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2 files changed, 15 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
index f20d143..d226f59 100644
--- a/config.yaml
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ menu:
     name: About
     url: /about/
     weight: 2
-  - identifier: works
-    name: Works
-    url: /works/
-    weight: 5
   - identifier: misc
     name: Miscellanea
     url: /misc/
@@ -127,4 +123,4 @@ params:
   style: auto-without-switcher
 summaryLength: 0
 theme: anibus
-title: Huy's site
+title: "[xarvos]"
diff --git a/content/about.md b/content/about.md
index 4c0e9c8..7de6ace 100644
--- a/content/about.md
+++ b/content/about.md
@@ -9,106 +9,39 @@ disable_feed: true
 ![I literally used this duck image for debugging](rubber-duck.png)
-I am Huy[^0], a Vietnamese software developer specialized in web development.
-I have a bachelor degree in
-<abbr title="Information and Communication Technology">ICT</abbr>.
+Hi, this is <i>xarvos</i>, also known in meatspace as <i>Huy</i>.  I write
+about all kinds of stuff; expect tech discussion, shitposts, language stuff,
+fictions, blah blah.
-- pronoun: he[^5]
 - languages: Vietnamese, English, French, German, with proficiency and
   fluency decrementally sorted
 - Contacts: See [footer](#footer)
-- etiquette:
-  - [plain text email][plain]
-  - [no Word document][no-word] or other proprietary format like RAR
+  - etiquette: use [plain text for email][plain]
+    and [no Word document][no-word] or other proprietary format like RAR.
+    Avoid any kind of attachment, if possible.  If the platform support it,
+    media description (e.g. [alt text][alt]) is much appreciated
+[alt]: https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Media_Alt_Technologies
 ### Works
 I write [free software][free-sw], but unfortunately not as a professional job.
-If you're an employer, you can find my [CV][cv] in PDF format.
-### Donate
-I receive donation on [liberapay][liberapay] and [patreon][patreon].
-Or, you can pay me directly on [PayPal](https://paypal.me/huynnd).
-## This blog
-I write about:
-- Programming
-- Learning languages
-- Conlanging
-- Digital freedom
-- Books or fiction in general
-But it's primarily about technology in general.
-### Correct mistakes
-Any correction is appreciated, whether I state a wrong fact or make a grammar
+If you're an employer, you can find my [CV][cv] in PDF format, browse some
+miscellaenous [work](/works/).
-### Copying
-<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">
-<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0"
-     src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" />
-<br />
-All content in this blog is licensed under a 
-<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">
-Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>,
-unless stated otherwise.
-This means you are free to share the posts and modify them, provided that you
-attribute properly, link to the original content, and state your changes.
-Additionally, you have to share those changes under the same license.
-### Source
-The source code for generating this website can be found on
+I accept payment and donation on [liberapay][liberapay], [patreon][patreon] and
+[PayPal](https://paypal.me/huynnd).  Ask me via any communication channel
+(except social media) for other payment method, like bank transfer.
 [free-sw]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
-<!-- projects -->
-[github]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo
-[acanban]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/acanban
-[minigh]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/MiniGH
-[meme-bot]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/discord-meme-bot
-[wikt]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/wikt-cli
-[cov]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/cov-news
-[cnx]: https://cnx.srht.site/
-[axuy]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/axuy/
-[ipwhl]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/ipwhl/
-[palace]: https://sr.ht/~cnx/palace/
 <!-- donations -->
 [cv]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Huy-Ngo/my-cv/master/huy-cv.pdf
 [liberapay]: https://liberapay.com/huy.ngo/
 [patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/__huy_ngo__
-<!-- blog -->
-[openring]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring
-[srht-blog]: https://git.sr.ht/~huyngo/blog
 <!-- contact -->
-[mail]: mailto:huyngo+blog@disroot.org
-[envs-mx]: https://matrix.to/#/@huyngo:envs.net
-[opensuse-mx]: https://matrix.to/#/@huyngo:opensuse.org
-[fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo
-[pleroma]: https://pleroma.envs.net/huyngo
 [plain]: https://useplaintext.email
 [no-word]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
-[^0]: Yes call me Huy.  Don't call me by family name, even in formal context.
-[^2]: [Vietnamese Ministry of Health](https://ncov.moh.gov.vn/dong-thoi-gian),
-  in Vietnamese
-[^3]: Not literally half
-[^5]: I don't know why people just saying he/him.  Kinda useless if it weren't a
-  standard, and if you assume people know other option just mention one form
-  then.