatch.setenv` to mock environment variables
+* {{pip 8674}}: Fix `tests/functional/test_install_check.py`,
+  when run with new resolver
+* {{pip 8692}}: Make assertion failure give better message
+* {{pip 8709}}: List downloaded distributions before exiting (fix {{pip 8696}})
+* {{pip 8759}}: Allow py2 deprecation warning from setuptools
+* {{pip 8766}}: Use the new resolver for test requirements
+* {{pip 8790}}: Mark tests using remote svn and hg as xfail
+* {{pip 8795}}: Reformat a few spots in user guide
+## The Plot Summary
+Every Monday throughout the Summer of Code, I summarized what I had done
+in the week before in the form of either a short blog or an (even shorter)
+check-in.  These write-ups often contain handfuls of popular culture references
+and was originally hosted on [Python GSoC]({{python_gsoc}}).
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/1}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/1}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/2}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/2}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/3}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/3}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/4}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/4}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/5}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/5}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/6}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/6}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/7}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/article/7}}