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index d4a576c..fa1e6cc 100644
--- a/technique.tex
+++ b/technique.tex
@@ -1,118 +1,354 @@
-Unlike the original \textsc{klee} which execute one single program at a time,
-our tool performs execution on a pool of the program's revisions
-at the same time.
-An overview of our approach is illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:arch}.
-  \begin{tikzpicture}[mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes,
-                                       nodes=typetag,row sep=1ex},
-                      typetag/.style={draw,anchor=west},
-                      title/.style={draw=none,inner sep=0pt},
-                      line width=0.2ex]
-    \linespread{0.8}
-    \node[draw,label={[name=sched]Scheduler}] (states) {States};
-    \node[draw,below=0.5ex of states] (clstr) {Clusters};
-    \node[draw,fit={(sched) (states) (clstr)}] {};
-    \node[draw,right=11em of states] (symb) {Interpreter};
-    \draw[-angle 45] (states.north east) to[in=90,out=15]
-      node[sloped,above,pos=0.4]{selected state} (symb.north west);
-    \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=0,out=-90]
-      node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{child state} (states.east);
-    \node[draw,below=6em of symb] (smt) {Theorem prover};
-    \draw[angle 45-angle 45] (symb) to (smt);
-    \node[draw,below=7em of sched,label={[name=diff]Differentiator}]
-      (outs) {Fruitful states};
-    \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=45,out=-90]
-      node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{state with output} (outs.15);
-    \draw[-angle 90] (outs) to[in=90,out=0,pos=0.4]
-      node[sloped,below]{path conditions} (smt.north west);
-    \draw (outs.south east) to[in=90,out=10] (smt.north west);
-    \node[draw,below=0.5ex of outs] (prog) {Metaprogram};
-    \node[draw,fit={(diff) (outs) (prog)}] {};
-    \draw[-angle 45] (smt.south west) to[out=-90,in=0]
-      node[sloped,below]{concrete input} (prog);
-    \draw[-angle 45] (prog) to[out=180,in=-150]
-      node[left,align=center]{diff.\\test} (clstr.south west);
-    \node[left=4em of states.west] (bc) {bitcode};
-    \draw[-angle 90] (bc) to[in=180,out=60] (states.west);
-    \node[below=1em of bc,align=center] (tree) {decision\\tree};
-    \draw[-angle 45] (clstr.west) to[out=180,in=60] (tree);
-    \node[above=1em of bc,align=center] (seed) {seed\\input};
-    \draw[dotted] (seed) to[out=0,in=180] (states);
-    \draw[-angle 45] (bc.south west)
-      to[out=-135,in=-135] (prog.south west);
-  \end{tikzpicture}
-  \caption{\textsc{Psychic} overview.}\label{fig:arch}
+In order to generate test cases to distinguish between multiple patches,
+our tool extends symbolic execution in a number of ways.  First, instead
+of taking in a single program, all of its revisions are passed to the tool.
+Since each patch only modifies a small portion of the program, most of the code
+is shared among these revisions, hence they are combined into
+a \emph{meta program} to avoid repeating execution.
+Second, we combine the path constraints in execution \glspl{state}
+of different revisions in a certain way before feeding to a \gls{smt} solver
+to generate \glspl{difftest}.  Third, the new conditions the combined
+\gls{smt} formula includes (aside from the conjunction of its parents)
+are assertions on the distinction of corresponding values across revisions,
+so we offer multiple options to capture such \emph{\glspl{symout}}.
+Next, we introduces concrete execution to reduce the theorem proving load,
+and produce \glspl{difftest} for clustering the patches and finally produce
+a decision tree.  One may observe that the clustering information
+can help with selecting more ``promising'' states, although such scheduling
+enhancement is not covered by this work.
+We implemented these extensions on top of \klee{} in a tool
+named \psychic{}, whose high-level architectures are compared
+in figure~\ref{arch}.  The overall process of \psychic{}
+is denoted in algorithm~\ref{overall}.
+  \begin{subcaptiongroup}
+    \subcaptionlistentry{KLEE}\label{klee-arch}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}[mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes,
+                                         nodes=typetag,row sep=1ex},
+                        typetag/.style={draw,anchor=west},
+                        title/.style={draw=none,inner sep=0pt},
+                        line width=0.2ex]
+      \linespread{0.8}
+      \node[draw,label={[name=sched]Scheduler}] (states) {States};
+      \node[draw,fit={(sched) (states)}] {};
+      \node[draw,right=11em of states] (symb) {Interpreter};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (states.north east) to[in=90,out=15]
+        node[sloped,above,pos=0.4]{Selected state} (symb.north west);
+      \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=0,out=-90]
+        node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{Child state} (states.east);
+      \node[draw,below=3em of symb] (smt) {Theorem prover};
+      \draw[angle 45-angle 45] (symb) to (smt);
+      \node[left=4em of states.west] (bc) {Bitcode};
+      \draw[-angle 90] (bc) to[in=180,out=60] (states.west);
+      \node[above=1em of bc,align=center] (seed) {Seed\\input};
+      \draw[dotted] (seed) to[out=0,in=180] (states);
+      \node[below=1em of bc,align=center] (tests) {Test\\cases};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (smt.west) to[in=0,out=180] (tests);
+      \node[below=5em of sched.south east] (symb) {\captiontext{}};
+    \end{tikzpicture}
+    \vspace{-2em}
+    \subcaptionlistentry{Psychic}\label{psychic-arch}
+    \begin{tikzpicture}[mymatrix/.style={matrix of nodes,
+                                         nodes=typetag,row sep=1ex},
+                        typetag/.style={draw,anchor=west},
+                        title/.style={draw=none,inner sep=0pt},
+                        line width=0.2ex]
+      \linespread{0.8}
+      \node[draw,label={[name=sched]Scheduler}] (states) {States};
+      \node[draw,below=0.5ex of states] (clstr) {Clusters};
+      \node[draw,fit={(sched) (states) (clstr)}] {};
+      \node[draw,right=11em of states] (symb) {Interpreter};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (states.north east) to[in=90,out=15]
+        node[sloped,above,pos=0.4]{Selected state} (symb.north west);
+      \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=0,out=-90]
+        node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{Child state} (states.east);
+      \node[draw,below=6em of symb] (smt) {Theorem prover};
+      \draw[angle 45-angle 45] (symb) to (smt);
+      \node[draw,below=7em of sched,label={[name=diff]Differentiator}]
+        (outs) {Fruitful states};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (symb.south west) to[in=45,out=-90]
+        node[sloped,above,pos=0.6]{State with output} (outs.15);
+      \draw[-angle 90] (outs) to[in=90,out=0,pos=0.4]
+        node[sloped,below]{Path conditions} (smt.north west);
+      \draw (outs.south east) to[in=90,out=10] (smt.north west);
+      \node[draw,below=0.5ex of outs] (prog) {Binary};
+      \node[draw,fit={(diff) (outs) (prog)}] {};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (smt.south west) to[out=-90,in=0]
+        node[sloped,below]{Concrete input} (prog);
+      \draw[-angle 45] (prog) to[out=180,in=-150]
+        node[left,align=center]{Diff.\\test} (clstr.south west);
+      \node[left=4em of states.west] (bc) {Bitcode};
+      \draw[-angle 90] (bc) to[in=180,out=60] (states.west);
+      \node[below=1em of bc,align=center] (tree) {Decision\\tree};
+      \draw[-angle 45] (clstr.west) to[out=180,in=60] (tree);
+      \node[above=1em of bc,align=center] (seed) {Seed\\input};
+      \draw[dotted] (seed) to[out=0,in=180] (states);
+      \draw[-angle 45] (bc.south west)
+        to[out=-135,in=-135] (prog.south west);
+      \node[below=12em of sched.south east] (symb) {\captiontext{}};
+    \end{tikzpicture}
+  \end{subcaptiongroup}
+  \captionsetup{subrefformat=parens}
+  \caption{Architecture overviews of \subref{klee-arch} \klee{}
+           and \subref{psychic-arch} \psychic{} extension.}\label{arch}
-\caption{Overall execution}
-  \Require set of program revisions $D$
-  \Ensure set of differential tests $T$
-  \State $T \gets \varnothing$
-  \State $E \gets \varnothing$  \Comment{Exited states}
-  \State $q \gets \text{new\_searcher}(D)$
-  \For{$d \in D$}
-    \State $s \gets \text{initial\_state}(d)$
-    \State $\text{add\_states}(q, \{s\})$
-  \EndFor
-  \While{has\_state($q$)}
-    \State $s \gets \text{select\_state}(q)$
-    \State $i \gets \text{next\_instruction}(s)$
-      \Comment{$i$ is a state}
-    \If{$i$ is exit}
-      \State $E' \gets \text{head}(\text{sort}(\text{distance\_to}(i),
-        \text{different\_revision}(E, i)))$
-      \For{$e \in E'$}
-        \State $t \gets \text{generate\_test}(i, e)$
-        \If{$t$ is not null}
-          \State $T \gets T \cup \{t\}$
+  \caption{Overall execution of \psychic{}}\label{overall}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Require Meta program $P$
+    \Ensure Set of differential tests $T$
+    \State $T \gets \varnothing$
+    \State $X \gets \varnothing$ \Comment{Halt states}
+    \State $S \gets \textsc{InitialState}(P)$
+    \While{$S \neq \varnothing$}
+      \State $i, e, \varPhi, n \gets \textsc{Select}(S)$
+        \Comment{instruction, environment,
+                 path constraints, and revision number}
+      \State $S \gets S \setminus \{(i, e, \varPhi, n)\}$
+      \State $i', e' \gets \textsc{Execute}(i, e)$
+      \If{$\textsc{IsHalt}(i)$}
+        \For{$(\varPhi', n') \in X$}
+          \If{$n \ne n'$}
+            \State $t \gets \textsc{DiffTest}(\varPhi, n, \varPhi', n')$
+            \If{$t \ne \bot$}
+              $T \gets T \cup \{t\}$
+            \EndIf
+          \EndIf
+        \EndFor
+        \State TODO: describe clustering
+      \ElsIf{$\textsc{IsBranch}(i)$}
+        \State $\varphi, i_c', i_a' \gets i'$
+          \Comment{condition, consequent, and alternative}
+        \If{$\textsc{IsMeta}(\varphi)$}
+          \State $n' \gets \textsc{RevisionNumber}(\varphi)$
+          \If{$n = 0 \lor n' = 0$}
+            $S \gets S \cup \{(i_c', e', \varPhi, n')\}$
+            \Comment{at most one simultaneous patch}
+          \EndIf
+          \State $S \gets S \cup \{(i_a', e', \varPhi, n)\}$
+        \Else
+          \If{$\textsc{sat}(\varPhi \land \varphi)$}
+            $S \gets S \cup \{(i_c', e', \varPhi \land \varphi, n)\}$
+          \EndIf
+          \If{$\textsc{sat}(\varPhi \land \lnot\varphi)$}
+            $S \gets S \cup \{(i_a', e', \varPhi \land \lnot\varphi, n)\}$
+          \EndIf
+        \EndIf
+      \Else
+        \If{$\textsc{IsReturn}(i)$}
+          \State $s' \gets i', e', \varPhi \land \textsc{FunctionOutputs}(i)$
+        \Else
+          \State $s' \gets i', e', \varPhi$
+        \EndIf
+        \State $S \gets S \cup \{s'\}$
+      \EndIf
+    \EndWhile
+  \end{algorithmic}
+\subsection{Meta program}
+The meta program format takes inspiration from program unification
+used for shadow symbolic execution.  Unlike \textsc{Shadow}
+which tests only one patch~\cite{shadow} to reveal its regressions, though,
+the goal of \psychic{} is to find the difference in behavior
+between multiple patches.  Therefore, the former's annotation
+at level of expressions does not meet our expectation on expressivity.
+Instead, we implement higher-order branching.  Annotating patches
+at block level simplifies the generation process
+and improves the readability of the meta program.
+  \begin{subfigure}{0.35\textwidth}
+\textcolor{purple}{---} dfasearch.c	\textcolor{purple}{c1cb19fe}
+\textcolor{blue}{+++} dfasearch.c	\textcolor{blue}{8f08d8e2}
+@@ \textcolor{purple}{-360,2} \textcolor{blue}{+360,1} @@
+\textcolor{purple}{-beg = match;}
+\textcolor{purple}{-goto success_in_len;}
+\textcolor{blue}{+goto success;}\end{alltt}
+    \subcaption{}\label{8f08d8e2}
+  \end{subfigure}
+  \begin{subfigure}{0.35\textwidth}
+\textcolor{purple}{---} dfasearch.c	\textcolor{purple}{c1cb19fe}
+\textcolor{violet}{+++} dfasearch.c	\textcolor{violet}{YmI4MGM3ND}
+@@ \textcolor{purple}{-360,2} \textcolor{violet}{+360,2} @@
+ beg = match;
+\textcolor{purple}{-goto success_in_len;}
+\textcolor{violet}{+goto success;}\end{alltt}
+    \subcaption{}\label{YmI4MGM3ND}
+  \end{subfigure}
+  \captionsetup{subrefformat=parens}
+  \caption{Unified format of \subref{8f08d8e2} a fix
+           in \texttt{grep}'s commit \texttt{8f08d8e2},
+           and \subref{YmI4MGM3ND} an alternative patch.}\label{grep-8f08d8e2}
+For instance, given the two unified diffs~\cite{unidiff} of a bug fix
+from upstream \texttt{grep}, and a patch in \textsc{DBGBench}~\cite{dbgbench}
+in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2},\footnote{The snippets have been dedented
+to fit within the width of this page.} one can construct the relevant part
+of the meta program in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2-meta}, where \verb|__klee_meta|
+parses the environment for the choice of revision when executed
+concretely~\cite{msv} and returns a new symbolic value in symbolic evaluation.
+This way, the meta program can be used for both executions to share metadata
+such as the patch number (82 and 43 in this case).
+int __klee_meta2 = __klee_meta(2);
+if (__klee_meta(2) == \textcolor{purple}{0}) \verb|{| // original buggy version
+  \textcolor{purple}{beg = match;}
+\verb|}| else if (__klee_meta2 == \textcolor{blue}{82}) \verb|{| // upstream patch
+\verb|}| else if (__klee_meta2 == \textcolor{violet}{43}) \verb|{| // alternative patch
+  \textcolor{violet}{beg = match;}
+int __klee_meta3 = __klee_meta(3);
+if (__klee_meta(3) == \textcolor{purple}{0}) \verb|{|
+  \textcolor{purple}{goto success_in_len;}
+\verb|}| else if (__klee_meta3 == \textcolor{blue}{82}) \verb|{|
+  \textcolor{blue}{goto success;}
+\verb|}| else if (__klee_meta3 == \textcolor{violet}{43}) \verb|{|
+  \textcolor{violet}{goto success;}
+\caption{Meta branches with the fixes in \texttt{grep}'s upstream
+         and alternative patches in figure~\ref{grep-8f08d8e2}.}
+One may notice that the meta program may have any level of granularity.
+\psychic{} utilizes the meta program to maximize instructions
+and path constraints sharing, which effectively means to defer
+the divergence point deep into the control flow.  For its intended use
+on automatically generated patches whose hunks are commonly short,
+optimizing the meta program construction is not a major issue.
+In algorithm~\ref{overall}, \textsc{IsMeta} cheaply detects
+each higher-order branch via basic pattern matching and skip
+adding its condition to the children states.  Instead,
+those states carry the revision number outside of their path constraints
+for constant-time access when pruning paths going though multiple patches.
+\subsection{Symbolic output selection}
+\psychic{} is based on \klee{} and thus inherits its support
+for the diverse set of programs written in languages with C \gls{ffi}
+for calling \klee{} intrinsics and a compiler using LLVM as a backend.
+One kind of LLVM instruction may be used for difference purposes,
+so for better applicability we try to accommodate for a range of usages.
+For capturing output values, \psychic{} offers the following methods.
+  \item Source code annotation\label{annote}
+  \item Output files (including standard output)\label{stdout}
+  \item Function return values\label{ret}
+  \item Pointers to mutable data as function arguments\label{parg}
+Method \ref{annote} is handled similar to previous works
+described in section~\ref{klee-use}.  With \klee{} support for symbolic files,
+the same avatar idiom is trivially applied for~\ref{stdout}.  However,
+since files are byte buffers, their application in symbolic execution
+is limited due to the scalability of \gls{smt} solvers, which treat
+each byte as a variable.  For human-readable files, this is particularly
+inefficient due to their low information entropy~\cite{entropy}.
+To balance between manual annotation and computational scalability,
+methods \ref{ret} and \ref{parg} are introduced to automatically capture output
+more precisely at the end of every interested function.  Debugging information
+forwarded from compiler frontend are kept in bitcodes, and they are used
+to limit the subroutines to be monitored, for example in algorithm~\ref{fnout},
+the file that is patched by an \gls{apr} tool.
+  \caption{Extraction of symbolic outputs of a function}\label{fnout}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{FunctionOutputs}{$i$}
+      \State $f \gets \textsc{Function}(i)$
+      \If{$\textsc{SourceFile}(i) \neq \textsc{PatchedFile}$}
+        \Return $\top$
+      \EndIf
+      \State $\varPhi \gets \textsc{SymbolicOutput}(\textsc{ReturnValue}(i), f)$
+      \For{$a \in \textsc{FunctionArguments}(i)$}
+        \If{$\textsc{IsPointer}(a) \land \lnot\textsc{IsConstPointer}(a)
+                                   \land \lnot\textsc{IsFunctionPointer}(a)$}
+          \State $\varPhi \gets \varPhi
+            \land \textsc{SymbolicOutput}(\textsc{Dereference}(a), a)$
-      \State $E \gets E \cup \{i\}$
-    \Else
-      \State $S_+, S_- \gets \text{execute\_instruction}(i)$
-      \State $\text{remove\_states}\left(q, S_-\right)$
-      \State $\text{add\_states}\left(q, S_+\right)$
-    \EndIf
-  \EndWhile
+      \State \Return $\varPhi$
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}
+Each symbolic output then is given an unique name for later comparison.
+For the sake of simplicity, we name them after the capturing method
+and associated identifier, i.e.~variable or subroutine.
+\subsection{Input generation}
+When two states monitor some commonly named symbolic outputs
+and are at \emph{parallel} positions in their path, their path constraints
+can be used to generate a \gls{difftest}.  Two states are said to be parallel
+if and only if their program counter points to the same instruction
+and the conjunction of their path conditions is satisfiable.
+Currently \psychic{} only compare halt states to minimize memory usage
+and \gls{smt} solving cost.  Such \gls{smt} formula is constructed
+in algorithm~\ref{diffgen} by first append a suffix to each output name,
+then for the common ones assert for possible distinction between two paths.
+If the path constraints of both states are \gls{sat} with at least
+one difference in output, a \gls{difftest} can be generated
+from the \gls{smt} model.
-\caption{State selection}
-  \Require searcher $q$
-  \Ensure state $s$
-  \State $S \gets \varnothing$
-  \State $P \gets \text{base\_priority}(q)$
-    \Comment{Scheduling priority from base search algorithm}
-  \For{$z \in \text{states}(q)$}
-    \If{$z \notin S$}
-      \State $S' \gets \text{parallel\_states}(q, z)$
-      \If{$S' \ne \varnothing$}
-        \State $S \gets S \cup S' \cup \{z\}$
+  \caption{\Gls{difftest} generation}\label{diffgen}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{DiffTest}{$\varPhi, n, \varPhi', n'$}
+      \State $\varPsi, N \gets \textsc{RenameOutputs}(\varPhi, n)$
+      \State $\varPsi', N' \gets \textsc{RenameOutputs}(\varPhi', n')$
+      \For{$a \in N \cap N'$}
+        \State $\varPsi_\text{diff}
+          \gets \varPsi_\text{diff} \lor \textsc{Distinct}(a, n, n')$
+      \EndFor
+      \If{$\lnot\textsc{sat}\left(\varPsi \land \varPsi'
+                                  \land \varPsi_\text{diff}\right)$}
+        \State \Return $\bot$
+      \EndIf
+      \State TODO: describe concrete execution
+      \State \Return $\textsc{Model}\left(\varPsi \land \varPsi'
+                                          \land \varPsi_\text{diff}\right)$
+    \EndProcedure
+    \Procedure{RenameOutputs}{$e, s$}
+      \State $E, k \gets e$ \Comment{subexpressions and kind}
+      \If{$\textsc{IsRead}(t)$}
+        \State $a, i \gets E$ \Comment{array name and index}
+        \If{$\textsc{IsOutput}(a)$}
+          \State $a' \gets \textsc{AppendName}(a, s)$
+          \State $e' \gets ((a', i), k)$
+          \State \Return $e', \{a\}$
+        \Else
+          \State \Return $e, \varnothing$
+        \EndIf
-    \EndIf
-    \State $l \gets \text{local\_frontier}(q, z)$
-    \State $g \gets \text{global\_frontier}(q, z)$
-    \If{$l$ is null $\land$ $g$ is not null}
-      \State $P_z \gets P_z + \text{distance\_bonus}(g, z)$
-      \Comment{Should further or nearer be prioritised?}
-    \EndIf
-  \EndFor
-  \For{$z \in S$}
-    \State $P_z \gets P_z + \text{PARALLEL\_BONUS}$
-  \EndFor
-  \State $s \gets \text{max\_priority}(P)$
+      \State $E' \gets E$
+      \State $N \gets \varnothing$ \Comment{seen output names}
+      \For{$i \in 1{.}\,{.}\textsc{Length}(E)$}
+        \State $E'_i, N_+ \gets \textsc{RenameOutputs}(E_i, s)$
+        \State $N \gets N \cup N_+$
+      \EndFor
+      \State \Return $(E', k), N$
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}