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16 files changed, 7587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stp/AST/AST.cpp b/stp/AST/AST.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab290395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/AST.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1587 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#include "AST.h"
+namespace BEEV {
+  //some global variables that are set through commandline options. it
+  //is best that these variables remain global. Default values set
+  //here
+  //
+  //collect statistics on certain functions
+  bool stats = false;
+  //print DAG nodes
+  bool print_nodes = false;
+  //tentative global var to allow for variable activity optimization
+  //in the SAT solver. deprecated.
+  bool variable_activity_optimize = false;
+  //run STP in optimized mode
+  bool optimize = true;
+  //do sat refinement, i.e. underconstraint the problem, and feed to
+  //SAT. if this works, great. else, add a set of suitable constraints
+  //to re-constraint the problem correctly, and call SAT again, until
+  //all constraints have been added.
+  bool arrayread_refinement = true;
+  //flag to control write refinement
+  bool arraywrite_refinement = true;
+  //check the counterexample against the original input to STP
+  bool check_counterexample = false;
+  //construct the counterexample in terms of original variable based
+  //on the counterexample returned by SAT solver
+  bool construct_counterexample = true;
+  bool print_counterexample = false;
+  //if this option is true then print the way dawson wants using a
+  //different printer. do not use this printer.
+  bool print_arrayval_declaredorder = false;
+  //flag to decide whether to print "valid/invalid" or not
+  bool print_output = false;
+  //do linear search in the array values of an input array. experimental
+  bool linear_search = false;
+  //print the variable order chosen by the sat solver while it is
+  //solving.
+  bool print_sat_varorder = false; 
+  //turn on word level bitvector solver
+  bool wordlevel_solve = true;
+  //turn off XOR flattening
+  bool xor_flatten = false;
+  //the smtlib parser has been turned on
+  bool smtlib_parser_enable = false;
+  //print the input back
+  bool print_STPinput_back = false;
+  //global BEEVMGR for the parser
+  BeevMgr * globalBeevMgr_for_parser;
+  void (*vc_error_hdlr)(const char* err_msg) = NULL;
+  /** This is reusable empty vector, for representing empty children arrays */
+  ASTVec _empty_ASTVec;  
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  ASTInternal members
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  
+  /** Trivial but virtual destructor */
+  ASTInternal::~ASTInternal() { }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  ASTInterior members
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /** Copy constructor */
+  // ASTInterior::ASTInterior(const ASTInterior &int_node)
+  // {
+  //   _kind = int_node._kind;
+  //   _children = int_node._children;
+  // }
+  /** Trivial but virtual destructor */
+  ASTInterior::~ASTInterior() { }
+  // FIXME: Darn it! I think this ends up copying the children twice!
+  /** Either return an old node or create it if it doesn't exist. 
+      Note that nodes are physically allocated in the hash table. */
+  // There is  an inelegance here that  I don't know how  to solve.  I'd
+  // like to heap allocate and do some other initialization on keys only
+  // if  they aren't  in  the hash  table.   It would  be  great if  the
+  // "insert"  method took a  "creator" class  so that  I could  do that
+  // between  when it  notices that  the key  is not  there and  when it
+  // inserts it.  Alternatively, it would be great if I could insert the
+  // temporary key and replace it  if it actually got inserted.  But STL
+  // hash_set  doesn't have  the creator  feature  and paternalistically
+  // declares that keys are immutable, even though (it seems to me) that
+  // they  could be  mutated if  the hash  value and  eq values  did not
+  // change.
+  ASTInterior *BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateInterior(ASTInterior *n_ptr) {
+    ASTInteriorSet::iterator it;
+    if ((it = _interior_unique_table.find(n_ptr)) == _interior_unique_table.end()) {
+      // Make a new ASTInterior node
+      // We want (NOT alpha) always to have alpha.nodenum + 1.
+      if (n_ptr->GetKind() == NOT) {
+	n_ptr->SetNodeNum(n_ptr->GetChildren()[0].GetNodeNum()+1);
+      }
+      else {
+	n_ptr->SetNodeNum(NewNodeNum());
+      }
+      pair<ASTInteriorSet::const_iterator, bool> p = _interior_unique_table.insert(n_ptr);
+      return *(p.first);
+    }
+    else
+      // Delete the temporary node, and return the found node.
+      delete n_ptr;
+      return *it;
+  }
+  size_t ASTInterior::ASTInteriorHasher::operator() (const ASTInterior *int_node_ptr) const {
+    //size_t hashval = 0;
+    size_t hashval = ((size_t) int_node_ptr->GetKind());
+    const ASTVec &ch = int_node_ptr->GetChildren();
+    ASTVec::const_iterator iend = ch.end();
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator i = ch.begin(); i != iend; i++) {
+      //Using "One at a time hash" by Bob Jenkins
+      hashval += i->Hash();
+      hashval += (hashval << 10);
+      hashval ^= (hashval >> 6);
+    }
+    hashval += (hashval << 3);
+    hashval ^= (hashval >> 11);
+    hashval += (hashval << 15);
+    return hashval;
+    //return hashval += ((size_t) int_node_ptr->GetKind());
+  }
+  void ASTInterior::CleanUp() {
+    // cout << "Deleting node " << this->GetNodeNum() << endl;
+    _bm._interior_unique_table.erase(this);
+    delete this;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  ASTNode members
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //ASTNode constructors are inlined in AST.h
+  bool ASTNode::IsAlreadyPrinted() const {
+    BeevMgr &bm = GetBeevMgr();
+    return (bm.AlreadyPrintedSet.find(*this) != bm.AlreadyPrintedSet.end());
+  }
+  void ASTNode::MarkAlreadyPrinted() const {
+    // FIXME: Fetching BeevMgr is annoying.  Can we put this in lispprinter class?
+    BeevMgr &bm = GetBeevMgr();
+    bm.AlreadyPrintedSet.insert(*this);
+  }
+  // Get the name from a symbol (char *).  It's an error if kind != SYMBOL
+  const char * const ASTNode::GetName() const {
+    if (GetKind() != SYMBOL)
+      FatalError("GetName: Called GetName on a non-symbol: ", *this);
+    return ((ASTSymbol *) _int_node_ptr)->GetName();    
+  }
+  // Print in lisp format
+  ostream &ASTNode::LispPrint(ostream &os, int indentation) const {
+    // Clear the PrintMap
+    BeevMgr& bm = GetBeevMgr(); 
+    bm.AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+    return LispPrint_indent(os, indentation);
+  }
+  // Print newline and indentation, then print the thing.
+  ostream &ASTNode::LispPrint_indent(ostream &os,
+				     int indentation) const
+  {
+    os << endl << spaces(indentation);
+    LispPrint1(os, indentation);
+    return os;
+  }
+  /** Internal function to print in lisp format.  Assume newline
+      and indentation printed already before first line.  Recursive
+      calls will have newline & indent, though */
+  ostream &ASTNode::LispPrint1(ostream &os, int indentation) const {
+    if (!IsDefined()) {
+      os << "<undefined>";
+      return os;
+    }
+    Kind kind = GetKind();
+    // FIXME: figure out how to avoid symbols with same names as kinds.
+//    if (kind == READ) {
+//      const ASTVec &children = GetChildren();
+//      children[0].LispPrint1(os, indentation);
+//	os << "[" << children[1] << "]";
+//    } else 
+    if(kind == BVGETBIT) {
+      const ASTVec &children = GetChildren();
+      // child 0 is a symbol.  Print without the NodeNum.
+      os << GetNodeNum() << ":";
+      children[0]._int_node_ptr->nodeprint(os);
+      //os << "{" << children[1].GetBVConst() << "}";
+      os << "{";
+      children[1]._int_node_ptr->nodeprint(os);
+      os << "}";
+    } else if (kind == NOT) {
+      const ASTVec &children = GetChildren();
+      os << GetNodeNum() << ":";	
+      os << "(NOT ";
+      children[0].LispPrint1(os, indentation);
+      os << ")";
+    }
+    else if (Degree() == 0) {
+      // Symbol or a kind with no children print as index:NAME if shared,
+      // even if they have been printed before.	
+      os << GetNodeNum() << ":";
+      _int_node_ptr->nodeprint(os); 
+      // os << "(" << _int_node_ptr->_ref_count << ")";
+      // os << "{" << GetValueWidth() << "}";
+    }
+    else if (IsAlreadyPrinted()) {
+      // print non-symbols as "[index]" if seen before.
+      os << "[" << GetNodeNum() << "]";
+      //	   << "(" << _int_node_ptr->_ref_count << ")";
+    }
+    else {
+      MarkAlreadyPrinted();
+      const ASTVec &children = GetChildren();
+      os << GetNodeNum() << ":"
+	//<< "(" << _int_node_ptr->_ref_count << ")" 
+	 << "(" << kind << " ";
+      // os << "{" << GetValueWidth() << "}";
+      ASTVec::const_iterator iend = children.end();
+      for (ASTVec::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != iend; i++) {
+	i->LispPrint_indent(os, indentation+2);
+	}
+      os << ")";	
+    }
+    return os;
+  }
+  //
+  //two pass algorithm: 
+  //
+  //1. In the first pass, letize this Node, N: i.e. if a node
+  //1. appears more than once in N, then record this fact.
+  //
+  //2. In the second pass print a "global let" and then print N
+  //2. as follows: Every occurence of a node occuring more than
+  //2. once is replaced with the corresponding let variable.
+  ostream& ASTNode::PL_Print(ostream &os,
+			     int indentation) const {
+    // Clear the PrintMap
+    BeevMgr& bm = GetBeevMgr(); 
+    bm.PLPrintNodeSet.clear();
+    bm.NodeLetVarMap.clear();
+    bm.NodeLetVarVec.clear();
+    bm.NodeLetVarMap1.clear();
+    //pass 1: letize the node
+    LetizeNode();
+    //pass 2: 
+    //
+    //2. print all the let variables and their counterpart expressions
+    //2. as follows (LET var1 = expr1, var2 = expr2, ...
+    //
+    //3. Then print the Node itself, replacing every occurence of
+    //3. expr1 with var1, expr2 with var2, ...
+    //os << "(";
+    if(0 < bm.NodeLetVarMap.size()) {
+      //ASTNodeMap::iterator it=bm.NodeLetVarMap.begin();
+      //ASTNodeMap::iterator itend=bm.NodeLetVarMap.end();
+      std::vector<pair<ASTNode,ASTNode> >::iterator it = bm.NodeLetVarVec.begin();
+      std::vector<pair<ASTNode,ASTNode> >::iterator itend = bm.NodeLetVarVec.end();
+      os << "(LET ";      
+      //print the let var first
+      it->first.PL_Print1(os,indentation,false);
+      os << " = ";
+      //print the expr
+      it->second.PL_Print1(os,indentation,false);
+      //update the second map for proper printing of LET
+      bm.NodeLetVarMap1[it->second] = it->first;
+      for(it++;it!=itend;it++) {
+        os << "," << endl;
+	//print the let var first
+	it->first.PL_Print1(os,indentation,false);
+	os << " = ";
+	//print the expr
+	it->second.PL_Print1(os,indentation,false);
+        //update the second map for proper printing of LET
+        bm.NodeLetVarMap1[it->second] = it->first;
+      }
+      os << " IN " << endl;      
+      PL_Print1(os,indentation, true);
+      os << ") ";
+    }
+    else
+      PL_Print1(os,indentation, false);
+    //os << " )";
+    os << " ";
+    return os;
+  } //end of PL_Print()
+  //traverse "*this", and construct "let variables" for terms that
+  //occur more than once in "*this".
+  void ASTNode::LetizeNode(void) const {
+    Kind kind = this->GetKind();
+    if(kind == SYMBOL  || 
+       kind == BVCONST ||
+       kind == FALSE   ||
+       kind == TRUE)
+      return;
+    //FIXME: this is ugly.
+    BeevMgr& bm = GetBeevMgr();     
+    const ASTVec &c = this->GetChildren();
+    for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++){
+      ASTNode ccc = *it;
+      if(bm.PLPrintNodeSet.find(ccc) == bm.PLPrintNodeSet.end()){
+	//If branch: if *it is not in NodeSet then,
+	//
+	//1. add it to NodeSet
+	//
+	//2. Letize its childNodes
+	//FIXME: Fetching BeevMgr is annoying.  Can we put this in
+	//some kind of a printer class
+	bm.PLPrintNodeSet.insert(ccc);
+	//debugging
+	//cerr << ccc;
+	ccc.LetizeNode();
+      } 
+      else{
+	Kind k = ccc.GetKind();
+	if(k == SYMBOL  || 
+	   k == BVCONST ||
+	   k == FALSE   ||
+	   k == TRUE)
+	  continue;
+	//0. Else branch: Node has been seen before
+	//
+	//1. Check if the node has a corresponding letvar in the
+	//1. NodeLetVarMap.
+	//
+	//2. if no, then create a new var and add it to the
+	//2. NodeLetVarMap
+	if(bm.NodeLetVarMap.find(ccc) == bm.NodeLetVarMap.end()) {
+	  //Create a new symbol. Get some name. if it conflicts with a
+	  //declared name, too bad. 
+	  int sz = bm.NodeLetVarMap.size();
+	  ostringstream oss;
+	  oss << "let_k_" << sz;
+	  ASTNode CurrentSymbol = bm.CreateSymbol(oss.str().c_str());
+	  CurrentSymbol.SetValueWidth(this->GetValueWidth());
+	  CurrentSymbol.SetIndexWidth(this->GetIndexWidth());	  
+	  /* If for some reason the variable being created here is
+	   * already declared by the user then the printed output will
+	   * not be a legal input to the system. too bad. I refuse to
+	   * check for this.  [Vijay is the author of this comment.]
+	   */
+	  bm.NodeLetVarMap[ccc] = CurrentSymbol;
+	  std::pair<ASTNode,ASTNode> node_letvar_pair(CurrentSymbol,ccc);
+	  bm.NodeLetVarVec.push_back(node_letvar_pair);
+	}
+      }    
+    }
+  } //end of LetizeNode()
+  void ASTNode::PL_Print1(ostream& os,
+			  int indentation, 
+			  bool letize) const {
+    //os << spaces(indentation);
+    //os << endl << spaces(indentation);
+    if (!IsDefined()) {
+      os << "<undefined>";
+      return;
+    }
+    //if this node is present in the letvar Map, then print the letvar
+    BeevMgr &bm = GetBeevMgr();
+    //this is to print letvars for shared subterms inside the printing
+    //of "(LET v0 = term1, v1=term1@term2,...
+    if((bm.NodeLetVarMap1.find(*this) != bm.NodeLetVarMap1.end()) && !letize) {
+      (bm.NodeLetVarMap1[*this]).PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      return;
+    }
+    //this is to print letvars for shared subterms inside the actual
+    //term to be printed
+    if((bm.NodeLetVarMap.find(*this) != bm.NodeLetVarMap.end()) && letize) {
+      (bm.NodeLetVarMap[*this]).PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      return;
+    }
+    //otherwise print it normally
+    Kind kind = GetKind();
+    const ASTVec &c = GetChildren();     
+    switch(kind) {
+    case BVGETBIT:
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << "{";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << "}";
+      break;
+    case BITVECTOR:
+      os << "BITVECTOR(";
+      unsigned char * str;
+      str = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_to_Hex(c[0].GetBVConst());
+      os << str << ")";
+      CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Dispose(str);
+      break;
+    case BOOLEAN:
+      os << "BOOLEAN";
+      break;
+    case FALSE:
+    case TRUE:
+      os << kind;
+      break;
+    case BVCONST:
+    case SYMBOL:
+      _int_node_ptr->nodeprint(os); 
+      break;
+    case READ:
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os, indentation,letize);
+      os << "[";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << "]";
+      break;
+    case WRITE:
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " WITH [";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << "] := ";
+      c[2].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      os << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVUMINUS:
+      os << kind << "( ";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    case NOT:
+      os << "NOT(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ") " << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVNEG:
+      os << " ~(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    case BVCONCAT:
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " @ ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVOR:
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " | ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    case BVAND:
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " & ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    case BVEXTRACT:
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << "[";
+      os << GetUnsignedConst(c[1]);
+      os << ":";
+      os << GetUnsignedConst(c[2]);
+      os << "]";
+      break;
+    case BVLEFTSHIFT:
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " << ";
+      os << GetUnsignedConst(c[1]);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " >> ";
+      os << GetUnsignedConst(c[1]);
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    case BVMULT:
+    case BVSUB:
+    case BVPLUS:
+    case SBVDIV:      
+    case SBVMOD:
+    case BVDIV:      
+    case BVMOD:
+      os << kind << "(";
+      os << this->GetValueWidth();
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	os << ", " << endl;
+	it->PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);	
+      }
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;    
+    case ITE:
+      os << "IF(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      os << "THEN ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << endl << "ELSE ";
+      c[2].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << endl << "ENDIF";
+      break;
+    case BVLT:
+    case BVLE:
+    case BVGT:
+    case BVGE:
+    case BVXOR:
+    case BVNAND:
+    case BVNOR:
+    case BVXNOR:
+      os << kind << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVSLT:
+      os << "SBVLT" << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVSLE:
+      os << "SBVLE" << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVSGT:
+      os << "SBVGT" << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVSGE:
+      os << "SBVGE" << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    case EQ:
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " = ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);      
+      os << endl;
+      break;
+    case NEQ:
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << " /= ";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);      
+      os << endl;
+      break;
+    case AND:
+    case OR:
+    case NAND:
+    case NOR:
+    case XOR: {
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      ASTVec::const_iterator it=c.begin();
+      ASTVec::const_iterator itend=c.end();
+      it++;
+      for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+	os << " " << kind << " ";
+	it->PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+	os << endl;
+      }
+      os << ")";
+      break;
+    }
+    case IFF:
+      os << "(";
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      os << " <=> ";
+      os << "(";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);      
+      os << ")";
+      os << ")";
+      os << endl;
+      break;
+    case IMPLIES:
+      os << "(";
+      os << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      os << " => ";
+      os << "(";
+      c[1].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ")";
+      os << ")";
+      os << endl;
+      break;
+    case BVSX:
+      os << kind << "(";
+      c[0].PL_Print1(os,indentation,letize);
+      os << ",";
+      os << this->GetValueWidth();
+      os << ")" << endl;
+      break;
+    default:
+      //remember to use LispPrinter here. Otherwise this function will
+      //go into an infinite loop. Recall that "<<" is overloaded to
+      //the lisp printer. FatalError uses lispprinter
+      FatalError("PL_Print1: printing not implemented for this kind: ",*this);
+      break;
+    }
+  } //end of PL_Print1()
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //  BeevMgr members
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateNode(Kind kind, const ASTVec & back_children) {
+    // create a new node.  Children will be modified.
+    ASTInterior *n_ptr = new ASTInterior(kind, *this);
+    // insert all of children at end of new_children.
+    ASTNode n(CreateInteriorNode(kind, n_ptr, back_children));
+    return n;
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateNode(Kind kind,
+			      const ASTNode& child0,
+			      const ASTVec & back_children) {
+    ASTInterior *n_ptr = new ASTInterior(kind, *this);
+    ASTVec &front_children = n_ptr->_children;
+    front_children.push_back(child0);
+    ASTNode n(CreateInteriorNode(kind, n_ptr,  back_children));
+    return n;
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateNode(Kind kind,
+			      const ASTNode& child0,
+			      const ASTNode& child1,
+			      const ASTVec & back_children) {
+    ASTInterior *n_ptr = new ASTInterior(kind, *this);
+    ASTVec &front_children = n_ptr->_children;
+    front_children.push_back(child0);
+    front_children.push_back(child1);
+    ASTNode n(CreateInteriorNode(kind, n_ptr, back_children));
+    return n;
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateNode(Kind kind,
+			      const ASTNode& child0,
+			      const ASTNode& child1,
+			      const ASTNode& child2,
+			      const ASTVec & back_children) {
+    ASTInterior *n_ptr = new ASTInterior(kind, *this);
+    ASTVec &front_children = n_ptr->_children;
+    front_children.push_back(child0);
+    front_children.push_back(child1);
+    front_children.push_back(child2);
+    ASTNode n(CreateInteriorNode(kind, n_ptr, back_children));
+    return n;
+  }
+  ASTInterior *BeevMgr::CreateInteriorNode(Kind kind,
+					   // children array of this node will be modified.
+					   ASTInterior *n_ptr,
+					   const ASTVec & back_children) {
+    // insert back_children at end of front_children
+    ASTVec &front_children = n_ptr->_children;
+    front_children.insert(front_children.end(), back_children.begin(), back_children.end());
+    // check for undefined nodes.
+    ASTVec::const_iterator it_end = front_children.end();
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = front_children.begin(); it != it_end; it++) {
+      if (it->IsNull())
+	FatalError("CreateInteriorNode: Undefined childnode in CreateInteriorNode: ", ASTUndefined);      
+    }
+    return LookupOrCreateInterior(n_ptr);
+  }
+  /** Trivial but virtual destructor */
+  ASTSymbol::~ASTSymbol() {}
+  ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ASTNodeMap &nmap)
+  {
+    ASTNodeMap::const_iterator iend = nmap.end();
+    for (ASTNodeMap::const_iterator i = nmap.begin(); i!=iend; i++) {
+      os << "Key: " << i->first << endl;
+      os << "Value: " << i->second << endl;
+    }
+    return os;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // BeevMgr member functions to create ASTSymbol and ASTBVConst
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSymbol(const char * const name) 
+  { 
+    ASTSymbol temp_sym(name, *this);
+    ASTNode n(LookupOrCreateSymbol(temp_sym));
+    return n;
+  }
+  //Create a ASTBVConst node
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateBVConst(unsigned int width, 
+				 unsigned long long int bvconst){ 
+    if(width > (sizeof(unsigned long long int)<<3) || width <= 0)
+      FatalError("CreateBVConst: trying to create a bvconst of width: ", ASTUndefined, width);
+    CBV bv = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width, true);
+    unsigned long c_val = (0x00000000ffffffffLL) & bvconst;
+    unsigned int copied = 0;
+    // sizeof(unsigned long) returns the number of bytes in unsigned
+    // long. In order to convert it to bits, we need to shift left by
+    // 3. Hence, sizeof(unsigned long) << 3
+    //The algo below works as follows: It starts by copying the
+    //lower-order bits of the input "bvconst" in chunks of size =
+    //number of bits in unsigned long. The variable "copied" keeps
+    //track of the number of chunks copied so far
+    while(copied + (sizeof(unsigned long)<<3) < width){
+      CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Chunk_Store(bv, sizeof(unsigned long)<<3,copied,c_val);
+      bvconst = bvconst >> (sizeof(unsigned long) << 3);
+      c_val = (0x00000000ffffffffLL) & bvconst;
+      copied += sizeof(unsigned long) << 3;
+    }
+    CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Chunk_Store(bv,width - copied,copied,c_val);
+    return CreateBVConst(bv,width);
+  }
+  //Create a ASTBVConst node from std::string
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateBVConst(const char* const strval, int base) {
+    size_t width = strlen((const char *)strval);    
+    if(!(2 == base || 10 == base || 16 == base)){
+      FatalError("CreateBVConst: unsupported base: ",ASTUndefined,base);
+    }
+    //FIXME Tim: Earlier versions of the code assume that the length of
+    //binary strings is 32 bits.
+    if(10 == base) width = 32;
+    if(16 == base) width = width * 4;
+    //checking if the input is in the correct format
+    CBV bv = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width,true);
+    CONSTANTBV::ErrCode e;
+    if(2 == base){
+      e = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_from_Bin(bv, (unsigned char*)strval);
+    }else if(10 == base){
+      e = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_from_Dec(bv, (unsigned char*)strval);
+    }else if(16 == base){
+      e = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_from_Hex(bv, (unsigned char*)strval);
+    }else{
+      e = CONSTANTBV::ErrCode_Pars;
+    }
+    if(0 != e) {
+      cerr << "CreateBVConst: " << BitVector_Error(e);
+      FatalError("",ASTUndefined);
+    }
+    //FIXME 
+    return CreateBVConst(bv, width);
+  }
+  //FIXME Code currently assumes that it will destroy the bitvector passed to it
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateBVConst(CBV bv, unsigned width){
+     ASTBVConst temp_bvconst(bv, width, *this);
+     ASTNode n(LookupOrCreateBVConst(temp_bvconst));
+     CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Destroy(bv);
+     return n;
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateZeroConst(unsigned width) {
+    CBV z = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width, true);
+    return CreateBVConst(z, width);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateOneConst(unsigned width) {
+    CBV o = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width, true);
+    CONSTANTBV::BitVector_increment(o);
+    return CreateBVConst(o,width);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateTwoConst(unsigned width) {
+    CBV two = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width, true);
+    CONSTANTBV::BitVector_increment(two);
+    CONSTANTBV::BitVector_increment(two);
+    return CreateBVConst(two,width);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateMaxConst(unsigned width) {
+    CBV max = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(width, false);
+    CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Fill(max);
+    return CreateBVConst(max,width);
+  }
+  //To ensure unique BVConst nodes, lookup the node in unique-table
+  //before creating a new one.
+  ASTBVConst *BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateBVConst(ASTBVConst &s) {
+    ASTBVConst *s_ptr = &s;  // it's a temporary key.
+    // Do an explicit lookup to see if we need to create a copy of the string.    
+    ASTBVConstSet::const_iterator it;
+    if ((it = _bvconst_unique_table.find(s_ptr)) == _bvconst_unique_table.end()) {
+      // Make a new ASTBVConst with duplicated string (can't assign
+      // _name because it's const).  Can cast the iterator to
+      // non-const -- carefully.
+      ASTBVConst * s_copy = new ASTBVConst(s);      
+      s_copy->SetNodeNum(NewNodeNum());
+      pair<ASTBVConstSet::const_iterator, bool> p = _bvconst_unique_table.insert(s_copy);
+      return *p.first;
+    }
+    else{
+      // return symbol found in table.
+      return *it;
+    }
+  }
+  // Inline because we need to wait until unique_table is defined
+  void ASTBVConst::CleanUp() {
+    //  cout << "Deleting node " << this->GetNodeNum() << endl;
+    _bm._bvconst_unique_table.erase(this);
+    delete this;
+  }
+  // Get the value of bvconst from a bvconst.  It's an error if kind != BVCONST
+  CBV const ASTNode::GetBVConst() const {
+    if(GetKind() != BVCONST)
+      FatalError("GetBVConst: non bitvector-constant: ",*this);
+    return ((ASTBVConst *) _int_node_ptr)->GetBVConst();      
+  }
+  //Create a ASTBVConst node
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateBVConst(const unsigned int width, 
+				 const unsigned long long int bvconst) { 
+    if(width > 64 || width <= 0)
+      FatalError("Fatal Error: CreateBVConst: trying to create a bvconst of width:", ASTUndefined, width);
+    //64 bit mask
+    unsigned long long int mask = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
+    mask = mask >> (64 - width);
+    unsigned long long int bv = bvconst;
+    bv = bv & mask;
+    ASTBVConst temp_bvconst(bv, *this);
+    temp_bvconst._value_width = width;    
+    ASTNode n(LookupOrCreateBVConst(temp_bvconst));
+    n.SetValueWidth(width);
+    n.SetIndexWidth(0);
+    return n;
+  }
+  //Create a ASTBVConst node from std::string
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateBVConst(const char* strval, int base) {    
+    if(!(base == 2 || base == 16 || base == 10))
+      FatalError("CreateBVConst: This base is not supported: ", ASTUndefined, base);
+    if(10 != base) {
+      unsigned int width = (base == 2) ? strlen(strval) : strlen(strval)*4;
+      unsigned long long int val =  strtoull(strval, NULL, base);
+      ASTNode bvcon = CreateBVConst(width, val);
+      return bvcon;
+    }
+    else {
+      //this is an ugly hack to accomodate SMTLIB format
+      //restrictions. SMTLIB format represents bitvector constants in
+      //base 10 (what a terrible idea, but i have no choice but to
+      //support it), and make an implicit assumption that the length
+      //is 32 (another terrible idea).
+      unsigned width = 32;
+      unsigned long long int val = strtoull(strval, NULL, base);
+      ASTNode bvcon = CreateBVConst(width, val);
+      return bvcon;
+    }
+  }
+  //To ensure unique BVConst nodes, lookup the node in unique-table
+  //before creating a new one.
+  ASTBVConst *BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateBVConst(ASTBVConst &s) {
+    ASTBVConst *s_ptr = &s;	// it's a temporary key.
+    // Do an explicit lookup to see if we need to create a copy of the
+    // string.
+    ASTBVConstSet::const_iterator it;
+    if ((it = _bvconst_unique_table.find(s_ptr)) == _bvconst_unique_table.end()) {
+      // Make a new ASTBVConst. Can cast the iterator to non-const --
+      // carefully.
+      unsigned int width = s_ptr->_value_width;
+      ASTBVConst * s_ptr1 = new ASTBVConst(s_ptr->GetBVConst(), *this);
+      s_ptr1->SetNodeNum(NewNodeNum());
+      s_ptr1->_value_width = width;
+      pair<ASTBVConstSet::const_iterator, bool> p = _bvconst_unique_table.insert(s_ptr1);
+      return *p.first;
+    }
+    else
+      // return BVConst found in table.
+      return *it;
+  }
+  // Inline because we need to wait until unique_table is defined
+  void ASTBVConst::CleanUp() {
+    //  cout << "Deleting node " << this->GetNodeNum() << endl;
+    _bm._bvconst_unique_table.erase(this);
+    delete this;
+  }
+  // Get the value of bvconst from a bvconst.  It's an error if kind
+  // != BVCONST
+  unsigned long long int ASTNode::GetBVConst() const {
+    if(GetKind() != BVCONST)
+      FatalError("GetBVConst: non bitvector-constant: ", *this);
+    return ((ASTBVConstTmp *) _int_node_ptr)->GetBVConst();
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateZeroConst(unsigned width) {
+    return CreateBVConst(width,0);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateOneConst(unsigned width) {
+    return CreateBVConst(width,1);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateTwoConst(unsigned width) {
+    return CreateBVConst(width,2);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateMaxConst(unsigned width) {
+    std::string s;
+    s.insert(s.end(),width,'1');
+    return CreateBVConst(s.c_str(),2);
+  }
+  // FIXME: _name is now a constant field, and this assigns to it
+  // because it tries not to copy the string unless it needs to.  How
+  // do I avoid copying children in ASTInterior?  Perhaps I don't!
+  // Note: There seems to be a limitation of hash_set, in that insert
+  // returns a const iterator to the value.  That prevents us from
+  // modifying the name (in a hash-preserving way) after the symbol is
+  // inserted.  FIXME: Is there a way to do this with insert?  Need a
+  // function to make a new object in the middle of insert.  Read STL
+  // documentation.
+  ASTSymbol *BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateSymbol(ASTSymbol& s) {
+    ASTSymbol *s_ptr = &s;  // it's a temporary key.
+    // Do an explicit lookup to see if we need to create a copy of the string.    
+    ASTSymbolSet::const_iterator it;
+    if ((it = _symbol_unique_table.find(s_ptr)) == _symbol_unique_table.end()) {
+      // Make a new ASTSymbol with duplicated string (can't assign
+      // _name because it's const).  Can cast the iterator to
+      // non-const -- carefully.
+      //std::string strname(s_ptr->GetName());
+      ASTSymbol * s_ptr1 = new ASTSymbol(strdup(s_ptr->GetName()), *this);
+      s_ptr1->SetNodeNum(NewNodeNum());
+      s_ptr1->_value_width = s_ptr->_value_width;
+      pair<ASTSymbolSet::const_iterator, bool> p = _symbol_unique_table.insert(s_ptr1);
+      return *p.first;
+    }
+    else
+      // return symbol found in table.
+      return *it;    
+  }
+  bool BeevMgr::LookupSymbol(ASTSymbol& s) {
+    ASTSymbol* s_ptr = &s;  // it's a temporary key.
+    if(_symbol_unique_table.find(s_ptr) == _symbol_unique_table.end()) 
+      return false;
+    else
+      return true;
+  }
+  // Inline because we need to wait until unique_table is defined
+  void ASTSymbol::CleanUp() {
+    //  cout << "Deleting node " << this->GetNodeNum() << endl;
+    _bm._symbol_unique_table.erase(this);
+    //FIXME This is a HUGE free to invoke.
+    //TEST IT!
+    free((char*) this->_name);
+    delete this;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  //  IO manipulators for Lisp format printing of AST.
+  //
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // FIXME: Additional controls
+  //   * Print node numbers  (addresses/nums)
+  //   * Printlength limit
+  //   * Printdepth limit
+  /** Print a vector of ASTNodes in lisp format */
+  ostream &LispPrintVec(ostream &os, const ASTVec &v, int indentation)
+  {
+    // Print the children
+    ASTVec::const_iterator iend = v.end();
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != iend; i++) {
+      i->LispPrint_indent(os, indentation);
+    }
+    return os;
+  }
+  // FIXME: Made non-ref in the hope that it would work better.
+  void lp(ASTNode node)
+  {
+    cout << lisp(node) << endl;
+  }
+  void lpvec(const ASTVec &vec)
+  {
+    vec[0].GetBeevMgr().AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+    LispPrintVec(cout, vec, 0);
+    cout << endl;
+  }
+  // Copy constructor.  Maintain _ref_count
+  ASTNode::ASTNode(const ASTNode &n) : _int_node_ptr(n._int_node_ptr) {
+#ifndef SMTLIB    
+    if (n._int_node_ptr) {
+      n._int_node_ptr->IncRef();
+    }
+  }
+  /* FUNCTION: Typechecker for terms and formulas
+   * 
+   * TypeChecker: Assumes that the immediate Children of the input
+   * ASTNode have been typechecked. This function is suitable in
+   * scenarios like where you are building the ASTNode Tree, and you
+   * typecheck as you go along. It is not suitable as a general
+   * typechecker      
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::BVTypeCheck(const ASTNode& n) {
+    Kind k = n.GetKind();
+    //The children of bitvector terms are in turn bitvectors.
+    ASTVec v = n.GetChildren();
+    if(is_Term_kind(k)) {
+      switch(k) {
+      case BVCONST:
+	if(BITVECTOR_TYPE != n.GetType())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: The term t does not typecheck, where t = \n",n);
+	break;
+      case SYMBOL:
+	return;
+      case ITE:     
+	if(BOOLEAN_TYPE != n[0].GetType() && 
+	   BITVECTOR_TYPE != n[1].GetType() &&
+	   BITVECTOR_TYPE != n[2].GetType())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: The term t does not typecheck, where t = \n",n);
+	if(n[1].GetValueWidth() != n[2].GetValueWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",n);
+	if(n[1].GetIndexWidth() != n[2].GetIndexWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",n);
+	break;
+      case READ:
+	if(n[0].GetIndexWidth() != n[1].GetValueWidth()) {
+	  cerr << "Length of indexwidth of array: " << n[0] << " is : " << n[0].GetIndexWidth() << endl;
+	  cerr << "Length of the actual index is: " << n[1] << " is : " << n[1].GetValueWidth() << endl;
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: length of indexwidth of array != length of actual index in the term t = \n",n);
+	}
+	break;      
+      case WRITE:
+	if(n[0].GetIndexWidth() != n[1].GetValueWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: length of indexwidth of array != length of actual index in the term t = \n",n);
+	if(n[0].GetValueWidth() != n[2].GetValueWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: valuewidth of array != length of actual value in the term t = \n",n);
+	break;      
+      case BVOR:
+      case BVAND:
+      case BVXOR:
+      case BVNOR:
+      case BVNAND:
+      case BVXNOR: 
+      case BVPLUS: 
+      case BVMULT:
+      case BVDIV:
+      case BVMOD:
+      case BVSUB: {
+	if(!(v.size() >= 2))
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck:bitwise Booleans and BV arith operators must have atleast two arguments\n",n);
+	unsigned int width = n.GetValueWidth();
+	for(ASTVec::iterator it=v.begin(),itend=v.end();it!=itend;it++){
+	  if(width != it->GetValueWidth()) {
+	    cerr << "BVTypeCheck:Operands of bitwise-Booleans and BV arith operators must be of equal length\n";
+	    cerr << n << endl;
+	    cerr << "width of term:" << width << endl;
+	    cerr << "width of offending operand:" << it->GetValueWidth() << endl;
+	    FatalError("BVTypeCheck:Offending operand:\n",*it);
+	  }
+	  if(BITVECTOR_TYPE != it->GetType())
+	    FatalError("BVTypeCheck: ChildNodes of bitvector-terms must be bitvectors\n",n);
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+      case BVSX:
+	//in BVSX(n[0],len), the length of the BVSX term must be
+	//greater than the length of n[0]
+	if(n[0].GetValueWidth() >= n.GetValueWidth()) {
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: BVSX(t,bvsx_len) : length of 't' must be <= bvsx_len\n",n);
+	} 
+	break;
+      default:
+	for(ASTVec::iterator it=v.begin(),itend=v.end();it!=itend;it++)
+	  if(BITVECTOR_TYPE != it->GetType()) {
+	    cerr << "The type is: " << it->GetType() << endl;
+	    FatalError("BVTypeCheck:ChildNodes of bitvector-terms must be bitvectors\n",n);
+	  }
+	break;
+      }
+      switch(k) {
+      case BVCONCAT:
+	if(n.Degree() != 2)
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: should have exactly 2 args\n",n);
+	if(n.GetValueWidth() != n[0].GetValueWidth() + n[1].GetValueWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck:BVCONCAT: lengths do not add up\n",n);	
+	break;
+      case BVUMINUS:
+      case BVNEG:
+	if(n.Degree() != 1)
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: should have exactly 1 args\n",n);
+	break;
+      case BVEXTRACT:
+	if(n.Degree() != 3)
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: should have exactly 3 args\n",n);
+	if(!(BVCONST == n[1].GetKind() && BVCONST == n[2].GetKind()))
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: indices should be BVCONST\n",n);
+	if(n.GetValueWidth() != GetUnsignedConst(n[1])- GetUnsignedConst(n[2])+1)
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: length mismatch\n",n);
+	break;
+      case BVLEFTSHIFT:
+      case BVRIGHTSHIFT:
+	if(n.Degree() != 2)
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: should have exactly 2 args\n",n);
+	break;
+	//case BVVARSHIFT:
+	//case BVSRSHIFT:
+	break;
+      default:
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      if(!(is_Form_kind(k) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == n.GetType()))
+	FatalError("BVTypeCheck: not a formula:",n);
+      switch(k){
+      case TRUE:
+      case FALSE:
+      case SYMBOL:
+	return;
+      case EQ:
+      case NEQ:	 
+	if(!(n[0].GetValueWidth() == n[1].GetValueWidth() &&
+	     n[0].GetIndexWidth() == n[1].GetIndexWidth())) {
+	  cerr << "valuewidth of lhs of EQ: " << n[0].GetValueWidth() << endl;
+	  cerr << "valuewidth of rhs of EQ: " << n[1].GetValueWidth() << endl;
+	  cerr << "indexwidth of lhs of EQ: " << n[0].GetIndexWidth() << endl;
+	  cerr << "indexwidth of rhs of EQ: " << n[1].GetIndexWidth() << endl;
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: terms in atomic formulas must be of equal length",n);
+	}
+	break;
+      case BVLT:
+      case BVLE:
+      case BVGT:
+      case BVGE:
+      case BVSLT:
+      case BVSLE:
+      case BVSGT:
+      case BVSGE:	
+	if(BITVECTOR_TYPE != n[0].GetType() && BITVECTOR_TYPE != n[1].GetType())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: terms in atomic formulas must be bitvectors",n);
+	if(n[0].GetValueWidth() != n[1].GetValueWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: terms in atomic formulas must be of equal length",n);
+	if(n[0].GetIndexWidth() != n[1].GetIndexWidth())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: terms in atomic formulas must be of equal length",n);
+	break;
+      case NOT:
+	if(1 != n.Degree())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: NOT formula can have exactly one childNode",n);
+	break;
+      case AND:
+      case OR:
+      case XOR:
+      case NAND:
+      case NOR:
+	if(2 > n.Degree())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck: AND/OR/XOR/NAND/NOR: must have atleast 2 ChildNodes",n);
+	break;
+      case IFF:
+      case IMPLIES:	
+	if(2 != n.Degree())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck:IFF/IMPLIES must have exactly 2 ChildNodes",n);
+	break;
+      case ITE:
+	if(3 != n.Degree())
+	  FatalError("BVTypeCheck:ITE must have exactly 3 ChildNodes",n);		
+	break;
+      default:
+	FatalError("BVTypeCheck: Unrecognized kind: ",ASTUndefined);
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  } //End of TypeCheck function
+  //add an assertion to the current logical context
+  void BeevMgr::AddAssert(const ASTNode& assert) {
+    if(!(is_Form_kind(assert.GetKind()) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == assert.GetType())) {
+      FatalError("AddAssert:Trying to assert a non-formula:",assert);
+    }
+    ASTVec * v;
+    //if the stack of ASTVec is not empty, then take the top ASTVec
+    //and add the input assert to it
+    if(!_asserts.empty()) {
+      v = _asserts.back();
+      //v->push_back(TransformFormula(assert));
+      v->push_back(assert);
+    }
+    else {
+      //else create a logical context, and add it to the top of the
+      //stack
+      v = new ASTVec();
+      //v->push_back(TransformFormula(assert));
+      v->push_back(assert);
+      _asserts.push_back(v);	
+    }
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::Push(void) {
+    ASTVec * v;
+    v = new ASTVec();
+    _asserts.push_back(v);
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::Pop(void) {
+    if(!_asserts.empty()) {
+       ASTVec * c = _asserts.back();
+             //by calling the clear function we ensure that the ref count is
+             //decremented for the ASTNodes stored in c
+             c->clear();
+             delete c;
+      _asserts.pop_back();
+    }
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::AddQuery(const ASTNode& q) {
+    //_current_query = TransformFormula(q);
+    //cerr << "\nThe current query is: " << q << endl;
+    _current_query = q;
+  }
+  const ASTNode BeevMgr::PopQuery() {
+    ASTNode q = _current_query;
+    _current_query = ASTTrue;
+    return q;
+  }
+  const ASTNode BeevMgr::GetQuery() {
+    return _current_query;
+  }
+  const ASTVec BeevMgr::GetAsserts(void) {
+    vector<ASTVec *>::iterator it = _asserts.begin();
+    vector<ASTVec *>::iterator itend = _asserts.end();
+    ASTVec v;
+    for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+      if(!(*it)->empty())
+	  v.insert(v.end(),(*it)->begin(),(*it)->end());
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  //Create a new variable of ValueWidth 'n'
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::NewArrayVar(unsigned int index, unsigned int value) {
+    std:: string c("v");
+    char d[32];
+    sprintf(d,"%d",_symbol_count++);
+    std::string ccc(d);
+    c += "_writearray_" + ccc;
+    ASTNode CurrentSymbol = CreateSymbol(c.c_str());
+    CurrentSymbol.SetValueWidth(value);
+    CurrentSymbol.SetIndexWidth(index);
+    return CurrentSymbol;
+  } //end of NewArrayVar()
+  //Create a new variable of ValueWidth 'n'
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::NewVar(unsigned int value) {
+    std:: string c("v");
+    char d[32];
+    sprintf(d,"%d",_symbol_count++);
+    std::string ccc(d);
+    c += "_new_stp_var_" + ccc;
+    ASTNode CurrentSymbol = CreateSymbol(c.c_str());
+    CurrentSymbol.SetValueWidth(value);
+    CurrentSymbol.SetIndexWidth(0);
+    _introduced_symbols.insert(CurrentSymbol);
+    return CurrentSymbol;
+  } //end of NewVar()
+  //prints statistics for the ASTNode
+  void BeevMgr::ASTNodeStats(const char * c, const ASTNode& a){
+    if(!stats)
+      return;
+    StatInfoSet.clear();
+    //print node size:
+    cout << endl << "Printing: " << c;
+    if(print_nodes) {
+      //a.PL_Print(cout,0);
+      //cout << endl;
+      cout << a << endl;
+    }
+    cout << "Node size is: ";
+    cout << NodeSize(a) << endl << endl;    
+  }
+  unsigned int BeevMgr::NodeSize(const ASTNode& a, bool clearStatInfo) {    
+    if(clearStatInfo)
+      StatInfoSet.clear();
+    ASTNodeSet::iterator it;
+    if((it = StatInfoSet.find(a)) != StatInfoSet.end())
+      //has already been counted
+      return 0;
+    //record that you have seen this node already
+    StatInfoSet.insert(a);
+    //leaf node has a size of 1
+    if(a.Degree() == 0)
+      return 1;
+    unsigned newn = 1;
+    ASTVec c = a.GetChildren();
+    for(ASTVec::iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++)
+      newn += NodeSize(*it);
+    return newn;
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::ClearAllTables(void) {
+    //clear all tables before calling toplevelsat
+    _ASTNode_to_SATVar.clear();
+    _SATVar_to_AST.clear();
+    for(ASTtoBitvectorMap::iterator it=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.begin(),
+	  itend=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+      delete it->second;
+    }
+    _ASTNode_to_Bitvector.clear();
+    /* OLD Destructor
+     * for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator ivec = BBTermMemo.begin(),
+	  ivec_end=BBTermMemo.end();ivec!=ivec_end;ivec++) {
+      ivec->second.clear();
+    }*/
+    /*What should I do here? For ASTNodes?
+     * for(ASTNodeMap::iterator ivec = BBTermMemo.begin(),
+	  ivec_end=BBTermMemo.end();ivec!=ivec_end;ivec++) {
+      ivec->second.clear();
+    }*/
+    BBTermMemo.clear();
+    BBFormMemo.clear();
+    NodeLetVarMap.clear();
+    NodeLetVarMap1.clear();
+    PLPrintNodeSet.clear();
+    AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+    SimplifyMap.clear();
+    SimplifyNegMap.clear();
+    SolverMap.clear();
+    AlwaysTrueFormMap.clear();
+    _arrayread_ite.clear();
+    _arrayread_symbol.clear();
+    _introduced_symbols.clear();
+    TransformMap.clear();
+    _letid_expr_map.clear();
+    CounterExampleMap.clear();
+    ComputeFormulaMap.clear();
+    StatInfoSet.clear();
+    // for(std::vector<ASTVec *>::iterator it=_asserts.begin(),
+    // 	  itend=_asserts.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+    //       (*it)->clear();
+    //     }
+    _asserts.clear();
+    for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator iset = _arrayname_readindices.begin(), 
+	  iset_end = _arrayname_readindices.end();
+	iset!=iset_end;iset++) {
+      iset->second.clear();
+    }
+    _arrayname_readindices.clear();
+    _interior_unique_table.clear();
+    _symbol_unique_table.clear();
+    _bvconst_unique_table.clear();
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::ClearAllCaches(void) {
+    //clear all tables before calling toplevelsat
+    _ASTNode_to_SATVar.clear();
+    _SATVar_to_AST.clear();
+    for(ASTtoBitvectorMap::iterator it=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.begin(),
+	  itend=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+      delete it->second;
+    }
+    _ASTNode_to_Bitvector.clear();
+    /*OLD destructor
+     * for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator ivec = BBTermMemo.begin(),
+	  ivec_end=BBTermMemo.end();ivec!=ivec_end;ivec++) {
+      ivec->second.clear();
+    }*/
+    /*What should I do here?
+     *for(ASTNodeMap::iterator ivec = BBTermMemo.begin(),
+	  ivec_end=BBTermMemo.end();ivec!=ivec_end;ivec++) {
+      ivec->second.clear();
+    }*/
+    BBTermMemo.clear();
+    BBFormMemo.clear();
+    NodeLetVarMap.clear();
+    NodeLetVarMap1.clear();
+    PLPrintNodeSet.clear();
+    AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+    SimplifyMap.clear();
+    SimplifyNegMap.clear();
+    SolverMap.clear();
+    AlwaysTrueFormMap.clear();
+    _arrayread_ite.clear();
+    _arrayread_symbol.clear();
+    _introduced_symbols.clear();
+    TransformMap.clear();
+    _letid_expr_map.clear();
+    CounterExampleMap.clear();
+    ComputeFormulaMap.clear();
+    StatInfoSet.clear();
+    for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator iset = _arrayname_readindices.begin(), 
+	  iset_end = _arrayname_readindices.end();
+	iset!=iset_end;iset++) {
+      iset->second.clear();
+    }
+    _arrayname_readindices.clear();
+    //_interior_unique_table.clear();
+    //_symbol_unique_table.clear();
+    //_bvconst_unique_table.clear();
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::CopySolverMap_To_CounterExample(void) {
+    if(!SolverMap.empty()) {
+      CounterExampleMap.insert(SolverMap.begin(),SolverMap.end());
+    }
+  }
+  void FatalError(const char * str, const ASTNode& a, int w) {
+    if(a.GetKind() != UNDEFINED) {
+      cerr << "Fatal Error: " << str << endl << a << endl;
+      cerr << w << endl;
+    }
+    else {
+      cerr << "Fatal Error: " << str << endl;
+      cerr << w << endl;
+    }
+    if (vc_error_hdlr)
+      vc_error_hdlr(str);
+    exit(-1);
+    //assert(0);
+  }
+  void FatalError(const char * str) {
+    cerr << "Fatal Error: " << str << endl;
+    if (vc_error_hdlr)
+      vc_error_hdlr(str);
+    exit(-1);
+    //assert(0);
+  }
+  //Variable Order Printer: A global function which converts a MINISAT
+  //var into a ASTNODE var. It then prints this var along with
+  //variable order dcisions taken by MINISAT.
+  void Convert_MINISATVar_To_ASTNode_Print(int minisat_var, 
+  					   int decision_level, int polarity) {
+    BEEV::ASTNode vv = globalBeevMgr_for_parser->_SATVar_to_AST[minisat_var];
+    cout << spaces(decision_level);
+    if(polarity) {
+      cout << "!";
+    }
+    vv.PL_Print(cout,0);
+    cout << endl;
+  }
+  void SortByExprNum(ASTVec& v) {
+    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), exprless);
+  }
+  bool isAtomic(Kind kind) {
+    if(TRUE == kind ||
+       FALSE == kind ||
+       EQ == kind ||
+       NEQ == kind ||
+       BVLT == kind ||
+       BVLE == kind ||
+       BVGT == kind ||
+       BVGE == kind ||
+       BVSLT == kind ||
+       BVSLE == kind ||
+       BVSGT == kind ||
+       BVSGE == kind ||
+       SYMBOL == kind ||
+       BVGETBIT == kind)
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  BeevMgr::~BeevMgr() {
+    ClearAllTables();
+  }
+}; // end namespace
diff --git a/stp/AST/AST.h b/stp/AST/AST.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53ed7016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/AST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1805 @@
+// -*- c++ -*-
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+#ifndef AST_H
+#define AST_H
+#include <vector>
+#ifdef EXT_HASH_MAP
+#include <ext/hash_set>
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+#include <hash_set>
+#include <hash_map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include "ASTUtil.h"
+#include "ASTKind.h"
+#include "../sat/Solver.h"
+#include "../sat/SolverTypes.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "../constantbv/constantbv.h"
+ *
+ * class BeevMgr;  
+ * class ASTNode; 
+ * class ASTInternal;  
+ * class ASTInterior;  
+ * class ASTSymbol;
+ * class ASTBVConst;
+ *****************************************************************************/
+namespace BEEV {
+  using namespace std; 
+  using namespace MINISAT;
+#ifdef EXT_HASH_MAP
+  using namespace __gnu_cxx;
+  //return types for the GetType() function in ASTNode class
+  enum types {
+    BOOLEAN_TYPE = 0,
+  };
+  class BeevMgr;  
+  class ASTNode; 
+  class ASTInternal;  
+  class ASTInterior;  
+  class ASTSymbol;
+  class ASTBVConst;
+  class BVSolver;
+  //Vector of ASTNodes, used for child nodes among other things.  
+  typedef vector<ASTNode> ASTVec;
+  extern ASTVec _empty_ASTVec;
+  extern BeevMgr * globalBeevMgr_for_parser;
+  typedef unsigned int * CBV;
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  /*  Class ASTNode: Smart pointer to actual ASTNode internal datastructure. */
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  class ASTNode {
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class vector<ASTNode>;
+    //Print the arguments in lisp format.
+    friend ostream &LispPrintVec(ostream &os, 
+				 const ASTVec &v, int indentation = 0); 
+  private:
+    // FIXME: make this into a reference?
+    ASTInternal * _int_node_ptr;	// The real data.
+    // Usual constructor.  
+    ASTNode(ASTInternal *in);
+    //Check if it points to a null node
+    bool IsNull () const { return _int_node_ptr == NULL; }
+    //Equal iff ASTIntNode pointers are the same.
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTNode node1, const ASTNode node2){
+      return ((size_t) node1._int_node_ptr) == ((size_t) node2._int_node_ptr);
+    }
+    /* FIXME:  Nondeterministic code *** */
+    /** questionable pointer comparison function */
+    friend bool operator<(const ASTNode node1, const ASTNode node2){
+      return ((size_t) node1._int_node_ptr) < ((size_t) node2._int_node_ptr);
+    }
+  public:
+    // This is for sorting by expression number (used in Boolean
+    //optimization)
+    friend bool exprless(const ASTNode n1, const ASTNode n2) {
+      Kind k1 = n1.GetKind();
+      Kind k2 = n2.GetKind();
+      if(BVCONST == k1 && BVCONST != k2){
+	return true;
+      }
+      if(BVCONST != k1 && BVCONST == k2){
+	return false;
+      }
+      if(SYMBOL == k1 && SYMBOL != k2) {
+      	return true;
+      }
+      if(SYMBOL != k1 && SYMBOL == k2) {
+      	return false;
+      }
+      return (n1.GetNodeNum() < n2.GetNodeNum());
+    }//end of exprless 
+    // Internal lisp-form printer that does not clear _node_print_table
+    ostream &LispPrint1(ostream &os, int indentation) const;
+    ostream &LispPrint_indent(ostream &os, int indentation) const;
+    // For lisp DAG printing.  Has it been printed already, so we can
+    // just print the node number?
+    bool IsAlreadyPrinted() const;
+    void MarkAlreadyPrinted() const;
+  public:
+    // Default constructor.  This gets used when declaring an ASTVec
+    // of a given size, in the hash table, etc.  For faster
+    // refcounting, create a symbol node for NULL.  Give it a big
+    // initial refcount.  Never free it.  also check, for ref-count
+    // overflow?
+    ASTNode() : _int_node_ptr(NULL) { };
+    // Copy constructor
+    ASTNode(const ASTNode &n);
+    // Destructor
+    ~ASTNode();
+    // Assignment (for ref counting)
+    ASTNode& operator=(const ASTNode& n);
+    BeevMgr &GetBeevMgr() const;
+    // Access node number
+    int GetNodeNum() const;
+    // Access kind.  Inlined later because of declaration ordering problems.
+    Kind GetKind() const;
+    // access Children
+    const ASTVec &GetChildren() const;
+    // Return the number of child nodes
+    size_t Degree() const{ 
+      return GetChildren().size(); 
+    };    
+    // Get indexth childNode.
+    const ASTNode operator[](size_t index) const { 
+      return GetChildren()[index]; 
+    };    
+    // Get begin() iterator for child nodes
+    ASTVec::const_iterator begin() const{ 
+      return GetChildren().begin(); 
+    };  
+    // Get end() iterator for child nodes
+    ASTVec::const_iterator end() const{ 
+      return GetChildren().end(); 
+    };
+    //Get back() element for child nodes
+    const ASTNode back() const{
+      return GetChildren().back();
+    };  
+    // Get the name from a symbol (char *).  It's an error if kind != SYMBOL
+    const char * const GetName() const;
+    //Get the BVCONST value
+    const CBV GetBVConst() const;
+    unsigned long long int GetBVConst() const;
+    /*ASTNode is of type BV <==> ((indexwidth=0)&&(valuewidth>0))
+     *
+     *ASTNode is of type ARRAY <==> ((indexwidth>0)&&(valuewidth>0))
+     *
+     *ASTNode is of type BOOLEAN <==> ((indexwidth=0)&&(valuewidth=0))
+     *
+     *both indexwidth and valuewidth should never be less than 0
+     */
+    unsigned int GetIndexWidth () const;
+    // FIXME: This function is dangerous.  Try to eliminate it's use.
+    void SetIndexWidth (unsigned int iw) const;
+    unsigned int GetValueWidth () const;
+    // FIXME: This function is dangerous.  Try to eliminate it's use.
+    void SetValueWidth (unsigned int vw) const;
+    //return the type of the ASTNode
+    //0 iff BOOLEAN
+    //1 iff BITVECTOR
+    //2 iff ARRAY
+    /*ASTNode is of type BV <==> ((indexwidth=0)&&(valuewidth>0))
+     *
+     *ASTNode is of type ARRAY <==> ((indexwidth>0)&&(valuewidth>0))
+     *
+     *ASTNode is of type BOOLEAN <==> ((indexwidth=0)&&(valuewidth=0))
+     *
+     *both indexwidth and valuewidth should never be less than 0
+     */    
+    types GetType(void) const;
+    // Hash is pointer value of _int_node_ptr.
+    const size_t Hash() const{ 
+      return (size_t) _int_node_ptr; 
+      //return GetNodeNum(); 
+    }
+    // lisp-form printer 
+    ostream& LispPrint(ostream &os, int indentation = 0) const;
+    //Presentation Language Printer
+    ostream& PL_Print(ostream &os, int indentation = 0) const;
+    void PL_Print1(ostream &os, int indentation = 0, bool b = false) const;
+    //Construct let variables for shared subterms
+    void LetizeNode(void) const;
+    // Attempt to define something that will work in the gdb
+    friend void lp(ASTNode &node);
+    friend void lpvec(const ASTVec &vec);
+    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ASTNode &node) { 
+      node.LispPrint(os, 0); 
+      return os; 
+    };
+    // Check whether the ASTNode points to anything.  Undefined nodes
+    // are created by the default constructor.  In binding table (for
+    // lambda args, etc.), undefined nodes are used to represent
+    // deleted entries.
+    bool IsDefined() const { return _int_node_ptr != NULL; }        
+    /* Hasher class for STL hash_maps and hash_sets that use ASTNodes
+     * as keys.  Needs to be public so people can define hash tables
+     * (and use ASTNodeMap class)*/
+    class ASTNodeHasher {
+    public:
+      size_t operator() (const ASTNode& n) const{ 
+	return (size_t) n._int_node_ptr; 
+	//return (size_t)n.GetNodeNum();
+      };
+    }; //End of ASTNodeHasher
+    /* Equality for ASTNode hash_set and hash_map. Returns true iff
+     * internal pointers are the same.  Needs to be public so people
+     * can define hash tables (and use ASTNodeSet class)*/
+    class ASTNodeEqual {
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTNode& n1, const ASTNode& n2) const{ 
+	return (n1._int_node_ptr == n2._int_node_ptr); 
+      }
+    }; //End of ASTNodeEqual
+  }; //End of Class ASTNode
+  void FatalError(const char * str, const ASTNode& a, int w = 0);
+  void FatalError(const char * str);
+  void SortByExprNum(ASTVec& c);
+  bool exprless(const ASTNode n1, const ASTNode n2);
+  bool isAtomic(Kind k);
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  /*  Class ASTInternal:Abstract base class for internal node representation.*/
+  /*                    Requires Kind and ChildNodes so same traversal works */
+  /*                    on all nodes.                                        */
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  class ASTInternal {
+    friend class ASTNode;
+  protected:    
+    // reference count.
+    int _ref_count;
+    // Kind.  It's a type tag and the operator.
+    Kind _kind;  
+    // The vector of children (*** should this be in ASTInterior? ***)
+    ASTVec _children;
+    // Manager object.  Having this backpointer means it's easy to
+    // find the manager when we need it.
+    BeevMgr &_bm;
+    //Nodenum is a unique positive integer for the node.  The nodenum
+    //of a node should always be greater than its descendents (which
+    //is easily achieved by incrementing the number each time a new
+    //node is created).
+    int _node_num;
+    // Length of bitvector type for array index.  The term is an
+    // array iff this is positive.  Otherwise, the term is a bitvector
+    // or a bit.
+    unsigned int _index_width;
+    // Length of bitvector type for scalar value or array element.
+    // If this is one, the term represents a single bit (same as a bitvector
+    // of length 1).  It must be 1 or greater.
+    unsigned int _value_width;
+    // Increment refcount.
+#ifndef SMTLIB
+    void IncRef() { ++_ref_count; }
+    void IncRef() { }
+    // DecRef is a potentially expensive, because it has to delete 
+    // the node from the unique table, in addition to freeing it.
+    // FIXME:  Consider putting in a backpointer (iterator) to the hash
+    // table entry so it can be deleted without looking it up again.
+    void DecRef();
+    virtual const Kind GetKind() const { return _kind; }
+    virtual ASTVec const &GetChildren() const { return _children; }
+    int GetNodeNum() const { return _node_num; }
+    void SetNodeNum(int nn) { _node_num = nn; };
+    // Constructor (bm only)
+    ASTInternal(BeevMgr &bm, int nodenum = 0) :
+      _ref_count(0),
+      _kind(UNDEFINED),
+      _bm(bm),
+      _node_num(nodenum),
+      _index_width(0),
+      _value_width(0) { }
+    // Constructor (kind only, empty children, int nodenum) 
+    ASTInternal(Kind kind, BeevMgr &bm, int nodenum = 0) : 
+      _ref_count(0),
+      _kind(kind),
+      _bm(bm),
+      _node_num(nodenum),
+      _index_width(0),
+      _value_width(0) { } 
+    // Constructor (kind and children).  This copies the contents of
+    // the child nodes.
+    // FIXME: is there a way to avoid repeating these?
+    ASTInternal(Kind kind, const ASTVec &children, BeevMgr &bm, int nodenum = 0) : 
+      _ref_count(0),
+      _kind(kind),
+      _children(children),
+      _bm(bm),
+      _node_num(nodenum),
+      _index_width(0),
+      _value_width(0) { } 
+    // Copy constructor.  This copies the contents of the child nodes
+    // array, along with everything else.  Assigning the smart pointer,
+    // ASTNode, does NOT invoke this; This should only be used for 
+    // temporary hash keys before uniquefication.
+    // FIXME:  I don't think children need to be copied.
+    ASTInternal(const ASTInternal &int_node, int nodenum = 0) :
+      _ref_count(0),
+      _kind(int_node._kind),
+      _children(int_node._children),
+      _bm(int_node._bm),
+      _node_num(int_node._node_num), 
+      _index_width(int_node._index_width),
+      _value_width(int_node._value_width) { } 
+    // Copying assign operator.  Also copies contents of children.
+    ASTInternal& operator=(const ASTInternal &int_node);
+    // Cleanup function for removing from hash table
+    virtual void CleanUp() = 0;
+    // Destructor (does nothing, but is declared virtual here.
+    virtual ~ASTInternal();
+    // Abstract virtual print function for internal node.
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) { os << "*"; };
+  }; //End of Class ASTInternal
+  // FIXME: Should children be only in interior node type?
+  /***************************************************************************
+    Class ASTInterior: Internal representation of an interior
+       ASTNode.  Generally, these nodes should have at least one
+      child
+  ***************************************************************************/
+  class ASTInterior : public ASTInternal {    
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class ASTNodeHasher;
+    friend class ASTNodeEqual;   
+  private:
+    // Hasher for ASTInterior pointer nodes
+    class ASTInteriorHasher {
+    public:
+      size_t operator()(const ASTInterior *int_node_ptr) const;
+    };
+    // Equality for ASTInterior nodes
+    class ASTInteriorEqual {
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTInterior *int_node_ptr1, 
+		      const ASTInterior *int_node_ptr2) const{
+	return (*int_node_ptr1 == *int_node_ptr2);
+      }
+    };
+    // Used in Equality class for hash tables
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTInterior &int_node1, 
+			   const ASTInterior &int_node2){
+      return (int_node1._kind == int_node2._kind) && 
+	(int_node1._children == int_node2._children);
+    }
+    // Call this when deleting a node that has been stored in the
+    // the unique table
+    virtual void CleanUp();
+    // Returns kinds.  "lispprinter" handles printing of parenthesis
+    // and childnodes.
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) {
+      os << _kind_names[_kind];
+    }
+    public:
+    // FIXME: This should not be public, but has to be because the
+    // ASTInterior hash table insists on it.  I can't seem to make the
+    // private destructor visible to hash_set.  It does not even work
+    // to put "friend class hash_set<ASTInterior, ...>" in here.
+    // Basic constructors
+    ASTInterior(Kind kind,  BeevMgr &bm) :
+      ASTInternal(kind, bm) {  }    
+    ASTInterior(Kind kind, ASTVec &children, BeevMgr &bm) :
+      ASTInternal(kind, children, bm) {  }    
+    //Copy constructor.  This copies the contents of the child nodes
+    //array, along with everything else. Assigning the smart pointer,
+    //ASTNode, does NOT invoke this.
+    ASTInterior(const ASTInterior &int_node) : ASTInternal(int_node) { }
+    // Destructor (does nothing, but is declared virtual here.
+    virtual ~ASTInterior();
+  }; //End of ASTNodeInterior
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  /*  Class ASTSymbol:  Class to represent internals of Symbol node.         */
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  class ASTSymbol : public ASTInternal{
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class ASTNode;
+    friend class ASTNodeHasher;
+    friend class ASTNodeEqual;
+  private:
+    // The name of the symbol
+    const char * const _name;
+    class ASTSymbolHasher{
+    public:
+      size_t operator() (const ASTSymbol *sym_ptr) const{ 
+	hash<char*> h; 
+	return h(sym_ptr->_name); 
+      };
+    };
+    // Equality for ASTInternal nodes
+    class ASTSymbolEqual{
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTSymbol *sym_ptr1, const ASTSymbol *sym_ptr2) const{ 
+	return (*sym_ptr1 == *sym_ptr2); 
+      }
+    };
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTSymbol &sym1, const ASTSymbol &sym2){
+      return (strcmp(sym1._name, sym2._name) == 0);
+    }
+    const char * const GetName() const{return _name;}  
+    // Print function for symbol -- return name */
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) { os << _name;}
+    // Call this when deleting a node that has been stored in the
+    // the unique table
+    virtual void CleanUp();
+    public:
+    // Default constructor
+    ASTSymbol(BeevMgr &bm) : ASTInternal(bm), _name(NULL) { }
+    // Constructor.  This does NOT copy its argument.
+    ASTSymbol(const char * const name, BeevMgr &bm) : ASTInternal(SYMBOL, bm), 
+						      _name(name) { }
+    // Destructor (does nothing, but is declared virtual here.
+    virtual ~ASTSymbol();
+    // Copy constructor
+    // FIXME: seems to be calling default constructor for astinternal
+    ASTSymbol(const ASTSymbol &sym) :
+      ASTInternal(sym._kind, sym._children, sym._bm), 
+      _name(sym._name) { } 
+  }; //End of ASTSymbol
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  /*  Class ASTBVConst:  Class to represent internals of a bitvectorconst    */
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  class ASTBVConst : public ASTInternal {
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class ASTNode;
+    friend class ASTNodeHasher;
+    friend class ASTNodeEqual;
+  private:
+    //This is the private copy of a bvconst currently
+    //This should not be changed at any point
+    CBV _bvconst;
+    class ASTBVConstHasher{
+    public:
+      size_t operator() (const ASTBVConst * bvc) const {
+        return CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Hash(bvc->_bvconst);
+      };
+    };
+    class ASTBVConstEqual{
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTBVConst * bvc1, const ASTBVConst  * bvc2) const { 
+        if( bvc1->_value_width != bvc2->_value_width){
+	  return false;
+	}  
+	return (0==CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Compare(bvc1->_bvconst,bvc2->_bvconst));
+      }
+    };
+    //FIXME Keep an eye on this function
+    ASTBVConst(CBV bv, unsigned int width, BeevMgr &bm) :
+      ASTInternal(BVCONST, bm)
+    {
+      _bvconst = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Clone(bv);
+      _value_width = width;
+    }
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTBVConst &bvc1, const ASTBVConst &bvc2){
+      if(bvc1._value_width != bvc2._value_width)
+        return false;
+      return (0==CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Compare(bvc1._bvconst,bvc2._bvconst));
+    }
+    // Call this when deleting a node that has been stored in the
+    // the unique table
+    virtual void CleanUp();
+    // Print function for bvconst -- return _bvconst value in bin format
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) {
+      unsigned char *res;
+      const char *prefix;
+      if (_value_width%4 == 0) {
+        res = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_to_Hex(_bvconst);
+        prefix = "0hex";
+      } else {      
+        res = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_to_Bin(_bvconst);
+        prefix = "0bin";
+      }
+      if (NULL == res) {
+        os << "nodeprint: BVCONST : could not convert to string" << _bvconst;
+        FatalError("");
+      }
+      os << prefix << res;
+      CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Dispose(res);
+    }
+    // Copy constructor.     
+    ASTBVConst(const ASTBVConst &sym) : 
+      ASTInternal(sym._kind, sym._children, sym._bm)
+    {
+      _bvconst = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Clone(sym._bvconst);
+      _value_width = sym._value_width;
+    }
+  public:
+    virtual ~ASTBVConst(){
+       CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Destroy(_bvconst);
+    }
+    CBV GetBVConst() const {return _bvconst;}
+  }; //End of ASTBVConst
+  //FIXME This function is DEPRICATED
+  //Do not use in the future
+  inline unsigned int GetUnsignedConst(const ASTNode n) {
+    if(32 < n.GetValueWidth())
+      FatalError("GetUnsignedConst: cannot convert bvconst of length greater than 32 to unsigned int:");
+    return (unsigned int) *((unsigned int *)n.GetBVConst());
+  }
+  class ASTBVConst : public ASTInternal {
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class ASTNode;
+    friend class ASTNodeHasher;
+    friend class ASTNodeEqual;
+  private:
+    // the bitvector contents. bitvector contents will be in two
+    // modes. one mode where all bitvectors are NATIVE and in this
+    // mode we use native unsigned long long int to represent the
+    // 32/64 bitvectors. The other for arbitrary length bitvector
+    // operations.
+    const unsigned long long int _bvconst;
+    class ASTBVConstHasher{
+    public:
+      size_t operator() (const ASTBVConst * bvc) const{ 
+	//Thomas Wang's 64 bit Mix Function
+	unsigned long long int key(bvc->_bvconst);
+	key += ~(key << 32);
+	key ^= (key  >> 22);
+	key += ~(key << 13);
+	key ^= (key  >> 8);
+	key += (key  << 3);
+	key ^= (key  >> 15);
+	key += ~(key << 27);
+	key ^= (key  >> 31);
+	size_t return_key = key;
+	return return_key;
+      };
+    };
+    class ASTBVConstEqual{
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTBVConst * bvc1, const ASTBVConst  * bvc2) const { 
+	return ((bvc1->_bvconst == bvc2->_bvconst) 
+		&& (bvc1->_value_width == bvc2->_value_width));
+      }
+    };
+    // Call this when deleting a node that has been stored in the
+    // the unique table
+    virtual void CleanUp();
+  public:
+    // Default constructor
+    ASTBVConst(const unsigned long long int bv, BeevMgr &bm) : 
+      ASTInternal(BVCONST, bm), _bvconst(bv) { 
+    }
+    // Copy constructor. FIXME: figure out how this is supposed to
+    // work.
+    ASTBVConst(const ASTBVConst &sym) : 
+      ASTInternal(sym._kind, sym._children, sym._bm), 
+      _bvconst(sym._bvconst) { 
+      _value_width = sym._value_width;
+    } 
+    // Destructor (does nothing, but is declared virtual here)
+    virtual ~ASTBVConst() { } 
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTBVConst &sym1, const ASTBVConst &sym2){
+      return ((sym1._bvconst == sym2._bvconst) && 
+	      (sym1._value_width == sym2._value_width));
+    }
+    // Print function for bvconst -- return _bvconst value in binary format
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) {
+      string s = "0bin";
+      unsigned long long int bitmask = 0x8000000000000000LL;
+      bitmask = bitmask >> (64-_value_width);
+      for (; bitmask > 0; bitmask >>= 1)
+	s += (_bvconst & bitmask) ? '1' : '0';	
+      os << s;
+    }
+    unsigned long long int GetBVConst() const  {return _bvconst;}
+  }; //End of ASTBVConst
+  //return value of bvconst
+  inline unsigned int GetUnsignedConst(const ASTNode n) {
+    if(32 < n.GetValueWidth())
+      FatalError("GetUnsignedConst: cannot convert bvconst of length greater than 32 to unsigned int:");    
+    return (unsigned int)n.GetBVConst();
+  }
+  // the bitvector contents. bitvector contents will be in two
+  // modes. one mode where all bitvectors are NATIVE and in this mode
+  // we use native unsigned long long int to represent the 32/64
+  // bitvectors. The other for arbitrary length bitvector operations.
+  //BVCONST defined for arbitrary length bitvectors
+  class ASTBVConst : public ASTInternal{
+    friend class BeevMgr;
+    friend class ASTNode;
+    friend class ASTNodeHasher;
+    friend class ASTNodeEqual;
+  private:
+    const char * const _bvconst;
+    class ASTBVConstHasher{
+    public:
+      size_t operator() (const ASTBVConst * bvc) const{ 
+	hash<char*> h;	
+	return h(bvc->_bvconst);
+      };
+    };
+    class ASTBVConstEqual{
+    public:
+      bool operator()(const ASTBVConst * bvc1, const ASTBVConst  * bvc2) const { 
+	if(bvc1->_value_width != bvc2->_value_width)
+	  return false;
+	return (0 == strncmp(bvc1->_bvconst,bvc2->_bvconst,bvc1->_value_width));
+      }
+    };
+    ASTBVConst(const char * bv, BeevMgr &bm) : 
+      ASTInternal(BVCONST, bm), _bvconst(bv) { 
+      //_value_width = strlen(bv);
+    }
+    friend bool operator==(const ASTBVConst &bvc1, const ASTBVConst &bvc2){
+      if(bvc1._value_width != bvc2._value_width)
+	return false;
+      return (0 == strncmp(bvc1._bvconst,bvc2._bvconst,bvc1._value_width));
+    }
+    // Call this when deleting a node that has been stored in the
+    // the unique table
+    virtual void CleanUp();
+    // Print function for bvconst -- return _bvconst value in binary format
+    virtual void nodeprint(ostream& os) {
+      if(_value_width%4 == 0) {
+	unsigned int *  iii = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Create(_value_width,true);
+	CONSTANTBV::ErrCode e = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_from_Bin(iii,(unsigned char*)_bvconst);
+	//error printing
+	if(0 != e) {
+	  os << "nodeprint: BVCONST : wrong hex value: " << BitVector_Error(e);
+	  FatalError("");
+	}
+	unsigned char * ccc = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_to_Hex(iii);
+	os << "0hex" << ccc;
+	CONSTANTBV::BitVector_Destroy(iii);
+      }
+      else {
+	std::string s(_bvconst,_value_width);
+	s = "0bin" + s;
+	os << s;
+      }
+    }
+    // Copy constructor.     
+    ASTBVConst(const ASTBVConst &sym) : ASTInternal(sym._kind, sym._children, sym._bm),_bvconst(sym._bvconst) { 
+      //checking if the input is in the correct format
+      for(unsigned int jj=0;jj<sym._value_width;jj++)
+	if(!(sym._bvconst[jj] == '0' || sym._bvconst[jj] == '1')) {
+	  cerr << "Fatal Error: wrong input to ASTBVConst copy constructor:" << sym._bvconst << endl;
+	  FatalError("");
+	}
+      _value_width = sym._value_width;
+    } 
+  public:
+    // Destructor (does nothing, but is declared virtual here)
+    virtual ~ASTBVConst(){}
+    const char * const GetBVConst() const {return _bvconst;}
+  }; //End of ASTBVConst
+  unsigned int * ConvertToCONSTANTBV(const char * s);
+  //return value of bvconst
+  inline unsigned int GetUnsignedConst(const ASTNode n) {
+    if(32 < n.GetValueWidth())
+      FatalError("GetUnsignedConst: cannot convert bvconst of length greater than 32 to unsigned int:");    
+    std::string s(n.GetBVConst(), n.GetValueWidth());
+      unsigned int output = strtoul(s.c_str(),NULL,2);
+      return output;
+  } //end of ASTBVConst class
+  /***************************************************************************
+   * Typedef ASTNodeMap:  This is a hash table from ASTNodes to ASTNodes.
+   * It is very convenient for attributes that are not speed-critical
+   **************************************************************************/
+  // These are generally useful for storing ASTNodes or attributes thereof
+  // Hash table from ASTNodes to ASTNodes
+  typedef hash_map<ASTNode, ASTNode, 
+		   ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+		   ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTNodeMap;
+  // Function to dump contents of ASTNodeMap
+  ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ASTNodeMap &nmap);
+  /***************************************************************************
+   Typedef ASTNodeSet:  This is a hash set of ASTNodes.  Very useful
+   for representing things like "visited nodes"
+  ***************************************************************************/
+  typedef hash_set<ASTNode, 
+		   ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+		   ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTNodeSet;
+  typedef hash_multiset<ASTNode, 
+			ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+			ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTNodeMultiSet;
+  //external parser table for declared symbols.
+  //FIXME: move to a more appropriate place
+  extern ASTNodeSet _parser_symbol_table;
+  /***************************************************************************
+    Class LispPrinter:  iomanipulator for printing ASTNode or ASTVec       
+  ***************************************************************************/
+  class LispPrinter {
+  public:
+    ASTNode _node;
+    // number of spaces to print before first real character of
+    // object.
+    int _indentation;  
+    // FIXME: pass ASTNode by reference
+    // Constructor to build the LispPrinter object
+    LispPrinter(ASTNode node, int indentation): _node(node), _indentation(indentation) { }    
+    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const LispPrinter &lp){ 
+      return lp._node.LispPrint(os, lp._indentation); 
+    };
+  }; //End of ListPrinter
+  //This is the IO manipulator.  It builds an object of class
+  //"LispPrinter" that has a special overloaded "<<" operator.
+  inline LispPrinter lisp(const ASTNode &node, int indentation = 0){
+    LispPrinter lp(node, indentation);
+    return lp;
+  }
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  /*  Class LispVecPrinter:iomanipulator for printing vector of ASTNodes     */
+  /***************************************************************************/
+  class LispVecPrinter {
+  public:
+    const ASTVec * _vec;
+    // number of spaces to print before first real
+    // character of object.    
+    int _indentation;
+    // Constructor to build the LispPrinter object
+    LispVecPrinter(const ASTVec &vec, int indentation){
+      _vec = &vec; _indentation = indentation; 
+    }
+    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const LispVecPrinter &lvp){
+    LispPrintVec(os, *lvp._vec, lvp._indentation);
+    return os;
+    };
+  }; //End of Class ListVecPrinter
+  //iomanipulator. builds an object of class "LisPrinter" that has a
+  //special overloaded "<<" operator.
+  inline LispVecPrinter lisp(const ASTVec &vec, int indentation = 0){
+    LispVecPrinter lvp(vec, indentation);
+    return lvp;
+  }
+  /*****************************************************************
+   * INLINE METHODS from various classed, declared here because of
+   * dependencies on classes that are declared later.
+   *****************************************************************/
+  // ASTNode accessor function.
+  inline Kind ASTNode::GetKind() const { 
+    //cout << "GetKind: " << _int_node_ptr; 
+    return _int_node_ptr->GetKind(); 
+  }
+  // FIXME: should be const ASTVec const?  
+  // Declared here because of same ordering problem as  GetKind.
+  inline const ASTVec &ASTNode::GetChildren() const { 
+    return _int_node_ptr->GetChildren(); 
+  }
+  // Access node number
+  inline int ASTNode::GetNodeNum() const { 
+    return _int_node_ptr->_node_num; 
+  }
+  inline unsigned int ASTNode::GetIndexWidth () const { 
+    return _int_node_ptr->_index_width; 
+  }
+  inline void ASTNode::SetIndexWidth (unsigned int iw) const { 
+    _int_node_ptr->_index_width = iw;
+  }
+  inline unsigned int ASTNode::GetValueWidth () const { 
+    return _int_node_ptr->_value_width; 
+  }
+  inline void ASTNode::SetValueWidth (unsigned int vw) const {
+    _int_node_ptr->_value_width = vw; 
+  }
+  //return the type of the ASTNode: 0 iff BOOLEAN; 1 iff BITVECTOR; 2
+  //iff ARRAY; 3 iff UNKNOWN;
+  inline types ASTNode::GetType() const {
+    if((GetIndexWidth() == 0) && (GetValueWidth() == 0)) //BOOLEAN
+      return BOOLEAN_TYPE;
+    if((GetIndexWidth() == 0) && (GetValueWidth() > 0))  //BITVECTOR
+      return BITVECTOR_TYPE;
+    if((GetIndexWidth() > 0) && (GetValueWidth() > 0)) //ARRAY
+      return ARRAY_TYPE;
+    return UNKNOWN_TYPE; 
+  }
+  // Constructor; creates a new pointer, increments refcount of
+  // pointed-to object.
+#ifndef SMTLIB
+  inline ASTNode::ASTNode(ASTInternal *in) : _int_node_ptr(in) { 
+    if (in) in->IncRef(); 
+  }
+  inline ASTNode::ASTNode(ASTInternal *in) : _int_node_ptr(in) { };
+  // Assignment.  Increment refcount of new value, decrement refcount
+  // of old value and destroy if this was the last pointer.  FIXME:
+  // accelerate this by creating an intnode with a ref counter instead
+  // of pointing to NULL.  Need a special check in CleanUp to make
+  // sure the null node never gets freed.
+#ifndef SMTLIB
+  inline ASTNode& ASTNode::operator=(const ASTNode& n) {
+    if (n._int_node_ptr) {
+      n._int_node_ptr->IncRef();
+    }
+    if (_int_node_ptr) {
+      _int_node_ptr->DecRef();
+    }
+    _int_node_ptr = n._int_node_ptr;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  inline ASTNode& ASTNode::operator=(const ASTNode& n) {
+    _int_node_ptr = n._int_node_ptr;
+    return *this;
+  }
+#ifndef SMTLIB
+  inline void ASTInternal::DecRef()
+  {
+    if (--_ref_count == 0) {
+      // Delete node from unique table and kill it.
+      CleanUp();
+    }
+  }
+  // Destructor
+  inline ASTNode::~ASTNode()
+  {
+    if (_int_node_ptr) {
+      _int_node_ptr->DecRef();
+    }
+  };
+  // No refcounting
+  inline void ASTInternal::DecRef()
+  {
+  }
+  // Destructor
+  inline ASTNode::~ASTNode()
+  {
+  };
+  inline BeevMgr& ASTNode::GetBeevMgr() const { return _int_node_ptr->_bm; }
+  /***************************************************************************
+   * Class BeevMgr.  This holds all "global" variables for the system, such as
+   * unique tables for the various kinds of nodes.
+   ***************************************************************************/
+  class BeevMgr {
+    friend class ASTNode;	// ASTNode modifies AlreadyPrintedSet
+				// in BeevMgr
+    friend class ASTInterior;
+    friend class ASTBVConst;
+    friend class ASTSymbol;
+    // FIXME: The values appear to be the same regardless of the value of SMTLIB
+    // initial hash table sizes, to save time on resizing.
+#ifdef SMTLIB
+    static const int INITIAL_INTERIOR_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SYMBOL_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BVCONST_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BBTERM_MEMO_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BBFORM_MEMO_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SIMPLIFY_MAP_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SOLVER_MAP_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_ARRAYREAD_SYMBOL_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_INTRODUCED_SYMBOLS_SIZE = 100;
+    // these are the STL defaults
+    static const int INITIAL_INTERIOR_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SYMBOL_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BVCONST_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BBTERM_MEMO_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_BBFORM_MEMO_TABLE_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SIMPLIFY_MAP_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_SOLVER_MAP_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_ARRAYREAD_SYMBOL_SIZE = 100;
+    static const int INITIAL_INTRODUCED_SYMBOLS_SIZE = 100;
+  private:
+    // Typedef for unique Interior node table. 
+    typedef hash_set<ASTInterior *, 
+		     ASTInterior::ASTInteriorHasher, 
+		     ASTInterior::ASTInteriorEqual> ASTInteriorSet;
+    // Typedef for unique Symbol node (leaf) table.
+    typedef hash_set<ASTSymbol *, 
+		     ASTSymbol::ASTSymbolHasher, 
+		     ASTSymbol::ASTSymbolEqual> ASTSymbolSet;
+    // Unique tables to share nodes whenever possible.
+    ASTInteriorSet _interior_unique_table;
+    //The _symbol_unique_table is also the symbol table to be used
+    //during parsing/semantic analysis
+    ASTSymbolSet _symbol_unique_table;
+    //Typedef for unique BVConst node (leaf) table.
+    typedef hash_set<ASTBVConst *, 
+		     ASTBVConst::ASTBVConstHasher,
+		     ASTBVConst::ASTBVConstEqual> ASTBVConstSet;
+    //table to uniquefy bvconst
+    ASTBVConstSet _bvconst_unique_table;
+    // type of memo table.
+    typedef hash_map<ASTNode, ASTVec,
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTNodeToVecMap;
+    typedef hash_map<ASTNode,ASTNodeSet,
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher,
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTNodeToSetMap;
+    // Memo table for bit blasted terms.  If a node has already been
+    // bitblasted, it is mapped to a vector of Boolean formulas for
+    // the bits.
+    //OLD: ASTNodeToVecMap BBTermMemo;
+    ASTNodeMap BBTermMemo;
+    // Memo table for bit blasted formulas.  If a node has already
+    // been bitblasted, it is mapped to a node representing the
+    // bitblasted equivalent
+    ASTNodeMap BBFormMemo;
+    //public:
+    // Get vector of Boolean formulas for sum of two
+    // vectors of Boolean formulas
+    void BBPlus2(ASTVec& sum, const ASTVec& y, ASTNode cin);
+    // Increment
+    ASTVec BBInc(ASTVec& x);
+    // Add one bit to a vector of bits.
+    ASTVec BBAddOneBit(ASTVec& x, ASTNode cin);
+    // Bitwise complement
+    ASTVec BBNeg(const ASTVec& x);
+    // Unary minus
+    ASTVec BBUminus(const ASTVec& x);
+    // Multiply.
+    ASTVec BBMult(const ASTVec& x, const ASTVec& y);
+    // AND each bit of vector y with single bit b and return the result.
+    // (used in BBMult)
+    ASTVec BBAndBit(const ASTVec& y, ASTNode b);
+    // Returns ASTVec for result - y.  This destroys "result".
+    void BBSub(ASTVec& result, const ASTVec& y);
+    // build ITE's (ITE cond then[i] else[i]) for each i.
+    ASTVec BBITE(const ASTNode& cond, 
+		 const ASTVec& thn, const ASTVec& els);
+    // Build a vector of zeros.
+    ASTVec BBfill(unsigned int width, ASTNode fillval);
+    // build an EQ formula
+    ASTNode BBEQ(const ASTVec& left, const ASTVec& right);
+    // This implements a variant of binary long division.
+    // q and r are "out" parameters.  rwidth puts a bound on the
+    // recursion depth.   Unsigned only, for now.
+    void BBDivMod(const ASTVec &y,
+		  const ASTVec &x,
+		  ASTVec &q,
+		  ASTVec &r,
+		  unsigned int rwidth);
+    // Return formula for majority function of three formulas.
+    ASTNode Majority(const ASTNode& a, const ASTNode& b, const ASTNode& c);
+    // Internal bit blasting routines.
+    ASTNode BBBVLE(const ASTVec& x, const ASTVec& y, bool is_signed);
+    // Return bit-blasted form for BVLE, BVGE, BVGT, SBLE, etc. 
+    ASTNode BBcompare(const ASTNode& form);
+    // Left and right shift one.  Writes into x.
+    void BBLShift(ASTVec& x);
+    void BBRShift(ASTVec& x);
+  public:
+    // Simplifying create functions
+    ASTNode CreateSimpForm(Kind kind, ASTVec &children);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpForm(Kind kind, const ASTNode& child0);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpForm(Kind kind,
+				    const ASTNode& child0,
+				    const ASTNode& child1);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpForm(Kind kind,
+				    const ASTNode& child0,
+				    const ASTNode& child1,
+				    const ASTNode& child2);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpNot(const ASTNode& form);
+    // These are for internal use only.
+    // FIXME: Find a way to make this local to SimpBool, so they're
+    // not in AST.h
+    ASTNode CreateSimpXor(const ASTNode& form1,
+			  const ASTNode& form2);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpXor(ASTVec &children);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpAndOr(bool isAnd,
+				     const ASTNode& form1,
+				     const ASTNode& form2);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpAndOr(bool IsAnd, ASTVec &children);
+    ASTNode CreateSimpFormITE(const ASTNode& child0,
+				       const ASTNode& child1,
+				       const ASTNode& child2);
+    // Declarations of BitBlaster functions (BitBlast.cpp)
+  public:
+    // Adds or removes a NOT as necessary to negate a literal.
+    ASTNode Negate(const ASTNode& form);
+    // Bit blast a bitvector term.  The term must have a kind for a
+    // bitvector term.  Result is a ref to a vector of formula nodes
+    // representing the boolean formula.
+    const ASTNode BBTerm(const ASTNode& term);
+    const ASTNode BBForm(const ASTNode& formula);
+    // Declarations of CNF conversion (ToCNF.cpp)
+  public:
+    // ToCNF converts a bit-blasted Boolean formula to Conjunctive
+    // 	Normal Form, suitable for many SAT solvers.  Our CNF representation
+    // 	is an STL vector of STL vectors, for independence from any particular
+    // 	SAT solver's representation.  There needs to be a separate driver to
+    // 	convert our clauselist to the representation used by the SAT solver.    
+    // 	Currently, there is only one such solver and its driver is "ToSAT"
+    // Datatype for clauses
+    typedef ASTVec * ClausePtr;
+    // Datatype for Clauselists
+    typedef vector<ClausePtr> ClauseList;
+    // Convert a Boolean formula to an equisatisfiable CNF formula.
+    ClauseList *ToCNF(const ASTNode& form);
+    // Print function for debugging
+    void PrintClauseList(ostream& os, ClauseList& cll); 
+    // Free the clause list and all its clauses.
+    void DeleteClauseList(BeevMgr::ClauseList *cllp);
+    // Map from formulas to representative literals, for debugging.
+    ASTNodeMap RepLitMap;
+  private:
+    // Global for assigning new node numbers.
+    int _max_node_num;
+    const ASTNode ASTFalse, ASTTrue, ASTUndefined;
+    // I just did this so I could put it in as a fake return value in
+    // methods that return a ASTNode &, to make -Wall shut up.
+    ASTNode dummy_node;
+    //BeevMgr Constructor, Destructor and other misc. functions
+  public:
+    int NewNodeNum() { _max_node_num += 2; return _max_node_num; } 
+    // Table for DAG printing.
+    ASTNodeSet AlreadyPrintedSet;
+    //Tables for Presentation language printing
+    //Nodes seen so far
+    ASTNodeSet PLPrintNodeSet;
+    //Map from ASTNodes to LetVars
+    ASTNodeMap NodeLetVarMap;
+    //This is a vector which stores the Node to LetVars pairs. It
+    //allows for sorted printing, as opposed to NodeLetVarMap
+    std::vector<pair<ASTNode,ASTNode> > NodeLetVarVec;
+    //a partial Map from ASTNodes to LetVars. Needed in order to
+    //correctly print shared subterms inside the LET itself
+    ASTNodeMap NodeLetVarMap1;
+    //functions to lookup nodes from the memo tables. these should be
+    //private.
+  private:
+    //Destructively appends back_child nodes to front_child nodes.
+    //If back_child nodes is NULL, no appending is done.  back_child
+    //nodes are not modified.  Then it returns the hashed copy of the
+    //node, which is created if necessary.
+    ASTInterior *CreateInteriorNode(Kind kind,
+				    ASTInterior *new_node,
+				    // this is destructively modified.
+				    const ASTVec & back_children = _empty_ASTVec);
+    // Create unique ASTInterior node.
+    ASTInterior *LookupOrCreateInterior(ASTInterior *n);
+    // Create unique ASTSymbol node. 
+    ASTSymbol *LookupOrCreateSymbol(ASTSymbol& s);
+    // Called whenever we want to make sure that the Symbol is
+    // declared during semantic analysis
+    bool LookupSymbol(ASTSymbol& s);
+    // Called by ASTNode constructors to uniqueify ASTBVConst
+    ASTBVConst *LookupOrCreateBVConst(ASTBVConst& s);
+    //Public functions for CreateNodes and Createterms
+  public:
+    // Create and return an ASTNode for a symbol
+    ASTNode CreateSymbol(const char * const name);
+    // Create and return an ASTNode for a symbol
+    // Width is number of bits.
+    ASTNode CreateBVConst(unsigned int width, unsigned long long int bvconst);
+    ASTNode CreateZeroConst(unsigned int width);
+    ASTNode CreateOneConst(unsigned int width);
+    ASTNode CreateTwoConst(unsigned int width);
+    ASTNode CreateMaxConst(unsigned int width);
+    // Create and return an ASTNode for a symbol
+    // Optional base was a problem because 0 could be an int or char *,
+    // so CreateBVConst was ambiguous.
+    ASTNode CreateBVConst(const char *strval, int base);
+    //FIXME This is a dangerous function 
+    ASTNode CreateBVConst(CBV bv, unsigned width);
+    // Create and return an interior ASTNode
+    ASTNode CreateNode(Kind kind, const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec);
+    ASTNode CreateNode(Kind kind,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec);
+    ASTNode CreateNode(Kind kind,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTNode& child1,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec);    
+    ASTNode CreateNode(Kind kind,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTNode& child1,
+		       const ASTNode& child2,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec);
+    // Create and return an ASTNode for a term
+    inline ASTNode CreateTerm(Kind kind, 
+		       unsigned int width, 
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec) {
+      if(!is_Term_kind(kind))
+	FatalError("CreateTerm:  Illegal kind to CreateTerm:",ASTUndefined, kind);
+      ASTNode n = CreateNode(kind, children);
+      n.SetValueWidth(width);
+      //by default we assume that the term is a Bitvector. If
+      //necessary the indexwidth can be changed later
+      n.SetIndexWidth(0);
+      return n;
+    }
+    inline ASTNode CreateTerm(Kind kind,
+		       unsigned int width,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec) {
+      if(!is_Term_kind(kind))
+	FatalError("CreateTerm:  Illegal kind to CreateTerm:",ASTUndefined, kind);
+      ASTNode n = CreateNode(kind, child0, children);
+      n.SetValueWidth(width);
+      return n;
+    }
+    inline ASTNode CreateTerm(Kind kind,
+		       unsigned int width,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTNode& child1,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec) {
+      if(!is_Term_kind(kind))
+	FatalError("CreateTerm:  Illegal kind to CreateTerm:",ASTUndefined, kind);
+      ASTNode n = CreateNode(kind, child0, child1, children);
+      n.SetValueWidth(width);
+      return n;
+    }
+    inline ASTNode CreateTerm(Kind kind,
+		       unsigned int width,
+		       const ASTNode& child0,
+		       const ASTNode& child1,
+		       const ASTNode& child2,
+		       const ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec) {
+      if(!is_Term_kind(kind))
+	FatalError("CreateTerm:  Illegal kind to CreateTerm:",ASTUndefined, kind);
+      ASTNode n = CreateNode(kind, child0, child1, child2, children);
+      n.SetValueWidth(width);
+      return n;
+    }
+    ASTNode SimplifyFormula_NoRemoveWrites(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyTerm_TopLevel(const ASTNode& b);
+    ASTNode SimplifyTerm(const ASTNode& a);
+    void CheckSimplifyInvariant(const ASTNode& a, const ASTNode& output);    
+  private:
+    //memo table for simplifcation
+    ASTNodeMap SimplifyMap;
+    ASTNodeMap SimplifyNegMap;
+    ASTNodeMap SolverMap;
+    ASTNodeSet AlwaysTrueFormMap;
+    ASTNodeMap MultInverseMap;
+  public:
+    ASTNode SimplifyAtomicFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode CreateSimplifiedEQ(const ASTNode& t1, const ASTNode& t2);
+    ASTNode ITEOpt_InEqs(const ASTNode& in1);
+    ASTNode CreateSimplifiedTermITE(const ASTNode& t1, const ASTNode& t2, const ASTNode& t3);
+    ASTNode CreateSimplifiedINEQ(Kind k, const ASTNode& a0, const ASTNode& a1, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyNotFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyAndOrFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyXorFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyNandFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyNorFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyImpliesFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyIffFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode SimplifyIteFormula(const ASTNode& a, bool pushNeg);
+    ASTNode FlattenOneLevel(const ASTNode& a);
+    ASTNode FlattenAndOr(const ASTNode& a);
+    ASTNode CombineLikeTerms(const ASTNode& a);
+    ASTNode LhsMinusRhs(const ASTNode& eq);
+    ASTNode DistributeMultOverPlus(const ASTNode& a, 
+				   bool startdistribution=false);
+    ASTNode ConvertBVSXToITE(const ASTNode& a);
+    //checks if the input constant is odd or not
+    bool BVConstIsOdd(const ASTNode& c);
+    //computes the multiplicatve inverse of the input
+    ASTNode MultiplicativeInverse(const ASTNode& c);
+    void ClearAllTables(void);
+    void ClearAllCaches(void);
+    int  BeforeSAT_ResultCheck(const ASTNode& q);
+    int  CallSAT_ResultCheck(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+			     const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input);   
+    int  SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+				      const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input);
+    int SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, const ASTNode& orig_input);
+    //creates array write axiom only for the input term or formula, if
+    //necessary. If there are no axioms to produce then it simply
+    //generates TRUE
+    ASTNode Create_ArrayWriteAxioms(const ASTNode& array_readoverwrite_term, const ASTNode& array_newname);
+    ASTVec ArrayWrite_RemainingAxioms;
+    //variable indicates that counterexample will now be checked by
+    //the counterexample checker, and hence simplifyterm must switch
+    //off certain optimizations. In particular, array write
+    //optimizations
+    bool start_abstracting;
+    bool Begin_RemoveWrites;
+    bool SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag;
+    void CopySolverMap_To_CounterExample(void);
+    //int LinearSearch(const ASTNode& orig_input);    
+    //Datastructures and functions needed for counterexample
+    //generation, and interface with MINISAT
+  private:
+    /* MAP: This is a map from ASTNodes to MINISAT::Vars. 
+     *
+     * The map is populated while ASTclauses are read from the AST
+     * ClauseList returned by CNF converter. For every new boolean
+     * variable in ASTClause a new MINISAT::Var is created (these vars
+     * typedefs for ints)
+     */
+    typedef hash_map<ASTNode, MINISAT::Var, 
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTtoSATMap;        
+    ASTtoSATMap _ASTNode_to_SATVar;
+  public:  
+    //converts the clause to SAT and calls SAT solver
+    bool toSATandSolve(MINISAT::Solver& S, ClauseList& cll);
+    ///print SAT solver statistics
+    void PrintStats(MINISAT::SolverStats& stats);
+    //accepts query and returns the answer. if query is valid, return
+    //true, else return false. Automatically constructs counterexample
+    //for invalid queries, and prints them upon request.
+    int TopLevelSAT(const ASTNode& query, const ASTNode& asserts);
+    // Debugging function to find problems in BitBlast and ToCNF.
+    // See body in ToSAT.cpp for more explanation.
+    ASTNode CheckBBandCNF(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form);
+    // Internal recursive body of above.
+    ASTNode CheckBBandCNF_int(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form);
+    // Helper function for CheckBBandCNF
+    ASTNode SymbolTruthValue(MINISAT::Solver &newS, ASTNode form); 
+    //looksup a MINISAT var from the minisat-var memo-table. if none
+    //exists, then creates one.
+    const MINISAT::Var LookupOrCreateSATVar(MINISAT::Solver& S, const ASTNode& n);
+    // Memo table for CheckBBandCNF debugging function
+    ASTNodeMap CheckBBandCNFMemo;
+    //Data structures for Array Read Transformations
+  private:
+    /* MAP: This is a map from Array Names to list of array-read
+     * indices in the input. This map is used by the TransformArray()
+     * function
+     *
+     * This map is useful in converting array reads into nested ITE
+     * constructs. Suppose there are two array reads in the input
+     * Read(A,i) and Read(A,j). Then Read(A,i) is replaced with a
+     * symbolic constant, say v1, and Read(A,j) is replaced with the
+     * following ITE:
+     *
+     * ITE(i=j,v1,v2)
+     */
+    //CAUTION: I tried using a set instead of vector for
+    //readindicies. for some odd reason the performance went down
+    //considerably. this is totally inexplicable.
+    ASTNodeToVecMap _arrayname_readindices;
+    /* MAP: This is a map from Array Names to nested ITE constructs,
+     * which are built as described below. This map is used by the
+     * TransformArray() function
+     *
+     * This map is useful in converting array reads into nested ITE
+     * constructs. Suppose there are two array reads in the input
+     * Read(A,i) and Read(A,j). Then Read(A,i) is replaced with a
+     * symbolic constant, say v1, and Read(A,j) is replaced with the
+     * following ITE:
+     *
+     * ITE(i=j,v1,v2)
+     */
+    ASTNodeMap _arrayread_ite;
+    /*MAP: This is a map from array-reads to symbolic constants. This
+     *map is used by the TransformArray()
+     */
+    ASTNodeMap _arrayread_symbol;
+    ASTNodeSet _introduced_symbols;
+    /*Memoization map for TransformFormula/TransformTerm/TransformArray function
+     */
+    ASTNodeMap TransformMap;
+    //count to keep track of new symbolic constants introduced
+    //corresponding to Array Reads
+    unsigned int _symbol_count;
+    //Formula/Term Transformers. Let Expr Manager, Type Checker
+  public:
+    //Functions that Transform ASTNodes
+    ASTNode TransformFormula(const ASTNode& query);
+    ASTNode TransformTerm(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode TransformArray(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode TranslateSignedDivMod(const ASTNode& term);
+    //LET Management
+  private:
+    // MAP: This map is from bound IDs that occur in LETs to
+    // expression. The map is useful in checking replacing the IDs
+    // with the corresponding expressions.
+    ASTNodeMap _letid_expr_map;
+  public:
+    ASTNode ResolveID(const ASTNode& var);
+    //Functions that are used to manage LET expressions
+    void LetExprMgr(const ASTNode& var, const ASTNode& letExpr);
+    //Delete Letid Map
+    void CleanupLetIDMap(void);
+    //Allocate LetID map
+    void InitializeLetIDMap(void);
+    //Substitute Let-vars with LetExprs
+    ASTNode SubstituteLetExpr(ASTNode inExpr);
+    /* MAP: This is a map from MINISAT::Vars to ASTNodes
+     *
+     * This is a reverse map, useful in constructing
+     * counterexamples. MINISAT returns a model in terms of MINISAT
+     * Vars, and this map helps us convert it to a model over ASTNode
+     * variables.
+     */    
+    vector<ASTNode> _SATVar_to_AST;
+  private:        
+    /* MAP: This is a map from ASTNodes to vectors of bits
+     *
+     * This map is used in constructing and printing
+     * counterexamples. MINISAT returns values for each bit (a
+     * BVGETBIT Node), and this maps allows us to assemble the bits
+     * into bitvectors.
+     */    
+    typedef hash_map<ASTNode, hash_map<unsigned int, bool> *, 
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeHasher, 
+		     ASTNode::ASTNodeEqual> ASTtoBitvectorMap;        
+    ASTtoBitvectorMap _ASTNode_to_Bitvector;
+    //Data structure that holds the counter-model
+    ASTNodeMap CounterExampleMap;
+    //Checks if the counter_example is ok. In order for the
+    //counter_example to be ok, Every assert must evaluate to true 
+    //w.r.t couner_example and the query must evaluate to
+    //false. Otherwise the counter_example is bogus.
+    void CheckCounterExample(bool t);    
+    //Converts a vector of bools to a BVConst
+    ASTNode BoolVectoBVConst(hash_map<unsigned,bool> * w, unsigned int l);
+    //accepts a term and turns it into a constant-term w.r.t counter_example 
+    ASTNode TermToConstTermUsingModel(const ASTNode& term, bool ArrayReadFlag = true);
+    ASTNode Expand_ReadOverWrite_UsingModel(const ASTNode& term, bool ArrayReadFlag = true);
+    //Computes the truth value of a formula w.r.t counter_example
+    ASTNode ComputeFormulaUsingModel(const ASTNode& form);
+    //Replaces WRITE(Arr,i,val) with ITE(j=i, val, READ(Arr,j))
+    ASTNode RemoveWrites_TopLevel(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode RemoveWrites(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode SimplifyWrites_InPlace(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode ReadOverWrite_To_ITE(const ASTNode& term);
+    ASTNode NewArrayVar(unsigned int index, unsigned int value);
+    ASTNode NewVar(unsigned int valuewidth);
+    //For ArrayWrite Abstraction: map from read-over-write term to
+    //newname.
+    ASTNodeMap ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map;
+    //For ArrayWrite Refinement: Map new arraynames to Read-Over-Write
+    //terms
+    ASTNodeMap NewName_ReadOverWrite_Map;
+  public:
+    //print the STP solver output
+    void PrintOutput(bool true_iff_valid);
+    //Converts MINISAT counterexample into an AST memotable (i.e. the
+    //function populates the datastructure CounterExampleMap)
+    void ConstructCounterExample(MINISAT::Solver& S);
+    //Prints the counterexample to stdout
+    void PrintCounterExample(bool t,std::ostream& os=cout);
+    //Prints the counterexample to stdout
+    void PrintCounterExample_InOrder(bool t);
+    //queries the counterexample, and returns the value corresponding
+    //to e
+    ASTNode GetCounterExample(bool t, const ASTNode& e);
+    int CounterExampleSize(void) const {return CounterExampleMap.size();}
+    //FIXME: This is bloody dangerous function. Hack attack to take
+    //care of requests from users who want to store complete
+    //counter-examples in their own data structures.
+    ASTNodeMap GetCompleteCounterExample() {return CounterExampleMap;}
+    // prints MINISAT assigment one bit at a time, for debugging.
+    void PrintSATModel(MINISAT::Solver& S);
+    //accepts constant input and normalizes it. 
+    ASTNode BVConstEvaluator(const ASTNode& t);
+    //FUNCTION TypeChecker: Assumes that the immediate Children of the
+    //input ASTNode have been typechecked. This function is suitable
+    //in scenarios like where you are building the ASTNode Tree, and
+    //you typecheck as you go along. It is not suitable as a general
+    //typechecker
+    void BVTypeCheck(const ASTNode& n);
+  private:
+    //stack of Logical Context. each entry in the stack is a logical
+    //context. A logical context is a vector of assertions. The
+    //logical context is represented by a ptr to a vector of
+    //assertions in that logical context. Logical contexts are created
+    //by PUSH/POP
+    std::vector<ASTVec *>  _asserts;
+    //The query for the current logical context.
+    ASTNode _current_query;
+    //this flag, when true, indicates that counterexample is being
+    //checked by the counterexample checker
+    bool counterexample_checking_during_refinement;
+    //this flag indicates as to whether the input has been determined to
+    //be valid or not by this tool
+    bool ValidFlag;
+    //this flag, when true, indicates that a BVDIV divide by zero
+    //exception occured. However, the program must not exit with a
+    //fatalerror. Instead, it should evaluate the whole formula (which
+    //contains the BVDIV term) to be FALSE.
+    bool bvdiv_exception_occured;
+  public:
+    //set of functions that manipulate Logical Contexts.
+    //
+    //add an assertion to the current logical context
+    void AddAssert(const ASTNode& assert);
+    void Push(void);
+    void Pop(void);
+    void AddQuery(const ASTNode& q);    
+    const ASTNode PopQuery();
+    const ASTNode GetQuery();
+    const ASTVec GetAsserts(void);
+    //reports node size.  Second arg is "clearstatinfo", whatever that is.
+    unsigned int NodeSize(const ASTNode& a, bool t = false);
+  private:
+    //This memo map is used by the ComputeFormulaUsingModel()
+    ASTNodeMap ComputeFormulaMap;
+    //Map for statiscal purposes
+    ASTNodeSet StatInfoSet;
+    ASTNodeMap TermsAlreadySeenMap;
+    ASTNode CreateSubstitutionMap(const ASTNode& a);
+  public:
+    //prints statistics for the ASTNode. can add a prefix string c
+    void ASTNodeStats(const char * c, const ASTNode& a);
+    //substitution
+    bool CheckSubstitutionMap(const ASTNode& a, ASTNode& output);  
+    bool CheckSubstitutionMap(const ASTNode& a);
+    bool UpdateSubstitutionMap(const ASTNode& e0, const ASTNode& e1);
+    //if (a > b) in the termorder, then return 1
+    //elseif (a < b) in the termorder, then return -1
+    //else return 0
+    int TermOrder(const ASTNode& a, const ASTNode& b);
+    //fill the arrayname_readindices vector if e0 is a READ(Arr,index)
+    //and index is a BVCONST
+    void FillUp_ArrReadIndex_Vec(const ASTNode& e0, const ASTNode& e1);
+    bool VarSeenInTerm(const ASTNode& var, const ASTNode& term);
+    //functions for checking and updating simplifcation map
+    bool CheckSimplifyMap(const ASTNode& key, ASTNode& output, bool pushNeg);
+    void UpdateSimplifyMap(const ASTNode& key, const ASTNode& value, bool pushNeg);
+    bool CheckAlwaysTrueFormMap(const ASTNode& key);
+    void UpdateAlwaysTrueFormMap(const ASTNode& val);
+    bool CheckMultInverseMap(const ASTNode& key, ASTNode& output);
+    void UpdateMultInverseMap(const ASTNode& key, const ASTNode& value);
+    //Map for solved variables
+    bool CheckSolverMap(const ASTNode& a, ASTNode& output);
+    bool CheckSolverMap(const ASTNode& a);
+    bool UpdateSolverMap(const ASTNode& e0, const ASTNode& e1);
+  public:
+    //FIXME: HACK_ATTACK. this vector was hacked into the code to
+    //support a special request by Dawson' group. They want the
+    //counterexample to be printed in the order of variables declared.
+    //TO BE COMMENTED LATER (say by 1st week of march,2006)
+    ASTVec _special_print_set;
+    //prints the initial activity levels of variables
+    void PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(char * init_msg, MINISAT::Solver& newS);
+    //this function biases the activity levels of MINISAT variables.
+    void ChangeActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(MINISAT::Solver& n);
+    // Constructor
+    BeevMgr() : _interior_unique_table(INITIAL_INTERIOR_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE),
+		_symbol_unique_table(INITIAL_SYMBOL_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE),
+		_bvconst_unique_table(INITIAL_BVCONST_UNIQUE_TABLE_SIZE),
+		_max_node_num(0),
+		ASTFalse(CreateNode(FALSE)),
+		ASTTrue(CreateNode(TRUE)),
+		ASTUndefined(CreateNode(UNDEFINED)),
+		_arrayread_symbol(INITIAL_ARRAYREAD_SYMBOL_SIZE),
+		_introduced_symbols(INITIAL_INTRODUCED_SYMBOLS_SIZE),
+		_symbol_count(0) { 
+      _current_query = ASTUndefined;
+      ValidFlag = false;
+      bvdiv_exception_occured = false;
+      counterexample_checking_during_refinement = false;
+      start_abstracting = false;
+      Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+      SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    };
+    //destructor
+    ~BeevMgr();
+  }; //End of Class BeevMgr
+  class CompleteCounterExample {
+    ASTNodeMap counterexample;
+    BeevMgr * bv;
+  public:
+    CompleteCounterExample(ASTNodeMap a, BeevMgr* beev) : counterexample(a), bv(beev){} 
+    ASTNode GetCounterExample(ASTNode e) {
+      if(BOOLEAN_TYPE == e.GetType() && SYMBOL != e.GetKind()) {
+	FatalError("You must input a term or propositional variables\n",e);
+      }
+      if(counterexample.find(e) != counterexample.end()) {
+	return counterexample[e];
+      }
+      else {
+	if(SYMBOL == e.GetKind() && BOOLEAN_TYPE == e.GetType()) {
+	  return bv->CreateNode(BEEV::FALSE);
+	}
+	if(SYMBOL == e.GetKind()) {
+	  ASTNode z = bv->CreateZeroConst(e.GetValueWidth());
+	  return z;
+	}
+	return e;	  
+      }
+    }
+  };
+}; // end namespace BEEV
diff --git a/stp/AST/ASTKind.kinds b/stp/AST/ASTKind.kinds
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03112eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ASTKind.kinds
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#Please refer LICENSE FILE in the home directory for licensing information
+# name minkids maxkids cat1 cat2 ...
+Categories:	Term	Form
+# Leaf nodes.
+SYMBOL		0	0	Term	Form 
+# These always produce terms
+BVCONST		0	0	Term
+BVNEG		1	1	Term
+BVCONCAT	2	-	Term
+BVOR		1	-	Term
+BVAND		1	-	Term
+BVXOR		1	-	Term
+BVNAND		1	-	Term
+BVNOR		1	-	Term
+BVXNOR		1	-	Term
+BVPLUS		1	-	Term
+BVSUB		2	2	Term
+BVUMINUS	1	1	Term
+BVMULT		1	-	Term
+BVDIV		2	2	Term
+BVMOD		2	2	Term
+SBVDIV		2	2	Term
+SBVMOD		2	2	Term
+BVSX		1	1	Term
+BOOLVEC         0       -       Term
+# Formula OR term, depending on context
+ITE		3	3	Term	Form
+# These produce formulas.
+BVGETBIT	2	2	Form
+BVLT		2	2	Form
+BVLE		2	2	Form
+BVGT		2	2	Form
+BVGE		2	2	Form
+BVSLT		2	2	Form
+BVSLE		2	2	Form
+BVSGT		2	2	Form
+BVSGE		2	2	Form
+EQ		2	2	Form
+NEQ		2	2	Form
+FALSE		0	0	Form
+TRUE		0	0	Form
+NOT		1	1	Form
+AND		1	-	Form
+OR		1	-	Form
+NAND		1	-	Form
+NOR		1	-	Form
+XOR		1	-	Form
+IFF		1	-	Form
+IMPLIES		2	2	Form
+# array operations
+READ		2	2	Term
+WRITE		3	3	Term
+#Types: These kinds are used only in the API. Once processed inside
+#the API, they are never used again in the system 
+ARRAY           0       0
+BITVECTOR       0       0
+BOOLEAN         0       0
diff --git a/stp/AST/ASTUtil.cpp b/stp/AST/ASTUtil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc36812c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ASTUtil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#include "ASTUtil.h"
+#include <ostream>
+namespace BEEV {
+  ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Spacer &sp) {
+    // Instead of wrapping lines with hundreds of spaces, prints
+    // a "+" at the beginning of the line for each wrap-around.
+    // so lines print like: +14+		(XOR ...
+    int blanks = sp._spaces % 60;
+    int wraps = sp._spaces / 60;
+    if (wraps > 0) {
+      os << "+" << wraps;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < blanks; i++)
+      os << " ";  
+    return os;
+  }
+  //this function accepts the name of a function (as a char *), and
+  //records some stats about it. if the input is "print_func_stats",
+  //the function will then print the stats that it has collected.
+  void CountersAndStats(const char * functionname) {
+    if(!stats)
+      return;
+    static function_counters s;
+    if(!strcmp(functionname,"print_func_stats")) {
+      cout << endl;
+      for(hash_map<const char*,int,hash<const char*>,eqstr>::iterator it=s.begin(),itend=s.end();
+	  it!=itend;it++)
+	cout << "Number of times the function: " << it->first << ": is called: " << it->second << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    s[functionname] += 1;
+  }
+};// end of namespace
diff --git a/stp/AST/ASTUtil.h b/stp/AST/ASTUtil.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ed6bfa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ASTUtil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef ASTUTIL_H
+#define ASTUTIL_H
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#ifdef EXT_HASH_MAP
+#include <ext/hash_set>
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+#include <hash_set>
+#include <hash_map>
+using namespace std; 
+namespace BEEV {
+#ifdef EXT_HASH_MAP
+  using namespace __gnu_cxx;
+  //some global variables that are set through commandline options. it
+  //is best that these variables remain global. Default values set
+  //here
+  //
+  //collect statistics on certain functions
+  extern bool stats;
+  //print DAG nodes
+  extern bool print_nodes;
+  //tentative global var to allow for variable activity optimization
+  //in the SAT solver. deprecated.
+  extern bool variable_activity_optimize;
+  //run STP in optimized mode
+  extern bool optimize;
+  //do sat refinement, i.e. underconstraint the problem, and feed to
+  //SAT. if this works, great. else, add a set of suitable constraints
+  //to re-constraint the problem correctly, and call SAT again, until
+  //all constraints have been added.
+  extern bool arrayread_refinement;
+  //switch to control write refinements
+  extern bool arraywrite_refinement;
+  //check the counterexample against the original input to STP
+  extern bool check_counterexample;
+  //construct the counterexample in terms of original variable based
+  //on the counterexample returned by SAT solver
+  extern bool construct_counterexample;
+  extern bool print_counterexample;
+  //if this option is true then print the way dawson wants using a
+  //different printer. do not use this printer.
+  extern bool print_arrayval_declaredorder;
+  //flag to decide whether to print "valid/invalid" or not
+  extern bool print_output;
+  //do linear search in the array values of an input array. experimental
+  extern bool linear_search;
+  //print the variable order chosen by the sat solver while it is
+  //solving.
+  extern bool print_sat_varorder; 
+  //turn on word level bitvector solver
+  extern bool wordlevel_solve;
+  //XOR flattening optimizations.
+  extern bool xor_flatten;
+  //this flag indicates that the BVSolver() succeeded
+  extern bool toplevel_solved;
+  //the smtlib parser has been turned on
+  extern bool smtlib_parser_enable;
+  //print the input back
+  extern bool print_STPinput_back;
+  extern void (*vc_error_hdlr)(const char* err_msg);
+  /*Spacer class is basically just an int, but the new class allows
+    overloading of << with a special definition that prints the int as
+    that many spaces. */
+  class Spacer {
+  public:
+    int _spaces;
+    Spacer(int spaces) { _spaces = spaces; }
+    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Spacer &ind);
+  };
+  inline Spacer spaces(int width) {
+    Spacer sp(width);
+    return sp;
+  }
+  struct eqstr {
+    bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const {
+      return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
+    }
+  };
+  typedef hash_map<const char*,int, 
+		   hash<const char *>,eqstr> function_counters;
+  void CountersAndStats(const char * functionname);
+  //global function which accepts an integer and looks up the
+  //corresponding ASTNode and prints a char* of that ASTNode
+  void Convert_MINISATVar_To_ASTNode_Print(int minisat_var, 
+					   int decision, int polarity=0);
+}; // end namespace.
diff --git a/stp/AST/BitBlast.cpp b/stp/AST/BitBlast.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de78ec74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/BitBlast.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+ * AUTHORS: David L. Dill, Vijay Ganesh
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+// BitBlast -- convert bitvector terms and formulas to boolean
+// formulas.  A term is something that can represent a multi-bit
+// bitvector, such as BVPLUS or BVXOR (or a BV variable or constant).
+// A formula (form) represents a boolean value, such as EQ or BVLE.
+// Bit blasting a term representing an n-bit bitvector with BBTerm
+// yields a vector of n boolean formulas (returning ASTVec).
+// Bit blasting a formula returns a single boolean formula (type ASTNode).
+// A bitblasted term is a vector of ASTNodes for formulas.
+// The 0th element of the vector corresponds to bit 0 -- the low-order bit.
+#include "AST.h"
+namespace BEEV {
+  //  extern void lpvec(ASTVec &vec);
+// FIXME: Assert no zero-length bit vectors!!!
+// FIXME: Need top-level functions that create and destroy the memo tables.
+// FIXME:  Check resource limits and generate an exception when exceeded.
+// FIXME:  THis does a lot of unnecessary copying of vectors.
+//    Had to be careful not to modify memoized vectors!
+// FIXME:  Might be some redundant variables.
+// accepts a term, and returns a vector of bitblasted bits(ASTVec)
+ASTNode ASTJunk;
+const ASTNode BeevMgr::BBTerm(const ASTNode& term) {
+  //CHANGED TermMemo is now an ASTNodeMap. Based on BBFormMemo
+  ASTNodeMap::iterator it = BBTermMemo.find(term);
+  if (it != BBTermMemo.end()) {
+    // already there.  Just return it.
+    return it->second;
+  }
+//  ASTNode& result = ASTJunk;
+  ASTNode result;
+  Kind k = term.GetKind();
+  if (!is_Term_kind(k))
+    FatalError("BBTerm: Illegal kind to BBTerm",term);
+  ASTVec::const_iterator kids_end = term.end(); 
+  unsigned int num_bits = term.GetValueWidth();
+  switch (k) {
+  case BVNEG: {
+    // bitwise complement
+    // bitblast the child.
+    //FIXME Uses a tempory const ASTNode
+    const ASTNode& bbkids = BBTerm(term[0]);
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, BBNeg(bbkids.GetChildren()));
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVSRSHIFT:
+  case BVVARSHIFT: 
+    FatalError("BBTerm: These kinds have not been implemented in the BitBlaster: ", term);
+    break;
+  case ITE: {
+    // Term version of ITE.
+    // Blast the args
+    // FIXME Uses temporary const ASTNodes and an ASTVec&
+    const ASTNode& cond = BBForm(term[0]);
+    const ASTNode& thn = BBTerm(term[1]);
+    const ASTNode& els = BBTerm(term[2]);
+    result = 
+       CreateNode(BOOLVEC, BBITE(cond, thn.GetChildren(), els.GetChildren()));
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVSX: {
+    // Replicate high-order bit as many times as necessary.
+    // Arg 0 is expression to be sign extended.
+    const ASTNode& arg = term[0];
+    unsigned long result_width = term.GetValueWidth();
+    unsigned long arg_width = arg.GetValueWidth();
+    //FIXME Uses a temporary const ASTNode reference
+    const ASTNode& bbarg = BBTerm(arg);
+    if (result_width == arg_width) {
+      //nothing to sign extend
+      break;
+    }
+    else {
+      //we need to sign extend
+      const ASTNode& msbX = bbarg.back();
+      //const ASTNode& msb1 = msbX;
+      ASTVec ccc = msbX.GetChildren();
+      const ASTNode& msb = CreateSimpForm(msbX.GetKind(),ccc);
+     //  Old version
+     //  ASTNode msb = bbarg.back();
+     //  const ASTNode msb1 = msb;
+     //  ASTVec ccc = msb.GetChildren();
+     //  msb = CreateSimpForm(msb.GetKind(),ccc);
+      // DD 1/14/07 Simplify silently drops all but first two args of XOR.
+      // I expanded XOR to N args with flattening optimization.
+      // This bug took 2 days to track down!
+      // msb = SimplifyFormula(msb,false);
+      // cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl
+      // << "Simplify msb:" << msb2 << endl
+      // << "Simplify result:" << msb << endl;
+      //FIXME Dynamically allocate the result vector?
+      //Is this doing multiple copies?
+      //ASTVec& tmp_res = *(new ASTVec(result_width));
+      ASTVec tmp_res(result_width);
+      //FIXME Should these be gotten from result?
+      ASTVec::const_iterator bb_it = bbarg.begin();
+      ASTVec::iterator res_it = tmp_res.begin();
+      ASTVec::iterator res_ext = res_it+arg_width; // first bit of extended part
+      ASTVec::iterator res_end = tmp_res.end();
+      // copy LSBs directly from bbvec
+      for( ; res_it < res_ext; (res_it++, bb_it++)) {
+	*res_it = *bb_it;
+      }
+      // repeat MSB to fill up rest of result.
+      for( ; res_it < res_end; (res_it++, bb_it++)) {
+	*res_it = msb;
+      }
+       //Temporary debugging code
+       //    cout << "Sign extending:" << endl 
+       //	        << "  Vec ";
+       //    lpvec( bbarg.GetChildren() );
+       //    cout << "  Extended to ";
+       //    lp(result);
+       //    cout << endl;
+      result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, tmp_res);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  case BVEXTRACT: {
+    // bitblast the child, then extract the relevant bits.
+    // Note: This could be optimized by not bitblasting the bits
+    // that aren't fetched.  But that would be tricky, especially
+    // with memo-ization.
+    //FIXME Using const ASTNode w/out reference
+    const ASTNode& bbkids = BBTerm(term[0]); 
+    unsigned int high = GetUnsignedConst(term[1]);
+    unsigned int low = GetUnsignedConst(term[2]);
+    ASTVec::const_iterator bbkfit = bbkids.begin();
+    // I should have used pointers to ASTVec, to avoid this crock
+    //FIXME Creates a new local ASTVec and does the CreateNode from that
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, ASTVec(bbkfit+low, bbkfit+high+1));
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVCONCAT: {
+    //FIXME Using temporary const ASTNodes 
+    const ASTNode& vec1 = BBTerm(term[0]);
+    const ASTNode& vec2 = BBTerm(term[1]);
+    //FIXME This has to be an unnessecary copy and a memory leak
+    //Leaking ASTVec tmp_res = *(new ASTVec(vec2.GetChildren()));
+    ASTVec tmp_res(vec2.GetChildren());
+    tmp_res.insert(tmp_res.end(), vec1.begin(), vec1.end());
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, tmp_res);
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVPLUS: {
+    // ASSERT: at least one child.
+    // ASSERT: all children and result are the same size.
+    // Previous phase must make sure this is true.
+    // Add children pairwise and accumulate in BBsum
+    // FIXME: Unnecessary array copies.
+    ASTVec::const_iterator it = term.begin();
+    ASTVec tmp_res = BBTerm(*it).GetChildren();
+    for (++it; it < kids_end; it++) {
+      const ASTVec& tmp = BBTerm(*it).GetChildren();
+      BBPlus2(tmp_res, tmp, ASTFalse);
+    }
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, tmp_res);
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVUMINUS: {
+    //FIXME Using const ASTNode reference
+    const ASTNode& bbkid = BBTerm(term[0]);
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, BBUminus(bbkid.GetChildren()));
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVSUB: {
+    // complement of subtrahend
+    // copy, since BBSub writes into it.
+    //FIXME: Unnecessary array copies?
+    ASTVec tmp_res = BBTerm(term[0]).GetChildren(); 
+    const ASTVec& bbkid1 = BBTerm(term[1]).GetChildren();
+    BBSub(tmp_res, bbkid1);
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, tmp_res);
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVMULT: {
+    // ASSERT 2 arguments, same length, result is same length.
+    const ASTNode& t0 = term[0];
+    const ASTNode& t1 = term[1];
+    const ASTNode& mpcd1 = BBTerm(t0);
+    const ASTNode& mpcd2 = BBTerm(t1);
+    //Reverese the order of the nodes w/out the need for temporaries
+    //This is needed because t0 an t1 must be const
+    if ((BVCONST != t0.GetKind()) && (BVCONST == t1.GetKind())) {
+      result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, 
+        BBMult(mpcd2.GetChildren(), mpcd1.GetChildren()) );
+    }else{
+      result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, 
+        BBMult(mpcd1.GetChildren(), mpcd2.GetChildren()) );
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVDIV:
+  case BVMOD: {
+    const ASTNode& dvdd = BBTerm(term[0]);
+    const ASTNode& dvsr = BBTerm(term[1]);
+    unsigned int width = dvdd.Degree();
+    ASTVec q(width); 
+    ASTVec r(width); 
+    BBDivMod(dvdd.GetChildren(),  dvsr.GetChildren(), q, r, width);
+    if (k == BVDIV)
+      result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, q);    
+    else
+      result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, r);
+    break;
+  }
+  //  n-ary bitwise operators.
+  case BVXOR:
+  case BVXNOR:
+  case BVAND:
+  case BVOR:
+  case BVNOR:
+  case BVNAND: {
+    // Add children pairwise and accumulate in BBsum
+    ASTVec::const_iterator it = term.begin();
+    Kind bk = UNDEFINED;  // Kind of individual bit op.
+    switch (k) {
+    case BVXOR: bk = XOR;  break;
+    case BVXNOR: bk = IFF; break;
+    case BVAND: bk = AND; break;
+    case BVOR: bk = OR; break;
+    case BVNOR: bk = NOR; break;
+    case BVNAND: bk = NAND; break;
+    default:
+      FatalError("BBTerm: Illegal kind to BBTerm",term);
+      break;
+    }
+    // Sum is destructively modified in the loop, so make a copy of value
+    // returned by BBTerm.
+    ASTNode temp = BBTerm(*it);
+    ASTVec sum(temp.GetChildren());	// First operand.
+    // Iterate over remaining bitvector term operands
+    for (++it; it < kids_end; it++) {
+      //FIXME FIXME FIXME: Why does using a temp. var change the behavior?
+      temp = BBTerm(*it);
+      const ASTVec& y = temp.GetChildren();
+      // Iterate over bits
+      // FIXME: Why is this not using an iterator???
+      int n = y.size();
+      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+	sum[i] = CreateSimpForm(bk, sum[i], y[i]);
+      }
+    }
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, sum);
+    break;
+  }
+  case SYMBOL: {
+    // ASSERT: IndexWidth = 0?  Semantic analysis should check.
+    //Leaking ASTVec& bbvec = *(new ASTVec);
+    //FIXME Why is isn't this ASTVEC bbvec(num_bits) ?
+    ASTVec bbvec;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
+      ASTNode bit_node =
+	CreateNode(BVGETBIT, term, CreateBVConst(32,i));
+      bbvec.push_back(bit_node); 
+    }
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, bbvec);
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVCONST: {
+    ASTVec tmp_res(num_bits);
+    CBV bv = term.GetBVConst();
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++){
+      tmp_res[i] = CONSTANTBV::BitVector_bit_test(bv,i) ? ASTTrue : ASTFalse; 
+    }  
+    const unsigned long long int c = term.GetBVConst();
+    unsigned long long int bitmask = 0x00000000000000001LL;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++, bitmask <<= 1)
+      tmp_res[i] = ((c & (bitmask)) ? ASTTrue : ASTFalse);    
+    result = CreateNode(BOOLVEC, tmp_res);
+    break;
+  }		  
+  case BOOLVEC: {
+    cerr << "Hit a boolvec! what to do?" << endl;
+    break;
+  }
+  default:
+    FatalError("BBTerm: Illegal kind to BBTerm",term);
+  }
+  //if(result == ASTJunk)
+  //  cout<<"result does not change"<<endl;
+  // cout << "================" << endl << "BBTerm:" << term << endl;
+  // cout << "----------------" << endl << "BBTerm result:";
+  // lpvec(result);
+  // cout << endl;
+  return (BBTermMemo[term] = result);
+// bit blast a formula (boolean term).  Result is one bit wide,
+// so it returns a single ASTNode.
+// FIXME:  Add IsNegated flag.
+const ASTNode BeevMgr::BBForm(const ASTNode& form)
+  ASTNodeMap::iterator it = BBFormMemo.find(form);
+  if (it != BBFormMemo.end()) {
+    // already there.  Just return it.
+    return it->second;
+  }
+  ASTNode result = ASTUndefined;
+  Kind k = form.GetKind();
+  if (!is_Form_kind(k)) {
+    FatalError("BBForm: Illegal kind: ",form);
+  }
+  //  Not returning until end, and memoizing everything, makes it easier
+  // to trace coherently.
+  // Various special cases
+  switch (k) {
+  case TRUE:
+  case FALSE: {
+    result = form;
+    break;
+  }
+  case SYMBOL:
+    if (form.GetType() != BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
+      FatalError("BBForm: Symbol represents more than one bit", form);
+    }
+    result = form;
+    break;
+  case BVGETBIT: {
+    // exactly two children
+    const ASTNode bbchild = BBTerm(form[0]);
+    unsigned int index =  GetUnsignedConst(form[1]);
+    result = bbchild[index];
+    break;
+  }
+  case NOT:
+    result = CreateSimpNot(BBForm(form[0]));
+    break;  
+  case ITE:
+    // FIXME: SHould this be CreateSimpITE?
+    result = CreateNode(ITE, BBForm(form[0]), BBForm(form[1]), BBForm(form[2]));
+    break;
+  case AND: 
+  case OR: 
+  case NAND: 
+  case NOR: 
+  case IFF: 
+  case XOR:
+  case IMPLIES: {
+    ASTVec bbkids;		// bit-blasted children (formulas)
+    // FIXME: Put in fast exits for AND/OR/NAND/NOR/IMPLIES
+    ASTVec::const_iterator kids_end = form.end(); 
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = form.begin(); it != kids_end; it++) {
+      bbkids.push_back(BBForm(*it));
+    }
+    result = CreateSimpForm(k, bbkids);
+    break;
+  }
+  case NEQ: {
+    ASTNode bbkid = BBForm(CreateNode(EQ, form.GetChildren()));
+    result = CreateSimpNot(bbkid);
+    break;
+  }
+  case EQ: {
+    // Common code for binary operations
+    // FIXME:  This ought to be in a semantic analysis phase.
+    const ASTNode left = BBTerm(form[0]);
+    const ASTNode right = BBTerm(form[1]);
+    if (left.Degree() != right.Degree()) {
+      cerr << "BBForm: Size mismatch" << endl << form[0] << endl << form[1] << endl;
+      FatalError("",ASTUndefined);
+    }
+    result = BBEQ(left.GetChildren(), right.GetChildren());
+    break;
+  }
+  case BVLE: 
+  case BVGE: 
+  case BVGT: 
+  case BVLT: 
+  case BVSLE:
+  case BVSGE:
+  case BVSGT:
+  case BVSLT: {
+    result = BBcompare(form);
+    break;
+  }
+  default:
+    FatalError("BBForm: Illegal kind: ", form);
+    break;
+  }
+  // cout << "================" << endl
+  // << "BBForm: " << form << endl
+  // << "----------------" << endl
+  // << "BBForm Result: " << result << endl;
+  return (BBFormMemo[form] = result);
+// Bit blast a sum of two equal length BVs.
+// Update sum vector destructively with new sum.
+void BeevMgr::BBPlus2(ASTVec& sum, const ASTVec& y, ASTNode cin)
+//   cout << "Bitblasting plus.  Operand 1: " << endl;
+//   lpvec(sum);
+//   cout << endl << " operand 2: " << endl;
+//   lpvec(y);
+//   cout << endl << "carry: " << endl << cin << endl;
+  int n = sum.size();
+  // ASSERT: y.size() == x.size()
+  // FIXME: Don't bother computing i+1 carry, which is discarded.
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    ASTNode nextcin = Majority(sum[i], y[i], cin); 
+    sum[i] = CreateSimpForm(XOR, CreateSimpForm(XOR, sum[i], y[i]), cin);
+    cin = nextcin;
+  }
+//   cout << "----------------" << endl << "Result: " << endl;
+//   lpvec(sum);
+//   cout << endl;
+// Stores result - x in result, destructively
+void BeevMgr::BBSub(ASTVec& result, const ASTVec& y)
+  ASTVec compsubtrahend  = BBNeg(y);
+  BBPlus2(result, compsubtrahend, ASTTrue);
+// Add one bit
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBAddOneBit(ASTVec& x, ASTNode cin)
+  ASTVec result = ASTVec(0);
+  ASTVec::const_iterator itend = x.end();
+  for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it < itend; it++) {
+    ASTNode nextcin = CreateSimpForm(AND, *it, cin); 
+    result.push_back(CreateSimpForm(XOR, *it, cin));
+    cin = nextcin;
+  }
+  // FIXME: unnecessary array copy on return?
+  return result;
+// Increment bit-blasted vector and return result.
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBInc(ASTVec& x)
+  return BBAddOneBit(x, ASTTrue);
+// Return formula for majority function of three bits.
+// Pass arguments by reference to reduce refcounting.
+ASTNode BeevMgr::Majority(const ASTNode& a, const ASTNode& b,const ASTNode& c)
+  // Checking explicitly for constant a, b and c could
+  // be more efficient, because they are repeated in the logic.
+  if (ASTTrue == a) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(OR, b, c);
+  }
+  else if (ASTFalse == a) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(AND, b, c);
+  }
+  else if (ASTTrue == b) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(OR, a, c);
+  }
+  else if (ASTFalse == b) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(AND, a, c);
+  }
+  else if (ASTTrue == c) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(OR, a, b);
+  }
+  else if (ASTFalse == c) {
+    return CreateSimpForm(AND, a, b);
+  }
+  // there are lots more simplifications, but I'm not sure they're
+  // worth doing explicitly (e.g., a = b, a = ~b, etc.) 
+  else {
+    return
+      CreateSimpForm(OR,
+		     CreateSimpForm(AND, a, b),
+		     CreateSimpForm(AND, b, c),
+		     CreateSimpForm(AND, a, c));
+  }
+// Bitwise complement
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBNeg(const ASTVec& x)
+  ASTVec result = ASTVec(0);		// FIXME: faster to preallocate n entries?
+  // Negate each bit.
+  ASTVec::const_iterator xend = x.end();
+  for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it < xend; it++) {
+    result.push_back(CreateSimpNot(*it));
+  }
+  // FIXME: unecessary array copy when it returns?
+  return result;
+// Compute unary minus
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBUminus(const ASTVec& x)
+  ASTVec xneg = BBNeg(x);
+  return BBInc(xneg);
+// Multiply two bitblasted numbers
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBMult(const ASTVec& x, const ASTVec& y)
+  ASTVec ycopy(y);
+  ASTVec::const_iterator xend = x.end();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator xit = x.begin();
+  // start prod with first partial product.
+  // FIXME: This is unnecessary. Clean it up.
+  ASTVec prod = ASTVec(BBAndBit(y, *xit));
+  // start loop at next bit.
+  for(xit++; xit < xend; xit++) {
+    // shift first
+    BBLShift(ycopy);
+    if (ASTFalse == *xit) {
+      // If this bit is zero, the partial product will
+      // be zero.  No reason to add that in.
+      continue;
+    }
+    ASTVec pprod = BBAndBit(ycopy, *xit);
+    // accumulate in the product.
+    BBPlus2(prod, pprod, ASTFalse);
+  }
+  return prod;
+// This implements a variant of binary long division.
+// q and r are "out" parameters.  rwidth puts a bound on the
+// recursion depth.
+void BeevMgr::BBDivMod(const ASTVec &y, const ASTVec &x, ASTVec &q, ASTVec &r, unsigned int rwidth)
+  unsigned int width = y.size();
+  if (rwidth == 0) {
+    // When we have shifted the entire width, y is guaranteed to be 0.
+    q = BBfill(width, ASTFalse);
+    r = BBfill(width, ASTFalse);
+  }
+  else {
+    ASTVec q1, r1;
+    ASTVec yrshift1(y);
+    BBRShift(yrshift1);
+    // recursively divide y/2 by x.
+    BBDivMod(yrshift1, x, q1, r1, rwidth-1);
+    ASTVec q1lshift1(q1);
+    BBLShift(q1lshift1);
+    ASTVec r1lshift1(r1);
+    BBLShift(r1lshift1);
+    ASTVec r1lshift1plusyodd = BBAddOneBit(r1lshift1, y[0]);
+    ASTVec rminusx(r1lshift1plusyodd);
+    BBSub(rminusx, x);
+    // Adjusted q, r values when when r is too large.
+    ASTNode rtoolarge = BBBVLE(x, r1lshift1plusyodd, false);
+    ASTVec ygtrxqval = BBITE(rtoolarge, BBInc(q1lshift1), q1lshift1);
+    ASTVec ygtrxrval = BBITE(rtoolarge, rminusx, r1lshift1plusyodd);
+    // q & r values when y >= x
+    ASTNode yeqx = BBEQ(y, x);
+    // *** Problem: the bbfill for qval is wrong.  Should be 1, not -1.
+    ASTVec one = BBfill(width, ASTFalse);
+    one[0] = ASTTrue;
+    ASTVec notylessxqval = BBITE(yeqx, one, ygtrxqval);
+    ASTVec notylessxrval = BBITE(yeqx, BBfill(width, ASTFalse), ygtrxrval);
+    // y < x <=> not x >= y.
+    ASTNode ylessx = CreateSimpNot(BBBVLE(x, y, false));
+    // final values of q and r
+    q = BBITE(ylessx, BBfill(width, ASTFalse), notylessxqval);
+    r = BBITE(ylessx, y, notylessxrval);
+  }
+// build ITE's (ITE cond then[i] else[i]) for each i.
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBITE(const ASTNode& cond, const ASTVec& thn, const ASTVec& els)
+  // Fast exits.
+  if (ASTTrue == cond) {
+    return thn;
+  }
+  else if (ASTFalse == cond) {
+    return els;
+  }
+  ASTVec result(0);
+  ASTVec::const_iterator th_it_end = thn.end();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator el_it = els.begin();
+  for (ASTVec::const_iterator th_it = thn.begin(); th_it < th_it_end; th_it++, el_it++) {
+    result.push_back(CreateSimpForm(ITE, cond, *th_it, *el_it));
+  }
+  return result;
+// AND each bit of vector y with single bit b and return the result.
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBAndBit(const ASTVec& y, ASTNode b)
+  ASTVec result(0); 
+  if (ASTTrue == b) {
+    return y;
+  }
+  // FIXME: put in fast exits when b is constant 0. 
+  ASTVec::const_iterator yend = y.end();
+  for(ASTVec::const_iterator yit = y.begin(); yit < yend; yit++) {
+    result.push_back(CreateSimpForm(AND, *yit, b));
+  }
+  return result;
+// Workhorse for comparison routines.  This does a signed BVLE if is_signed
+// is true, else it's unsigned.  All other comparison operators can be reduced
+// to this by swapping args or complementing the result bit.
+// FIXME:  If this were done MSB first, it would enable a fast exit sometimes
+// when the MSB is constant, deciding the result without looking at the rest
+// of the bits.
+ASTNode BeevMgr::BBBVLE(const ASTVec& left, const ASTVec& right, bool is_signed)
+  // "thisbit" represents BVLE of the suffixes of the BVs
+  // from that position .  if R < L, return TRUE, else if L < R
+  // return FALSE, else return BVLE of lower-order bits.  MSB is
+  // treated separately, because signed comparison is done by
+  // complementing the MSB of each BV, then doing an unsigned
+  // comparison.
+  ASTVec::const_iterator lit = left.begin();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator litend = left.end();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator rit = right.begin();
+  ASTNode prevbit = ASTTrue;
+  for ( ; lit  < litend-1; lit++, rit++) {
+    ASTNode neglit = CreateSimpNot(*lit);
+    ASTNode thisbit =
+      CreateSimpForm(OR,
+		 CreateSimpForm(AND,neglit,*rit), // TRUE if l < r
+		 CreateSimpForm(AND,
+			    CreateSimpForm(OR, neglit, *rit), // false if not equal
+			    prevbit)); // else prevbit
+    prevbit = thisbit;
+  }
+  // Handle MSB -- negate MSBs if signed comparison
+  // FIXME: make into refs after it's debugged.
+  ASTNode lmsb = *lit;
+  ASTNode rmsb = *rit;
+  if (is_signed) {
+    lmsb = CreateSimpNot(*lit);
+    rmsb = CreateSimpNot(*rit);
+  }
+  ASTNode neglmsb = CreateSimpNot(lmsb);
+  ASTNode msb =
+    CreateSimpForm(OR,
+	       CreateSimpForm(AND,neglmsb, rmsb), // TRUE if l < r
+	       CreateSimpForm(AND,
+			  CreateSimpForm(OR, neglmsb, rmsb), // false if not equal
+			  prevbit)); // else prevbit
+  return msb;
+// Left shift by 1 within fixed field inserting zeros at LSB.
+// Writes result into first argument.
+// Fixme: generalize to n bits
+void BeevMgr::BBLShift(ASTVec& x)
+  // left shift x (destructively) within width.
+  // loop backwards so that copy to self works correctly. (DON'T use STL insert!)
+  ASTVec::iterator xbeg = x.begin();
+  for(ASTVec::iterator xit = x.end()-1; xit > xbeg; xit--) {
+    *xit = *(xit-1);
+  }
+  *xbeg = ASTFalse;		// new LSB is zero.
+  // cout << "Shifted result" << endl;
+  // lpvec(x);
+// Right shift by 1 within fixed field, inserting new zeros at MSB.
+// Writes result into first argument.
+// Fixme: generalize to n bits.
+void BeevMgr::BBRShift(ASTVec& x)
+  ASTVec::iterator xend = x.end() - 1;
+  ASTVec::iterator xit = x.begin();
+  for( ; xit < xend; xit++) {
+    *xit = *(xit+1);
+  }
+  *xit = ASTFalse;		// new MSB is zero.
+// Return bit-blasted form for BVLE, BVGE, BVGT, SBLE, etc. 
+ASTNode BeevMgr::BBcompare(const ASTNode& form) {
+  const ASTNode lnode = BBTerm(form[0]);
+  const ASTNode rnode = BBTerm(form[1]);
+  const ASTVec& left = lnode.GetChildren();
+  const ASTVec& right = rnode.GetChildren();
+  //const ASTVec& left = BBTerm(form[0]).GetChildren();
+  //const ASTVec& right = BBTerm(form[1]).GetChildren();
+  Kind k = form.GetKind();
+  switch(k) {
+  case BVLE: { return BBBVLE(left, right, false); break; }
+  case BVGE: { return BBBVLE(right, left, false); break; }
+  case BVGT: { return CreateSimpNot(BBBVLE(left, right, false)); break; }
+  case BVLT: { return CreateSimpNot(BBBVLE(right, left, false)); break; }
+  case BVSLE: { return BBBVLE(left, right, true); break; }
+  case BVSGE: { return BBBVLE(right, left, true); break; }
+  case BVSGT: { return CreateSimpNot(BBBVLE(left, right, true)); break; }
+  case BVSLT: { return CreateSimpNot(BBBVLE(right, left, true)); break; }
+  default:
+    cerr << "BBCompare: Illegal kind" << form << endl;    
+    FatalError("",ASTUndefined);
+  }
+  return ASTUndefined;
+// return a vector with n copies of fillval
+ASTVec BeevMgr::BBfill(unsigned int width, ASTNode fillval)
+  ASTVec zvec(width, fillval);
+  return zvec;
+ASTNode BeevMgr::BBEQ(const ASTVec& left, const ASTVec& right)
+  ASTVec andvec;
+  ASTVec::const_iterator lit = left.begin();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator litend = left.end();
+  ASTVec::const_iterator rit = right.begin();
+  if(left.size() > 1) {
+    for(; lit != litend; lit++, rit++) {
+      ASTNode biteq = CreateSimpForm(IFF, *lit, *rit);
+      // fast path exit
+      if (biteq == ASTFalse) {
+	return ASTFalse;
+      }
+      else {
+	andvec.push_back(biteq);
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode n = CreateSimpForm(AND, andvec);  
+    return n;
+  }
+  else
+    return CreateSimpForm(IFF,*lit,*rit);
+} // BEEV namespace
diff --git a/stp/AST/Makefile b/stp/AST/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0218510b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+include ../Makefile.common
+SRCS = AST.cpp ASTKind.cpp  ASTUtil.cpp BitBlast.cpp SimpBool.cpp  ToCNF.cpp ToSAT.cpp Transform.cpp
+OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
+#Make the ast library for use by other modules
+libast.a:	$(OBJS)
+	-rm -rf $@
+	$(AR) rc libast.a $(OBJS)
+	$(RANLIB) libast.a
+ASTKind.o: ASTKind.h ASTKind.cpp
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS)   -c -o ASTKind.o ASTKind.cpp
+# ASTKind.h and ASTKind.cpp are automatically generated
+ASTKind.h ASTKind.cpp:	ASTKind.kinds genkinds.pl
+	./genkinds.pl
+# cnftest:	cnftest.o ToCNF.o AST.o ASTUtil.o ASTKind.o BitBlast.o AST.h
+#	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) ToCNF.o BitBlast.o ASTKind.o  ASTUtil.o AST.o  cnftest.o  -o cnftest 
+# bbtest: $(OBJS)
+#	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) BitBlast.o ASTKind.o  ASTUtil.o AST.o  bbtest.o -o bbtest 
+# asttest: $(OBJS)
+#	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) ASTKind.o  ASTUtil.o AST.o asttest.o  -lstdc++ -o asttest
+	rm -rf *.o *~ bbtest asttest cnftest *.a  ASTKind.h ASTKind.cpp .#*
+	makedepend -Y -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS)
+AST.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+AST.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+AST.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
+ASTUtil.o: ASTUtil.h
+BitBlast.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+BitBlast.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+BitBlast.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
+SimpBool.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+SimpBool.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+SimpBool.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
+ToCNF.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+ToCNF.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+ToCNF.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
+ToSAT.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+ToSAT.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+ToSAT.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
+ToSAT.o: ../simplifier/bvsolver.h ../AST/AST.h
+Transform.o: AST.h ASTUtil.h ASTKind.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h
+Transform.o: ../sat/Global.h ../sat/VarOrder.h ../sat/Solver.h ../sat/Heap.h
+Transform.o: ../AST/ASTUtil.h ../sat/SolverTypes.h ../constantbv/constantbv.h
diff --git a/stp/AST/STLport_config.h b/stp/AST/STLport_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b7bc14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/STLport_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+// STLport debug checking, if we use STLport threads flag is to get
+// rid of link errors, since iostreams compiles with threads.  alloc
+// and uninitialized are extra checks Later on, if used with Purify or
+// Valgrind, may want to set flags to prevent reporting of false
+// leaks.  For some reason, _STLP_THREADS works on the command line
+// but not here (?)
+#define _STLP_THREADS
+#define _STLP_DEBUG 1
+#define _STLP_DEBUG_ALLOC 1
diff --git a/stp/AST/SimpBool.cpp b/stp/AST/SimpBool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67f9825d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/SimpBool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: April, 2006
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+// Simplifying create methods for Boolean operations.
+// These are only very simple local simplifications.
+// This is somewhat redundant with Vijay's simplifier code.  They
+// need to be merged.
+// FIXME: control with optimize flag.
+static bool _trace_simpbool = 0;
+static bool _disable_simpbool = 0;
+#include "AST.h"
+// SMTLIB experimental hack.  Try allocating a single stack here for
+// children to reduce growing of vectors.
+//BEEV::ASTVec child_stack;
+namespace BEEV {
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpForm(Kind kind, ASTVec &children = _empty_ASTVec) {
+    if (_disable_simpbool) {
+      return CreateNode(kind, children);
+    }
+    else {
+      switch (kind) {
+      case NOT: return CreateSimpNot(children[0]); break; 
+      case AND: return CreateSimpAndOr(1, children); break; 
+      case OR: return CreateSimpAndOr(0, children); break;
+      case NAND: return CreateSimpNot(CreateSimpAndOr(1, children)); break;
+      case NOR: return CreateSimpNot(CreateSimpAndOr(0, children)); break;
+      case IFF: {
+	// Not sure children can ever be empty, but what the heck.
+	//	if (children.size() == 0) {
+	//	  return ASTTrue;
+	//	}
+	// Convert IFF to XOR ASAP.  IFF is not associative, so this makes
+	// flattening much easier.
+	children[0] = CreateSimpNot(children[0]);
+	return CreateSimpXor(children); break;
+      }
+      case XOR: 
+	return CreateSimpXor(children); break;
+	// FIXME: Earlier, check that this only has two arguments
+      case IMPLIES: return CreateSimpAndOr(0, CreateSimpNot(children[0]), children[1]); break;
+      case ITE: return CreateSimpFormITE(children[0], children[1], children[2]);
+      default: return CreateNode(kind, children);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // specialized versions
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpForm(Kind kind,
+				  const ASTNode& child0) {
+    ASTVec children;
+    //child_stack.clear();	// could just reset top pointer.
+    children.push_back(child0);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child0);
+    return CreateSimpForm(kind, children);
+    //return CreateSimpForm(kind, child_stack);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpForm(Kind kind,
+				  const ASTNode& child0,
+				  const ASTNode& child1) {
+    ASTVec children;
+    //child_stack.clear();	// could just reset top pointer.
+    children.push_back(child0);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child0);
+    children.push_back(child1);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child1);
+    return CreateSimpForm(kind, children);
+    //return CreateSimpForm(kind, child_stack);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpForm(Kind kind,
+				  const ASTNode& child0,
+				  const ASTNode& child1,
+				  const ASTNode& child2) {
+    ASTVec children;
+    //child_stack.clear();	// could just reset top pointer.
+    children.push_back(child0);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child0);
+    children.push_back(child1);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child1);
+    children.push_back(child2);
+    //child_stack.push_back(child2);
+    return CreateSimpForm(kind, children);
+    //return CreateSimpForm(kind, child_stack);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpNot(const ASTNode& form) {
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    switch (k) {
+    case FALSE: { return ASTTrue; }
+    case TRUE: { return ASTFalse; }
+    case NOT: { return form[0]; } // NOT NOT cancellation
+    case XOR: {
+      // Push negation down in this case.
+      // FIXME: Separate pre-pass to push negation down?
+      // CreateSimp should be local, and this isn't.  
+      // It isn't memoized.  Arg.
+      ASTVec children = form.GetChildren();
+      children[0] = CreateSimpNot(children[0]);
+      return CreateSimpXor(children);
+    }
+    default: { return CreateNode(NOT, form); }
+    }
+  }
+  // I don't think this is even called, since it called
+  // CreateSimpAndOr instead of CreateSimpXor until 1/9/07 with no
+  // ill effects.  Calls seem to go to the version that takes a vector
+  // of children.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpXor(const ASTNode& form1, const ASTNode& form2) {
+    ASTVec children;
+    children.push_back(form1);
+    children.push_back(form2);
+    return CreateSimpXor(children);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpAndOr(bool IsAnd, const ASTNode& form1, const ASTNode& form2) {
+    ASTVec children;
+    children.push_back(form1);
+    children.push_back(form2);
+    return CreateSimpAndOr(IsAnd, children);
+  }
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpAndOr(bool IsAnd, ASTVec &children) {
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {
+      cout << "========" << endl << "CreateSimpAndOr " << (IsAnd ? "AND " : "OR ") ;
+      lpvec(children);
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    ASTVec new_children;
+    // sort so that identical nodes occur in sequential runs, followed by
+    // their negations.
+    SortByExprNum(children);
+    ASTNode annihilator = (IsAnd ? ASTFalse : ASTTrue);
+    ASTNode identity = (IsAnd ? ASTTrue : ASTFalse);
+    ASTNode retval;
+    ASTVec::const_iterator it_end = children.end();
+    ASTVec::const_iterator next_it;
+    for(ASTVec::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != it_end; it = next_it) {
+      next_it = it + 1;
+      bool nextexists = (next_it < it_end);
+      if (*it == annihilator) {
+	retval = annihilator;
+	if (_trace_simpbool) {
+	  cout << "returns " << retval << endl;
+	}
+	return retval;
+      }
+      else if (*it == identity) {
+	// just drop it
+      }
+      else if (nextexists && (*next_it == *it)) {
+	// drop it
+	//	cout << "Dropping [" << it->GetNodeNum() << "]" << endl;
+      }
+      else if (nextexists && (next_it->GetKind() == NOT) && ((*next_it)[0] == *it)) {
+	// form and negation -- return FALSE for AND, TRUE for OR.
+	retval = annihilator;
+	// cout << "X and/or NOT X" << endl; 
+	if (_trace_simpbool) {
+	  cout << "returns " << retval << endl;
+	}
+	return retval;
+      }
+      else {
+	// add to children
+	new_children.push_back(*it);
+      }
+    }
+    // If we get here, we saw no annihilators, and children should
+    // be only the non-True nodes.
+    if (new_children.size() < 2) {
+      if (0 == new_children.size()) {
+	retval = identity;
+      }
+      else {
+	// there is just one child
+	retval = new_children[0];
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // 2 or more children.  Create a new node.
+      retval = CreateNode(IsAnd ? AND : OR, new_children);
+    }
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {
+      cout << "returns " << retval << endl;
+    }
+    return retval;
+  }
+  // Constant children are accumulated in "accumconst".  
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpXor(ASTVec &children) {
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {
+      cout << "========" << endl
+	   << "CreateSimpXor ";
+      lpvec(children);
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    // Change this not to init to children if flattening code is present.
+    // ASTVec flat_children = children;		// empty vector
+    ASTVec flat_children;		// empty vector
+    ASTVec::const_iterator it_end = children.end();
+    if (xor_flatten) {
+      bool fflag = 0;		// ***Temp debugging
+      // Experimental flattening code.
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it = children.begin(); it != it_end; it++) {
+	Kind ck = it->GetKind();
+	const ASTVec &gchildren = it->GetChildren();
+	if (XOR == ck) {
+	  fflag = 1;
+	  // append grandchildren to children
+	  flat_children.insert(flat_children.end(), gchildren.begin(), gchildren.end());
+	}
+	else {
+	  flat_children.push_back(*it);
+	}
+      }
+      if (_trace_simpbool && fflag) {
+	cout << "========" << endl;
+	cout << "Flattening: " << endl;
+	lpvec(children);
+	cout << "--------" << endl;
+	cout << "Flattening result: " << endl;
+	lpvec(flat_children);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      flat_children = children;
+    }
+    // sort so that identical nodes occur in sequential runs, followed by
+    // their negations.
+    SortByExprNum(flat_children);
+    ASTNode retval;
+    // This is the C Boolean value of all constant args seen.  It is initially
+    // 0.  TRUE children cause it to change value.
+    bool accumconst = 0;
+    ASTVec new_children;
+    it_end = flat_children.end();
+    ASTVec::iterator next_it;
+    for(ASTVec::iterator it = flat_children.begin(); it != it_end; it++) {
+      next_it = it + 1;
+      bool nextexists = (next_it < it_end);
+      if (ASTTrue == *it) {
+	accumconst = !accumconst;
+      }
+      else if (ASTFalse == *it) {
+	// Ignore it
+      }
+      else if (nextexists && (*next_it == *it)) {
+	// x XOR x = FALSE.  Skip current, write "false" into next_it
+	// so that it gets tossed, too.
+	*next_it = ASTFalse;
+      }
+      else if (nextexists && (next_it->GetKind() == NOT) && ((*next_it)[0] == *it)) {
+	// x XOR NOT x = TRUE.  Skip current, write "true" into next_it
+	// so that it gets tossed, too.
+	*next_it = ASTTrue;
+      }
+      else if (NOT == it->GetKind()) {
+	// If child is (NOT alpha), we can flip accumconst and use alpha.
+	// This is ok because (NOT alpha) == TRUE XOR alpha
+	accumconst = !accumconst;
+	// CreateSimpNot just takes child of not.
+	new_children.push_back(CreateSimpNot(*it));
+      }
+      else {
+	new_children.push_back(*it);
+      }
+    }
+    // Children should be non-constant.
+    if (new_children.size() < 2) {
+      if (0 == new_children.size()) {
+	// XOR(TRUE, FALSE) -- accumconst will be 1.
+	if (accumconst) {
+	  retval = ASTTrue;
+	}
+	else {
+	  retval = ASTFalse;
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	// there is just one child
+	// XOR(x, TRUE) -- accumconst will be 1.
+	if (accumconst) {
+	  retval =  CreateSimpNot(new_children[0]);
+	}
+	else {
+	  retval = new_children[0];
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // negate first child if accumconst == 1
+      if (accumconst) {
+	new_children[0] = CreateSimpNot(new_children[0]);
+      }
+      retval = CreateNode(XOR, new_children);
+    }
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {    
+      cout << "returns " << retval << endl;
+    }
+    return retval;
+  }
+  // FIXME:  How do I know whether ITE is a formula or not?
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CreateSimpFormITE(const ASTNode& child0,
+				     const ASTNode& child1,
+				     const ASTNode& child2) {
+    ASTNode retval;
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {
+      cout << "========" << endl << "CreateSimpFormITE "
+	   << child0 
+	   << child1 
+	   << child2 << endl;
+    }
+    if (ASTTrue == child0) {
+      retval = child1;
+    }
+    else if (ASTFalse == child0) {
+      retval = child2;
+    }
+    else if (child1 == child2) {
+      retval = child1;
+    }    
+    // ITE(x, TRUE, y ) == x OR y
+    else if (ASTTrue == child1) {
+      retval = CreateSimpAndOr(0, child0, child2);
+    }
+    // ITE(x, FALSE, y ) == (!x AND y)
+    else if (ASTFalse == child1) {
+      retval = CreateSimpAndOr(1, CreateSimpNot(child0), child2); 
+    }
+    // ITE(x, y, TRUE ) == (!x OR y)
+    else if (ASTTrue == child2) {
+      retval = CreateSimpAndOr(0, CreateSimpNot(child0), child1); 
+    }
+    // ITE(x, y, FALSE ) == (x AND y)
+    else if (ASTFalse == child2) {
+      retval = CreateSimpAndOr(1, child0, child1); 
+    }
+    // ITE (x, !y, y) == x XOR y
+//     else if (NOT == child1.GetKind() && (child1[0] == child2)) {
+//       retval = CreateSimpXor(child0, child2);
+//     }
+//     // ITE (x, y, !y) == x IFF y.  I think other cases are covered
+//     // by XOR/IFF optimizations
+//     else if (NOT == child2.GetKind() && (child2[0] == child1)) {
+//       retval = CreateSimpXor(CreateSimpNot(child0), child2);
+//     }
+    else {
+      retval = CreateNode(ITE, child0, child1, child2);
+    }
+    if (_trace_simpbool) {
+      cout << "returns " << retval << endl;
+    }
+    return retval;
+  }
+} // BEEV namespace
diff --git a/stp/AST/ToCNF.cpp b/stp/AST/ToCNF.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a18b3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ToCNF.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ * AUTHORS: David L. Dill, Vijay Ganesh 
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+// THEORY: This code translates an arbitrary Boolean DAG, generated by
+// the BitBlast.cpp, to an equi-satisfiable CNF formula.  There are
+// four kinds of variables in the CNF formula: (1) propositional
+// variables from the original formula; (2) BVGETBIT formulas from the
+// original formula (a precondition is that the BVGETBIT can only be
+// applied to bitvector-valued variables, array reads, or
+// uninterpreted functions); (3) TRUE; or (4) representative variables
+// (see below).  Each literal in the CNF formula is one of these or
+// its negation.  
+// It is convenient (though not perfectly efficient) to be able to add
+// TRUE and FALSE constants to clauses, which is not allowed in CNF.
+// So, there is a "dummy variable" representing TRUE, which is used in
+// its place (so FALSE is represented by the negation of the dummy
+// var).  The CNF formula has a unit clause containing this dummy
+// variable, so that any satisfying assignment must make the dummy var
+// TRUE.
+// Every sub-formula of the input formula has a "representative
+// literal."  A truth assignment satisfies the CNF formula iff the
+// restriction of that assignment to the original variables satisfies
+// the original formula, AND the rep lits have the same truth values
+// as the subformulas they represent in the original formula.  In the
+// trivial cases, the representative literal is the input variable, or
+// dummy true var, or its negation.  Representative literals may be
+// negated variables -- essentially, only AND formulas are translated,
+// and everything else is handled by rewriting or negating formulas.
+// The representative for (NOT alpha) is the negation of the
+// representative for alpha.
+// The translation is performed by ToCNF_int, which traverses the original
+// formula.  ToCNF adds clauses that constrain the representative variables
+// to be equal to the truth values of the formulas they represent.
+// ToCNF always returns a literal whose value must be equivalent to the formula
+// it translated.  In trivial cases, this literal is a literal from the original
+// formula, or the dummy true/false literals.  If the formula is of the form
+// (not alpha), ToCNF_int negates the literal representing alpha (which may
+// itself be a negative literal) and returns it.  Otherwise, ToCNF_int assigns
+// a new rep var, adds the clauses, and returns the new var.  ToCNF_int is
+// memoized so that it doesn't assign more than one variable to a subformula,
+// and to prevent exponential numbers of redundant visits to shared subformulas.
+// In reality, only AND/OR/NOT formulas are translated directly.  Everything
+// else (XOR, IFF, IMPLIES) is rewritten on-the-fly into these forms.  I
+// could have done that in bit-blasting, but I thought that, in the future,
+// we might be able to translate these operations differently in different
+// contexts to optimize the CNF formula.
+// FIXME: Inspection of the clauses is kind of horrifying.  In
+// addition to true/false, there are duplicate literals and duplicate
+// clauses all over the place.
+#include "AST.h"
+static bool CNF_trace = false;
+namespace BEEV {
+/**  Statistics class.  Total number of variables is best tracked in
+     ToSAT.  Number of clauses is just cll.size() */
+class CNFstats {
+  int _num_new_rep_vars;
+  int _num_clauses;
+  // constructor
+  CNFstats() : _num_new_rep_vars(0), _num_clauses(0) {}
+  void printStats() {
+    if(stats) {
+      cout << "ToCNF statistics:" << endl;
+      cout << "Number of new representative variables: "
+	   << _num_new_rep_vars << endl;
+      cout << "Number of new clauses: "
+	   << _num_clauses << endl;
+    }
+  }
+/** This class contains private data and function members for the
+    CNF conversion */
+class CNFMgr {
+  friend class BeevMgr;
+  // Needed in the body of BeevMgr::ToCNF.  It's not visible outside
+  // this file, though.
+  ASTNode dummy_true_var;
+  // CNF Pre-pass
+  ASTNodeMap ToCNFPrePassMemo;
+  // CNF Memo Table.
+  ASTNodeMap CNFMemo;
+  // Pointer back to BeevMgr with the node tables, etc.
+  BeevMgr *bm;
+  // For ToCNF conversion.  This holds a dummy variable representing
+  // "True".  It is added as a unit clause, so that it will be assigned
+  // to true and propagated immediately by any CNF solver.
+  ASTNode dummy_false_var;	// not of dummy_true_var
+  CNFstats stats;
+  // constructor
+  CNFMgr(BeevMgr *bmgr)
+  {
+    bm = bmgr;
+    // Dummy variable so TRUE can be a literal.
+    dummy_true_var = bm->CreateSymbol("*TrueDummy*");
+    dummy_false_var = bm->CreateSimpNot(dummy_true_var);
+  }
+  // Returns true iff result has been memoized.
+  // if it returns true, result is returned in by-ref parameter "result"
+  // Consider just putitng this in-line.
+  bool CNFIsMemoized(ASTNode &form, ASTNode &result)
+  {
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it = CNFMemo.find(form);
+    if (it != CNFMemo.end()) {
+      result = it->second;  //already there. Just return it.
+      return true;
+    }
+    else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Convert a big XOR to a bunch of AND/ORs.  Assumes subformulas have
+  // already been converted.
+  ASTNode convertXORs(ASTVec children)
+  {
+    ASTNode accum = children[0];
+    ASTVec::iterator itend = children.end();
+    for (ASTVec::iterator it = children.begin()+1; it < itend; it++) {
+      // a XOR b -> (a | b) & (!a | !b)
+      // For each XOR node with k children, creates approximately
+      // 5*(k-1) nodes. AND + 2 OR + 2 NOT.
+      ASTNode or1 = bm->CreateNode(OR, accum, *it);
+      ASTNode or2 = bm->CreateNode(OR, bm->CreateSimpNot(accum), bm->CreateSimpNot(*it));
+      accum = bm->CreateNode(AND, or1, or2);
+    }
+    return accum;
+  }
+  // Do preliminary transformations on bitblasted formula to make 
+  // CNF conversion easier.
+  // Converts XORs to AND/OR form.
+  ASTNode ToCNFPrePass(const ASTNode &form)
+  {
+    // Check memo table
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator mem_it = ToCNFPrePassMemo.find(form);
+    if (mem_it != ToCNFPrePassMemo.end()) {
+      return mem_it->second;
+    }
+    ASTNode result;
+    ASTVec new_children;
+    ASTVec::const_iterator endit = form.end();
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = form.begin(); it != endit; it++) {
+      ASTNode ch = ToCNFPrePass(*it);
+      new_children.push_back(ch);
+    }
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    switch (k) {
+    case FALSE: 
+    case TRUE:
+    case SYMBOL: 
+    case BVGETBIT: {
+      result = form;
+      break;
+    }
+    case XOR: {
+      // convertXORs can only be called once per XOR node.
+      result = convertXORs(new_children);
+      // cout << "convertXORs num args: "  << new_children.size() << endl;
+      // temporary node for node count.
+      // ASTNode tmp = bm->CreateNode(XOR, new_children );
+      // cout << "convertXORs size of [" << form.GetNodeNum() << "] " << bm->NodeSize(form, true) << endl;
+      // cout << "convertXORs before size: " << bm->NodeSize(tmp, true) << endl;
+      // cout << "convertXORs after size: " << bm->NodeSize(result, true) << endl;
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      // Be cautious about using CreateSimpForm -- It makes big xors!
+      result = bm->CreateNode(k, new_children);
+    }
+    }
+//     cout << "================" << endl
+// 	 << "ToCNFPrePass:" << form << endl
+// 	 << "----------------" << endl
+// 	 << "ToCNFPrePass Result:" << result << endl;
+    return (ToCNFPrePassMemo[form] = result);
+  }
+  // Memoize and return formula value
+  ASTNode CNFMemoize(ASTNode& form, ASTNode result)
+  {
+    CNFMemo[form] = result;
+    return result;    
+  }
+  // Create a representative variable for an original formula.
+  // The convention is that the variable will have the same truth
+  // value as the expression numbered "num."  
+  ASTNode RepLit(const char *name, int exprnum)
+  {
+    // FIXME: can this be done more efficiently with string type?
+    ostringstream oss;
+    oss << name << "{" << exprnum << "}";
+    ASTNode t = bm->CreateSymbol(oss.str().c_str());
+    // Track how many we're generating.
+    stats._num_new_rep_vars++;
+    //ASTNode is of type BOOLEAN <==> ((indexwidth=0)&&(valuewidth=0))
+    t.SetIndexWidth(0);
+    t.SetValueWidth(0);
+    return t;
+  }
+  // Handle the cases where it's necessary to do n children.
+  // This code translates ANDs, and converts NAND, NOR, OR by negating
+  // the inputs or outputs of the AND.
+  ASTNode ToCNF_AndLike(Kind k, BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll, ASTNode form)
+  {  
+    // Build vectors of positive and negative rep lits for children
+    ASTVec kidlits(0);
+    ASTVec negkidlits(0);
+    ASTVec::const_iterator kids_end = form.end();
+    for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = form.begin(); it != kids_end; it++) {
+      ASTNode kidreplit = ToCNF_int(cll, *it);
+      kidlits.push_back(kidreplit);
+      negkidlits.push_back(bm->CreateSimpNot(kidreplit));
+    }
+    ASTNode replit;
+    // translate the AND, negating inputs as appropriate.
+    if (k == OR || k == NOR) {
+      replit = ToCNF_AND(cll, form.GetNodeNum(), negkidlits, kidlits);
+    }
+    else {
+      replit = ToCNF_AND(cll, form.GetNodeNum(), kidlits, negkidlits);
+    }
+    // Reduce NAND/OR to AND by negating result.
+    if (k == NAND || k == OR) {
+      return CNFMemoize(form, bm->CreateSimpNot(replit));
+    }
+    else {
+      return CNFMemoize(form, replit);
+    }
+  }
+  ASTNode ToCNF_AND(BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll, int nodenum, ASTVec& kidlits, ASTVec& negkidlits)
+  {
+    // Translate an AND, given rep lits for children
+    // Build clauses for (replit <-> a AND b AND c)
+    ASTNode replit = RepLit("cnf", nodenum);
+    ASTNode notreplit = bm->CreateSimpNot(replit);
+    if (CNF_trace) {
+      cout << "Translating AND" << endl << "-----------------------" << endl
+	   << "Rep lit =" <<  replit << endl
+	   << "-----------------------";
+    }
+    // (a AND b AND c -> replit) ==   (~a OR ~b OR ~c OR replit)
+    BeevMgr::ClausePtr clp = new ASTVec(negkidlits);
+    clp->push_back(replit);
+    if (CNF_trace) {
+      LispPrintVec(cout, *clp, 0);
+      cout << endl << "-----------------------" << endl;
+    }
+    cll.push_back(clp);
+    // (replit -> (a AND b AND c)) == 
+    //     (~replit OR a) AND (~replit OR b) AND (~replit OR c)
+    ASTVec::const_iterator kidlits_end = kidlits.end();
+    for (ASTVec::iterator it = kidlits.begin(); it != kidlits_end; it++) {
+      clp = new ASTVec();
+      clp->push_back(notreplit);
+      clp->push_back(*it);
+      if (CNF_trace) {
+	LispPrintVec(cout, *clp, 0);
+	cout << endl << "-----------------------" << endl;
+      }
+      cll.push_back(clp);
+    }
+    return replit;
+  }
+  /** Builds clauses globally and returns a literal.
+      The literal can be a leaf from the expression, or a rep var
+      made up to represent the subexpression. */
+  ASTNode ToCNF_int(BeevMgr::BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll, ASTNode form) {
+    // FIXME: assert indexwidth= 0, valuewidth = 1
+    // FIXME:  rewriting is top-down, which is not efficient.
+    // It rewrites the top node of the tree, then does the children.
+    // Either rewrite in a separate pass, or translate children
+    // before rewriting somehow (might require handling rep lits
+    // as though they were real lits, which is probably ok).
+    // Return memoized value if seen before.
+    ASTNode result;
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    if (CNFIsMemoized(form, result)) {
+      return result;
+    }
+    switch (k) {
+      // handle the trivial cases here.  If none apply, call the
+      // heavy-duty function.  If a constant or literal, just return
+      // without creating a clause.
+    case FALSE: {
+      result = dummy_false_var;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TRUE: {
+      result =  dummy_true_var;
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYMBOL: 
+    case BVGETBIT: {
+      result = form;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOT: {
+	ASTNode replit = ToCNF_int(cll, form[0]);
+	result = bm->CreateSimpNot(replit);
+      break;
+    }
+      // For these, I can't think of anything better than expanding into ANDs/ORs
+    case ITE: {
+      // (ite a b c) == (~a OR b) AND (a OR c)
+      ASTNode l = bm->CreateNode(OR, bm->CreateSimpNot(form[0]), form[1]);
+      ASTNode r = bm->CreateNode(OR, form[0], form[2]);
+      ASTNode andor = bm->CreateNode(AND, l, r);
+      if (CNF_trace) {
+	cout << "Rewriting " << form << endl
+	     << "to" << andor << endl
+	     << "-------------------" << endl;
+      }
+      result = ToCNF_int(cll, andor);
+      break;
+    }
+    case IMPLIES: {
+      // Just rewrite into (~a OR b)
+      ASTNode l = bm->CreateSimpNot(form[0]);
+      ASTNode andor = bm->CreateNode(OR, l, form[1]);
+      if (CNF_trace) {
+	cout << "Rewriting " << form << endl
+	     << "to" << andor << endl
+	     << "-------------------" << endl;
+      }
+      result = ToCNF_int(cll, andor);
+      break;
+    }
+    case XOR: {
+      FatalError("ToCNF_int: XORs should have been converted to AND/OR by this point.");
+      break;
+    }
+    case IFF: {
+      FatalError("BitBlaster failed to eliminate all IFFs.");
+      break;
+    }
+    case AND:
+    case OR:
+    case NOR:
+    case NAND: {
+      result = ToCNF_AndLike(k, cll, form);
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      cerr << "ToCNF: can't handle this kind: " << k << endl;
+      FatalError("");
+    }
+    if (CNF_trace) {
+      cout << "ToCNF_int: Literal " << result << " represents formula " <<
+	form << endl << "---------------" << endl;
+    }
+    return CNFMemoize(form, result);
+  } //end of ToCNF_int()
+}; // end of CNFMgr class
+  // These are the bodies of functions in the BeevMgr that are part of
+  // the public interface.
+  // Debug printing function.
+  void BeevMgr::PrintClauseList(ostream& os, BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll)
+  {
+    int num_clauses = cll.size();
+    os << "Clauses: " << endl << "=========================================" << endl;
+    for(int i=0; i < num_clauses; i++) {
+      os << "Clause " << i << endl
+	 << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
+      LispPrintVec(os, *cll[i], 0);
+      os << endl
+	 << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::DeleteClauseList(BeevMgr::ClauseList *cllp)
+  {
+    BeevMgr::ClauseList::const_iterator iend = cllp->end();
+    for (BeevMgr::ClauseList::const_iterator i = cllp->begin(); i < iend; i++) {
+      delete *i;
+    }
+    delete cllp;
+  }
+  // Top level conversion function
+  BeevMgr::ClauseList *BeevMgr::ToCNF(const ASTNode& form) 
+  {
+    // FIXME: This is leaked as well.
+    CNFMgr *cm = new CNFMgr(this);
+    // Prepass
+    ASTNode form1 = cm->ToCNFPrePass(form);
+    // cout << "Number of nodes after ToCNFPrePass" << NodeSize(form1, true) << endl;
+    // cout << "ToCNF: After ToCNFPrePass" << form1 << endl;
+    // FIXME: Assert CNFMemo is empty.
+    // The clause list we will be building up.
+    // FIXME: This is never freed.
+    ClauseList *cllp = new ClauseList();
+    BeevMgr::ClausePtr dummy_true_unit_clause = new ASTVec();
+    dummy_true_unit_clause->push_back(cm->dummy_true_var);
+    cllp->push_back(dummy_true_unit_clause);
+    // This is where the translation happens.
+    ASTNode toplit = cm->ToCNF_int(*cllp, form1);
+    // Add the top literal as a unit clause, since it must
+    // be true when original formula is satsfied.
+    BeevMgr::ClausePtr clp = new ASTVec(0);
+    clp->push_back(toplit);
+    cllp->push_back(clp);
+    cm->stats._num_clauses = cllp->size();
+    cm->stats.printStats();
+    RepLitMap = cm->CNFMemo;	// Save memo table for debugging (DD 1/13/07).
+    cm->CNFMemo.clear();   // Important to do this so nodes get freed.
+    delete cm;
+    return cllp;
+  }
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp b/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a164c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/ToSAT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1385 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#include "AST.h"
+#include "ASTUtil.h"
+#include "../simplifier/bvsolver.h"
+#include <math.h>
+namespace BEEV {
+  /* FUNCTION: lookup or create a new MINISAT literal
+   * lookup or create new MINISAT Vars from the global MAP
+   * _ASTNode_to_SATVar.
+   */
+  const MINISAT::Var BeevMgr::LookupOrCreateSATVar(MINISAT::Solver& newS, const ASTNode& n) {  
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator it;  
+    MINISAT::Var v;
+    //look for the symbol in the global map from ASTNodes to ints. if
+    //not found, create a S.newVar(), else use the existing one.
+    if((it = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.find(n)) == _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end()) {
+      v = newS.newVar();
+      _ASTNode_to_SATVar[n] = v;	
+      //ASSUMPTION: I am assuming that the newS.newVar() call increments v
+      //by 1 each time it is called, and the initial value of a
+      //MINISAT::Var is 0.
+      _SATVar_to_AST.push_back(n);
+    }
+    else
+      v = it->second;
+    return v;
+  }
+  /* FUNCTION: convert ASTClauses to MINISAT clauses and solve.
+   * Accepts ASTClauses and converts them to MINISAT clauses. Then adds
+   * the newly minted MINISAT clauses to the local SAT instance, and
+   * calls solve(). If solve returns unsat, then stop and return
+   * unsat. else continue.
+   */  
+  // FIXME: Still need to deal with TRUE/FALSE in clauses!
+ bool BeevMgr::toSATandSolve(MINISAT::Solver& newS, BeevMgr::ClauseList& cll)
+ {
+    CountersAndStats("SAT Solver");
+    //iterate through the list (conjunction) of ASTclauses cll
+    BeevMgr::ClauseList::const_iterator i = cll.begin(), iend = cll.end();
+    if(i == iend)
+      FatalError("toSATandSolve: Nothing to Solve",ASTUndefined);
+    //turnOffSubsumption
+    newS.turnOffSubsumption();
+    // (*i) is an ASTVec-ptr which denotes an ASTclause
+    for(; i!=iend; i++) {    
+      //Clause for the SATSolver
+      MINISAT::vec<MINISAT::Lit> satSolverClause;
+      //now iterate through the internals of the ASTclause itself
+      ASTVec::const_iterator j = (*i)->begin(), jend = (*i)->end();
+      //j is a disjunct in the ASTclause (*i)
+      for(;j!=jend;j++) {
+	bool negate = (NOT == j->GetKind()) ? true : false;		
+	ASTNode n = negate ? (*j)[0] : *j;
+	//Lookup or create the MINISAT::Var corresponding to the Booelan
+	//ASTNode Variable, and push into sat Solver clause
+	MINISAT::Var v = LookupOrCreateSATVar(newS,n);
+	MINISAT::Lit l(v, negate);
+	satSolverClause.push(l);
+      }
+      newS.addClause(satSolverClause);
+      // clause printing.
+      // (printClause<MINISAT::vec<MINISAT::Lit> >)(satSolverClause);
+      // cout << " 0 ";
+      // cout << endl;
+      if(newS.okay()) {
+	continue;
+      }
+      else {
+	PrintStats(newS.stats);
+	return false;
+      }
+      if(!newS.simplifyDB(false)) {
+      	PrintStats(newS.stats);
+      	return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // if input is UNSAT return false, else return true    
+    if(!newS.simplifyDB(false)) {
+      PrintStats(newS.stats);
+      return false;
+    }
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("Before SAT:",newS);
+    //ChangeActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(newS);
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("Before SAT and after initial bias:",newS); 
+    newS.solve();
+    //PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars("After SAT",newS);
+    PrintStats(newS.stats);
+    if (newS.okay())
+      return true;
+    else
+      return false;
+  }
+  // GLOBAL FUNCTION: Prints statistics from the MINISAT Solver   
+  void BeevMgr::PrintStats(MINISAT::SolverStats& s) {
+    if(!stats)
+      return;
+    double  cpu_time = MINISAT::cpuTime();
+    MINISAT::int64   mem_used = MINISAT::memUsed();
+    reportf("restarts              : %"I64_fmt"\n", s.starts);
+    reportf("conflicts             : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.conflicts   , s.conflicts   /cpu_time);
+    reportf("decisions             : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.decisions   , s.decisions   /cpu_time);
+    reportf("propagations          : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%.0f /sec)\n", s.propagations, s.propagations/cpu_time);
+    reportf("conflict literals     : %-12"I64_fmt"   (%4.2f %% deleted)\n", 
+	    s.tot_literals, 
+	    (s.max_literals - s.tot_literals)*100 / (double)s.max_literals);
+    if (mem_used != 0) reportf("Memory used           : %.2f MB\n", mem_used / 1048576.0);
+    reportf("CPU time              : %g s\n", cpu_time);
+  }
+  // Prints Satisfying assignment directly, for debugging.
+  void BeevMgr::PrintSATModel(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!newS.okay())
+      FatalError("PrintSATModel: NO COUNTEREXAMPLE TO PRINT",ASTUndefined);
+    // FIXME: Don't put tests like this in the print functions.  The print functions
+    // should print unconditionally.  Put a conditional around the call if you don't 
+    // want them to print
+    if(!(stats && print_nodes))
+      return;
+    int num_vars = newS.nVars();
+    cout << "Satisfying assignment: " << endl;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_vars; i++) {
+      if (newS.model[i] == MINISAT::l_True) {
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	cout << s << endl;
+      }
+      else if (newS.model[i] == MINISAT::l_False) {
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	cout << CreateNode(NOT, s) << endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Looks up truth value of ASTNode SYMBOL in MINISAT satisfying assignment.
+  // Returns ASTTrue if true, ASTFalse if false or undefined.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::SymbolTruthValue(MINISAT::Solver &newS, ASTNode form) 
+  {
+    MINISAT::Var satvar = _ASTNode_to_SATVar[form];
+    if (newS.model[satvar] == MINISAT::l_True) {
+      return ASTTrue;
+    }
+    else if (newS.model[satvar] == MINISAT::l_False){
+      // False
+      return ASTFalse;
+    }
+    else {
+      return (rand() > 4096) ? ASTTrue : ASTFalse; 
+    }
+  }
+  // This function is for debugging problems with BitBlast and especially
+  // ToCNF. It evaluates the bit-blasted formula in the satisfying
+  // assignment.  While doing that, it checks that every subformula has
+  // the same truth value as its representative literal, if it has one.
+  // If this condition is violated, it halts immediately (on the leftmost
+  // lowest term).
+  // Use CreateSimpForm to evaluate, even though it's expensive, so that
+  // we can use the partial truth assignment.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CheckBBandCNF(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form)
+  {
+    // Clear memo table (in case newS has changed).
+    CheckBBandCNFMemo.clear();
+    // Call recursive version that does the work.
+    return CheckBBandCNF_int(newS, form);
+  }
+  // Recursive body CheckBBandCNF
+  // FIXME:  Modify this to just check if result is true, and print mismatch 
+  // if not.   Might have a trace flag for the other stuff.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::CheckBBandCNF_int(MINISAT::Solver& newS, ASTNode form)
+  {
+    //    cout << "++++++++++++++++" << endl << "CheckBBandCNF_int form = " <<
+    //      form << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator memoit = CheckBBandCNFMemo.find(form);
+    if (memoit != CheckBBandCNFMemo.end()) {
+      // found it.  Return memoized value.
+      return memoit->second;
+    }
+    ASTNode result;		// return value, to memoize.
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    switch (k) {
+    case TRUE:
+    case FALSE: {
+      return form;
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYMBOL: 
+    case BVGETBIT:  {
+      // Look up the truth value
+      // ASTNode -> Sat -> Truthvalue -> ASTTrue or ASTFalse;
+      // FIXME: Could make up a fresh var in undefined case.
+      result = SymbolTruthValue(newS, form);
+      cout << "================" << endl << "Checking BB formula:" << form << endl;
+      cout << "----------------" << endl << "Result:" << result << endl;
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      // Evaluate the children recursively.
+      ASTVec eval_children;
+      ASTVec ch = form.GetChildren();
+      ASTVec::iterator itend = ch.end();
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it = ch.begin(); it < itend; it++) {
+	eval_children.push_back(CheckBBandCNF_int(newS, *it));
+      }
+      result = CreateSimpForm(k, eval_children);
+      cout << "================" << endl << "Checking BB formula:" << form << endl;
+      cout << "----------------" << endl << "Result:" << result << endl;
+      ASTNode replit_eval;
+      // Compare with replit, if there is one.
+      ASTNodeMap::iterator replit_it = RepLitMap.find(form);
+      if (replit_it != RepLitMap.end()) {
+	ASTNode replit = RepLitMap[form];
+	// Replit is symbol or not symbol.
+	if (SYMBOL == replit.GetKind()) {
+	  replit_eval = SymbolTruthValue(newS, replit);
+	}
+	else {
+	  // It's (NOT sym).  Get value of sym and complement.
+	  replit_eval = CreateSimpNot(SymbolTruthValue(newS, replit[0]));
+	}
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "Rep lit: " << replit << endl;
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "Rep lit value: " << replit_eval << endl;
+	if (result != replit_eval) {
+	  // Hit the panic button.
+	  FatalError("Truth value of BitBlasted formula disagrees with representative literal in CNF.");
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	cout << "----------------" << endl << "No rep lit" << endl;
+      }
+    }
+    }
+    return (CheckBBandCNFMemo[form] = result);
+  }
+  /*FUNCTION: constructs counterexample from MINISAT counterexample
+   * step1 : iterate through MINISAT counterexample and assemble the
+   * bits for each AST term. Store it in a map from ASTNode to vector
+   * of bools (bits).
+   *
+   * step2: Iterate over the map from ASTNodes->Vector-of-Bools and
+   * populate the CounterExampleMap data structure (ASTNode -> BVConst)
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::ConstructCounterExample(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    //iterate over MINISAT counterexample and construct a map from AST
+    //terms to vector of bools. We need this iteration step because
+    //MINISAT might return the various bits of a term out of
+    //order. Therfore, we need to collect all the bits and assemble
+    //them properly
+    if(!newS.okay())
+      return;
+    if(!construct_counterexample)
+      return;    
+    CopySolverMap_To_CounterExample();
+    for (int i = 0; i < newS.nVars(); i++) {
+      //Make sure that the MINISAT::Var is defined
+      if (newS.model[i] != MINISAT::l_Undef) {
+	//mapping from MINISAT::Vars to ASTNodes. We do not need to
+	//print MINISAT vars or CNF vars.
+	ASTNode s = _SATVar_to_AST[i];
+	//assemble the counterexample here
+	if(s.GetKind() == BVGETBIT && s[0].GetKind() == SYMBOL) {
+	  ASTNode symbol = s[0];
+	  unsigned int symbolWidth = symbol.GetValueWidth();
+	  //'v' is the map from bit-index to bit-value
+	  hash_map<unsigned,bool> * v;	
+	  if(_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.find(symbol) == _ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end())
+	    _ASTNode_to_Bitvector[symbol] = new hash_map<unsigned,bool>(symbolWidth);	
+	  //v holds the map from bit-index to bit-value
+	  v = _ASTNode_to_Bitvector[symbol];
+	  //kk is the index of BVGETBIT
+	  unsigned int kk = GetUnsignedConst(s[1]); 	
+	  //Collect the bits of 'symbol' and store in v. Store in reverse order.
+	  if(newS.model[i]==MINISAT::l_True)
+	    (*v)[(symbolWidth-1) - kk] = true;
+	  else
+	    (*v)[(symbolWidth-1) - kk] = false;
+	}
+	else {	 
+	  if(s.GetKind() == SYMBOL && s.GetType() == BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
+	    const char * zz = s.GetName();
+	    //if the variables are not cnf variables then add them to the counterexample
+	    if(0 != strncmp("cnf",zz,3) && 0 != strcmp("*TrueDummy*",zz)) {
+	      if(newS.model[i]==MINISAT::l_True)
+		CounterExampleMap[s] = ASTTrue;
+	      else
+		CounterExampleMap[s] = ASTFalse;	    
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    //iterate over the ASTNode_to_Bitvector data-struct and construct
+    //the the aggregate value of the bitvector, and populate the
+    //CounterExampleMap datastructure
+    for(ASTtoBitvectorMap::iterator it=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.begin(),itend=_ASTNode_to_Bitvector.end();
+	it!=itend;it++) {
+      ASTNode var = it->first;      
+      //debugging
+      //cerr << var;
+      if(SYMBOL != var.GetKind())
+	FatalError("ConstructCounterExample: error while constructing counterexample: not a variable: ",var);
+      //construct the bitvector value
+      hash_map<unsigned,bool> * w = it->second;
+      ASTNode value = BoolVectoBVConst(w, var.GetValueWidth());      
+      //debugging
+      //cerr << value;
+      //populate the counterexample datastructure. add only scalars
+      //variables which were declared in the input and newly
+      //introduced variables for array reads
+      CounterExampleMap[var] = value;
+    }
+    //In this loop, we compute the value of each array read, the
+    //corresponding ITE against the counterexample generated above.
+    for(ASTNodeMap::iterator it=_arrayread_ite.begin(),itend=_arrayread_ite.end();
+	it!=itend;it++){
+      //the array read
+      ASTNode arrayread = it->first;
+      ASTNode value_ite = _arrayread_ite[arrayread];
+      //convert it to a constant array-read and store it in the
+      //counter-example. First convert the index into a constant. then
+      //construct the appropriate array-read and store it in the
+      //counterexample
+      ASTNode arrayread_index = TermToConstTermUsingModel(arrayread[1]);
+      ASTNode key = CreateTerm(READ,arrayread.GetValueWidth(),arrayread[0],arrayread_index);
+      //Get the ITE corresponding to the array-read and convert it
+      //to a constant against the model
+      ASTNode value = TermToConstTermUsingModel(value_ite);
+      //save the result in the counter_example
+      if(!CheckSubstitutionMap(key))
+	CounterExampleMap[key] = value;      
+    }
+  } //End of ConstructCounterExample
+  // FUNCTION: accepts a non-constant term, and returns the
+  // corresponding constant term with respect to a model. 
+  //
+  // term READ(A,i) is treated as follows:
+  //
+  //1. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is true && ArrayRead
+  //1. has value in counterexample), then return the value of the
+  //1. arrayread.
+  //
+  //2. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is true && ArrayRead
+  //2. doesn't have value in counterexample), then return the
+  //2. arrayread itself (normalized such that arrayread has a constant
+  //2. index)
+  //
+  //3. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is false) && ArrayRead
+  //3. has a value in the counterexample then return the value of the
+  //3. arrayread.
+  //
+  //4. If (the boolean variable 'ArrayReadFlag' is false) && ArrayRead
+  //4. doesn't have a value in the counterexample then return 0 as the
+  //4. value of the arrayread.
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TermToConstTermUsingModel(const ASTNode& t, bool ArrayReadFlag) {
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    //ASTNode term = SimplifyTerm(t);
+    ASTNode term = t;
+    Kind k = term.GetKind();
+    //cerr << "Input to TermToConstTermUsingModel: " << term << endl;
+    if(!is_Term_kind(k)) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input is not a term: ",term);
+    }
+    if(k == WRITE) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input has wrong kind: WRITE : ",term);
+    }
+    if(k == SYMBOL && BOOLEAN_TYPE == term.GetType()) {
+      FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input has wrong kind: Propositional variable : ",term);
+    }
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
+    if((it1 = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode val = it1->second;
+      if(BVCONST != val.GetKind()) {
+	//CounterExampleMap has two maps rolled into
+	//one. SubstitutionMap and SolverMap.
+	//
+	//recursion is fine here. There are two maps that are checked
+	//here. One is the substitutionmap. We garuntee that the value
+	//of a key in the substitutionmap is always a constant.
+	//
+	//in the SolverMap we garuntee that "term" does not occur in
+	//the value part of the map
+	if(term == val) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input term is stored as-is "
+		     "in the CounterExample: Not ok: ",term);    
+	}
+	return TermToConstTermUsingModel(val,ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else {
+	return val;
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode output;
+    switch(k) {
+    case BVCONST:
+      output = term;
+      break;
+    case SYMBOL: {
+      if(term.GetType() == ARRAY_TYPE) {
+	return term;
+      }
+      //when all else fails set symbol values to some constant by
+      //default. if the variable is queried the second time then add 1
+      //to and return the new value.
+      ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(term.GetValueWidth());
+      output = zero;
+      break;    
+    }
+    case READ: {      
+      ASTNode arrName = term[0];
+      ASTNode index = term[1];
+      if(0 == arrName.GetIndexWidth()) {
+	FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: array has 0 index width: ",arrName);
+      }
+      //READ over a WRITE
+      if(WRITE == arrName.GetKind()) {
+	ASTNode wrtterm = Expand_ReadOverWrite_UsingModel(term, ArrayReadFlag);
+	if(wrtterm == term) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: Read_Over_Write term must be expanded into an ITE", term);
+	}
+	ASTNode rtterm = TermToConstTermUsingModel(wrtterm,ArrayReadFlag);	
+	return rtterm;
+      } 
+      //READ over an ITE
+      if(ITE == arrName.GetKind()) {
+	arrName = TermToConstTermUsingModel(arrName,ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      ASTNode modelentry;
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(index) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {	
+	//index has a const value in the CounterExampleMap
+	ASTNode indexVal = CounterExampleMap[index];
+	modelentry = CreateTerm(READ, arrName.GetValueWidth(), arrName, indexVal);
+      }
+      else { 
+	//index does not have a const value in the CounterExampleMap. compute it.
+	ASTNode indexconstval = TermToConstTermUsingModel(index,ArrayReadFlag);
+	//update model with value of the index
+	//CounterExampleMap[index] = indexconstval;
+	modelentry = CreateTerm(READ,arrName.GetValueWidth(), arrName,indexconstval);	
+      }
+      //modelentry is now an arrayread over a constant index
+      BVTypeCheck(modelentry);
+      //if a value exists in the CounterExampleMap then return it
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(modelentry) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(CounterExampleMap[modelentry],ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else if(ArrayReadFlag) {
+	//return the array read over a constantindex
+	output = modelentry;
+      }
+      else {
+	//when all else fails set symbol values to some constant by
+	//default. if the variable is queried the second time then add 1
+	//to and return the new value.
+	ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(modelentry.GetValueWidth());
+	output = zero;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case ITE: {
+      ASTNode condcompute = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(term[0]);
+      if(ASTTrue == condcompute) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(term[1],ArrayReadFlag);
+      }
+      else if(ASTFalse == condcompute) {
+	output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(term[2],ArrayReadFlag);
+      } 
+      else {
+	cerr << "TermToConstTermUsingModel: termITE: value of conditional is wrong: " << condcompute << endl; 
+	FatalError(" TermToConstTermUsingModel: termITE: cannot compute ITE conditional against model: ",term);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      ASTVec c = term.GetChildren();
+      ASTVec o;
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	ASTNode ff = TermToConstTermUsingModel(*it,ArrayReadFlag);
+	o.push_back(ff);
+      }
+      output = CreateTerm(k,term.GetValueWidth(),o);
+      //output is a CONST expression. compute its value and store it
+      //in the CounterExampleMap
+      ASTNode oo = BVConstEvaluator(output);
+      //the return value
+      output = oo;
+      break;
+    }
+    }
+    //when this flag is false, we should compute the arrayread to a
+    //constant. this constant is stored in the counter_example
+    //datastructure
+    if(!ArrayReadFlag) {
+      CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+    }
+    //cerr << "Output to TermToConstTermUsingModel: " << output << endl;
+    return output;
+  } //End of TermToConstTermUsingModel
+  //Expands read-over-write by evaluating (readIndex=writeIndex) for
+  //every writeindex until, either it evaluates to TRUE or all
+  //(readIndex=writeIndex) evaluate to FALSE
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::Expand_ReadOverWrite_UsingModel(const ASTNode& term, bool arrayread_flag) {
+    if(READ != term.GetKind() && 
+       WRITE != term[0].GetKind()) {
+      FatalError("RemovesWrites: Input must be a READ over a WRITE",term);
+    }
+    ASTNode output;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;    
+    if((it1 = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode val = it1->second;
+      if(BVCONST != val.GetKind()) {
+	//recursion is fine here. There are two maps that are checked
+	//here. One is the substitutionmap. We garuntee that the value
+	//of a key in the substitutionmap is always a constant.
+	if(term == val) {
+	  FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: The input term is stored as-is "
+		     "in the CounterExample: Not ok: ",term);    
+	}
+	return TermToConstTermUsingModel(val,arrayread_flag);
+      }
+      else {
+	return val;
+      }
+    }
+    unsigned int width = term.GetValueWidth();
+    ASTNode writeA = ASTTrue; 
+    ASTNode newRead = term;
+    ASTNode readIndex = TermToConstTermUsingModel(newRead[1],false);
+    //iteratively expand read-over-write, and evaluate against the
+    //model at every iteration
+    do {
+      ASTNode write = newRead[0];
+      writeA = write[0];
+      ASTNode writeIndex = TermToConstTermUsingModel(write[1],false);
+      ASTNode writeVal = TermToConstTermUsingModel(write[2],false);
+      ASTNode cond = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(CreateSimplifiedEQ(writeIndex,readIndex));
+      if(ASTTrue == cond) {
+	//found the write-value. return it
+	output = writeVal;
+	CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+	return output;
+      }
+      newRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,writeA,readIndex);
+    } while(READ == newRead.GetKind() && WRITE == newRead[0].GetKind());
+    output = TermToConstTermUsingModel(newRead,arrayread_flag);
+    //memoize
+    CounterExampleMap[term] = output;
+    return output;  
+  } //Exand_ReadOverWrite_To_ITE_UsingModel()
+  /* FUNCTION: accepts a non-constant formula, and checks if the
+   * formula is ASTTrue or ASTFalse w.r.t to a model
+   */
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::ComputeFormulaUsingModel(const ASTNode& form) {
+    ASTNode in = form;
+    Kind k = form.GetKind();
+    if(!(is_Form_kind(k) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == form.GetType())) {
+      FatalError(" ComputeConstFormUsingModel: The input is a non-formula: ", form);
+    }
+    //cerr << "Input to ComputeFormulaUsingModel:" << form << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
+    if((it1 = ComputeFormulaMap.find(form)) != ComputeFormulaMap.end()) {
+      ASTNode res = it1->second;
+      if(ASTTrue == res || ASTFalse == res) {
+	return res;
+      }
+      else {
+	FatalError("ComputeFormulaUsingModel: The value of a formula must be TRUE or FALSE:", form);
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode t0,t1;
+    ASTNode output = ASTFalse;
+    switch(k) {
+    case TRUE:
+    case FALSE:
+      output = form;      
+      break;
+    case SYMBOL:
+      if(BOOLEAN_TYPE != form.GetType())
+	FatalError(" ComputeFormulaUsingModel: Non-Boolean variables are not formulas",form);
+      if(CounterExampleMap.find(form) != CounterExampleMap.end()) {
+	ASTNode counterexample_val = CounterExampleMap[form];
+	if(!VarSeenInTerm(form,counterexample_val)) {
+	  output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(counterexample_val);
+	}
+	else {
+	  output = counterexample_val;
+	}
+      }
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;  
+    case EQ:
+    case NEQ:
+    case BVLT:
+    case BVLE:
+    case BVGT:
+    case BVGE:
+    case BVSLT:
+    case BVSLE:
+    case BVSGT:
+    case BVSGE:
+      //convert form[0] into a constant term
+      t0 = TermToConstTermUsingModel(form[0],false);
+      //convert form[0] into a constant term
+      t1 = TermToConstTermUsingModel(form[1],false);
+      output = BVConstEvaluator(CreateNode(k,t0,t1));
+      //evaluate formula to false if bvdiv execption occurs while
+      //counterexample is being checked during refinement.
+      if(bvdiv_exception_occured && 
+	 counterexample_checking_during_refinement) {
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      }
+      break;   
+    case NAND: {
+      ASTNode o = ASTTrue;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++)
+	if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {
+	  o = ASTFalse;
+	  break;
+	}      
+      if(o == ASTTrue) 
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else 
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOR: {
+      ASTNode o = ASTFalse;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++)
+	if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {
+	  o = ASTTrue;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if(o == ASTTrue) 
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else 
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOT:
+      if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]))
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case OR:
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++) 
+	if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it))
+	  output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case AND:
+      output = ASTTrue;
+      for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=form.begin(),itend=form.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it)) {	    
+	  output = ASTFalse;
+	  break;	  
+	}
+      }
+      break;
+    case XOR:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1) || (ASTFalse == t0 && ASTFalse == t1))
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      else
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      break;
+    case IFF:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1) || (ASTFalse == t0 && ASTFalse == t1))
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;
+    case IMPLIES:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      t1 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      if((ASTFalse == t0) || (ASTTrue == t0 && ASTTrue == t1))
+	output = ASTTrue;
+      else
+	output = ASTFalse;
+      break;    
+    case ITE:
+      t0 = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[0]);
+      if(ASTTrue == t0)
+	output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[1]);
+      else if(ASTFalse == t0)
+	output = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(form[2]);
+      else 
+	FatalError("ComputeFormulaUsingModel: ITE: something is wrong with the formula: ",form);
+      break;
+    default:
+      FatalError(" ComputeFormulaUsingModel: the kind has not been implemented", ASTUndefined);
+      break;
+    }
+    //cout << "ComputeFormulaUsingModel output is:" << output << endl;
+    ComputeFormulaMap[form] = output;
+    return output;
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::CheckCounterExample(bool t) {
+    // FIXME:  Code is more useful if enable flags are check OUTSIDE the method.
+    // If I want to check a counterexample somewhere, I don't want to have to set
+    // the flag in order to make it actualy happen!
+    if(!check_counterexample) {
+      return;
+    }
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to check
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is false
+    if(!t)
+      FatalError("CheckCounterExample: No CounterExample to check", ASTUndefined);
+    const ASTVec c = GetAsserts();    
+    for(ASTVec::const_iterator it=c.begin(),itend=c.end();it!=itend;it++)
+      if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(*it))
+	FatalError("CheckCounterExample:counterexample bogus:"\
+		   "assert evaluates to FALSE under counterexample: NOT OK",*it);
+    if(ASTTrue == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(_current_query))
+      FatalError("CheckCounterExample:counterexample bogus:"\
+		 "query evaluates to TRUE under counterexample: NOT OK",_current_query);
+  }
+  /* FUNCTION: prints a counterexample for INVALID inputs.  iterate
+   * through the CounterExampleMap data structure and print it to
+   * stdout
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::PrintCounterExample(bool t, std::ostream& os) {
+    //global command-line option
+    // FIXME: This should always print the counterexample.  If you want
+    // to turn it off, check the switch at the point of call.
+    if(!print_counterexample)
+      return;
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to print
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //if this option is true then print the way dawson wants using a
+    //different printer. do not use this printer.
+    if(print_arrayval_declaredorder)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is
+    //false
+    if(!t) {
+      cerr << "PrintCounterExample: No CounterExample to print: " << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    //os << "\nCOUNTEREXAMPLE: \n" << endl;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it  = CounterExampleMap.begin();
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator itend = CounterExampleMap.end();
+    for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+      ASTNode f = it->first;
+      ASTNode se = it->second;
+      if(ARRAY_TYPE == se.GetType()) {
+	FatalError("TermToConstTermUsingModel: entry in counterexample is an arraytype. bogus:",se);
+      }
+      //skip over introduced variables
+      if(f.GetKind() == SYMBOL && (_introduced_symbols.find(f) != _introduced_symbols.end())) 
+	continue;
+      if(f.GetKind() == SYMBOL || 
+	 (f.GetKind() == READ && f[0].GetKind() == SYMBOL && f[1].GetKind() == BVCONST)) {
+	os << "ASSERT( ";
+	f.PL_Print(os,0);
+	os << " = ";	
+	if(BITVECTOR_TYPE == se.GetType()) {
+	  TermToConstTermUsingModel(se,false).PL_Print(os,0);
+	}
+	else {
+	  se.PL_Print(os,0);
+	}
+	os << " );" << endl;
+      }
+    }	      
+    //os << "\nEND OF COUNTEREXAMPLE" << endl;
+  } //End of PrintCounterExample
+  /* iterate through the CounterExampleMap data structure and print it
+   * to stdout. this function prints only the declared array variables
+   * IN the ORDER in which they were declared. It also assumes that
+   * the variables are of the form 'varname_number'. otherwise it will
+   * not print anything. This function was specifically written for
+   * Dawson Engler's group (bug finding research group at Stanford)
+   */
+  void BeevMgr::PrintCounterExample_InOrder(bool t) {
+    //global command-line option to print counterexample. we do not
+    //want both counterexample printers to print at the sametime.
+    // FIXME: This should always print the counterexample.  If you want
+    // to turn it off, check the switch at the point of call.
+    if(print_counterexample)
+      return;
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to print
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return;
+    //print if the commandline option is '-q'. allows printing the
+    //counterexample in order.
+    if(!print_arrayval_declaredorder)
+      return;
+    //t is true if SAT solver generated a counterexample, else it is
+    //false
+    if(!t) {
+      cerr << "PrintCounterExample: No CounterExample to print: " << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    //vector to store the integer values
+    std::vector<int> out_int;	
+    cout << "% ";
+    for(ASTVec::iterator it=_special_print_set.begin(),itend=_special_print_set.end();
+	it!=itend;it++) {
+      if(ARRAY_TYPE == it->GetType()) {
+	//get the name of the variable
+	const char * c = it->GetName();
+	std::string ss(c);
+	if(!(0 == strncmp(ss.c_str(),"ini_",4)))
+	  continue;
+	reverse(ss.begin(),ss.end());
+	//cout << "debugging: " << ss;
+	size_t pos = ss.find('_',0);
+	if(!(0 < pos && pos < ss.size()))
+	  continue;
+	//get the associated length
+	std::string sss = ss.substr(0,pos);
+	reverse(sss.begin(),sss.end());
+	int n = atoi(sss.c_str());
+	it->PL_Print(cout,2);
+	for(int j=0;j < n; j++) {
+	  ASTNode index = CreateBVConst(it->GetIndexWidth(),j);
+	  ASTNode readexpr = CreateTerm(READ,it->GetValueWidth(),*it,index);
+	  ASTNode val = GetCounterExample(t, readexpr);
+	  //cout << "ASSERT( ";
+	  //cout << " = ";	  
+	  out_int.push_back(GetUnsignedConst(val));
+	  //cout << "\n";
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    for(unsigned int jj=0; jj < out_int.size();jj++)
+      cout << out_int[jj] << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+  } //End of PrintCounterExample_InOrder
+  /* FUNCTION: queries the CounterExampleMap object with 'expr' and
+   * returns the corresponding counterexample value.
+   */
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::GetCounterExample(bool t, const ASTNode& expr) {    
+    //input is valid, no counterexample to get
+    if(ValidFlag)
+      return ASTUndefined;
+    if(BOOLEAN_TYPE == expr.GetType()) {
+      return ComputeFormulaUsingModel(expr);
+    }
+    if(BVCONST == expr.GetKind()) {
+      return expr;
+    }
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it;
+    ASTNode output;
+    if((it = CounterExampleMap.find(expr)) != CounterExampleMap.end())
+      output =  TermToConstTermUsingModel(CounterExampleMap[expr],false);
+    else
+      output = CreateZeroConst(expr.GetValueWidth());
+    return output;
+  } //End of GetCounterExample
+  // FIXME:  Don't use numeric codes.  Use an enum type!
+  //Acceps a query, calls the SAT solver and generates Valid/InValid.
+  //if returned 0 then input is INVALID
+  //if returned 1 then input is VALID
+  //if returned 2 then ERROR
+  int BeevMgr::TopLevelSAT( const ASTNode& inputasserts, const ASTNode& query) {  
+    /******start solving**********/
+    ASTNode q = CreateNode(AND, inputasserts, CreateNode(NOT,query));
+    ASTNode orig_input = q;
+    ASTNodeStats("input asserts and query: ", q);
+    ASTNode newq = q;
+    //round of substitution, solving, and simplification. ensures that
+    //DAG is minimized as much as possibly, and ideally should
+    //garuntee that all liketerms in BVPLUSes have been combined.
+    BVSolver bvsolver(this);
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    start_abstracting = false;    
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      //newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);      
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("Before SimplifyWrites_Inplace begins: ", newq);
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = true;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;
+    start_abstracting = false;
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      //newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);      
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("After SimplifyWrites_Inplace: ", newq);        
+    start_abstracting = (arraywrite_refinement) ? true : false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = (start_abstracting) ? false : true;    
+    if(start_abstracting) {
+      ASTNodeStats("before abstraction round begins: ", newq);
+    }
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    do {
+      q = newq;
+      //newq = CreateSubstitutionMap(newq);
+      //Begin_RemoveWrites = true;
+      //ASTNodeStats("after pure substitution: ", newq);
+      newq = SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(newq,false);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after simplification: ", newq);
+      //newq = bvsolver.TopLevelBVSolve(newq);
+      //ASTNodeStats("after solving: ", newq);
+    }while(q!=newq);
+    if(start_abstracting) {
+      ASTNodeStats("After abstraction: ", newq);
+    }
+    start_abstracting = false;
+    SimplifyWrites_InPlace_Flag = false;
+    Begin_RemoveWrites = false;    
+    newq = TransformFormula(newq);
+    ASTNodeStats("after transformation: ", newq);
+    TermsAlreadySeenMap.clear();
+    int res;    
+    //solver instantiated here
+    MINISAT::Solver newS;
+    if(arrayread_refinement) {
+      counterexample_checking_during_refinement = true;
+    }
+    //call SAT and check the result
+    res = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    res = SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    res = SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement(newS,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }          
+    res = SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(newS,newq,orig_input);
+    if(2 != res) {
+      CountersAndStats("print_func_stats");
+      return res;
+    }
+    FatalError("TopLevelSAT: reached the end without proper conclusion:" 
+	       "either a divide by zero in the input or a bug in STP");
+    //bogus return to make the compiler shut up
+    return 2;
+  } //End of TopLevelSAT
+  //go over the list of indices for each array, and generate Leibnitz
+  //axioms. Then assert these axioms into the SAT solver. Check if the
+  //addition of the new constraints has made the bogus counterexample
+  //go away. if yes, return the correct answer. if no, continue adding
+  //Leibnitz axioms systematically.
+  // FIXME:  What it really does is, for each array, loop over each index i.
+  // inside that loop, it finds all the true and false axioms with i as first
+  // index.  When it's got them all, it adds the false axioms to the formula
+  // and re-solves, and returns if the result is correct.  Otherwise, it
+  // goes on to the next index.
+  // If it gets through all the indices without a correct result (which I think
+  // is impossible, but this is pretty confusing), it then solves with all
+  // the true axioms, too.
+  // This is not the most obvious way to do it, and I don't know how it 
+  // compares with other approaches (e.g., one false axiom at a time or
+  // all the false axioms each time).
+  int BeevMgr::SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+					    const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    if(!arrayread_refinement)
+      FatalError("SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement: Control should not reach here");
+    ASTVec FalseAxiomsVec, RemainingAxiomsVec;
+    RemainingAxiomsVec.push_back(ASTTrue);   
+    FalseAxiomsVec.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    //in these loops we try to construct Leibnitz axioms and add it to
+    //the solve(). We add only those axioms that are false in the
+    //current counterexample. we keep adding the axioms until there
+    //are no more axioms to add
+    //
+    //for each array, fetch its list of indices seen so far
+    for(ASTNodeToVecMap::iterator iset = _arrayname_readindices.begin(), iset_end = _arrayname_readindices.end();
+	iset!=iset_end;iset++) {
+      ASTVec listOfIndices = iset->second;
+      //loop over the list of indices for the array and create LA, and add to q
+      for(ASTVec::iterator it=listOfIndices.begin(),itend=listOfIndices.end();it!=itend;it++) {
+	if(BVCONST == it->GetKind()) {
+	  continue;
+	}	
+	ASTNode the_index = *it;
+	//get the arrayname
+	ASTNode ArrName = iset->first;
+	// if(SYMBOL != ArrName.GetKind())
+	// 	  FatalError("SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement: arrname is not a SYMBOL",ArrName);
+	ASTNode arr_read1 = CreateTerm(READ, ArrName.GetValueWidth(), ArrName, the_index);
+	//get the variable corresponding to the array_read1
+	ASTNode arrsym1 = _arrayread_symbol[arr_read1];
+	if(!(SYMBOL == arrsym1.GetKind() || BVCONST == arrsym1.GetKind()))
+	  FatalError("TopLevelSAT: refinementloop:term arrsym1 corresponding to READ must be a var", arrsym1);
+	//we have nonconst index here. create Leibnitz axiom for it
+	//w.r.t every index in listOfIndices
+	for(ASTVec::iterator it1=listOfIndices.begin(),itend1=listOfIndices.end();
+	    it1!=itend1;it1++) {
+	  ASTNode compare_index = *it1;
+	  //do not compare with yourself
+	  if(the_index == compare_index)
+	    continue;
+	  //prepare for SAT LOOP 
+	  //first construct the antecedent for the LA axiom
+	  ASTNode eqOfIndices = 
+	    (exprless(the_index,compare_index)) ? 
+	    CreateSimplifiedEQ(the_index,compare_index) : CreateSimplifiedEQ(compare_index,the_index);
+	  ASTNode arr_read2 = CreateTerm(READ, ArrName.GetValueWidth(), ArrName, compare_index);
+	  //get the variable corresponding to the array_read2
+	  ASTNode arrsym2 = _arrayread_symbol[arr_read2];
+	  if(!(SYMBOL == arrsym2.GetKind() || BVCONST == arrsym2.GetKind()))
+	    FatalError("TopLevelSAT: refinement loop:"
+		       "term arrsym2 corresponding to READ must be a var", arrsym2);
+	  ASTNode eqOfReads = CreateSimplifiedEQ(arrsym1,arrsym2);
+	  //construct appropriate Leibnitz axiom
+	  ASTNode LeibnitzAxiom = CreateNode(IMPLIES, eqOfIndices, eqOfReads);
+	  if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(LeibnitzAxiom))
+	    //FalseAxioms = CreateNode(AND,FalseAxioms,LeibnitzAxiom);
+	    FalseAxiomsVec.push_back(LeibnitzAxiom);
+	  else
+	    //RemainingAxioms = CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxioms,LeibnitzAxiom);
+	    RemainingAxiomsVec.push_back(LeibnitzAxiom);
+	}
+	ASTNode FalseAxioms = (FalseAxiomsVec.size()>1) ? CreateNode(AND,FalseAxiomsVec) : FalseAxiomsVec[0];
+	ASTNodeStats("adding false readaxioms to SAT: ", FalseAxioms);  
+	int res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,FalseAxioms,orig_input);
+	if(2!=res2) {
+	  return res2;
+	}	
+      }
+    }
+    ASTNode RemainingAxioms = (RemainingAxiomsVec.size()>1) ? CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxiomsVec):RemainingAxiomsVec[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding remaining readaxioms to SAT: ", RemainingAxioms);  
+    return CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,RemainingAxioms,orig_input);
+  } //end of SATBased_ArrayReadRefinement
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::Create_ArrayWriteAxioms(const ASTNode& term, const ASTNode& newvar) {
+    if(READ != term.GetKind() && WRITE != term[0].GetKind()) {
+      FatalError("Create_ArrayWriteAxioms: Input must be a READ over a WRITE",term);
+    }
+    ASTNode lhs = newvar;
+    ASTNode rhs = term;
+    ASTNode arraywrite_axiom = CreateSimplifiedEQ(lhs,rhs);
+    return arraywrite_axiom;
+  }//end of Create_ArrayWriteAxioms()
+  int BeevMgr::SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement(MINISAT::Solver& newS, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    ASTNode writeAxiom;
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator it = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.begin();
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator itend = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.end();
+    //int count = 0;
+    //int num_write_axioms = ReadOverWrite_NewName_Map.size();
+    ASTVec FalseAxioms, RemainingAxioms;
+    FalseAxioms.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    RemainingAxioms.push_back(ASTTrue);
+    for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+      //Guided refinement starts here
+      ComputeFormulaMap.clear();      
+      writeAxiom = Create_ArrayWriteAxioms(it->first,it->second);
+      if(ASTFalse == ComputeFormulaUsingModel(writeAxiom)) {
+	writeAxiom = TransformFormula(writeAxiom);
+	FalseAxioms.push_back(writeAxiom);
+      }
+      else {
+	writeAxiom = TransformFormula(writeAxiom);
+	RemainingAxioms.push_back(writeAxiom);
+      }
+    }
+    writeAxiom = (FalseAxioms.size() != 1) ? CreateNode(AND,FalseAxioms) : FalseAxioms[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding false writeaxiom to SAT: ", writeAxiom);
+    int res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,writeAxiom,orig_input);
+    if(2!=res2) {
+      return res2;
+    }
+    writeAxiom = (RemainingAxioms.size() != 1) ? CreateNode(AND,RemainingAxioms) : RemainingAxioms[0];
+    ASTNodeStats("adding remaining writeaxiom to SAT: ", writeAxiom);
+    res2 = CallSAT_ResultCheck(newS,writeAxiom,orig_input);
+    if(2!=res2) {
+	return res2;
+    }
+    return 2;
+  } //end of SATBased_ArrayWriteRefinement
+  //Check result after calling SAT FIXME: Document arguments in
+  //comments, and give them meaningful names.  How is anyone supposed
+  //to know what "q" is?
+  int BeevMgr::CallSAT_ResultCheck(MINISAT::Solver& newS, 
+				   const ASTNode& q, const ASTNode& orig_input) {
+    //Bitblast, CNF, call SAT now
+    ASTNode BBFormula = BBForm(q);
+    //ASTNodeStats("after bitblasting", BBFormula);    
+    ClauseList *cllp = ToCNF(BBFormula);
+    // if(stats && print_nodes) {
+    //       cout << "\nClause list" << endl;
+    //       PrintClauseList(cout, *cllp);
+    //       cerr << "\n finished printing clauselist\n";
+    //     }
+    bool sat = toSATandSolve(newS,*cllp);    
+    // Temporary debugging call.
+    // CheckBBandCNF(newS, BBFormula);
+    DeleteClauseList(cllp);
+    if(!sat) {
+      PrintOutput(true);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    else if(newS.okay()) {
+      CounterExampleMap.clear();
+      ConstructCounterExample(newS);
+      if (stats && print_nodes) {
+	PrintSATModel(newS);
+      }
+      //check if the counterexample is good or not
+      ComputeFormulaMap.clear();
+      if(counterexample_checking_during_refinement)
+	bvdiv_exception_occured = false;
+      ASTNode orig_result = ComputeFormulaUsingModel(orig_input);
+      if(!(ASTTrue == orig_result || ASTFalse == orig_result))
+      	FatalError("TopLevelSat: Original input must compute to true or false against model");
+//       if(!arrayread_refinement && !(ASTTrue == orig_result)) {
+// 	print_counterexample = true;
+// 	PrintCounterExample(true);
+//       	FatalError("counterexample bogus : arrayread_refinement is switched off: " 
+//       		   "EITHER all LA axioms have not been added OR bitblaster() or ToCNF()"
+// 		   "or satsolver() or counterexamplechecker() have a bug");
+//       }
+      // if the counterexample is indeed a good one, then return
+      // invalid
+      if(ASTTrue == orig_result) {
+	CheckCounterExample(newS.okay());
+	PrintOutput(false);
+	PrintCounterExample(newS.okay());
+	PrintCounterExample_InOrder(newS.okay());
+	return 0;	
+      }
+      // counterexample is bogus: flag it
+      else {
+	if(stats && print_nodes) {
+	  cout << "Supposedly bogus one: \n";
+	  bool tmp = print_counterexample;
+	  print_counterexample = true;
+	  PrintCounterExample(true);
+	  print_counterexample = tmp;
+	}
+	return 2;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      PrintOutput(true);
+      return -100;
+    }
+  } //end of CALLSAT_ResultCheck
+  //FUNCTION: this function accepts a boolvector and returns a BVConst   
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::BoolVectoBVConst(hash_map<unsigned,bool> * w, unsigned int l) {    
+    unsigned len = w->size();
+    if(l < len)
+      FatalError("BoolVectorBVConst : length of bitvector does not match hash_map size:",ASTUndefined,l);
+    std::string cc;
+    for(unsigned int jj = 0; jj < l; jj++) {
+      if((*w)[jj] == true)
+	cc += '1';
+      else if((*w)[jj] == false)
+	cc += '0';
+      else 
+	cc += '0';
+    }
+    return CreateBVConst(cc.c_str(),2);
+  }
+  void BeevMgr::PrintActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(char * init_msg, MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!print_sat_varorder)
+      return;
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itbegin = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.begin();   
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itend = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end();
+    cout << init_msg;
+    cout << ": Printing activity levels of variables\n";
+    for(ASTtoSATMap::iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;it++){
+      cout << (it->second) << "  :  ";
+      (it->first).PL_Print(cout,0);
+      cout << "   :   ";
+      cout << newS.returnActivity(it->second) << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  //this function biases the activity levels of MINISAT variables.
+  void BeevMgr::ChangeActivityLevels_Of_SATVars(MINISAT::Solver& newS) {
+    if(!variable_activity_optimize)
+      return;
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itbegin = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.begin();   
+    ASTtoSATMap::iterator itend = _ASTNode_to_SATVar.end();
+    unsigned int index=1;
+    double base = 2;
+    for(ASTtoSATMap::iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;it++){
+      ASTNode n = it->first;
+      if(BVGETBIT == n.GetKind() || NOT == n.GetKind()) {
+      	if(BVGETBIT == n.GetKind())
+      	  index = GetUnsignedConst(n[1]);
+      	else if (NOT == n.GetKind() && BVGETBIT == n[0].GetKind())
+      	  index = GetUnsignedConst(n[0][1]);
+      	else 
+      	  index = 0;
+	double initial_activity = pow(base,(double)index);
+	newS.updateInitialActivity(it->second,initial_activity);
+      } 
+      else {
+	double initial_activity = pow(base,pow(base,(double)index));
+	newS.updateInitialActivity(it->second,initial_activity);	
+      }    
+    }
+  }
+  //This function prints the output of the STP solver
+  void BeevMgr::PrintOutput(bool true_iff_valid) {
+    //self-explanatory
+    if(true_iff_valid) {
+      ValidFlag = true;
+      if(print_output) {
+	if(smtlib_parser_enable)
+	  cout << "unsat\n";
+	else
+	  cout << "Valid.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      ValidFlag = false;
+      if(print_output) {
+	if(smtlib_parser_enable)
+	  cout << "sat\n";
+	else
+	  cout << "Invalid.\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+}; //end of namespace BEEV
diff --git a/stp/AST/Transform.cpp b/stp/AST/Transform.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..598b831e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/Transform.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ * AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill
+ *
+ * BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+ ********************************************************************/
+// -*- c++ -*-
+#include "AST.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+namespace BEEV {  
+  //Translates signed BVDIV/BVMOD into unsigned variety
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TranslateSignedDivMod(const ASTNode& in) {
+    if(!(SBVMOD == in.GetKind() || SBVDIV == in.GetKind())) {
+      FatalError("TranslateSignedDivMod: input must be signed DIV/MOD\n",in);
+    }
+    ASTNode dividend = in[0];
+    ASTNode divisor  = in[1];      
+    unsigned len = in.GetValueWidth();
+    if(SBVMOD == in.GetKind()) {
+      //if(TopBit(dividend)==1) 
+      //
+      //then -BVMOD(-dividend,abs(divisor)) 
+      //
+      //else BVMOD(dividend,abs(divisor))
+      //create the condition for the dividend
+      ASTNode hi1  = CreateBVConst(32,len-1);
+      ASTNode one  = CreateOneConst(1);
+      ASTNode cond = CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1));
+      //create the condition and conditional for the divisor
+      ASTNode cond_divisor = CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1));
+      ASTNode pos_divisor  = CreateTerm(ITE,len,cond_divisor,CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor),divisor);
+      //create the modulus term for each case
+      ASTNode modnode = CreateTerm(BVMOD,len,dividend,pos_divisor);
+      ASTNode minus_modnode = CreateTerm(BVMOD,len,CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),pos_divisor);
+      minus_modnode = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_modnode);
+      //put everything together, simplify, and return
+      ASTNode n = CreateTerm(ITE,len,cond,minus_modnode,modnode);
+      return SimplifyTerm_TopLevel(n);
+    }
+    //now handle the BVDIV case
+    //if topBit(dividend) is 1 and topBit(divisor) is 0
+    //
+    //then output is -BVDIV(-dividend,divisor)
+    //
+    //elseif topBit(dividend) is 0 and topBit(divisor) is 1
+    //
+    //then output is -BVDIV(dividend,-divisor)
+    //
+    //elseif topBit(dividend) is 1 and topBit(divisor) is 1
+    //
+    // then output is BVDIV(-dividend,-divisor)
+    //
+    //else simply output BVDIV(dividend,divisor)
+    ASTNode hi1 = CreateBVConst(32,len-1);
+    ASTNode zero = CreateZeroConst(1);
+    ASTNode one = CreateOneConst(1);
+    ASTNode divnode = CreateTerm(BVDIV, len, dividend, divisor);
+    ASTNode cond1 = CreateNode(AND,
+			       CreateNode(EQ,zero,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
+			       CreateNode(EQ,one, CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
+    ASTNode minus_divnode1 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
+					dividend,
+					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor));
+    minus_divnode1 = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_divnode1);
+    ASTNode cond2 = CreateNode(AND,
+			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
+			       CreateNode(EQ,zero,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
+    ASTNode minus_divnode2 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
+					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),
+					divisor);
+    minus_divnode2 = CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,minus_divnode2);
+    ASTNode cond3 = CreateNode(AND,
+			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,dividend,hi1,hi1)),
+			       CreateNode(EQ,one,CreateTerm(BVEXTRACT,1,divisor,hi1,hi1)));
+    ASTNode minus_divnode3 = CreateTerm(BVDIV,len,
+					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,dividend),
+					CreateTerm(BVUMINUS,len,divisor));
+    ASTNode n = CreateTerm(ITE,len,
+			   cond1,
+			   minus_divnode1,
+			   CreateTerm(ITE,len,
+				      cond2,
+				      minus_divnode2,
+				      CreateTerm(ITE,len,
+						 cond3,
+						 minus_divnode3,
+						 divnode)));
+  return SimplifyTerm_TopLevel(n);
+  }//end of TranslateSignedDivMod()
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformFormula(const ASTNode& form) {
+    ASTNode result;
+    ASTNode simpleForm = form;
+    Kind k = simpleForm.GetKind();
+    if(!(is_Form_kind(k) && BOOLEAN_TYPE == simpleForm.GetType())) {
+      //FIXME: "You have inputted a NON-formula"?
+      FatalError("TransformFormula: You have input a NON-formula",simpleForm);
+    }
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
+    if((iter = TransformMap.find(simpleForm)) != TransformMap.end())
+      return iter->second;
+    switch(k) {
+    case TRUE:
+    case FALSE: {
+      result = simpleForm;
+      break;
+    }
+    case NOT: {
+      ASTVec c;
+      c.push_back(TransformFormula(simpleForm[0]));
+      result = CreateNode(NOT,c);      
+      break;
+    }
+    case BVLT:
+    case BVLE:
+    case BVGT:
+    case BVGE:
+    case BVSLT:
+    case BVSLE:
+    case BVSGT:
+    case BVSGE:      
+    case NEQ: {
+      ASTVec c;
+      c.push_back(TransformTerm(simpleForm[0]));      
+      c.push_back(TransformTerm(simpleForm[1]));
+      result = CreateNode(k,c);
+      break;
+    }
+    case EQ: {
+      ASTNode term1 = TransformTerm(simpleForm[0]);      
+      ASTNode term2 = TransformTerm(simpleForm[1]);
+      result = CreateSimplifiedEQ(term1,term2);     
+      break;
+    }
+    case AND:
+    case OR: 
+    case NAND:
+    case NOR:
+    case IFF:
+    case XOR:
+    case ITE:
+    case IMPLIES: {
+      ASTVec vec;
+      ASTNode o;
+      for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = simpleForm.begin(),itend=simpleForm.end(); it != itend; it++){
+	o = TransformFormula(*it);	
+	vec.push_back(o);
+      }
+      result = CreateNode(k, vec);
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      if(k == SYMBOL && BOOLEAN_TYPE == simpleForm.GetType())
+	result = simpleForm;      
+      else {
+	cerr << "The input is: " << simpleForm << endl;
+	cerr << "The valuewidth of input is : " << simpleForm.GetValueWidth() << endl;
+	FatalError("TransformFormula: Illegal kind: ",ASTUndefined, k);
+      }
+      break;    
+    } 
+    //BVTypeCheck(result);
+    TransformMap[simpleForm] = result;
+    return result;
+  } //End of TransformFormula
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformTerm(const ASTNode& inputterm) {
+    ASTNode result;
+    ASTNode term = inputterm;
+    Kind k = term.GetKind();
+    if(!is_Term_kind(k))
+      FatalError("TransformTerm: Illegal kind: You have input a nonterm:", inputterm, k);
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
+    if((iter = TransformMap.find(term)) != TransformMap.end())
+      return iter->second;
+    switch(k) {
+    case SYMBOL: {
+      // ASTNodeMap::iterator itsym;
+//       if((itsym = CounterExampleMap.find(term)) != CounterExampleMap.end())	
+//       	result = itsym->second;
+//       else
+	result = term;
+      break;
+    }
+    case BVCONST:
+      result = term;
+      break;
+    case WRITE:
+      FatalError("TransformTerm: this kind is not supported",term);
+      break;
+    case READ:
+      result = TransformArray(term);
+      break;
+    case ITE: {
+      ASTNode cond = term[0];
+      ASTNode thn  = term[1];
+      ASTNode els  = term[2];
+      cond = TransformFormula(cond);
+      thn = TransformTerm(thn);
+      els = TransformTerm(els);
+      //result = CreateTerm(ITE,term.GetValueWidth(),cond,thn,els);
+      result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,thn,els);
+      result.SetIndexWidth(term.GetIndexWidth());
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      ASTVec c = term.GetChildren();
+      ASTVec::iterator it = c.begin();
+      ASTVec::iterator itend = c.end();
+      unsigned width = term.GetValueWidth();
+      unsigned indexwidth = term.GetIndexWidth();
+      ASTVec o;
+      for(;it!=itend;it++) {
+	o.push_back(TransformTerm(*it));
+      }
+      result = CreateTerm(k,width,o);
+      result.SetIndexWidth(indexwidth);
+      if(SBVDIV == result.GetKind() || SBVMOD == result.GetKind()) {
+	result = TranslateSignedDivMod(result);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    }
+    TransformMap[term] = result;
+    if(term.GetValueWidth() != result.GetValueWidth())
+      FatalError("TransformTerm: result and input terms are of different length", result);
+    if(term.GetIndexWidth() != result.GetIndexWidth()) {
+      cerr << "TransformTerm: input term is : " << term << endl;
+      FatalError("TransformTerm: result and input terms have different index length", result);
+    }
+    return result;
+  } //End of TransformTerm
+  /* This function transforms Array Reads, Read over Writes, Read over
+   * ITEs into flattened form.
+   *
+   * Transform1: Suppose there are two array reads in the input
+   * Read(A,i) and Read(A,j) over the same array. Then Read(A,i) is
+   * replaced with a symbolic constant, say v1, and Read(A,j) is
+   * replaced with the following ITE:
+   *
+   * ITE(i=j,v1,v2)
+   *
+   * Transform2:
+   * 
+   * Transform3:
+   */
+  ASTNode BeevMgr::TransformArray(const ASTNode& term) {
+    ASTNode result = term;
+    unsigned int width = term.GetValueWidth();
+    Kind k = term.GetKind();
+    if (!is_Term_kind(k))
+      FatalError("TransformArray: Illegal kind: You have input a nonterm:", ASTUndefined, k);
+    ASTNodeMap::iterator iter;
+    if((iter = TransformMap.find(term)) != TransformMap.end())
+      return iter->second;
+    switch(k) {
+      //'term' is of the form READ(arrName, readIndex) 
+    case READ: {
+      ASTNode arrName = term[0];
+      switch (arrName.GetKind()) {
+      case SYMBOL: {
+	/* input is of the form: READ(A, readIndex)
+	 * 
+	 * output is of the from: A1, if this is the first READ over A
+         *                           
+	 *                        ITE(previous_readIndex=readIndex,A1,A2)
+	 *                        
+         *                        .....
+	 */
+	//  Recursively transform read index, which may also contain reads.
+	ASTNode readIndex = TransformTerm(term[1]);	
+	ASTNode processedTerm = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName,readIndex);
+	//check if the 'processedTerm' has a corresponding ITE construct
+	//already. if so, return it. else continue processing.
+	ASTNodeMap::iterator it;
+	if((it = _arrayread_ite.find(processedTerm)) != _arrayread_ite.end()) {
+	  result = it->second;	
+	  break;
+	}
+	//Constructing Symbolic variable corresponding to 'processedTerm'
+	ASTNode CurrentSymbol;
+	ASTNodeMap::iterator it1;
+	// First, check if read index is constant and it has a constant value in the substitution map.
+	if(CheckSubstitutionMap(processedTerm,CurrentSymbol)) {
+	  _arrayread_symbol[processedTerm] = CurrentSymbol;
+	}
+	// Check if it already has an abstract variable.
+	else if((it1 = _arrayread_symbol.find(processedTerm)) != _arrayread_symbol.end()) {
+	  CurrentSymbol = it1->second;
+	}
+	else {
+	  // Make up a new abstract variable.
+	  // FIXME: Make this into a method (there already may BE a method) and
+	  // get rid of the fixed-length buffer!
+	  //build symbolic name corresponding to array read. The symbolic
+	  //name has 2 components: stringname, and a count
+	  const char * b = arrName.GetName();
+	  std::string c(b);
+	  char d[32];
+	  sprintf(d,"%d",_symbol_count++);
+	  std::string ccc(d);
+	  c += "array_" + ccc;
+	  CurrentSymbol = CreateSymbol(c.c_str());
+	  CurrentSymbol.SetValueWidth(processedTerm.GetValueWidth());
+	  CurrentSymbol.SetIndexWidth(processedTerm.GetIndexWidth());
+	  _arrayread_symbol[processedTerm] = CurrentSymbol;	  
+	}
+	//list of array-read indices corresponding to arrName, seen while
+	//traversing the AST tree. we need this list to construct the ITEs
+	// Dill: we hope to make this irrelevant.  Harmless for now.
+	ASTVec readIndices = _arrayname_readindices[arrName];
+	//construct the ITE structure for this array-read
+	ASTNode ite = CurrentSymbol;
+	_introduced_symbols.insert(CurrentSymbol);
+	BVTypeCheck(ite);
+	if(arrayread_refinement) {
+	  // ite is really a variable here; it is an ite in the
+	  // else-branch
+	  result = ite;
+	}
+	else {
+	  // Full Seshia transform if we're not doing read refinement.
+	  //do not loop if the current readIndex is a BVCONST
+	  // if(BVCONST == term[1].GetKind() && !SeenNonConstReadIndex && optimize) {
+	  // 	    result = ite; 
+	  // 	  }
+	  // 	  else {	  
+	    //else part: SET the SeenNonConstReadIndex var, and do the hard work
+	    //SeenNonConstReadIndex = true;
+	    ASTVec::reverse_iterator it2=readIndices.rbegin();
+	    ASTVec::reverse_iterator it2end=readIndices.rend();
+	    for(;it2!=it2end;it2++) {
+	      ASTNode cond = CreateSimplifiedEQ(readIndex,*it2);
+	      if(ASTFalse == cond)
+		continue;
+	      ASTNode arrRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName,*it2);
+	      //Good idea to TypeCheck internally constructed nodes
+	      BVTypeCheck(arrRead);
+	      ASTNode arrayreadSymbol = _arrayread_symbol[arrRead];
+	      if(arrayreadSymbol.IsNull())
+		FatalError("TransformArray:symbolic variable for processedTerm, p," 
+			   "does not exist:p = ",arrRead);
+	      ite = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,arrayreadSymbol,ite);
+	    }
+	    result = ite;
+	    //}
+	}
+	_arrayname_readindices[arrName].push_back(readIndex);	
+	//save the ite corresponding to 'processedTerm'
+	_arrayread_ite[processedTerm] = result;
+	break;
+      } //end of READ over a SYMBOL
+      case WRITE:{	
+	/* The input to this case is: READ((WRITE A i val) j)
+	 *
+	 * The output of this case is: ITE( (= i j) val (READ A i))
+	 */
+	/* 1. arrName or term[0] is infact a WRITE(A,i,val) expression
+	 *
+	 * 2. term[1] is the read-index j
+	 *
+	 * 3. arrName[0] is the new arrName i.e. A. A can be either a
+              SYMBOL or a nested WRITE. no other possibility
+	 *
+	 * 4. arrName[1] is the WRITE index i.e. i
+	 *
+	 * 5. arrName[2] is the WRITE value i.e. val (val can inturn
+	 *    be an array read)
+	 */
+	ASTNode readIndex = TransformTerm(term[1]);
+	ASTNode writeIndex = TransformTerm(arrName[1]);
+	ASTNode writeVal = TransformTerm(arrName[2]);
+	if(!(SYMBOL == arrName[0].GetKind() || 
+	     WRITE == arrName[0].GetKind())) 
+	  FatalError("TransformArray: An array write is being attempted on a non-array:",term);
+	if(ARRAY_TYPE != arrName[0].GetType())
+	  FatalError("TransformArray: An array write is being attempted on a non-array:",term);
+	ASTNode cond = CreateSimplifiedEQ(writeIndex,readIndex);
+	//TypeCheck internally created node
+	BVTypeCheck(cond);
+	ASTNode readTerm = CreateTerm(READ,width,arrName[0],readIndex);
+	//TypeCheck internally created node
+	BVTypeCheck(readTerm);
+	ASTNode readPushedIn = TransformArray(readTerm);
+	//TypeCheck internally created node
+	BVTypeCheck(readPushedIn);
+	//result = CreateTerm(ITE, arrName[0].GetValueWidth(),cond,writeVal,readPushedIn);
+	result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,writeVal,readPushedIn);
+	//Good idea to typecheck terms created inside the system
+	BVTypeCheck(result);
+	break;
+      } //end of READ over a WRITE
+      case ITE: {
+	/* READ((ITE cond thn els) j) 
+	 *
+	 * is transformed into
+	 *
+	 * (ITE cond (READ thn j) (READ els j))
+	 */
+	//(ITE cond thn els)
+	ASTNode term0 = term[0];
+	ASTNode j = TransformTerm(term[1]);
+	ASTNode cond = term0[0];
+	//first array 
+	ASTNode t01  = term0[1];
+	//second array
+	ASTNode t02  = term0[2];
+	cond = TransformFormula(cond);
+	ASTNode thn = TransformTerm(t01);
+	ASTNode els = TransformTerm(t02);
+	if(!(t01.GetValueWidth() == t02.GetValueWidth() &&
+	     t01.GetValueWidth() == thn.GetValueWidth() &&
+	     t01.GetValueWidth() == els.GetValueWidth()))
+	  FatalError("TransformArray: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",term);
+	if(!(t01.GetIndexWidth() == t02.GetIndexWidth() &&
+	     t01.GetIndexWidth() == thn.GetIndexWidth() &&
+	     t01.GetIndexWidth() == els.GetIndexWidth()))
+	  FatalError("TransformArray: length of THENbranch != length of ELSEbranch in the term t = \n",term);
+	//(READ thn j)
+	ASTNode thnRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,thn,j);
+	BVTypeCheck(thnRead);
+	thnRead = TransformArray(thnRead);
+	//(READ els j)
+	ASTNode elsRead = CreateTerm(READ,width,els,j);
+	BVTypeCheck(elsRead);
+	elsRead = TransformArray(elsRead);
+	//(ITE cond (READ thn j) (READ els j))
+	result = CreateSimplifiedTermITE(cond,thnRead,elsRead);
+	BVTypeCheck(result);
+      break;
+      }
+      default:
+	FatalError("TransformArray: The READ is NOT over SYMBOL/WRITE/ITE",term);
+	break;
+      } 
+      break;
+    } //end of READ switch
+    default:
+      FatalError("TransformArray: input term is of wrong kind: ",ASTUndefined);
+      break;
+    }
+    TransformMap[term] = result;
+    return result;
+  } //end of TransformArray()  
+} //end of namespace BEEV
diff --git a/stp/AST/asttest.cpp b/stp/AST/asttest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57f3d20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/asttest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "AST.h"
+using namespace BEEV;
+int main()
+  BeevMgr * bm = new BeevMgr();
+  ASTNode s1 = bm->CreateSymbol("foo");
+  s1 = bm->CreateSymbol("foo1");
+  s1 = bm->CreateSymbol("foo2");
+  ASTNode s2 = bm->CreateSymbol("bar");
+  cout << "s1" <<  s1 << endl;
+  cout << "s2" <<  s2 << endl;
+  ASTNode b1 = bm->CreateBVConst(5,12);
+  ASTNode b2 = bm->CreateBVConst(6,36);
+  cout << "b1: " <<  b1 << endl;
+  cout << "b2: " <<  b2 << endl;
+  ASTNode a1 = bm->CreateNode(EQ, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode a2 = bm->CreateNode(AND, s1, s2);
+  a1 = bm->CreateNode(OR, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode a3 = bm->CreateNode(IMPLIES, a1, a2);
+  ASTNode a4 = bm->CreateNode(IMPLIES, s1, a2);
+  cout << "a3" <<  a3 << endl;
+  cout << "a4" <<  a4 << endl;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/stp/AST/bbtest.cpp b/stp/AST/bbtest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83aa6a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/bbtest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "AST.h"
+using namespace BEEV;
+int main()
+  const int size = 32;
+  BeevMgr *bm = new BeevMgr();
+  ASTNode s1 = bm->CreateSymbol("x");
+  s1.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s1" <<  s1 << endl;
+  ASTNode s2 = bm->CreateSymbol("y");
+  s2.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s2" <<  s2 << endl;
+  ASTNode s3 = bm->CreateSymbol("z");
+  s3.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s3" <<  s3 << endl;
+  ASTNode c1 = bm->CreateBVConst(size,0);
+  cout << "c1" <<  c1 << endl;
+  ASTVec bbc1 = bm->BBTerm(c1);
+  cout << "bitblasted c1 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bbc1, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode c2 = bm->CreateBVConst(size,1);
+  c2.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "c2" <<  c2 << endl;
+  ASTVec bbc2 = bm->BBTerm(c2);
+  cout << "bitblasted c2 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bbc2, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode c3 = bm->CreateBVConst(size, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+  c3.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "c3" <<  c3 << endl;
+  ASTVec bbc3 = bm->BBTerm(c3);
+  cout << "bitblasted c3 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bbc3, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode c4 = bm->CreateBVConst(size, 0xAAAAAAAA);
+  c4.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "c4" <<  c4 << endl;
+  ASTVec bbc4 = bm->BBTerm(c4);
+  cout << "bitblasted c4 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bbc4, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+//   ASTNode b1 = bm->CreateBVConst(12);
+//   ASTNode b2 = bm->CreateBVConst(36);
+//   cout << "b1: " <<  b1 << endl;
+//   cout << "b2: " <<  b2 << endl;
+  ASTNode a1 = bm->CreateNode(BVPLUS, s1, s2);
+  a1.SetValueWidth(size);
+  ASTVec& bba1 = bm->BBTerm(a1);
+  cout << "bitblasted a1 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bba1, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode a2 = bm->CreateNode(BVPLUS, s1, s2, s3);
+  a1.SetValueWidth(2);
+  ASTVec& bba2 = bm->BBTerm(a2);
+  cout << "bitblasted a2 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bba2, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode a3 = bm->CreateNode(BVXOR, s1, s2);
+  a3.SetValueWidth(2);
+  ASTVec& bba3 = bm->BBTerm(a3);
+  cout << "bitblasted a3 " << endl;
+  LispPrintVec(cout, bba3, 0);
+  cout << endl;
+  bm->AlreadyPrintedSet.clear();
+  ASTNode a4 = bm->CreateNode(EQ, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode bba4 = bm->BBForm(a4);
+  cout << "bitblasted a4 " << endl << bba4 << endl;
+  ASTNode a5 = bm->CreateNode(BVLE, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode bba5 = bm->BBForm(a5);
+  cout << "bitblasted a5 " << endl << bba5 << endl;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/stp/AST/cnftest.cpp b/stp/AST/cnftest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ce270c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/cnftest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// -*- c++ -*-
+// Test program for CNF conversion.
+#include "AST.h"
+using namespace BEEV;
+int main()
+  const int size = 1;
+  BeevMgr *bm = new BeevMgr();
+  ASTNode s1 = bm->CreateSymbol("x");
+  s1.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s1" <<  s1 << endl;
+  ASTNode s2 = bm->CreateSymbol("y");
+  s2.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s2" <<  s2 << endl;
+  ASTNode s3 = bm->CreateSymbol("z");
+  s3.SetValueWidth(size);
+  cout << "s3" <<  s3 << endl;
+  ASTNode bbs1 = bm->BBForm(s1);
+  cout << "bitblasted s1" << endl << bbs1 << endl;
+  bm->PrintClauseList(cout, bm->ToCNF(bbs1));
+  ASTNode a2 = bm->CreateNode(AND, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode bba2 = bm->BBForm(a2);
+  cout << "bitblasted a2" << endl << bba2 << endl;
+  bm->PrintClauseList(cout, bm->ToCNF(bba2));
+  ASTNode a3 = bm->CreateNode(OR, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode bba3 = bm->BBForm(a3);
+  cout << "bitblasted a3" << endl << bba3 << endl;
+  bm->PrintClauseList(cout, bm->ToCNF(bba3));
+  ASTNode a4 = bm->CreateNode(EQ, s1, s2);
+  ASTNode bba4 = bm->BBForm(a4);
+  cout << "bitblasted a4 " << endl << bba4 << endl;
+  bm->PrintClauseList(cout, bm->ToCNF(bba4));
diff --git a/stp/AST/genkinds.pl b/stp/AST/genkinds.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7944832b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stp/AST/genkinds.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#AUTHORS: Vijay Ganesh, David L. Dill BEGIN DATE: November, 2005
+#LICENSE: Please view LICENSE file in the home dir of this Program
+#given a file containing kind names, one per line produces .h and .cpp
+#files for the kinds.
+@kindnames = ();
+$minkids = 0;
+$maxkids = 0;
+@cat_bits = ();
+@category_names = ();
+%cat_index = ();
+$now = localtime time;
+sub read_kind_defs {
+    open(KFILE, "< ASTKind.kinds") || die "Cannot open .kinds file: $!\n";
+    @kindlines = <KFILE>;
+    close(KFILE)
+# create lists of things indexed by kinds.
+sub split_fields {
+    my $kind_cat_bits;
+    # matches anything with three whitespace-delimited alphanumeric fields,
+    # followed by rest of line.  Automatically ignores lines beginning with '#' and blank lines.
+    for (@kindlines) {
+	if (/Categories:\s+(.*)/) {
+	    @category_names = split(/\s+/, $1);
+	    $i = 0;
+	    for (@category_names) {
+		$cat_index{$_} = $i++;
+		# print "cat_index{$_} = $i\n";
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif (/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+|-)\s+(.*)/) {
+	    push(@kindnames, $1);
+	    push(@minkids, $2);
+	    push(@maxkids, $3);
+	    @kind_cats = split(/\s+/, $4);
+	    # build a bit vector of categories.
+	    $kind_cat_bits = 0;
+	    for (@kind_cats) {
+		$kind_cat_bits |= (1 << int($cat_index{$_}));
+	    }
+	    push(@cat_bits, $kind_cat_bits); 
+	}
+    }
+sub gen_h_file {
+    open(HFILE, "> ASTKind.h") || die "Cannot open .h file: $!\n";
+    print HFILE 
+	"// -*- c++ -*-\n",
+	"#ifndef TESTKINDS_H\n",
+	"#define TESTKINDS_H\n",
+	"// Generated automatically by genkinds.pl from ASTKind.kinds $now.\n",
+	"// Do not edit\n",
+	"namespace BEEV {\n  typedef enum {\n";
+    for (@kindnames) {
+	print HFILE "    $_,\n";
+    }
+    print HFILE 
+	"} Kind;\n\n",
+	"extern unsigned char _kind_categories[];\n\n";
+    # For category named "cat", generate functions "bool is_cat_kind(k);"
+    for (@category_names) {
+	my $catname = $_;
+	my $kind_cat_bit = (1 << int($cat_index{$catname}));
+	print HFILE "inline bool is_", $catname, "_kind(Kind k) { return (_kind_categories[k] & $kind_cat_bit); }\n\n"
+    }
+    print HFILE
+	"extern const char *_kind_names[];\n\n",
+	"/** Prints symbolic name of kind */\n",
+	"inline ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Kind &kind) { os << _kind_names[kind]; return os; }\n",
+	"\n\n",
+	"};  // end namespace\n",
+	"\n\n#endif\n";
+    close(HFILE);
+# generate the .cpp file
+sub gen_cpp_file {
+    open(CPPFILE, "> ASTKind.cpp") || die "Cannot open .h file: $!\n";
+    print CPPFILE
+	"// Generated automatically by genkinds.h from ASTKind.kinds $now.\n",
+	"// Do not edit\n",
+	"namespace BEEV {\n",
+	"const char * _kind_names[] =  {\n";
+    for (@kindnames) {
+	print CPPFILE "   \"$_\",\n";
+    }
+    print CPPFILE "};\n\n";
+    # category bits
+    print CPPFILE
+	"unsigned char _kind_categories[] = {\n";
+    for (@cat_bits) {
+	print CPPFILE "   $_,\n";
+    }
+    print CPPFILE 
+	"};\n",
+	"\n};  // end namespace\n";
+    close(CPPFILE);