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1 files changed, 1385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp b/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a164c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1385 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#include "AST.h"
+#include "ASTUtil.h"
+#include "../simplifier/bvsolver.h"
+#include <math.h>
+namespace BEEV {
+  /* FUNCTION: lookup or create a new MINISAT literal
+   * lookup or create new MINISAT Vars from the global MAP
+   * _ASTNode_to_SATVar.
+   */
+  const MINISAT::Var BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateSATVar(MINISAT::Solver& newS, const ASTNode& n) {  
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator it;  
+    MINISAT::Var v;
+    //look for the symbol in the global map from ASTNodes to ints. if
+    //not found, create a S.newVar(), else use the existing one.
+    if((it = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.find(n)) == _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end()) {
+      v = newS.newVar();
+      _ASTNode_to_SATVar[n] = v;	
+      //ASSUMPTION: I am assuming that the newS.newVar() call increments v
+      //by 1 each time it is called, and the initial value of a
+      //MINISAT::Var is 0.
+      _SATVar_to_AST.push_back(n);
+    }
+    else
+      v = it->second;
+    return v;
+  }
+  /* FUNCTION: convert ASTClauses to MINISAT clauses and solve.
+   * Accepts ASTClauses and converts them to MINISAT clauses. Then adds
+   * the newly minted MINISAT clauses to the local SAT instance, and
+   * calls solve(). If solve returns unsat, then stop and return
+   * unsat. else continue.
+   */  
+  // FIXME: Still need to deal with TRUE/FALSE in clauses!
+ bool BeevMgr::toSATandSolve(MINISAT::Solver& newS, BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll)
+ {
+    CountersAndStats("SAT Solver");
+    //iterate through the list (conjunction) of ASTclauses cll
+    BeevMgr::ClauseList::const_iterator i = cll.begin(), iend = cll.end();
+    if(i == iend)
+      FatalError("toSATandSolve: Nothing to Solve",ASTUndefined);
+    //turnOffSubsumption
+    newS.turnOffSubsumption();
+    // (*i) is an ASTVec-ptr which denotes an ASTclause
+    for(; i!=iend; i++) {    
+      //Clause for the SATSolver
+      MINISAT::vec<MINISAT::Lit> satSolverClause;
+      //now iterate through the internals of the ASTclause itself
+      ASTVec::const_iterator j = (*i)->begin(), jend = (*i)->end();
+      //j is a disjunct in the ASTclause (*i)
+      for(;j!=jend;j++) {
+	bool negate = (NOT == j->GetKind()) ? true : false;		
+	ASTNode n = negate ? (*j)[0] : *j;
+	//Lookup or create the MINISAT::Var corresponding to the Booelan
+	//ASTNode Variable, and push into sat Solver clause
+	MINISAT::Var v = LookupOrCreateSATVar(newS,n);
+	MINISAT::Lit l(v, negate);
+	satSolverClause.push(l);
+      }
+      newS.addClause(satSolverClause);
+      // clause printing.
+      // (printClause<MINISAT::vec<MINISAT::Lit> >)(satSolverClause);
+      // cout << " 0 ";
+      // cout << endl;
+      if(newS.okay()) {
+	continue;
+      }
+      else {
+	PrintStats(newS.stats);
+	return false;
+      }
+      if(!newS.simplifyDB(false)) {
+      	PrintStats(newS.stats);
+      	return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // if input is UNSAT return false, else return true    
+    if(!newS.simplifyDB(false)) {
+      PrintStats(newS.stats);
+      return false;
+    }
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("Before SAT:",newS);
+    //ChangeActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(newS);
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("Before SAT and after initial bias:",newS); 
+    newS.solve();
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("After SAT",newS);
+    PrintStats(newS.stats);
+    if (newS.okay())
+      return true;
+    else
+      return false;
+  }
+  // GLOBAL FUNCTION: Prints statistics from the MINISAT Solver   
+  void BeevMgr::PrintStats(MINISAT::SolverStats& s) {
+    if(!stats)
+      return;
+    double  cpu_time = MINISAT::cpuTime();
+    MINISAT::int64   mem_used = MINISAT::memUsed();
+    reportf("restarts              : %"I64_fmt"\n", s.starts);
+    reportf("conflicts             : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.conflicts   , s.conflicts   /cpu_time);
+    reportf("decisions             : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.decisions   , s.decisions   /cpu_time);
+    reportf("propagations          : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.propagations, s.propagations/cpu_time);
+    reportf("conflict literals     : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%4.2f %% deleted)\n", 
+	    s.tot_literals, 
+	    (s.max_literals - s.tot_literals)*100 / (double)s.max_literals);
+    if (mem_used != 0) reportf("Memory used           : %.2f MB\n", mem_used / 1048576.0);
+    reportf("CPU time              : %g s\n", cpu_time);
+  }
+  // Prints Satisfying assignment directly, for debugging.
+  void BeevMgr::PrintSATModel(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!newS.okay())
+      FatalError("PrintSATModel: NO COUNTEREXAMPLE TO PRINT",ASTUndefined);
+    // FIXME: Don't put tests like this in the print functions.  The print functions
+    // should print unconditionally.  Put a conditional around the call if you don't 
+    // want them to print
+    if(!(stats && print_nodes))
+      return;
+    int num_vars = newS.nVars();
+    cout << "Satisfying assignment: " << endl;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_vars; i++) {
+      if (newS.model[i] == MINISAT::l_True) {
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	cout << s << endl;
+      }
+      else if (newS.model[i] == MINISAT::l_False) {
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	cout << CreateNode(NOT, s) << endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Looks up truth value of ASTNode SYMBOL in MINISAT satisfying assignment.
+  // Returns ASTTrue if true, ASTFalse if false or undefined.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::SymbolTruthValue(MINISAT::Solver &newS, ASTNode form) 
+  {
+    MINISAT::Var satvar = _ASTNode_to_SATVar[form];
+    if (newS.model[satvar] == MINISAT::l_True) {
+      return ASTTrue;
+    }
+    else if (newS.model[satvar] == MINISAT::l_False){
+      // False
+      return ASTFalse;
+    }
+    else {
+      return (rand() > 4096) ? ASTTrue : ASTFalse; 
+    }
+  }
+  // This function is for debugging problems with BitBlast and especially
+  // ToCNF. It evaluates the bit-blasted formula in the satisfying
+  // assignment.  While doing that, it checks that every subformula has
+  // the same truth value as its representative literal, if it has one.
+  // If this condition is violated, it halts immediately (on the leftmost
+  // lowest term).
+  // Use CreateSimpForm to evaluate, even though it's expensive, so that
+  // we can use the partial truth assignment.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CheckBBandCNF(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form)
+  {
+    // Clear memo table (in case newS has changed).
+    CheckBBandCNFMemo.clear();
+    // Call recursive version that does the work.
+    return CheckBBandCNF_int(newS, form);
+  }
+  // Recursive body CheckBBandCNF
+  // FIXME:  Modify this to just check if result is true, and print mismatch 
+  // if not.   Might have a trace flag for the other stuff.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CheckBBandCNF_int(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form)
+  {
+    //    cout << "++++++++++++++++" << endl << "CheckBBandCNF_int form = " <<
+    //      form << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator memoit = CheckBBandCNFMemo.find(form);
+    if (memoit != CheckBBandCNFMemo.end()) {
+      // found it.  Return memoized value.
+      return memoit->second;
+    }
+    ASTNode result;		// return value, to memoize.
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    switch (k) {
+    case TRUE:
+    case FALSE: {
+      return form;
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYMBOL: 
+    case BVGETBIT:  {
+      // Look up the truth value
+      // ASTNode -> Sat -> Truthvalue -> ASTTrue or ASTFalse;
+      // FIXME: Could make up a fresh var in undefined case.
+      result = SymbolTruthValue(newS, form);
+      cout << "================" << endl << "Checking BB formula:" << form << endl;
+      cout << "----------------" << endl << "Result:" << result << endl;
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      // Evaluate the children recursively.
+      ASTVec eval_children;
+      ASTVec ch = form.GetChildren();
+      ASTVec::iterator itend = ch.end();
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it = ch.begin(); it < itend; it++) {
+	eval_children.push_back(CheckBBandCNF_int(newS, *it));
+      }
+      result = CreateSimpForm(k, eval_children);
+      cout << "================" << endl << "Checking BB formula:" << form << endl;
+      cout << "----------------" << endl << "Result:" << result << endl;
+      ASTNode replit_eval;
+      // Compare with replit, if there is one.
+      ASTNodeMap::iterator replit_it = RepLitMap.find(form);
+      if (replit_it != RepLitMap.end()) {
+	ASTNode replit = RepLitMap[form];
+	// Replit is symbol or not symbol.
+	if (SYMBOL == replit.GetKind()) {
+	  replit_eval = SymbolTruthValue(newS, replit);
+	}
+	else {
+	  // It's (NOT sym).  Get value of sym and complement.
+	  replit_eval = CreateSimpNot(SymbolTruthValue(newS, replit[0]));
+	}
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "Rep lit: " << replit << endl;
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "Rep lit value: " << replit_eval << endl;
+	if (result != replit_eval) {
+	  // Hit the panic button.
+	  FatalError("Truth value of BitBlasted formula disagrees with representative literal in CNF.");
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "No rep lit" << endl;
+      }
+    }
+    }
+    return (CheckBBandCNFMemo[form] = result);
+  }
+  /*FUNCTION: constructs counterexample from MINISAT counterexample
+   * step1 : iterate through MINISAT counterexample and assemble the
+   * bits for each AST term. Store it in a map from ASTNode to vector
+   * of bools (bits).
+   *
+   * step2: Iterate over the map from ASTNodes->Vector-of-Bools and
+   * populate the CounterExampleMap data structure (ASTNode -> BVConst)
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::ConstructCounterExample(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    //iterate over MINISAT counterexample and construct a map from AST
+    //terms to vector of bools. We need this iteration step because
+    //MINISAT might return the various bits of a term out of
+    //order. Therfore, we need to collect all the bits and assemble
+    //them properly
+    if(!newS.okay())
+      return;
+    if(!construct_counterexample)
+      return;    
+    CopySolverMap_To_CounterExample();
+    for (int i = 0; i < newS.nVars(); i++) {
+      //Make sure that the MINISAT::Var is defined
+      if (newS.model[i] != MINISAT::l_Undef) {
+	//mapping from MINISAT::Vars to ASTNodes. We do not need to
+	//print MINISAT vars or CNF vars.
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	//assemble the counterexample here
+	if(s.GetKind() == BVGETBIT && s[0].GetKind() == SYMBOL) {
+	  ASTNode symbol = s[0];
+	  unsigned int symbolWidth = symbol.GetValueWidth();
+	  //'v' is the map from bit-index to bit-value
+	  hash_map<unsigned,bool> * v;	
+	  if(_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.find(symbol) == _ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end())
+	    _ASTNode_to_Bitvector[symbol] = new hash_map<unsigned,bool>(symbolWidth);	
+	  //v holds the map from bit-index to bit-value
+	  v = _ASTNode_to_Bitvector[symbol];
+	  //kk is the index of BVGETBIT
+	  unsigned int kk = GetUnsignedConst(s[1]); 	
+	  //Collect the bits of 'symbol' and store in v. Store in reverse order.
+	  if(newS.model[i]==MINISAT::l_True)
+	    (*v)[(symbolWidth-1) - kk] = true;
+	  else
+	    (*v)[(symbolWidth-1) - kk] = false;
+	}
+	else {	 
+	  if(s.GetKind() == SYMBOL && s.GetType() == BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
+	    const char * zz = s.GetName();
+	    //if the variables are not cnf variables then add them to the counterexample
+	    if(0 != strncmp("cnf",zz,3) && 0 != strcmp("*TrueDummy*",zz)) {
+	      if(newS.model[i]==MINISAT::l_True)
+		CounterExampleMap[s] = ASTTrue;
+	      else
+		CounterExampleMap[s] = ASTFalse;	    
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    //iterate over the ASTNode_to_Bitvector data-struct and construct
+    //the the aggregate value of the bitvector, and populate the
+    //CounterExampleMap datastructure
+    for(ASTtoBitvectorMap::iterator it=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.begin(),itend=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end();
+	it!=itend;it++) {
+      ASTNode var = it->first;      
+      //debugging
+      //cerr << var;
+      if(SYMBOL != var.GetKind())
+	FatalError("ConstructCounterExample: error while constructing counterexample: not a variable: ",var);
+      //construct the bitvector value
+      hash_map<unsigned,bool> * w = it->second;
+      ASTNode value = BoolVectoBVConst(w, var.GetValueWidth());      
+      //debugging
+      //cerr << value;
+      //populate the counterexample datastructure. add only scalars
+      //variables which were declared in the input and newly
+      //introduced variables for array reads
+      CounterExampleMap[var] = value;
+    }
+    //In this loop, we compute the value of each array read, the
+    //corresponding ITE against the counterexample generated above.
+    for(ASTNodeMap::iterator it=_arrayread_ite.begin(),itend=_arrayread_ite.end();
+	it!=itend;it++){
+      //the array read
+      ASTNode arrayread = it->first;
+      ASTNode value_ite = _arrayread_ite[arrayread];
+      //convert it to a constant array-read and store it in the
+      //counter-example. First convert the index into a constant. then
+      //construct the appropriate array-read and store it in the
+      //counterexample
+      ASTNode arrayread_index = TermToConstTermUsingModel(arrayread[1]);
+      ASTNode key = CreateTerm(READ,arrayread.GetValueWidth(),arrayread[0],arrayread_index);
+      //Get the ITE corresponding to the array-read and convert it
+      //to a constant against the model
+      ASTNode value = TermToConstTermUsingModel(value_ite);
+      //save the result in the counter_example
+      if(!CheckSubstitutionMap(key))
+	CounterExampleMap[key] = value;      
+    }
+  } //End of ConstructCounterExample
+  // FUNCTION: accepts a non-constant term, and returns the
+  // corresponding constant term with respect to a model. 
+  //
+  // term READ(A,i) is treated as follows:
+  //
+  //1. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is true && ArrayRead
+  //1. has value in counterexample), then return the value of the
+  //1. arrayread.
+  //
+  //2. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is true && ArrayRead
+  //2. doesn't have value in counterexample), then return the
+  //2. arrayread itself (normalized such that arrayread has a constant
+  //2. index)
+  //
+  //3. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is false) && ArrayRead
+  //3. has a value in the counterexample then return the value of the
+  //3. arrayread.
+  //
+  //4. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is false) && ArrayRead
+  //4. doesn't have a value in the counterexample then return 0 as the
+  //4. value of the arrayread.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TermToConstTermUsingModel(const ASTNode& t, bool ArrayReadFlag) {
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    //ASTNode term = SimplifyTerm(t);
+    ASTNode term = t;
+    Kind k = term.GetKind();
+    //cerr << "Input to TermToConstTermUsingModel: " << term << endl;
+    if(!is_Term_kind(k)) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input is not a term: ",term);
+    }
+    if(k == WRITE) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input has wrong kind: WRITE : ",term);
+    }
+    if(k == SYMBOL && BOOLEAN_TYPE == term.GetType()) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input has wrong kind: Propositional variable : ",term);
+    }
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
+    if((it1 = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode val = it1->second;
+      if(BVCONST != val.GetKind()) {
+	//CounterExampleMap has two maps rolled into
+	//one. SubstitutionMap and SolverMap.
+	//
+	//recursion is fine here. There are two maps that are checked
+	//here. One is the substitutionmap. We garuntee that the value
+	//of a key in the substitutionmap is always a constant.
+	//
+	//in the SolverMap we garuntee that "term" does not occur in
+	//the value part of the map
+	if(term == val) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input term is stored as-is "
+		     "in the CounterExample: Not ok: ",term);    
+	}
+	return TermToConstTermUsingModel(val,ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else {
+	return val;
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode output;
+    switch(k) {
+    case BVCONST:
+      output = term;
+      break;
+    case SYMBOL: {
+      if(term.GetType() == ARRAY_TYPE) {
+	return term;
+      }
+      //when all else fails set symbol values to some constant by
+      //default. if the variable is queried the second time then add 1
+      //to and return the new value.
+      ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(term.GetValueWidth());
+      output = zero;
+      break;    
+    }
+    case READ: {      
+      ASTNode arrName = term[0];
+      ASTNode index = term[1];
+      if(0 == arrName.GetIndexWidth()) {
+	FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: array has 0 index width: ",arrName);
+      }
+      //READ over a WRITE
+      if(WRITE == arrName.GetKind()) {
+	ASTNode wrtterm = Expand_ReadOverWrite_UsingModel(term, ArrayReadFlag);
+	if(wrtterm == term) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: Read_Over_Write term must be expanded into an ITE", term);
+	}
+	ASTNode rtterm = TermToConstTermUsingModel(wrtterm,ArrayReadFlag);	
+	return rtterm;
+      } 
+      //READ over an ITE
+      if(ITE == arrName.GetKind()) {
+	arrName = TermToConstTermUsingModel(arrName,ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      ASTNode modelentry;
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(index) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {	
+	//index has a const value in the CounterExampleMap
+	ASTNode indexVal = CounterExampleMap[index];
+	modelentry = CreateTerm(READ, arrName.GetValueWidth(), arrName, indexVal);
+      }
+      else { 
+	//index does not have a const value in the CounterExampleMap. compute it.
+	ASTNode indexconstval = TermToConstTermUsingModel(index,ArrayReadFlag);
+	//update model with value of the index
+	//CounterExampleMap[index] = indexconstval;
+	modelentry = CreateTerm(READ,arrName.GetValueWidth(), arrName,indexconstval);	
+      }
+      //modelentry is now an arrayread over a constant index
+      BVTypeCheck(modelentry);
+      //if a value exists in the CounterExampleMap then return it
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(modelentry) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(CounterExampleMap[modelentry],ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else if(ArrayReadFlag) {
+	//return the array read over a constantindex
+	output = modelentry;
+      }
+      else {
+	//when all else fails set symbol values to some constant by
+	//default. if the variable is queried the second time then add 1
+	//to and return the new value.
+	ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(modelentry.GetValueWidth());
+	output = zero;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case ITE: {
+      ASTNode condcompute = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(term[0]);
+      if(ASTTrue == condcompute) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(term[1],ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else if(ASTFalse == condcompute) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(term[2],ArrayReadFlag);
+      } 
+      else {
+	cerr << "TermToConstTermUsingModel: termITE: value of conditional is wrong: " << condcompute << endl; 
+	FatalError(" TermToConstTermUsingModel: termITE: cannot compute ITE conditional against model: ",term);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      ASTVec c = term.GetChildren();
+      ASTVec o;
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	ASTNode ff = TermToConstTermUsingModel(*it,ArrayReadFlag);
+	o.push_back(ff);
+      }
+      output = CreateTerm(k,term.GetValueWidth(),o);
+      //output is a CONST expression. compute its value and store it
+      //in the CounterExampleMap
+      ASTNode oo = BVConstEvaluator(output);
+      //the return value
+      output = oo;
+      break;
+    }
+    }
+    //when this flag is false, we should compute the arrayread to a
+    //constant. this constant is stored in the counter_example
+    //datastructure
+    if(!ArrayReadFlag) {
+      CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+    }
+    //cerr << "Output to TermToConstTermUsingModel: " << output << endl;
+    return output;
+  } //End of TermToConstTermUsingModel
+  //Expands read-over-write by evaluating (readIndex=writeIndex) for
+  //every writeindex until, either it evaluates to TRUE or all
+  //(readIndex=writeIndex) evaluate to FALSE
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::Expand_ReadOverWrite_UsingModel(const ASTNode& term, bool arrayread_flag) {
+    if(READ != term.GetKind() && 
+       WRITE != term[0].GetKind()) {
+      FatalError("RemovesWrites: Input must be a READ over a WRITE",term);
+    }
+    ASTNode output;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;    
+    if((it1 = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode val = it1->second;
+      if(BVCONST != val.GetKind()) {
+	//recursion is fine here. There are two maps that are checked
+	//here. One is the substitutionmap. We garuntee that the value
+	//of a key in the substitutionmap is always a constant.
+	if(term == val) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input term is stored as-is "
+		     "in the CounterExample: Not ok: ",term);    
+	}
+	return TermToConstTermUsingModel(val,arrayread_flag);
+      }
+      else {
+	return val;
+      }
+    }
+    unsigned int width = term.GetValueWidth();
+    ASTNode writeA = ASTTrue; 
+    ASTNode newRead = term;
+    ASTNode readIndex = TermToConstTermUsingModel(newRead[1],false);
+    //iteratively expand read-over-write, and evaluate against the
+    //model at every iteration
+    do {
+      ASTNode write = newRead[0];
+      writeA = write[0];
+      ASTNode writeIndex = TermToConstTermUsingModel(write[1],false);
+      ASTNode writeVal = TermToConstTermUsingModel(write[2],false);
+      ASTNode cond = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(CreateSimplifiedEQ(writeIndex,readIndex));
+      if(ASTTrue == cond) {
+	//found the write-value. return it
+	output = writeVal;
+	CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+	return output;
+      }
+      newRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,writeA,readIndex);
+    } while(READ == newRead.GetKind() && WRITE == newRead[0].GetKind());
+    output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(newRead,arrayread_flag);
+    //memoize
+    CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+    return output;  
+  } //Exand_ReadOverWrite_To_ITE_UsingModel()
+  /* FUNCTION: accepts a non-constant formula, and checks if the
+   * formula is ASTTrue or ASTFalse w.r.t to a model
+   */
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::ComputeFormulaUsingModel(const ASTNode& form) {
+    ASTNode in = form;
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    if(!(is_Form_kind(k) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == form.GetType())) {
+      FatalError(" ComputeConstFormUsingModel: The input is a non-formula: ", form);
+    }
+    //cerr << "Input to ComputeFormulaUsingModel:" << form << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
+    if((it1 = ComputeFormulaMap.find(form)) != ComputeFormulaMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode res = it1->second;
+      if(ASTTrue == res || ASTFalse == res) {
+	return res;
+      }
+      else {
+	FatalError("ComputeFormulaUsingModel: The value of a formula must be TRUE or FALSE:", form);
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode t0,t1;
+    ASTNode output = ASTFalse;
+    switch(k) {
+    case TRUE:
+    case FALSE:
+      output = form;      
+      break;
+    case SYMBOL:
+      if(BOOLEAN_TYPE != form.GetType())
+	FatalError(" ComputeFormulaUsingModel: Non-Boolean variables are not formulas",form);
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(form) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+	ASTNode counterexample_val = CounterExampleMap[form];
+	if(!VarSeenInTerm(form,counterexample_val)) {
+	  output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(counterexample_val);
+	}
+	else {
+	  output = counterexample_val;
+	}
+      }
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;  
+    case EQ:
+    case NEQ:
+    case BVLT:
+    case BVLE:
+    case BVGT:
+    case BVGE:
+    case BVSLT:
+    case BVSLE:
+    case BVSGT:
+    case BVSGE:
+      //convert form[0] into a constant term
+      t0 = TermToConstTermUsingModel(form[0],false);
+      //convert form[0] into a constant term
+      t1 = TermToConstTermUsingModel(form[1],false);
+      output = BVConstEvaluator(CreateNode(k,t0,t1));
+      //evaluate formula to false if bvdiv execption occurs while
+      //counterexample is being checked during refinement.
+      if(bvdiv_exception_occured && 
+	 counterexample_checking_during_refinement) {
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      }
+      break;   
+    case NAND: {
+      ASTNode o = ASTTrue;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++)
+	if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {
+	  o = ASTFalse;
+	  break;
+	}      
+      if(o == ASTTrue) 
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else 
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOR: {
+      ASTNode o = ASTFalse;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++)
+	if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {
+	  o = ASTTrue;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if(o == ASTTrue) 
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else 
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOT:
+      if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]))
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case OR:
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++) 
+	if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it))
+	  output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case AND:
+      output = ASTTrue;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {	    
+	  output = ASTFalse;
+	  break;	  
+	}
+      }
+      break;
+    case XOR:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1) || (ASTFalse == t0 && ASTFalse == t1))
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case IFF:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1) || (ASTFalse == t0 && ASTFalse == t1))
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;
+    case IMPLIES:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTFalse == t0) || (ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1))
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;    
+    case ITE:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      if(ASTTrue == t0)
+	output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      else if(ASTFalse == t0)
+	output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[2]);
+      else 
+	FatalError("ComputeFormulaUsingModel: ITE: something is wrong with the formula: ",form);
+      break;
+    default:
+      FatalError(" ComputeFormulaUsingModel: the kind has not been implemented", ASTUndefined);
+      break;
+    }
+    //cout << "ComputeFormulaUsingModel output is:" << output << endl;
+    ComputeFormulaMap[form] = output;
+    return output;
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::CheckCounterExample(bool t) {
+    // FIXME:  Code is more useful if enable flags are check OUTSIDE the method.
+    // If I want to check a counterexample somewhere, I don't want to have to set
+    // the flag in order to make it actualy happen!
+    if(!check_counterexample) {
+      return;
+    }
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to check
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is false
+    if(!t)
+      FatalError("CheckCounterExample: No CounterExample to check", ASTUndefined);
+    const ASTVec c = GetAsserts();    
+    for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++)
+      if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it))
+	FatalError("CheckCounterExample:counterexample bogus:"\
+		   "assert evaluates to FALSE under counterexample: NOT OK",*it);
+    if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(_current_query))
+      FatalError("CheckCounterExample:counterexample bogus:"\
+		 "query evaluates to TRUE under counterexample: NOT OK",_current_query);
+  }
+  /* FUNCTION: prints a counterexample for INVALID inputs.  iterate
+   * through the CounterExampleMap data structure and print it to
+   * stdout
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::PrintCounterExample(bool t, std::ostream& os) {
+    //global command-line option
+    // FIXME: This should always print the counterexample.  If you want
+    // to turn it off, check the switch at the point of call.
+    if(!print_counterexample)
+      return;
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to print
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //if this option is true then print the way dawson wants using a
+    //different printer. do not use this printer.
+    if(print_arrayval_declaredorder)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is
+    //false
+    if(!t) {
+      cerr << "PrintCounterExample: No CounterExample to print: " << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    //os << "\nCOUNTEREXAMPLE: \n" << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it  = CounterExampleMap.begin();
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator itend = CounterExampleMap.end();
+    for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+      ASTNode f = it->first;
+      ASTNode se = it->second;
+      if(ARRAY_TYPE == se.GetType()) {
+	FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: entry in counterexample is an arraytype. bogus:",se);
+      }
+      //skip over introduced variables
+      if(f.GetKind() == SYMBOL && (_introduced_symbols.find(f) != _introduced_symbols.end())) 
+	continue;
+      if(f.GetKind() == SYMBOL || 
+	 (f.GetKind() == READ && f[0].GetKind() == SYMBOL && f[1].GetKind() == BVCONST)) {
+	os << "ASSERT( ";
+	f.PL_Print(os,0);
+	os << " = ";	
+	if(BITVECTOR_TYPE == se.GetType()) {
+	  TermToConstTermUsingModel(se,false).PL_Print(os,0);
+	}
+	else {
+	  se.PL_Print(os,0);
+	}
+	os << " );" << endl;
+      }
+    }	      
+    //os << "\nEND OF COUNTEREXAMPLE" << endl;
+  } //End of PrintCounterExample
+  /* iterate through the CounterExampleMap data structure and print it
+   * to stdout. this function prints only the declared array variables
+   * IN the ORDER in which they were declared. It also assumes that
+   * the variables are of the form 'varname_number'. otherwise it will
+   * not print anything. This function was specifically written for
+   * Dawson Engler's group (bug finding research group at Stanford)
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::PrintCounterExample_InOrder(bool t) {
+    //global command-line option to print counterexample. we do not
+    //want both counterexample printers to print at the sametime.
+    // FIXME: This should always print the counterexample.  If you want
+    // to turn it off, check the switch at the point of call.
+    if(print_counterexample)
+      return;
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to print
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //print if the commandline option is '-q'. allows printing the
+    //counterexample in order.
+    if(!print_arrayval_declaredorder)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is
+    //false
+    if(!t) {
+      cerr << "PrintCounterExample: No CounterExample to print: " << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    //vector to store the integer values
+    std::vector<int> out_int;	
+    cout << "% ";
+    for(ASTVec::iterator it=_special_print_set.begin(),itend=_special_print_set.end();
+	it!=itend;it++) {
+      if(ARRAY_TYPE == it->GetType()) {
+	//get the name of the variable
+	const char * c = it->GetName();
+	std::string ss(c);
+	if(!(0 == strncmp(ss.c_str(),"ini_",4)))
+	  continue;
+	reverse(ss.begin(),ss.end());
+	//cout << "debugging: " << ss;
+	size_t pos = ss.find('_',0);
+	if(!(0 < pos && pos < ss.size()))
+	  continue;
+	//get the associated length
+	std::string sss = ss.substr(0,pos);
+	reverse(sss.begin(),sss.end());
+	int n = atoi(sss.c_str());
+	it->PL_Print(cout,2);
+	for(int j=0;j < n; j++) {
+	  ASTNode index = CreateBVConst(it->GetIndexWidth(),j);
+	  ASTNode readexpr = CreateTerm(READ,it->GetValueWidth(),*it,index);
+	  ASTNode val = GetCounterExample(t, readexpr);
+	  //cout << "ASSERT( ";
+	  //cout << " = ";	  
+	  out_int.push_back(GetUnsignedConst(val));
+	  //cout << "\n";
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    for(unsigned int jj=0; jj < out_int.size();jj++)
+      cout << out_int[jj] << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+  } //End of PrintCounterExample_InOrder
+  /* FUNCTION: queries the CounterExampleMap object with 'expr' and
+   * returns the corresponding counterexample value.
+   */
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::GetCounterExample(bool t, const ASTNode& expr) {    
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to get
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return ASTUndefined;
+    if(BOOLEAN_TYPE == expr.GetType()) {
+      return ComputeFormulaUsingModel(expr);
+    }
+    if(BVCONST == expr.GetKind()) {
+      return expr;
+    }
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it;
+    ASTNode output;
+    if((it = CounterExampleMap.find(expr)) != CounterExampleMap.end())
+      output =  TermToConstTermUsingModel(CounterExampleMap[expr],false);
+    else
+      output = CreateZeroConst(expr.GetValueWidth());
+    return output;
+  } //End of GetCounterExample
+  // FIXME:  Don't use numeric codes.  Use an enum type!
+  //Acceps a query, calls the SAT solver and generates Valid/InValid.
+  //if returned 0 then input is INVALID
+  //if returned 1 then input is VALID
+  //if returned 2 then ERROR
+  int BeevMgr::TopLevelSAT( const ASTNode& inputasserts, const ASTNode& query) {  
+    /******start solving**********/
+    ASTNode q = CreateNode(AND, inputasserts, CreateNode(NOT,query));
+    ASTNode orig_input = q;
+    ASTNodeStats("input asserts and query: ", q);
+    ASTNode newq = q;
+    //round of substitution, solving, and simplification. ensures that
+    //DAG is minimized as much as possibly, and ideally should
+    //garuntee that all liketerms in BVPLUSes have been combined.
+    BVSolver bvsolver(this);
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    start_abstracting = false;    
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      //newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);      
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("Before SimplifyWrites_Inplace begins: ", newq);
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = true;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    start_abstracting = false;
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      //newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);      
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("After SimplifyWrites_Inplace: ", newq);        
+    start_abstracting = (arraywrite_refinement) ? true : false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = (start_abstracting) ? false : true;    
+    if(start_abstracting) {
+      ASTNodeStats("before abstraction round begins: ", newq);
+    }
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      //newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //Begin_RemoveWrites = true;
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      //newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    if(start_abstracting) {
+      ASTNodeStats("After abstraction: ", newq);
+    }
+    start_abstracting = false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;    
+    newq = TransformFormula(newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("after transformation: ", newq);
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    int res;    
+    //solver instantiated here
+    MINISAT::Solver newS;
+    if(arrayread_refinement) {
+      counterexample_checking_during_refinement = true;
+    }
+    //call SAT and check the result
+    res = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    res = SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    res = SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement(newS,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }          
+    res = SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    FatalError("TopLevelSAT: reached the end without proper conclusion:" 
+	       "either a divide by zero in the input or a bug in STP");
+    //bogus return to make the compiler shut up
+    return 2;
+  } //End of TopLevelSAT
+  //go over the list of indices for each array, and generate Leibnitz
+  //axioms. Then assert these axioms into the SAT solver. Check if the
+  //addition of the new constraints has made the bogus counterexample
+  //go away. if yes, return the correct answer. if no, continue adding
+  //Leibnitz axioms systematically.
+  // FIXME:  What it really does is, for each array, loop over each index i.
+  // inside that loop, it finds all the true and false axioms with i as first
+  // index.  When it's got them all, it adds the false axioms to the formula
+  // and re-solves, and returns if the result is correct.  Otherwise, it
+  // goes on to the next index.
+  // If it gets through all the indices without a correct result (which I think
+  // is impossible, but this is pretty confusing), it then solves with all
+  // the true axioms, too.
+  // This is not the most obvious way to do it, and I don't know how it 
+  // compares with other approaches (e.g., one false axiom at a time or
+  // all the false axioms each time).
+  int BeevMgr::SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+					    const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    if(!arrayread_refinement)
+      FatalError("SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement: Control should not reach here");
+    ASTVec FalseAxiomsVec, RemainingAxiomsVec;
+    RemainingAxiomsVec.push_back(ASTTrue);   
+    FalseAxiomsVec.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    //in these loops we try to construct Leibnitz axioms and add it to
+    //the solve(). We add only those axioms that are false in the
+    //current counterexample. we keep adding the axioms until there
+    //are no more axioms to add
+    //
+    //for each array, fetch its list of indices seen so far
+    for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator iset = _arrayname_readindices.begin(), iset_end = _arrayname_readindices.end();
+	iset!=iset_end;iset++) {
+      ASTVec listOfIndices = iset->second;
+      //loop over the list of indices for the array and create LA, and add to q
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it=listOfIndices.begin(),itend=listOfIndices.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	if(BVCONST == it->GetKind()) {
+	  continue;
+	}	
+	ASTNode the_index = *it;
+	//get the arrayname
+	ASTNode ArrName = iset->first;
+	// if(SYMBOL != ArrName.GetKind())
+	// 	  FatalError("SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement: arrname is not a SYMBOL",ArrName);
+	ASTNode arr_read1 = CreateTerm(READ, ArrName.GetValueWidth(), ArrName, the_index);
+	//get the variable corresponding to the array_read1
+	ASTNode arrsym1 = _arrayread_symbol[arr_read1];
+	if(!(SYMBOL == arrsym1.GetKind() || BVCONST == arrsym1.GetKind()))
+	  FatalError("TopLevelSAT: refinementloop:term arrsym1 corresponding to READ must be a var", arrsym1);
+	//we have nonconst index here. create Leibnitz axiom for it
+	//w.r.t every index in listOfIndices
+	for(ASTVec::iterator it1=listOfIndices.begin(),itend1=listOfIndices.end();
+	    it1!=itend1;it1++) {
+	  ASTNode compare_index = *it1;
+	  //do not compare with yourself
+	  if(the_index == compare_index)
+	    continue;
+	  //prepare for SAT LOOP 
+	  //first construct the antecedent for the LA axiom
+	  ASTNode eqOfIndices = 
+	    (exprless(the_index,compare_index)) ? 
+	    CreateSimplifiedEQ(the_index,compare_index) : CreateSimplifiedEQ(compare_index,the_index);
+	  ASTNode arr_read2 = CreateTerm(READ, ArrName.GetValueWidth(), ArrName, compare_index);
+	  //get the variable corresponding to the array_read2
+	  ASTNode arrsym2 = _arrayread_symbol[arr_read2];
+	  if(!(SYMBOL == arrsym2.GetKind() || BVCONST == arrsym2.GetKind()))
+	    FatalError("TopLevelSAT: refinement loop:"
+		       "term arrsym2 corresponding to READ must be a var", arrsym2);
+	  ASTNode eqOfReads = CreateSimplifiedEQ(arrsym1,arrsym2);
+	  //construct appropriate Leibnitz axiom
+	  ASTNode LeibnitzAxiom = CreateNode(IMPLIES, eqOfIndices, eqOfReads);
+	  if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(LeibnitzAxiom))
+	    //FalseAxioms = CreateNode(AND,FalseAxioms,LeibnitzAxiom);
+	    FalseAxiomsVec.push_back(LeibnitzAxiom);
+	  else
+	    //RemainingAxioms = CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxioms,LeibnitzAxiom);
+	    RemainingAxiomsVec.push_back(LeibnitzAxiom);
+	}
+	ASTNode FalseAxioms = (FalseAxiomsVec.size()>1) ? CreateNode(AND,FalseAxiomsVec) : FalseAxiomsVec[0];
+	ASTNodeStats("adding false readaxioms to SAT: ", FalseAxioms);  
+	int res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,FalseAxioms,orig_input);
+	if(2!=res2) {
+	  return res2;
+	}	
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode RemainingAxioms = (RemainingAxiomsVec.size()>1) ? CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxiomsVec):RemainingAxiomsVec[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding remaining readaxioms to SAT: ", RemainingAxioms);  
+    return CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,RemainingAxioms,orig_input);
+  } //end of SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::Create_ArrayWriteAxioms(const ASTNode& term, const ASTNode& newvar) {
+    if(READ != term.GetKind() && WRITE != term[0].GetKind()) {
+      FatalError("Create_ArrayWriteAxioms: Input must be a READ over a WRITE",term);
+    }
+    ASTNode lhs = newvar;
+    ASTNode rhs = term;
+    ASTNode arraywrite_axiom = CreateSimplifiedEQ(lhs,rhs);
+    return arraywrite_axiom;
+  }//end of Create_ArrayWriteAxioms()
+  int BeevMgr::SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    ASTNode writeAxiom;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.begin();
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator itend = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.end();
+    //int count = 0;
+    //int num_write_axioms = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.size();
+    ASTVec FalseAxioms, RemainingAxioms;
+    FalseAxioms.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    RemainingAxioms.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+      //Guided refinement starts here
+      ComputeFormulaMap.clear();      
+      writeAxiom = Create_ArrayWriteAxioms(it->first,it->second);
+      if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(writeAxiom)) {
+	writeAxiom = TransformFormula(writeAxiom);
+	FalseAxioms.push_back(writeAxiom);
+      }
+      else {
+	writeAxiom = TransformFormula(writeAxiom);
+	RemainingAxioms.push_back(writeAxiom);
+      }
+    }
+    writeAxiom = (FalseAxioms.size() != 1) ? CreateNode(AND,FalseAxioms) : FalseAxioms[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding false writeaxiom to SAT: ", writeAxiom);
+    int res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,writeAxiom,orig_input);
+    if(2!=res2) {
+      return res2;
+    }
+    writeAxiom = (RemainingAxioms.size() != 1) ? CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxioms) : RemainingAxioms[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding remaining writeaxiom to SAT: ", writeAxiom);
+    res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,writeAxiom,orig_input);
+    if(2!=res2) {
+	return res2;
+    }
+    return 2;
+  } //end of SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement
+  //Check result after calling SAT FIXME: Document arguments in
+  //comments, and give them meaningful names.  How is anyone supposed
+  //to know what "q" is?
+  int BeevMgr::CallSAT_ResultCheck(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+				   const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    //Bitblast, CNF, call SAT now
+    ASTNode BBFormula = BBForm(q);
+    //ASTNodeStats("after bitblasting", BBFormula);    
+    ClauseList *cllp = ToCNF(BBFormula);
+    // if(stats && print_nodes) {
+    //       cout << "\nClause list" << endl;
+    //       PrintClauseList(cout, *cllp);
+    //       cerr << "\n finished printing clauselist\n";
+    //     }
+    bool sat = toSATandSolve(newS,*cllp);    
+    // Temporary debugging call.
+    // CheckBBandCNF(newS, BBFormula);
+    DeleteClauseList(cllp);
+    if(!sat) {
+      PrintOutput(true);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    else if(newS.okay()) {
+      CounterExampleMap.clear();
+      ConstructCounterExample(newS);
+      if (stats && print_nodes) {
+	PrintSATModel(newS);
+      }
+      //check if the counterexample is good or not
+      ComputeFormulaMap.clear();
+      if(counterexample_checking_during_refinement)
+	bvdiv_exception_occured = false;
+      ASTNode orig_result = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(orig_input);
+      if(!(ASTTrue == orig_result || ASTFalse == orig_result))
+      	FatalError("TopLevelSat: Original input must compute to true or false against model");
+//       if(!arrayread_refinement && !(ASTTrue == orig_result)) {
+// 	print_counterexample = true;
+// 	PrintCounterExample(true);
+//       	FatalError("counterexample bogus : arrayread_refinement is switched off: " 
+//       		   "EITHER all LA axioms have not been added OR bitblaster() or ToCNF()"
+// 		   "or satsolver() or counterexamplechecker() have a bug");
+//       }
+      // if the counterexample is indeed a good one, then return
+      // invalid
+      if(ASTTrue == orig_result) {
+	CheckCounterExample(newS.okay());
+	PrintOutput(false);
+	PrintCounterExample(newS.okay());
+	PrintCounterExample_InOrder(newS.okay());
+	return 0;	
+      }
+      // counterexample is bogus: flag it
+      else {
+	if(stats && print_nodes) {
+	  cout << "Supposedly bogus one: \n";
+	  bool tmp = print_counterexample;
+	  print_counterexample = true;
+	  PrintCounterExample(true);
+	  print_counterexample = tmp;
+	}
+	return 2;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      PrintOutput(true);
+      return -100;
+    }
+  } //end of CALLSAT_ResultCheck
+  //FUNCTION: this function accepts a boolvector and returns a BVConst   
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::BoolVectoBVConst(hash_map<unsigned,bool> * w, unsigned int l) {    
+    unsigned len = w->size();
+    if(l < len)
+      FatalError("BoolVectorBVConst : length of bitvector does not match hash_map size:",ASTUndefined,l);
+    std::string cc;
+    for(unsigned int jj = 0; jj < l; jj++) {
+      if((*w)[jj] == true)
+	cc += '1';
+      else if((*w)[jj] == false)
+	cc += '0';
+      else 
+	cc += '0';
+    }
+    return CreateBVConst(cc.c_str(),2);
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(char * init_msg, MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!print_sat_varorder)
+      return;
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itbegin = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.begin();   
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itend = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end();
+    cout << init_msg;
+    cout << ": Printing activity levels of variables\n";
+    for(ASTtoSATMap::iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;it++){
+      cout << (it->second) << "  :  ";
+      (it->first).PL_Print(cout,0);
+      cout << "   :   ";
+      cout << newS.returnActivity(it->second) << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  //this function biases the activity levels of MINISAT variables.
+  void BeevMgr::ChangeActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!variable_activity_optimize)
+      return;
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itbegin = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.begin();   
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itend = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end();
+    unsigned int index=1;
+    double base = 2;
+    for(ASTtoSATMap::iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;it++){
+      ASTNode n = it->first;
+      if(BVGETBIT == n.GetKind() || NOT == n.GetKind()) {
+      	if(BVGETBIT == n.GetKind())
+      	  index = GetUnsignedConst(n[1]);
+      	else if (NOT == n.GetKind() && BVGETBIT == n[0].GetKind())
+      	  index = GetUnsignedConst(n[0][1]);
+      	else 
+      	  index = 0;
+	double initial_activity = pow(base,(double)index);
+	newS.updateInitialActivity(it->second,initial_activity);
+      } 
+      else {
+	double initial_activity = pow(base,pow(base,(double)index));
+	newS.updateInitialActivity(it->second,initial_activity);	
+      }    
+    }
+  }
+  //This function prints the output of the STP solver
+  void BeevMgr::PrintOutput(bool true_iff_valid) {
+    //self-explanatory
+    if(true_iff_valid) {
+      ValidFlag = true;
+      if(print_output) {
+	if(smtlib_parser_enable)
+	  cout << "unsat\n";
+	else
+	  cout << "Valid.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      ValidFlag = false;
+      if(print_output) {
+	if(smtlib_parser_enable)
+	  cout << "sat\n";
+	else
+	  cout << "Invalid.\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+}; //end of namespace BEEV